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1 . It was a September day. Today was the first day of high school for a freshman, Kayla. Kayla had always been a bit of a shy kid, but she had always ______ her studies. She was determined to make full use of her high school years.

As she walked down the hallways, Kayla couldn’t help but feel ______. The older students seemed so confident, while she felt small and unimportant, But Kayla was determined to succeed, no matter what ______ came her way.

It wasn’t long before Kayla’s determination was put to the ______. In her first week of school, she was assigned (分派) a (n) ______ project that required a lot of research and planning. Kayla did her ______, but she soon realized that she was in over her head. As she struggled (努力) to complete the project, Kayla began to ______ herself. She wondered if she was cut out for high school. But then, something ______ happened.

Kayla’s classmates began to notice how ______ she was working, and they started to offer her help and ______. They gave her advice on how to ______ her time better, and they shared their tips for ______ assignments. With their help, Kayla was able to complete the project on time and with great ______.

From that day on, Kayla ______ that high school was not a challenge to be faced alone. With the help and support of her ______, she was able to deal with any difficulty that came her way.

A.thinking aboutB.getting throughC.giving upD.asking for
完形填空(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . A 15-year-old student has been praised a hero after it was found out that he had saved the life of a man who had suffered a heart attack. Sheng Xiaohan hadn’t told students and teachers the story until the man _________ at the school to thank him.

Sheng recalled he was _________ home at around 9 p.m. after working late at school when he saw a group of people surrounding a man on the ground _________, with a man patting on his back and others calling his name.

When he saw the man was unresponsive, he _________ his pulse and found it was weak and his body _________ “I had learned first aid several times since primary school and the _________ time was during military training,” he said.

He first tried the Heimlich maneuver, but then thought the old man might have _________ a heart attack. He asked people around to give him some _________ and tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). He _________ down on the man’s chest regularly, while asking another man to help with artificial respiration. Someone else called the emergency __________. Sheng kept doing CPR for about six minutes until the ambulance arrived and __________ the man to the hospital.

“I didn’t dare stop or ask others to replace me in case of any __________,” he added. “During the process, he started to breathe again, which gave me the confidence and __________ to go on.”

Sheng said he didn’t feel tired during the process, but afterwards his arms were __________. After the experience, he didn’t treat it as anything out of the __________ as he was a warm-hearted young man always ready to help others.

A.turned upB.cleaned upC.made upD.gave up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . As with every World Cup, at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar the players will be using a new ball. The last thing competitors want is for the most important piece of equipment to behave in unexpected ways in the most important tournament of the world’s most popular sport, so a lot of work goes into making sure that every new World Cup ball feels familiar to players.

Between shots on goal, free kicks and long passes, many important moments of a soccer game happen when the ball is in the air. So one of the most important characteristics of a soccer ball is how it travels through air.

As a ball moves through air, a thin layer of mostly still air called the boundary layer (边界层)surrounds some part of the ball. At low speeds this boundary layer will only cover the front half of the ball before flowing air peels (划过) away from the surface. In this case, the wake of air behind the ball is somewhat regular and is called laminar flow. When a ball is moving quickly, though, the boundary layer wraps much farther around the ball. When the flow air does eventually separate from the ball’s surface, it does so in a series of chaotic swirls (不规则气旋). This process is called turbulent flow.

When calculating how much force moving air imparts on a moving object — called drag — physicists use a term called the drag coefficient (系数). For a given speed, the higher the drag coefficient is, the more drag an object feels.

It turns out that a soccer ball’s drag coefficient is approximately 2.5 times larger for laminar flow than for turbulent flow. Though it may seem counterintuitive, roughening a ball’s surface delays the separation of the boundary layer and keeps a ball in turbulent flow longer. This fact of physics that — rougher balls feel less drag — is the reason why dimpled (坑坑洼洼的) golf balls fly much farther than they would if the balls were smooth.

1. What can be inferred from the passage about footballs in the World Cup?
A.Unexpected ways of playing them will come into view.
B.They make sure of long passes to be performed by players.
C.They’ll be judged by their quality when kicked off in the air.
D.Their importance explains why the World Cup is famous globally.
2. What does the passage mainly focus on in Paragraph 3?
A.Changes of the football surface.B.A wide variety of airflows.
C.Formation of the boundary layers.D.A broad range of football's speed.
3. By mentioning “counterintuitive” in Paragraph 5, the author shows that                 .
A.the result seems unlikely at first sightB.the prediction lacks explanation
C.the research requires further investigationD.the method of study isn’t proper enough
4. Why are golf balls mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To compare the speed of different golf balls.
B.To encourage more footballs to be made as such.
C.To apply the research result to explain another phenomenon.
D.To explain clearer the function of separating boundary layers.
2023-12-08更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连明德高中2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次阶段性测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Animals being extinct from the Earth is a serious issue. When this happens in order to use their fur or skin for fashion, it is even worse, since it’s not even for a matter of human survival. That’s why a London zoo decided to make a powerful statement at the Siamese crocodile enclosure (鳄鱼围栏).

