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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A group of homeless children in India publish a newspaper telling about     1     (they) own lives.

It is called Balaknama,     2     means “children’s voice”. It is written    3     children up to 19 years old. And about 10, 000 people read it.

The children write about poverty, child labor, underage marriages and drugs. A homeless girl    4     (name) Shanno helps edit the paper.

The newspaper has 70 reporters in several states and 14 in the capital. All of the reporters,     5     (editor) and managers are homeless children. Many of their parents are jobless and cannot read or write. The children now earn money,     6     many of them attend classes online that may help them find a job.

The newspaper     7     (publish) every month. It has eight pages. It    8     (change) the lives of many of the children who publish it since it was created, and the children who have been working for it hope     9     (improve) the lives of thousands of others.

Non-governmental organizations and charity groups support the newspaper. The newspaper costs about three cents. That is     10     (little) than the price of a small cup of tea in India. But the small cost gives the children hope that they will some day have a home and a job.

2022-07-21更新 | 141次组卷 | 2卷引用:必修第一册 Unit 2 综合检测—2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(人教版2019)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Concerns have existed long about what’s gone wrong in modern societies. Many scholars explain growing gaps between the haves and the have-nots as partly a by-product of living in large, urban populations. The bigger the crowd, from this perspective, the greater the distance is between the wealthy and those left wanting.

In The Dawn of Everything, David Graeber and David Wengrow challenge the assumption that bigger societies surely produce a range of inequalities. Using examples from past societies, the pair also rejects the popular idea that social development occurred in stages.

Such stages, according to conventional wisdom, began with humans living in small hunter-gatherer bands where everyone was on equal footing. Then an agricultural revolution (变革) about 12, 000 years ago fueled population growth and the appearance of tribes (部落) and eventually states.

This assumption makes no sense to Graeber and Wengrow. Their research, which extends for 526 pages, paints a more hopeful picture of social life over the last 30, 000 to 40, 000 years. Hunter-gatherers have a long history of changing social systems from one season to the next, the authors write. About a century ago, researchers observed that native populations in North America and elsewhere often operated in small, mobile groups for part of the year and formed large, settled communities the rest of the year. For example, each winter, Canada’s Northwest Coast Kwakiutl hunter-gatherers built wooden structures while in summers, they separated, and fished along the coast in less formal social ranks.

Social flexibility and experimentation, rather than a revolutionary shift, also characterized ancient transitions (转变) to agriculture, Graeber and Wengrow write. Middle Eastern village sites now indicate that the domestication (驯化) of crops occurred on and off from around 12, 000 to 9, 000 years ago. Ancient Fertile Crescent communities regularly gave farming a go while still hunting, gathering, fishing, and trading. Early people were in no rush to treat land as private property or to form political systems headed by kings, the authors conclude.

1. What might The Dawn of Everything mainly deal with?
A.Historic stages.B.Social inequalities.
C.Historic revolution.D.Social development.
2. What is the conventional idea about human societies?
A.They progressed in stages.B.They started with inequality.
C.They began with small tribes.D.They benefited from population growth.
3. How does the author develop Paragraph 4?
A.By listing figures.B.By offering examples.
C.By giving a definition.D.By making a comparison.
4. What is a feature of ancient transitions to agriculture according to the book?
A.A fixed political system.B.Flexibility of society.
C.A regular revolutionary shift.D.Improvement of crops.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The news plays an important role in our lives, which has been emphasized even further during the past year. If you find yourself beginning to feel negative impacts from the news, now is the time to start putting protective steps into place.

Control consumption.     1     Alternatively, you may have noticed a pattern you are experiencing — for example, do you tend to feel more negative impacts if you read the news when you’re tired or just before bed, or during periods of increased stress? If so, you may wish to limit exposure at certain times of day or in particular contexts.

Take ownership over your emotions.     2     It is your right to feel how you do. In doing so, acknowledge that you have control over your reactions. This can help you feel more empowered to act positively.

    3     If you’re being disturbed by negative news coverage, try to find some other resources to focus on. For instance, during the current pandemic (流行病), the WHO suggests focusing on recovery stories.

Seek support. Contact support groups or health care professionals. It’s important to recognize the value of positive social support and to recognize that seeking help is a positive and strong step. These contacts can also help you find other helpful resources.     4    

What works for one person may not be the best approach for another. Everyone is an individual.     5     Do not hesitate to seek professional help to guide you through this process.

