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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:61 题号:21385544

Teaching children in a way that encourages them to empathize (产生共鸣) with others is of great significance to children’s creativity, new research suggests.

Pupils at two inner London schools were involved in the study. Pupils at one school spent the year following curriculum-prescribed lessons, while the other group’s lessons used a set of engineering design thinking tools which aim to develop students’ ability to think creatively and to cause empathy, while solving real-world problems.

Pupils at the intervention school were asked to design an asthma-treatment “pack” for children aged six and under. Pupils were given various creative and empathetic “tools” in order to do so: for example, they were shown data about the number of childhood asthma deaths in the U.K., and a video which describes a young child having an attack. They also explored the problem and tested their design ideas by role-playing various stakeholder (参与方) — patients, family members and medical staff.

Both sets of pupils were assessed for creativity at both the start and end of the school year. The results showed a statistically significant increase in creativity among pupils at the intervention school, where the thinking tools were used. At the start of the year, the creativity scores of pupils in the control school, which followed the standard curriculum, were 11% higher than those at the intervention school. By the end, however, the situation had completely changed: creativity scores among the intervention group were 78% higher than the control group.

Nicholl, the leading researcher of the study, said, “Teaching for empathy has been problematic despite being part of the National Curriculum for over two decades. This evidence suggests that it is a missing link in the creative process, and vital if we want education to encourage the designers and engineers of tomorrow.”

1. What were pupils at the intervention school asked to do?
A.Watch the process of an asthma attack.
B.Gather data about asthma deaths in children.
C.Show sympathy for the young asthma sufferers.
D.Test their asthma-treatment “pack” on patients.
2. What does the research find about the pupils in the control school?
A.They preferred to study the standard curriculum.
B.They were smarter at the beginning of the school year.
C.They had little empathy for the young children with asthma.
D.There were less creative than those at the intervention school in the end.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Empathy education and creativity go hand in hand.
B.Empathy education was neglected in the creative process.
C.Empathy education is a must for future designers and engineers.
D.Empathy education hasn’t been included in the National Curriculum.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The standard curriculum limits pupils’ creativity.
B.Teaching pupils empathy improves their creative abilities.
C.Solving real-world problems promotes pupils’ all-round development.
D.An asthma-treatment “pack” was created by pupils at a London school.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】If you experience great stress in your life on a frequent basis, you’re not alone. Nowadays, stress is almost a given fact of life. Actually, a certain degree of stress can have positive effects on us. But if stress continues over a long period of time, the effects on the body can be harmful, resulting in health problems and stress-related illness, including heart attack and stroke.
Stress is a normal reaction by the body to what it perceives (认为)as a threatening situation or environment. Short-term reactions may include an increase in heart rate as well as a rise in blood pressure. A person under short-term stress may feel nervous, anxious and even experience shortness of breath. Other reactions can include a dry mouth, quick heartbeat, sweating, stomach upset and diarrhea.
When stress is long-term and becomes more chronic (长期的) in nature, it can cause more serious health-related problems, including regular headaches, back pain, weight changes, sleep difficulties, changes in mood and so on. Chronic stress can also result in memory problems, including difficulty remembering new information and the inability to quickly deal with old information.
No matter how your body reacts to stress, ignoring the problem can have serious health results. Not surprisingly, more women than men openly seek the help of their family doctors or other health care experts when they are experiencing stress or stress-related illness. Men are more likely to refuse to admit the problem or attempt to self-treat it, which may contribute to higher rate of drug and alcohol addiction seen in men exposed to chronic stress.
There’s no doubt that stress is a fact of life and is likely to remain a part of our fast-paced society. Although stress can’t be completely eliminated, methods of dealing with stress-related issues, in my view, can be developed so that the effects of stress on the body are avoided, so people won’t be so easy to suffer stress-related illness.
1. Which of the following is not the reaction of short-term stress?
A.A dry mouth.B.Stomach upset.
C.Weight changes.D.A rise in blood pressure.
2. What does the author advise people to do when stress hits them?
A.They should ignore it.
B.They should learn to deal with it on their own.
C.They should turn to drugs and alcohol for relief.
D.They should seek more methods of dealing with it.
3. What does the word “eliminated” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To tell us how to solve the serious problems caused by stress.
B.To tell us how to behave well when we are faced with stress.
C.To tell us how to protect ourselves from the effects of stress.
D.To tell us how to tell short-term stress from long-term stress.
2016-11-26更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中 (0.65)


NASA will crash a spacecraft into an asteroid (小行星) to try to change its orbit, attempting to prevent humans going the same way as the dinosaurs.

Earth is constantly being disturbed by small pieces of debris (碎片), but they usually burn up or break up long before they hit the ground. Once in a while, however, something large enough to do significant damage makes impact. About 66 million years ago, one such crash is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Someday, something similar could end human beings-unless we can find a way to tackle it.