When visitors come in expecting to see a crocodile, they’re greeted with the handbag instead, making a very effective and powerful point about illegal wildlife trade and the harm it takes on the species involved.

A sign by the enclosure reads, “This bag used to be found swimming in slow-moving rivers and streams across Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Over the last 75 years, more than 80% of Siamese crocodiles have disappeared. Many, like this one, were hunted for their skins as part of the illegal wildlife trade.”.

Native to parts of Southeast Asia, Siamese crocodiles are critically endangered and have become virtually extinct in the wild. Due to hunting as well as habitat loss, they are now absent from nearly 99% of their original range. A huge part of the decline of population is due to humans using their wetland habitat for rice farming, and things only took a turn for the worse when large-scale hunting for their skin for commercial purposes began in the 1950s.

The particular handbag that is on display at the zoo was confiscated at a UK airport, according to Benjamin Tapley, leader of reptiles and amphibians at ZSL London Zoo.

Tapley told The Huffington Post, “We made this exhibit, within ZSL London Zoo’s Reptile House, to draw visitors’ attention to the destructive impact the Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) is having on species around the world. At ZSL, we are working globally with governments and local communities to protect wildlife, support law enforcement (执法) that targets illegal trade networks, empower local communities affected by IWT and reduce demand for threatened wildlife.”

1. Why does the sign say this handbag used to swim?
A.It is made of a crocodile’s skin.
B.It is made into a crocodile shape.
C.It is light enough to float on water.
D.It was kept in flowing river at first.
2. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Wildly hunting of Siamese crocodiles.
B.Destruction of Siamese crocodiles’ habitats.
C.Commercial value of Siamese crocodiles.
D.Causes to make Siamese crocodiles endangered.
3. What does the underlined word “confiscated” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What does Tapley’s words focus on?
A.The importance of wildlife protection.
B.The crisis endangered animals are facing.
C.The purpose to show the handbag.
D.The harm IWT caused.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . India’s robotic spacecraft landed on the moon undamagedly on August 23, 2023, a historic achievement for the country’s growing space program.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is the first ever to touch down at the lunar south pole. Many nations and private companies have set their sights on the region because of its ice, thought to be buried in the polar craters. The natural resources are coveted because they could supply drinking water, air, and rocket fuel for future missions, ushering a new era in spaceflight.

The success also means India has been one of countries who have landed a spacecraft on the moon. The victory comes four years after India’s previous mission, Chandrayaan-2, crashed.

An Indian official, who watched the live stream from Johannesburg, South Africa, said, “On this joyous occasion, I would like to address all the people of the world: India’s successful moon mission is not just India’s alone. This success belongs to all humanity.”

About 60 years have passed since the first unpiloted (无人驾驶的) moon landings, but touching down is still demanding. The moon’s atmosphere is very thin, providing virtually no drag to slow a spacecraft down as it approaches the ground. Furthermore, there are no GPS systems on the moon to help guide a craft to its landing spot. Engineers have to make up for these shortcomings from about 239,000 miles away.

Over the past four years, private companies and other nations have tried and failed. But perhaps now there’s more hope.

The Indian official said, “I’m confident that all countries in the world including those from the global south are capable of achieving such a success. We can all aspire (渴望) to the moon and beyond.”

1. What does the underlined word “coveted” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What can we infer about Chandrayaan-2?
A.It was connected by Chandrayaan-3.
B.It landed on the south surface of the moon.
C.It was the first to touch down at the south pole.
D.It fell and broke when carrying out space mission.
3. What makes it hard to land on the moon according to the text?
A.The unfamiliar preens for scientists.
B.The materials used to make the spaceship.
C.The shortage of previous successful cases.
D.The limitation of the moon’s atmosphere and technology.
4. What is the Indian official’s attitude to the future space exploration?

