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1 . Science fiction pioneer and writer Wu Yan won this year's National Outstanding Children's Literature Award for his latest work China Orbit. The book focuses on the development of the Chinese aerospace(航空航天) industry, and it was inspired by the planning and preparation for China's first but canceled manned spacecraft, “Shuguang 1”, also known as Project 714, during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

“I collected many historical documents and stories and started writing decades ago,” Wu remembered. Partly based on Wu's own experiences in the 1970s, the book is a combination of reality and fiction, and in some ways his own memoir(回忆录) was added into the science fiction. This innovative and unique writing method makes the book stand out and has even stirred up a debate on how to categorize it. Is it science fiction, popular science, children's literature, or aerospace literature?

His fellow science fiction writer Liu Cixin, author of The Three- Body Problem, sees it more deeply, and believes China Orbit is not really children's science fiction or popular science. He thinks it is too complicated to be classed under a single category. He speaks highly of China Orbit as a unique science fiction novel that vividly shows a child’s real-life experience in a military camp of a specific era.

In Wu's opinion, China is a big market for children's science fiction, but it still lacks extraordinary works. He warned people not to try to earn quick money from it after The Three Body Problem frenzy and movie blockbuster The Wandering Earth because Chinese science fiction still has a long way to go. “We need to build Chinese science fiction step by step, with an accumulation(积累)of really great works. We need to innovate, and treat it as part of building China's new culture, ” Wu said.

1. What is the book China Orbit mainly about?
A.The space industry in China.
B.The introduction to Project 714.
C.Stories about Chinese outstanding astronauts.
D.Preparations for China's first manned spacecraft.
2. What is Wu’s approach to writing China Orbit?
A.He organizes the writing by time.
B.He tells the story in the form of debate.
C.He focuses on creating the role of children.
D.He combines his personal experiences with fiction.
3. What is Liu Cixin's attitude to China Orbit?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.China Orbit has great commercial value.
B.Innovation is crucial to Chinese science fiction.
C.Chinese science movies are of poor qualty.
D.Wu Yan is disappointed at the Chinese film market.
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2 . The Internet, search engines, virtual worlds. Have you ever got the feeling that you’re living in a science fiction?

Well, indeed you are.

For more than a century, inventors have been driven to create what sci-fi writers have imagined long before. Buck Rogers inspired a generation of scientists excited about space exploration. Ray Bradbury predicted home-theater systems. William Gibson dreamed up the Internet while writing Neuromancer on a typewriter. Not long after him, Neal Stephenson predicted virtual worlds in his 1991 novel Snow Crash. One of his readers was Philip Rosedale, who loved it so much that he wanted to build a virtual world based on it.

By the late 1990s, technology caught up to the novel, and Rosedale built the virtual world Second Life based on the “Metaverse” from the novel. With 1 million active users, Second Life offers virtual shops, bars, houses and even virtual television studios with virtual celebrities (名人) on virtual talk shows.

“I think it is pretty much what I imagined,” Stephenson says. “I just shoot for the stars, while he makes great things happen.”

But Snow Crash is a dark book. The world in the novel is filled with criminals, violence and environmental problems.

“Science fiction not only puts stars in our hands, it also helps us see the meaning of our work,” Philip Rosedale admits. “It makes it possible for us to see what all of our efforts could eventually lead to.”

In fact, most science fiction authors admit that their work is usually cautionary (警示性的). “While the inventors are rushing ahead and excited about this possibility or that possibility, we’re always standing there warning, ‘Hang on just a second. Let’s think about this a little more’” author William Gibson says. “But most of them will ignore you because they think they already know all things about any given hot topic of the day. But if you can convince them that you’re talking about a planet millions of miles away and hundreds of years in the future or the past, you can actually get them to examine more closely what’s going on right now.”

1. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
A.Book review.B.Economy.
2. Who was inspired by Neal Stephenson’s work?
A.Buck Rogers.B.William Gibson.
C.Ray Bradbury.D.Philip Rosedale.
3. What does Neal Stephenson say about Second Life?
A.He is satisfied with the “Metaverse”.
B.It is a very violent virtual world.
C.It is not based on his fiction strictly.
D.More activities should be added to it.
4. What does William Gibson mean in the last paragraph?
A.Sci-fi writers are much wiser than inventors.
B.Most inventors do not respect sci-fi writers.
C.People can easily get excited about the inventions.
D.Sci-fi can help inventors to think more carefully.
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3 . I went for a walk up to a local park and Chester was running about. Suddenly, two dogs appeared, attacking him. He got _________ and ran off in an unfamiliar direction. I can only _________ myself-it’s like losing a family member. My daughter didn’t sleep for three days. She just thought her pet was _________.

