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1 . I started a Facebook page in July, and it’s steadily growing! The best part isn’t the number of its “followers” but its comments — I love reading about what people do, their ideas and views and get some feedback (反馈) on what I’m doing too.

In April of this year, I was invited by a friend to join her Social Change group. We were eight women from all walks of life, but we had one thing in common — we live in a fantastic country and yet we can see homeless people on the streets asking for money. We have a generous welfare system and a social housing scheme — but it’s a problem that is getting worse. We asked ourselves: What happens to homeless women?

Therefore, we volunteered at shelters. We met with social housing providers, shelter managers and social workers, and began to think what else we could do. We researched on which programs were having success. We had guest speakers at our meetings and began to get a clear picture about what we needed to do.

As luck would have it, we have been gifted a building in the city center. It’s old and needs a lot of work to bring it up to the standard. We want to provide more than just shelter to women in need. We aim to have six self-contained apartments providing full social services for women to stay in for up to two years. Thanks to the building provider, we have got our project off the ground.

I’m an ordinary person. If I can do this, anyone can. You can change the world. Look for the opportunity and just do it.

1. What can we learn about the Facebook page?
A.Its followers increase steadily.B.It helps the author get feedback.
C.It was set up to advertise their service.D.Its main content is people’s comments.
2. What does the author think of her country?
A.Its people are suffering.B.Its system is getting worse.
C.It still has a long way to go.D.It is a place full of inequality.
3. By volunteering at shelters, the eight women ______________.
A.acquired a few communication skills
B.discovered their ability to change the world
C.had a better understanding of social problems
D.were inspired to start a project to help the homeless women
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To share her story.B.To introduce her job.
C.To thank housing providers for their help.D.To encourage people to improve the world.
2024-02-21更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题
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2 . The tech industry created many wonders. However, when it comes to how they are used by kids, they usually bring a _________ influence on them.

My kids________ iPhones very early by playing with the old models my husband and I ________ after we got new ones. As a little girl, my daughter learned the English words on her own from an iPhone app. Besides, she was_________ by simple apps that could repeat her facial expressions and read children’s stories to her. At that time, I considered iPhones quite _______ and usually permit her to use iPhone as a reward.

Things were good for a few years ________she discovered YouTube. I   was_________the first time I caught her watching YouTube videos at midnight. The YouTube videos were so ________ to her that she could not resist watching them even at midnight. It should not have surprised me how ________ YouTube would be. After all, I have spent a good part of my career predicting (预测) users’ needs to _______ users’ stickiness (黏着度). We do not want our users to _________ our product. But at no time did we realize that those users might be our ________ one day. Their immature brains and low self-control ability _________ to avoid the influence of those advanced tech products.

After seeing how my kids got lost in YouTube, I ________ my attitude towards iPhones. I took away their iPhones because they stand little chance of disentangling (使解脱) themselves from the _______ tech products.

A.had control overB.got exposed toC.caught sight ofD.got rid of
2024-02-21更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The days of the bedroom fitting room are numbered. Online retail giant (零售巨头) Boohoo has become the latest in a string of retailers to start charging shoppers for returns.

By offering free returns in the first place, companies, such as Boohoo, created entirely new behaviour around shopping. A 2018 study found that 9% of UK consumers buy clothes to post on social media, only to return them straight after. Almost one in five 35-to 44-year-olds admit to doing it, and men, apparently, do it more than women.

However, when clothes are returned, they’re likely to be thrown away rather than resold. This is because processing returns is time-consuming and costly. Buttons need to be rebuttoned, labels need to be reattached, products need refolding and rebagging, and then they must be put back   into the system for sale. So it is clearly a cheaper and easier solution for businesses to send the whole lot to landfills (垃圾填埋场). It’s really a great waste of resources, not to mention an insult (冒 犯) to the skilled people who put their time into making each product, but it’s the reality of modern fashion.

When clothes don’t become rubbish, there’s still the impact of the extra shipping to consider, as well as the packaging waste. About 180bn plastic bags are produced every year to store, protect and transport clothes, and less than 15% of them are collected for recycling.

The impact of returns is a fairly well-kept secret, likely to keep people shopping guilt-free (没有负罪感地). But even if it was widely known, it wouldn’t guarantee people would stop treating returns thoughtlessly. After all, other environmental and human impacts of fast fashion are out there for all to see and yet the industry continues to thrive.

Hopefully, charging for returns is expected to change people’s behavior. Without free returns on the table, shoppers may think twice about buying 10 items when they know they’ll only keep five or buying clothes purely for social media content. And with the arrival of return charges, the clothes we already have might also start to look a little more appealing.