6 . My wife Lynn was beginning her third day on an oxygen mask (氧气面罩). “She must _______in the next twenty -four hours, or you will probably leave her here,” the doctor said to me. Those _______words had me near the breaking point. However, I didn’t want to _______.

Suddenly, a(n) _______hit me. I wrote on a piece of paper, “Keep Hope Alive ! Miracle (奇迹) in Progress !” Then I put it up on the wall, hoping for a miracle. _______, there was not any sign of _______. In the afternoon, the shift changed and a _______who I had not seen before came in. She had a soft smile and a caring manner. She _______cleaned her face and body. After finishing her work, she was ready to _______, but she stopped when she noticed the ________on the wall. She said to me, “Don’t ________, sir! I believe she will be fine. You know, my name is Tammy Miracle.”

The next morning, Lynn awoke. I couldn’t help________. The other day, I was further surprised to ________that Tammy Miracle had been called in from another department because of a shortage of ICU nurse. I was ________that Tammy Miracle was sent to us. So if you ________hope, try to believe that a miracle may be waiting for you, too.

A.look backB.slow downC.give upD.show up
2023-12-04更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连明德高中2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次阶段性测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了美国老奶奶Joy Ryan,在孙子的陪伴下游览美国全部63个国家公园的故事。

7 . By the time Joy Ryan, a US grandma, turned 85, she had never seen the ocean or mountains. For Joy, trips to the local fishing area with her husband were about the farthest place she had ever gone, even if she loved watching the Travel Channel.

But one day Joy’s grandson, Brad Ryan, discovered that he and his grandma had a common interest in their love for traveling, when they began to visit the American great outdoors together.

Brad said, “When I learned my grandma had never seen the great wildernesses of America—deserts, mountains and oceans, I thought there was something I needed to do.” It was after taking his grandma out of Ohio on a visit to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that he came up with the idea of visiting all the 63 US national parks with her to create inspiring memories.

Going to all the 63 US National Parks is a huge achievement even for a much younger adventurer (冒险家). Brad said his grandmother’s physical strength (体力) grew with their trips. For example, his grandma went water rafting (漂流) at 91, with class three rapids and when walking at the New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia, she broke the record by almost a decade!

It wasn’t always like this, however. Joy was so wobbly (不稳的) on her first trip, challenged by her balance. A group of college students clapped their hands when she reached the top of a path they were following.

Joy broke her age limitation (限制) and at the age of 93, she made history as the oldest living person to visit every US National Park. Joy believes it’s the mix of hopefulness, willpower, and the good health that gives her strength.

1. With whom did Joy Ryan visit all the 63 US national parks?
A.Her grandson.B.Her husband.
C.Her daughter.D.Her student.
2. What does Brad want to show by mentioning Joy Ryan’s water rafting at 91?
A.She had a love for traveling.
B.Water rafting is dangerous for the old.
C.There is no age limitation for water rafting.
D.She had developed a strong body from traveling.
3. What is Joy Ryan’s challenge on her first trip?
A.Her memory.B.Her balance.
C.Her physical strength.D.Her sense of direction.
4. Which of the following can best describe Joy Ryan?
A.Brave and hopeful.B.Humorous and outgoing.
C.Hard-working and helpful.D.Thoughtful and self-confident.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . At 104 years old, Dorothy Hoffner fell. Then she kept falling, and falling. When the lifelong Chicagoan finally touched the ground last Sunday, she landed in the history books and became the oldest person to ever sky-dive (跳伞).

As Hoffner prepared to board, she pushed her red walker out and walked slowly to the plane, where two expert instructors helped her up the steps into the hold. “Let’s go!” she said, finally seated. The plane quickly rose, Hoffner looking calm and confident all the while.

When the aft (机尾) door opened to show the crop fields far below, she and the instructor were ready to stand up. When Hoffner first sky-dived at 100 years old, she was pushed out, she said. This time, she wanted to lead the jump.

Seven minutes after her jump, she moved slowly in the air for her historic landing. The wind pushed back her white hair. A look of excitement and wonder spread across her face. She picked up her legs as the ground approached. And finally, she managed to land on the ground.

The crowd gathered along the landing area. Friends rushed to share the moment. Someone brought over Hoffner’s red walker. She rose fast, and a reporter asked how it felt to be back on the ground. “The whole thing was wonderful, and couldn’t have been better,” she said.

The Guinness World Record for oldest skydiver was set in May 2022 by 103-year-oldLinnéa Ingegard Larsson from Sweden. When asked how it felt like to break the record, Hoffner replied quickly, “Like I’m old.” But the record didn’t seem to interest Hoffner before the jump. Instead, she focused on the peaceful falling through the sky. Hoffner strongly encouraged others to sky-dive like her. “It’s surprisingly affordable and so amazing,” she said.