My family had almost lost _________ until Erica decided to offer her services. She uses a drone(无人机)to help find lost dogs. Equipped with a hi-tech thermal imaging(热成像)camera, the drone can detect heat _________ from 250 feet in the air. _________, when asked to help out in a search for a _________, Erica simply turns up to the dog’s last known _________ and sets up the drone. Having found more than 160 dogs, it’s proved pretty _________.

And it’s easy to see why. Can you __________ Chester running around these woods? To the naked eye(肉眼), it’s virtually impossible, but pop the thermal image up and he jumps out, __________ his owner to bring him safely back home.

Having saved hundreds of dogs, the method is clearly __________. Erica doesn’t __________ for her services and instead does it for the pleasure of seeing the owners __________.

Erica’s drone has helped create countless happy __________ and is sure to make many more in the future.

A.speak forB.focus onC.turn toD.adapt to
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Michelle Zauner的回忆录《在H超市里哭泣》这本书,介绍了书的目的以及作者对这本书的看法。

4 . When I first picked up Michelle Zauner’s memoir “Crying in H Mart,” I was attracted by the familiar name of the local Korean market 10 minutes away from my house. Looking through its pages was no different from looking through an old photo album, reminding me of my old memories. And I wanted to look at each and every photo, up close.

Despite being a struggling artist making up for lost time with a sick mother, Zauner somehow made her unique experiences related to her audience. One of the factors that helped make this possible was food. Every food and every aspect of Korean culture she described seemed so familiar to me, as I’m a Korean American. Not only this, we have similar experiences, and have common feelings of being torn apart by two cultures that seem to refuse to accept us just for being who we are. Zauner shone a new light on my attitude to my own identity.

In other ways, this relatability to such a specific target audience can become a weakness. This memoir was obviously meant for a Korean, specifically a Korean American audience. With such a small audience of 0.6 % of the United States population in 2019, the story that Zauner wanted to tell would not be received by many.

An avoidable point of the memoir that caused confusion could have been the organization of the timeline. Looking at the book as a whole, there was no specific order in which Zauner organized the events of her life. The most effective way to do this would have been to progress through the book stating with her earliest memories with her mother and ending with her moments of grieving.

I felt thankful that I was able to discover such a novel that made me feel understood for the first time in years. And most of all, 1 felt inspired that there are people like Zauner who make mistakes but try again. Even when the world tells them it’s too late, they try again. Even when they feel lost, they try again and find a way. And there was one thing I was sure of after I read he book: I will try again.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Making up for lost time.B.Designing a book like an album.
C.Bringing back the author’s old memories.D.Letting Zauner’s readers understand her experiences.
2. Which aspect of the book is discussed in paragraph 3?
A.Its small readership.B.Its difficult languages.
C.Its weak market in Korea.D.Its sales in America in 2019.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 4?
A.To point out one limitation of the book.
B.To describe Zauner’s life in order of time.
C.To explain why he falls in love with the book.
D.To introduce an effective way to write a memoir.
4. What did the author learn from reading “Crying in H Mart”?
A.To be thankful.B.To stay positive.
C.To understand others.D.To avoid making mistakes.
2022-03-22更新 | 95次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 2 Science Fiction单元复习与测试 单元测试
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5 . The novel, Of Human Bondage, is considered a masterpiece of the 20th century. It is also a semi-autobiographical (半自传的) story of author W. Somerset Maugham.

At first sight, the book seems to ______ the unusual moral values of courage and kindness. ______, readers will see that the author was exploring the same kind of values. The only difference is that he delivered his ______ through a story with more ______.

The main character, Philip Carey, leads a ______ life. Besides having to live with a clubfoot (畸形足), his peers ______   him for it. Though he is ______ a scholarship from Oxford, he turns it down. He would rather study "things that matter" in Germany. He ______ helps a woman with whom he is fascinated, but this causes him to ______ medical school-he gives her all his money. ______, he becomes a hunger-stricken vagabond (流浪汉), takes a low-paid job for ______, finally gets back to medical training and settles down.

Philip's altruism (利他主义) is often regarded as a(an)______ by other characters, but does this lead to his downfall? Quite the ______. Philip's goodwill to a patient, Mr. Athelny,______ his marrying the eldest Athelny girl, who ______ him with all her heart.

Moreover, even in his unsuccessful early days, Philip's courage in ______ circumstances helps him form friendships and a support network that ______ him through tough times. This is   ______ he finds his most valued long-term empathy (共情).

