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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Today, giant pandas are considered to be one of the world’s best-known animals. People make huge efforts     1     (protect) them and luckily their efforts are paying off in some areas.     2     (global) recognized as a leading symbol of both China and nature conservation in general, giant pandas are popular in the world. But global interest in the animal only     3     (take) off in the 20th century.

The inspiration for WWF’s logo (标识) came from Chi Chi,     4     giant panda that arrived at London Zoo in 1958. Being aware of the need for a remarkable symbol to break through all language barriers, one of the WWF’s     5     (founder) agreed to make the big furry panda with her distinctive black and white coat a great logo. The first pieces     6     were done by the British environmentalist and artist Gerald Watterson became modestly successful. Later,     7     (base) on these drafts, Sir Peter Scott, drew the first logo. He said at the time, “we want an animal that is beautiful and endangered, and is loved for its     8     (attract) qualities. We also want an animal that is black and white to cut printing costs. To our relief, we make     9     eventually.”

The panda has ever since become a symbol not just for WWF,     10     for the conservation movement as well.

2023-02-09更新 | 581次组卷 | 3卷引用:贵州省黔东南州从江县2023-2024学年高三上学期期中检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Formed in 2001, the China International Search and Rescue team (CISAR),     1     (bring) help and hope to those     2     lives are changed by a storm, a flood, an earthquake or any other natural disaster. It always gets the job done     3     (efficient).

The team went on its first international rescue missions in 2003 and won high praise for their     4     (brave) and skill. Since then, the CISAR has completed many missions. The list of people to whom help     5     (give) is long.

After a disaster, they get to save lives in the     6     (little) possible time. There is usually no electricity or water, and there may be diseases and accidents,     7     (put) them at risk. That means they have to be strong     8     both body and mind. Besides, rescue workers must have big hearts, too. It takes a lot of love and courage to risk one’s own life     9     (save) someone else’s. The members of the CISAR have plenty of both and are always ready to go     10     help is needed.

阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Earth Hour is organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. It's a big event usually at the end of March every year. On this evening, people “go dark”.     1    

It's true that turning off lights for just one hour saves only a small amount of power.    2    On one level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think about the problem of climate change and what we can do in everyday life to protect nature.

But on another level, a large number of people’s acting together sends a powerful message to governments and companies.     3     They begin considering green issues when big decisions.

The logo(标识) of Earth Hour is “60+” .The number 60 is for the 60 minutes of Earth Hour.     4     In fact, people who join in Earth Hour say that taking part makes them want to do more for the environment.

    5     Musicians give concerts by playing acoustic(原声的) instruments instead of electric ones, and using candles instead of electric lights. Celebrity chefs have created special recipes for families to prepare and eat by candlelight. Tree-planting sessions, group walks and runs are also among the options.

A.But this is only the beginning.
B.Earth Hour represents every hour of every day.
C.After all, everyone has to answer for what they have done.
D.Besides turning off the lights, people get involved in other events.
E.It pushes them to take urgent measures by making changes to policies.
F.That is, they switch off all unnecessary lights at the same time for one hour.
G.The plus invites people to continue their action even after Earth Hour is finished.
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Palace Museum and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement on March 15. The two sides will set an example     1     5G application.

The Palace Museum received more than 17 million visitors in 2018,     2    (make) it the most visited museum in the world. In the past 20 years, an office information network covering the whole museum     3     (build) gradually. The museum has developed an App that provides an in-depth     4    (explain) of cultural relic information and cultural services. Also, the museum has research on the application of VR, AR, Al and other     5    (technique) in museums.

    6     signing of the agreement marks a new chapter in the strategic cooperation between the Palace Museum and Huawei Technologies Co. So, Huawei will make efforts     7    (accelerate) the intelligent construction of the Palace Museum.

“The 600-year-old Palace Museum has never been so close to science and technology.” Shan Jixiang said     8     (proud), director of the Palace Museum.

Shan shared many ideas about the 5G Palace Museum. With the help of advanced technology,    9     is expected that in the future, audiences around the world will be able to experience and visit the Palace Museum, whether it is a field trip or a virtual tour. Also, the use of Al technology provides a     10    (broad) platform and stronger knowledge support for cultural relics among young people.

The Students’ Union

阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Google has been hit with a class-action lawsuit alleging discrimination against conservative-minded white men, in a legal case that threatens a fresh round of the culture wars that engulfed the internet company last summer.

The suit has been brought by James Damore, an engineer who was sacked in August after his questioning of Google policies to increase the hiring of women and minorities caused an outcry inside the company. It also names a second engineer, David Demanding, who has also claimed wrongful termination after leaving the company in 2016. The company did not immediately have a response to the suit.

Since leaving Google, Mr. Damore has spoken out widely against the company, attacking it for what he calls “group think” over gender and other diversity issues. His case became a rallying point for conservatives last year at a time when cultural battles stirred by President Donald Trump were intensifying nationally.