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (Dart) mission is the first attempt to test if such asteroid redirection is a realistic strategy: investigating whether a spacecraft can autonomously reach a target asteroid and intentionally crash into it, as well as measuring the amount of redirection. “If it works, it would be a big deal, because it would prove that we have the technical capability of protecting ourselves,” said Jay Tate, the director of the National Near Earth Object Information Center.

The 610kg Dart spacecraft is scheduled to be launched at the target—the Didymos system-a harmless pair of asteroids consisting of a 163-metre “moonlet” asteroid called Dimorphos that orbits a larger 780-metre asteroid called Didymos (Greek for “twin”). The plan is to crash the spacecraft into Dimorphos when the asteroid system is at its closest to Earth-about 6.8 million miles away.

About 10 days before the impact, a miniaturized satellite called LiciaCube will separate from the main spacecraft, enabling images of the impact to be relayed back to Earth. Combined with observations from ground-based telescopes, and an onboard camera that will record the final moments before the crash, these recordings will enable scientists to calculate the degree to which the impact has changed Dimorphos’s orbit. The expectation is that it will change the speed of the smaller asteroid by approximately 1% and reduce its orbit around the larger asteroid.

Then, in November 2024, the European Space Agency’s Hera spacecraft will visit the Didymos system and conduct a further close-up analysis of the consequences of this snooker (斯诺克) game, recording details such as the precise makeup and internal structure of Dimorphos, and the size and shape of the hole left by Dart. Such details are vital for transforming asteroid redirection into a repeatable technique.

Even then, it is impossible that any single redirection strategy would be enough. “The problem is that no two asteroids or comets are alike, and how you redirect one depends on a huge number of variables. There is no silver bullet in this game. What you need is a whole folder of different redirection methods for different types of targets,” said Tate.

So, while this may be one small step towards planetary protection, many more are likely to be necessary to avoid destruction.

1. What is the purpose of Paragraph 2?
A.To examine the impact of dinosaurs’ extinction.
B.To explain the necessity of NASA’s Dart mission.
C.To show the damage caused by small pieces of debris.
D.To highlight the crisis threatening human beings at present.
2. Which of the following pictures illustrates the mission?
3. What is the function of LiciaCube?
A.Sending impact data back to Earth.
B.Calculating the length of Dimorphos’s orbit.
C.Helping the satellite separate from the spacecraft.
D.Recording the scientists’ ground-based observations.
4. What does the underlined sentence “There is no silver bullet in this game” mean?
A.There is no challenge too big to overcome.
B.There is no possibility to satisfy NASA’s needs.
C.There is no single solution to the complex problem.
D.There is no strategy to help make an obvious decision.
2022-08-11更新 | 723次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s peak cold and flu season, which means taking a lot of preventative measures. Frequent hand-washing is a must. As is avoiding co-workers or friends who are sick. But we humans are not the only animals that change behavior to keep diseases at bay. So do ants.

“So there are the foragers and the nurses — it’s two different groups of work,” said Natha of the University of Lausanne. She and her colleagues observed ants to see their reaction to the presence of a disease.

“The nurses being made of young workers typically, stay inside the nest and take care of the eggs. And the foragers are all the workers spending most of time at outside of the nest to collect food and defend the territory.”

Forager ants are at greater risk of getting exposed to diseases because they leave the safety of the nest. So the researchers sprayed a common virus on a small group of forager ants and then followed their movements to see the way other ants reacted.

“We marked all ants in the colony with individual labels, which carries these two-dimensional bar code marks like QR code which is automatically detected and recorded using a tracking system.”

After the infection, the nurse and forager ants stayed within their working places and interacted less outside of their work group. The researchers also saw that forager ants spent more time outside of the nest. “They increase that amount by 15 percent, so by quite a long large amount.”

Isolating behavior stops the spread of the virus. “Something that’s quite interesting in these ants that’s been shown by the study is that in their ability to avoid infecting other members of the community, ants may be more advanced than we are,” Natha said.

1. How did the researchers track the infected ants?
A.They labeled the movements of infected ants.
B.They used the QR codes to follow the ants’ movements.
C.They had some nurse and forager ants infected with the virus.
D.They applied a tracking technology to record the ants’ movements.
2. How did the ants act after being infected?
A.Forager ants stayed inside the nest more.
B.Infected ants tended to stay away from healthy ants.
C.The nurses stayed inside the nest, working as usual.
D.Forager ants, together with coworkers, stayed outside more.
3. What’s Natha’s attitude toward ants’ behaviors?
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How ants keep diseases at bay in the nest.
B.Ants change movements to fight against diseases.
C.The measures all the ants take to prevent diseases.
D.Similarities between human and ants in controlling diseases.
2022-03-19更新 | 118次组卷
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