1. What did Hoffner do last Sunday?
A.She reported a sports event.B.She managed to sky-dive.
C.She celebrated her birthday.D.She wrote a history book.
2. How did Hoffner feel after landing on the ground?
3. Which probably attracted Hoffner most before her jump?
A.The falling in the air.B.Her family’s help.
C.The low cost of the jump.D.Her friends’ support.
4. What can we learn from Hoffner’s story?
A.To see is to believe.B.Time tells everything.
C.Hard work pays off.D.Age is just a number.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Tenerife might seem like a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, but you will be surprised by how diverse and beautiful it is. There are lots of unique places in Tenerife, so be ready to explore!

Mount Teide

Mount Teide, a famous volcano, is the tallest peak (峰) in Spain and a UNESCO world heritage site. Several routes can lead one to the peak of Mount Teide. While permits are required to hike the mountain, you can have an easier choice—an eight-minute cable car (缆车) that takes you far enough up the top for appreciating views. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and a jacket as it can get cold.

Siam Park

The famous Siam Park was named as the best water park in the world for the second year in a row. You can visit the park at any time of the year, as the pools are heated to a comfortable 24 Celsius. Be sure to choose a sunny day for your visit if you’re heading over in winter.

Casa de Los Balcones

A visit to the Casa de Los Balcones might be a great idea if you’re looking for a first class cultural adventure. It’s a 17th century house with fine carved wooden balconies. The inside has a typical patio (露台) that shows the islands’ handmade traditions.

Playa de Benijo

Playa de Benijo is one of the fascinating beaches in Tenerife. The surface is a large area of black sand with rocky areas mixed in between. The volcanic sand covering the beach, as well as the rocks and the cliffs (悬崖), makes Playa de Benijo a destination for landscape photographers. If you have the chance—go there!

1. What do we know about the Mount Teide?
A.It has a warm climate.
B.There is only one way to climb it.
C.Free equipment is offered for sightseeing.
D.Permits are needed to climb to the top.
2. In which place can you experience handmade traditions?
A.Mount Teide.B.Siam Park.
C.Casa de Los Balcones.D.Playa de Benijo.
3. Who prefers to visit Playa de Benijo probably?
A.A middle-aged man who loves taking pictures.
B.A traveler who wants to buy some local souveniors.
C.A retired elderly couple who plan to go mountain-climbing.
D.A 6-year-old boy who likes playing on snow-white beaches.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Cheapest Islands in the World to Visit

Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas

As the northernmost of the 700 islands of the Bahamas, Grand Bahama dishes up plenty of cheap activities alongside its white-sand beaches. Visiting Lucayan National Park, which is home to both beloved Gold Rock Beach and one of the largest underwater cave (洞穴) systems in the world, is an affordable trip. There are hotel rooms at $80 a night.

Madeira, Portugal

Though closer to mainland Africa, Madeira is a part of Portugal known for its breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can find hotels starting at $85 a night, and enjoy plenty of low-cost activities, like rowing a boat around the volcanic Porto Moniz natural swimming pools, and admiring the never-ending views around the island. No wonder it’s been called the “Hawaii of Europe”.

Dominican Republic

Looking for one of the least expensive Caribbean islands? The Dominican Republic is full of affordable surprises. In Santo Domingo, walk around Zona Colonial, the historic heart of the country’s capital, you’ll find castles, cathedrals (教堂), cobblestone streets, and cafés around every corner. During the low season (summer), you can find hotel deals starting at $33 a night.

Sri Lanka

Do you want to spend just $25~50 a day? Then go to Sri Lanka. Since the South Asian island country is one of the largest tea producers in the world, start with a tea factory tour on a peaceful hike. Taking a train ride through the hills from Kandy to Badulla or from Colombo to Galle is an enjoyable and affordable way to see the countryside.

1. What can you do in Lucayan National Park?
A.Visit a huge castle.B.Enjoy the beautiful beach.
C.Swim in Porto Moniz.D.Go on a tea factory tour.
2. What is special about Zona Colonial?
A.It requires booking.B.It has historic sites.
C.It is famous for tea.D.It is closed in summer.
3. Which of the following would provide a hotel room at the lowest price?
A.Dominica.B.The Bahamas.C.Portugal.D.Sri Lanka.
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