The class action lawsuit, filed in superior court in California on Monday, was brought on behalf of all employees whom Google is alleged to have discriminated against either because of “their perceived conservative political views . . . their male gender . . . [or] their Caucasian race”.

The lawsuit claims that there is “open hostility for conservative thought” at the company and that people who diverge from the mainstream are singled out for expressing views on subjects such as diversity hiring policies, bias sensitivity and social justice.

Employees are “distracted, belittled and punished for their heterodox political views, and for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being Caucasians and/or males”, the suit alleges. It accuses Google of being an “ideological echo chamber” that is hostile to some workers, and of maintaining illegal hiring quotas for women and minorities. The suit will move forward only if a judge certifies it as a valid action on behalf of an entire class of workers.

Mr. Damore was dismissed by Sundae Archaic, Google’s chief executive, after writing an internal memo questioning the company’s diversity policies. His paper was widely circulated and aroused a backlash inside Google. But his treatment brought an outcry from conservatives who saw Mr Pharisaic reaction as an attack on open discussion of an important social issue.

Among the allegations, the lawsuit claims that “the presence of Caucasians and males was mocked with ‘boos’ during company-wide weekly meetings” at Google.

1. James Damore was fired by Google on the grounds that            .
A.he embraced the vision that women were underemployed in Google
B.he found it hard to adapt himself to the corporate culture of Google
C.Google is intolerable of different viewpoints of employees on Sex/puff
D.he expressed the sexist attitude towards women’s professional fulfillment
2. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A.Google considers women more suited that men to engineering
B.The code of conduct and basic values of Google are in everyone’s interest.
C.Google is trying to wipe out some kind of discrimination in the company.
D.White people are underrated for their conservative political opinions in Google.
3. What does the underlined phrase probably mean?
4. The passage is chiefly concerned with             .
A.arguing against a reversed discrimination from a dismissed Google employee
B.warning the application of Google value affecting the employees negatively
C.advocating the same treatment in workplace
D.exploring the legal remedies for inequality among workers
2022-03-17更新 | 113次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市2021-2022学年高三下学期期中英语综合复习题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . “We work four-day weeks because it makes our staff more motivated,” says Joe Munns, CEO and founder of Bakedin, which makes home baking kits and cake mixes.

Joe has put his 40 workers on a four-day week since he started the firm in 2013, when he was working for the computer giant IBM.     1     When he was at IBM, he actually reduced his hours down to a four-day week and had Fridays free, when he could work on Bakedin, which became his second job and he was devoted to.

    2     It means that he could do what he liked and took that opportunity to start the business with a four-day week. So they have the normal working week of Monday to Thursday—then everyone gets those three days off.

Because there is still some business to do on Fridays, such as dealing with customer enquiries, some of Bakedin's office workers volunteer to work on Fridays.    3    

Bakedin staff put in nine-and-a-half-hours on the four days they are at work.    4    “When we are together, we just find that we’re more productive. We get more done this way, because we don’t get that tired, Friday feeling.”

Many firms and countries. have started experimenting with four-day, rather than five-day weeks.    5     Bakedin is in the food industry, which has a very high turn-over rate for staff. “Every year, some 30% of employees in the food industry leave their jobs,” says Joe. “But at Bakedin, our staff turnover rate is under 5%. So a four-day week is an excellent way of keeping staff loyal.”

A.He figured it was his business.
B.He ran the company as a weekend passion.
C.There are other benefits of putting staff on a four-day week.
D.It is a big selling point when they first advertise for workers.
E.They take their third day off at some other point in the week.
F.They get more done this way than if they were at work five days a week
G.It reduces the risk of staff “burning out” and improves their work-life balance.
2021-11-12更新 | 331次组卷 | 7卷引用:江苏省盐城市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了Diving With a Purpose组织,该组织训练潜水员,帮助发现和保护深埋在水中的历史和文化文物。

7 . Diving with a Purpose

The water is cool against my skin, the silence absolute, and as I hover (盘旋) over the remains at the bottom of the sea, I feel peaceful, thankful, a sense of coming home.

Go underwater with me, and you’ll see about 30 other divers, paired in sets of two. They calmly float in place, despite strong currents off the coast of Key Largo, Florida, sketching images of coral-covered artifacts or taking measurements.     1    

We are members of Diving With a Purpose, a group that trains divers to find and conserve (保存) historical and cultural artifacts buried deep in the waters.     2     Since its founding, DWP has trained some 500 divers to help archaeologists and historians search for and document such ships.

    3     During the voyages from shores to shores, and inside the ships, we can find clues to a history little discussed, to stories that have been lost in the depths. We can begin to assemble long-lost threads that help us better understand our obligation to the past and to each other.

However, the wrecks are hard to find. Ships from the past were primarily made of wood, and they have disintegrated over time and been absorbed by the sea. Searchers today use equipment such as side-scan sonars (声呐) to detect unnatural, manufactured materials in dark water.     4     So we must be intentional about how we are documenting, to ensure that we’re not disturbing the wreck or ocean creatures.