As French writer Romain Rolland ______ it, "There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it." Of Human Bondage ______ that.

A.look atB.bring inC.go overD.search for
A.make fun ofB.look up toC.care aboutD.help with
A.lies inB.leads toC.results fromD.applies to
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真题 名校

6 . Rainforests are home to a rich variety of medicinal plants, food, birds and animals. Can you believe that a single bush(灌木丛)in the Amazon may have more species of ants than the whole of Britain! About 480 varieties of trees may be found in just one hectare of rainforest.

Rainforests are the lungs of the planet-storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world's oxygen. Rainforests have their own perfect system for ensuring their own survival; the tall trees make a canopy(树冠层)of branches and leaves which protect themselves, smaller plants, and the forest animals from heavy rain, intense dry heat from the sun and strong winds.

Amazingly, the trees grow in such a way that their leaves and branches, although close together, never actually touch those of another tree. Scientists think this is the plants' way to prevent the spread of any tree diseases and make life more difficult for leaf-eating insects like caterpillars. To survive in the forest, animals must climb, jump or fly across the gaps. The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear. It is where dead leaves turn into food for the trees and other forest life.

They are not called rainforests for nothing! Rainforests can generate 75%of their own rain. At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal-and in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually. This is real rain-your umbrella may protect you in a shower, but it won't keep you dry if there is a full rainstorm. In just two hours, streams can rise ten to twenty feet. The humidity(湿气)of large rainforests contributes to the formation of rainclouds that may travel to other countries in need of rain.

1. What can we learn about rainforests from the first paragraph?
A.They produce oxygen.B.They cover a vast area.
C.They are well managed.D.They are rich in wildlife.
2. Which of the following contributes most to the survival of rainforests?
A.Heavy rainsB.Big trees.
C.Small plants.D.Forest animals.
3. Why do the leaves and branches of different trees avoid touching each other?
A.For more sunlight.B.For more growing space.
C.For self-protection.D.For the detection of insects.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Life-Giving RainforestsB.The Law of the Jungle
C.Animals in the AmazonD.Weather in Rainforests
2020-10-15更新 | 3528次组卷 | 17卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四 Unit 5 Humankind and? Nature Section 3 Using English in Context 单元测试
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7 . In spite of not claiming to be “a fan of contests”, Chen Geng, the champion of the Chinese Classical Poetry Quiz Show, impressed the audience. She has participated in all four seasons ____the first TV show began in 2016. “When I stood on stage, I was very_____, feeling like every cell in my body was boiling, because I was talking about what I cared much about,”she says.

Chen ___ poetry just a few years before when she was a 21-year-old postgraduate. She could remember the day when she_____ picked up a book about the Tang Dynasty poems written by Jiang Xun. She was attracted by the book immediately.

Most of her free time was_____reading and reciting ancient Chinese poems-before breakfast, on the underground, and during summer and winter holidays. A couple of years later, she applied to_____the poetry quiz show to test her capabilities.

She is the only one of the_____ who has been____ every season since 2016. She says she did worry if the audience would get _____her face. “The audience______have thought: ‘It's her again.’ But I decided to come, because I believe the time I can be fully devoted to poetry is______. I may not have so much time doing this after I become a busy wife and mother”.

The poetry world seem far away from Chen’s academic(学术的) study.Her research ____ is to develop wearable smart devices for rehabilitation(复原) purposes. Yet,Chen says her poetry-reading and her major did not ____each other. “Sometimes I would feel _____when facing difficulties in scientific research. Poems gave me _____,”she says.

Peking University offers an open environment for students to develop their various hobbies,according to Chen. There are poetry clubs, debating and public speaking clubs and other culture-related societies____groups for students to choose from. “I really ____the academic atmosphere in the university, which enables us to do what we like freely, with an open and inclusive(兼收并蓄的) attitude,” Chen says.

She became a celebrity____the poetry show. She hopes she can influence more people,especially encouraging teenagers to foster a keen interest in poems. Chen ____ her first book about her thoughts and understanding about poetry in 2017. She also writes articles for Beijing Evening News and discusses Chinese poems on Tik Tok, a platform for sharing videos, on which she has over130,000______.

“Reading poems opens a door to the new world without boundaries, ”Chen says.