A.Focus on the positive.
B.Take time to find what works for you.
C.Always remember that you are not alone.
D.Never blame yourself for negative emotions.
E.It’s also important to invest time in self-care.
F.This includes taking some time out from the media.
G.Staying informed and educated is particularly important.
2022-05-12更新 | 286次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022届河北省石家庄市高三毕业班下学期教学质量检测三(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The role of media historically has been central to the making of society and the construction of identity. It is vital in the search for information, stories and art to feed the human spirit and imagination to overcome the challenges ahead.

In an age of false news and misinformation, good quality content is more valuable than ever. History provides some context. In the UK the development of the liberal(自由的)media prior to the 1950s was characterized by a clear hierarchy(等级)when it came to the control of information. This model eventually gave way to a popular, audience-driven mass media in the 1980s, when the idea of the media as a source of popular pleasure took root.

Today, as more content is distributed via social platforms and the division between content creators and content consumers is unclear, technology companies — or “super competitors” — are taking greater responsibility for guaranteeing the quality and integrity of information. Perhaps as a reaction to this and with an odd nod to pre-1950s paternalism(家长式管理), there is a rising call for governments and regulators to take a more active role in the production and spreading of news to ensure equitable access to information.

Access to or quality of content is better than ever. But while destination media compete to become leaders in their specific areas, the tech giants are working out how to use media to dominate time, spend and data. What will be the impact of the strategies of the tech giants on the overall media landscape? The poet and novelist, Ben Okri, writes, “It may well be that it is not only science that saves us. We may also be saved by laughter, by the optimism of being able to see beyond these times, with stories, with community, with songs.”

In the absence of real contact, interaction and the consumption of experience is now mostly mediated(调解). The value and integrity of media has never been more relevant and significant.

1. What do the underlined words “some context” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The development of the liberal media.
B.The model of the British clear hierarchy.
C.The changing of factors determining media content.
D.The idea of the media as a source of popular pleasure.
2. What is the major problem media today are facing?
A.Media are losing their roles in shaping society.
B.It’s hard to divide content creators and consumers.
C.Media are misused to dominate time, spend and data.
D.The quality and integrity of information can’t be available.
3. What does Ben Okri intend to tell us?
A.Our life lacks passion.B.People need proper media content.
C.Science can by all means save us.D.Media cannot change the real life.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The Core of Media—Value and Integrity
B.The Transformation of Media Content
C.The Impact of Tech Giants on Media
D.The Ups and Downs of Media
2021-05-26更新 | 255次组卷 | 3卷引用:解密14 议论文类阅读理解 (分层训练)-【高频考点解密】2021年高考英语二轮复习讲义+分层训练(全国通用)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After Henry delivered all thenewspapers, he pedaled fast to The Gazette offices by 8: 30. The chief editorhad something important to tell him. He parked his bike and bounded up twonights of stairs to the chief editor's door.

Mr. Trotta greeted him."About those papers," he paused, "no good way to deliver badnews," Henry’s smile faded. "Were closing shop Saturday. Advertisingis down. Television is how people get their news today, Mr. Trotta shrugged, "You won't have to get up early on weekends." "No," said Henry, "but I like waking up early and meeting people on my route. It'ssad People won't get their neighborhood news any more.”

As Henry rode past the familiar houses, he saw Mr Grady on his porch (门廊) holding a broom (扫把). "Mr. Grady, wait," Henry called, setting down his bike. He led Mr. Grady to a chair and took the broom. In minutes, the porch was clean. "Now, Mr, Grady, anytime you have chores (家务) call me." They sat for a while asMr. Grady recalled how happy he’d been moving his family to 26 Maple. He sounded lonely.

A week after closing, Henry wondered if his customers missed The Gazette as much as he did. He thought of a way to find out.

He started out on his oldroute with a notebook. First stop: Mr, Jonas, 17 Oak. When Henry asked him about the paper, Mr. Jonas answered, "I sure liked reading the week'shappenings. By the way, I have a pile of old comics from The Gazette. Think someone would want them?"

“I’ll ask around." Henry made a note in his notebook.

He stopped at Mrs. Burke's, 27 Maple. She opened the door holding two babies. Her other two kids held on toher legs. Henry stared. "You could use a babysitter." "Definitely. I meant to put an ad in The Gazette, but....Know any neighbors with experience?”

Mr Simon was next door, carrying his violin out to his car. "Hey, Henry. My band is having aconcert in the park next Friday. Tell all your friends.”

As Henry made more notes, anidea started forming in his head.
Customers cheered Henry idea and helpedsupply the news.
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