The sandy ocean floor covers and reveals as it fancies. What may be seen today may not be seen tomorrow. A proper expedition with historians and archaeologists can take years. But it is important to take as long as is needed to look.

A.Its goal is to help us find history and stories under the water.
B.We are helping document and mapping the remains of a shipwreck.
C.We love and volunteer to go underwater for the magic and cool feelings.
D.However, in some ways there is still so much we don’t know about DWP.
E.The information we gather from the depths tells a more inclusive history of us.
F.Unfortunately, the work can take place at sites home to marine life that shouldn’t be disturbed.
2022-06-24更新 | 187次组卷 | 4卷引用:上海奉贤区致远高级中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中教学评估英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

No one is sure how many Americans belong to reading groups called books clubs. Yet     1     (publish) and bookstores report that more and more people throughout the United States are joining     2     (they).

Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people     3     live near each other. Some Americans belong to reading groups on     4     Internet. These groups include people around the world who communicate about books they read. They send electronic mails instead of gathering     5     (discuss) books.

Most reading groups study books by     6     (variety) writers. However, some groups read the work of a single writer,     7     (usual) one that has been famous for a while. Other groups may     8     (name) for an important person in the work of the writer,     9     a Sherlock Holmes Club. Members of these book clubs often are experts about their     10     (choose) reading materials. One member of a Holmes reading group, for example, can identify almost every person in every Sherlock Holmes story.

2020-11-29更新 | 311次组卷 | 5卷引用:甘肃省西北师范大学附属中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A books-for-food program in Guatemala is helping feed needy children as hunger rates rise during the pandemic(疫情). It is run by a local nonprofit organization that aims to feed nearly 400 children.

The program is simple. People choose a book they want from a list of donated titles, and in return give bags of Incaparina, a high-protein drink mix. Bonifaz Diaz works for the program. By bringing the books-for-food program directly to people's homes, Diaz makes sure donations keep flowing. He has traveled more than 2,000 kilometers on his bicycle, delivered loads of books and carried back thousands of kilograms of Incaparina for the nonprofit group 32 Volcanoes. Diaz sometimes pulls a small cart that helps him carry up to 57 kilograms of product. He has traveled as far as 60 kilometers for a delivery to a town in the Western Highlands, where road conditions are poor.

Nearly a year into the books-for-food program, two more cyclists have joined Diaz and donations keep flowing in. Ana Castillo is a 29-year-old high school teacher who recently received the sociology book from Diaz. She donates to the program often. The 1.8 kilograms of Incaparina she provided will help one family eat for a month.

Castillo looks forward to choosing her books from the titles Diaz posts on social media. She also loves the feeling of a "growing circle" of giving and receiving. "You might not get to those places, but your help can. "she says.

Diaz says he plans to continue cycling against hunger as long as the need exists. He has faced his own economic difficulties since the theater company he co-founded closed last spring. But the program has kept him active. "It's an opportunity to serve in which we all benefit. "Diaz said.

1. What is the purpose of the program?
A.To serve the readers.
B.To produce Incaparina.
C.To offer poor children food.
D.To fight the pandemic.
2. What did Diaz do for the program?
A.He set up a social media.
B.He made donations frequently.
C.He rented a cart to carry goods.
D.He traveled to deliver books and food.
3. How is the program going now?
A.More people are involved in it.
B.Only two cyclists work for it.
C.Over 400 adults benefit from it.
D.Financial difficulties put it to an end.
4. Which word best describes Diaz's attitude towards the program?
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . Trusted Media Brands is a media and direct marketing company. It connects consumers with absorbing content, inspiring communities, and products & services that bring their passions to life.     1     Many people take it as the favorite.

Since our beginning, we’ve been creating the kind of content that readers want to deeply engage with again and again. Our trusted, empowering and uplifting content is designed to help our readers improve their lives and grow their connections and experiences of life.     2    

Expanded Engagement

Our titles not only have the strongest engagement among our peers, but our company creates a level of engagement that is both active toward the content and the advertisers’ messages.     3     They don’t skim our content; they read every word. When they engage with us, they are not looking to fill time but instead are fascinated both with our content and our partners’ messages.

Trusted, Empowering and Uplifting Content

    4     They are building trust, empowering our readers, and providing an inspiring spirit. And those who come to us to seek content will find it reward their attention and satisfy themselves with ideas, knowledge and inspiration.

These three fundamental principles are introduced as follows. Trust is built into each of our titles with expert and truthful content. Our content also provides the fuel to empower not just our readers but their family and friends and even acquaintances because it is intended to be shared, enriches their lives and brings everyone closer together.     5    

A.Our content is built around three core themes.
B.It enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad.
C.Our readers are fully involved, not distracted.
D.So companies should get their profit honestly.
E.It’s our main task to offer the readers information in every field.
F.Then we are able to uniquely promote the readers’ engagement through the content.
G.And lastly our brand titles consistently offer warmth, pomposity, and an uplifting spirit.
2022-11-12更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题(B)
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