A.fed up withB.fell in love withC.got along withD.met with
A.accidentallyB.on purposeC.eventuallyD.finally
A.sign up forB.take part inC.take advantage ofD.compete for
A.in the classB.on the showC.in the studioD.in the university
A.tired ofB.interested inC.worried aboutD.rid of
A.suit forB.connect withC.do withD.go against
A.in spite ofB.in order toC.due toD.as a result
2020-08-30更新 | 61次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四 Unit 2 Poetry-Calling Forth The Riches of LifeSection 4 Expanding Our Horizons单元测试
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . How to Find Something You Like to Do

Finding something you enjoy doing can improve the quality of your life and reduce your stress levels.    1     It can also help you make friends or even provide a purpose in your life. Then how can you find something you like to do?

    2    Some hobbies, such as albums and gardening, can take up a lot of time. Other hobbies, such as video games or reading, can be done at your own pace and do not require any extended time.

Research the hobby or activity you would like to get involved in. Find out how much time and money you will need to devote to starting and continuing the activity. For example, some sports—related interests might require special equipment.    3    Your local library or phone book should also have information on hobbies and activities in your area.

Talk with other people who are involved in some of the activities you are interested in.    4     Ask if you could tag along(跟随) to a meeting or spend some time with this person while he is involved in his hobby to see if it is something you would enjoy.

    5    Challenge yourself to try a new activity you are interested in for a week or so. Allow yourself to learn about the hobby and determine whether you will enjoy the activity or not.

A.Think about how a hobby benefits you.
B.A hobby can connect you with other people.
C.Take a chance on a hobby and see how it turns out.
D.Think about how much free time you can devote to a hobby.
E.You can find information about hobbies and interests on Find My Hobby’s website.
F.You can get first—hand knowledge by interviewing someone about a particular hobby.
G.It takes a long time and energy to decide whether a particular hobby is right for you.
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9 . Reading and writing ______is a very personal experience.Poets use language as a way of______their feelings, whether positive ones of love, happiness and hope, or negative feelings like______and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of nature, a person,a dream or a memorable event.Most______have tried writing poetry at some time,for example,at school.For children, it is a good way to explore language and have______with words as well as to express themselves.

But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of treatment to help people with problems.There are______for people of all different backgrounds and ages.Writing poetry can help people deal with______in their lives-death or feelings of sadness, drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings,______can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored.A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it______.And just because people are______or having difficulties in their lives, it doesn't mean they have lost their sense of humor.Poems______as treatment can be funny too, as laughter is also considered to be very good medicine.

Students at a special school in Dudley, in England, read and write poems______.Their reason for writing poems is not just to be creative, but some of them they write are very good.All of them have problems.Some of them have long-term______conditions, such as cancer,while others have personality disorders or psychological problems.By writing poems students are growing______self confidence.The poems provide a   channel through______they can______with the world,and convey their feelings.They______help them to recognize and explore their problems   and to   develop a positive attitude to life.

But the poems are helping______people,too.The school has collected some of the students'poems and published them in a book which is______to raise funds for a local hospital.The book has proved very popular, giving students a sense of______.

A.poemB.the poemsC.poetD.poetry
A.shoulder to shoulderB.face to faceC.hand in handD.eye to eye
A.some timeB.everydayC.every dayD.sometime
A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.the others
A.sellsB.sellC.being soldD.being selling
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10 . The room in the workhouse where the boys were fed was a large stone hall, and at one end the master and two women served the food. This ________ a bowl of thin soup three times a day, with a piece of bread on Sundays. The boys ate ________ and were always hungry. The bowls never needed ________. The boys polished them with their spoons until they ________. After three months of this slow starvation, one of the boys told the others that so hungry was he ________ one night he might eat the ________ sleeping next to him. He had a wild ________ eye, and the other boys ________ him. After a long ________, they decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening, and Oliver was ________.

The evening arrived; the soup was served, and the bowls were ________ again in a few seconds. Oliver went up to the master, with his bowl in his hand. He felt very ________, but also ________ with hunger.

“Please, sir, I want some more.”

The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He looked at the little boy in front of him with ________. Nobody else spoke.

“What?” he asked at last, in a ________ voice.

“Please, sir,” replied Oliver, “I want some more.”

The master ________ him with the serving spoon, then seized Oliver’s arms and ________ for the beadle (执事). The beadle came quickly, heard the terrible news, and immediately ran to tell the board.

“He asked for me?” Mr Limbkins, the fattest board member, asked in ________. “Is this really true?”

_____, Oliver was led away to be locked up, and a(n) ________ of five pounds was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work.

A.belonged toB.accounted forC.consisted ofD.turned to
2018-01-27更新 | 117次组卷 | 2卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 2 Science Fiction单元复习与测试 单元测试
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