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1 . What is body surfing?

Bodysurfing is related to riding on a wave with no help from aid tools such as a surfboard. That’s why it is called the “purest” form of surfing. In fact, it is one of very few extreme sports—free climbing and cliff diving are. others—that can be practiced using nothing but the human body.

How do you do it?

To catch a wave, swim to where the waves break and, as one approaches, start swimming towards the beach. You must try to travel at the same speed as the wave and, if you do it correctly, you will feel the wave lifting you and pushing you forwards. Then try and cut along the surface of the wave.

What do you need?

It is more enjoyable and safer if you use flippers (large flat rubber shoes). This is because they enable you to swim faster and surf along them more easily. A wetsuit is also advisable. Another aid is a handboard, a mini-surf board about the size of an iron, held in one hand to speed up along the wave. If you are lucky enough to be surfing in warm water, make sure you have your boardshorts at the ready.

Unofficial world championship

Bodysurfing is not a professional sport, but in Hawaii there is such a festival called the Pipeline Bodysurfing Classic each year. Local bodysurfers compete against athletes from places such as Australia, Brazil, Japan or France. Famous bodyboarder Mike Stewart has won the event no fewer than 12 times, and Kelly Slater, the greatest surfer in history, has also competed.

1. How does a bodysurfer surf while in the sea?
A.Only using the human body.B.Only relying on a surfboard.
C.Only following a wave.D.Only swimming along the beach.
2. Which can make you surf faster?
A.Flippers and a wetsuit.B.A wetsuit and a handboard.
C.A handboard and boardshorts.D.A handboard and Flippers.
3. What can we know about the Pipeline Body surfing Classic?
A.It is for local bodysurfers.B.It is held annually in Hawaii.
C.All famous bodysurfers favor it.D.Mike Stewart attends it every year.
2020-01-10更新 | 284次组卷 | 5卷引用:2020届陕西省铜川市高三第二次模拟英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般