1. Why do retailers tend to throw away returned clothes?
A.To keep up with the latest fashion.B.To avoid a huge waste of resources.
C.To let the skilled people feel honored.D.To save the trouble of processing returns.
2. What does the author think people will do if they know the impacts of returns?
A.They will feel guilty about shopping.B.They will continue their shopping behavior.
C.They will consider their shopping carefully.D.They will keep their shopping behavior secret.
3. What does the author say about the move to charge for returns?
A.It puts great pressure on customers.B.It can influence social media content.
C.It can do little to help reduce returns.D.It will turn out to be an effective measure.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.It is necessary to charge shoppers for returns.B.It is difficult to control the number of returns.
C.Many retailers are struggling to process returns.D.People have different opinions on the end of free returns.
2024-02-21更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . March 12 was my last typical day in the classroom before COVID-19 changed everything. When my district closed the following day, I assumed, as many did, that this was a temporary move. However, the closure did not end as quickly as we expected. As the closure continued, while I was glad that none of my students was infected with the virus, I began to worry that the growth of reading ability my first-graders and I worked so hard for would gradually disappear.

It is reported that only one-third of students in the US achieved reading proficiency at grade level in 2019. As the years go by, the gaps become larger, and students who are reading below grade level seldom catch up with their peers. These students often encounter significant social and emotional challenges as they become increasingly aware of their differences from their classmates. And school closures caused by COVID-19 have made the situation even worse.

So when my district reopened in the fall, we were faced with difficult decisions about how to best deliver instruction. At our school, all students have to take a series of short screening tests to assess reading ability at the beginning of the school year. Considering that one size cannot fit all, I adjusted my teaching plans in time throughout the year. If a student received a low score in a particular area, I’d conduct a follow-up assessment to learn about the real cause of the difficulty.

I also conducted exercises to help students practice reading skills. Using other online platforms, I created interactive

lessons with other teachers, in which students practiced reading and writing specific words, reading full sentences and answering corresponding comprehension questions. The platforms enabled us to see all students’ screens at once and gauge which students were on target and needed additional support. They also provided information for planning subsequent lessons.

As a teacher, I know I cannot make all children reach proficiency in literacy (读写能力) myself, but I believe what I am doing can really make a difference to their lives, and I will go on with it.

1. What did the author worry about during the closure?
A.The health condition of her students.
B.The decline in her enthusiasm for work.
C.The uncertainty about the duration of the closure.
D.The influence of closure on students’ reading ability.
2. What did the author do to help her students improve their reading ability?
A.She motivated students to analyze their own problems.
B.She adapted teaching strategies to suit her students’ needs.
C.She used technology to make reading exercises more interesting.
D.She instructed students to take screening tests before each class.
3. What does the underlined word “gauge” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Strict and wise.B.Responsible and flexible.
C.Sensitive and optimistic.D.Humorous and considerate.
2024-02-21更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . At the end of my freshman year, my lab group and I were given a task of dissecting (解剖) a pig. We had to follow the _______ and show our teacher what we had ______. This task was easier said than done. We were under a lot of ______, but in the end, we were able to dissect each part of the pig and ______ before the deadline.

This project taught me about______.   Before this, I   had ______ considered a medical career, ______ this experience helped me decide I’d love a job as a doctor. I ______ that there is a huge difference between a living human and a dead pig, but I strongly believe I could solve the ______that I’ll face as a doctor. ______, I enjoyed the pig dissection project so much that this year I’m going to study advanced biology!

During the same time my mother fell ill, and after being sick for two years a doctor ______ diagnosed (诊断) her with gluten intolerance (麸质不耐症). While she was ill, I would have to ______ her and my younger brothers. After the diagnosis, she immediately became much ______. This doctor had a great ______ on my life and my mother’s life as well. Seeing how one doctor could make a difference to many people’s lives ______ me to follow this path and help   ______ the pain and suffering of others.

These two ______ have helped me grow. I feel that I can take charge of any situation and ______ under pressure.

To me, being able to ______ lives is the greatest work. And with ______, I believe I can become a doctor.

A.bring them inB.turn them inC.carry them outD.make them out
A.For exampleB.Above allC.At lastD.In fact
A.take notice ofB.take care ofC.put up withD.get along with
2024-02-18更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Palestinian farmer Salman al-Nabahin was working in his garden in Gaza when he noticed that some of the new trees he’d planted on his land did not root properly. Curious about what might be causing the issue, al-Nabahin asked his son to help him start digging.

His son’s ax (斧子) struck something hard. When the two men began to clear away the dirt, they discovered an item they did not recognize. A little Internet searching provided the answer to their mystery: They’d come across a Byzantine-era floor mosaic (拜占庭时期马赛克地画) featuring birds and other animals.

This happened six months ago. Now, archaeologists (考古学家) are hard at work studying the flooring to learn more about its secrets and civilization values.

The mosaic features 17 images of birds and other animals presented in bright colors. Archaeologists believe artists created the flooring sometime between the fifth and seventh centuries, though they don’t know whether the mosaic had religious (宗教的) origins. In total, the land covering the entire mosaic is about 500 square meters, and the mosaic itself measures about 23 square meters. Some parts of the mosaic appear to be damaged, likely from the roots of an old tree.

“These are the most beautiful mosaic floors discovered in Gaza, both in terms of the quality of the vivid representation and the complexity of the pattern,” says René Elter, an archaeologist in Jerusalem. “Never have mosaic floors of this precision in the patterns and richness of the colors been discovered in the Gaza Strip.”

The Gaza Strip, which is located between Israel and Egypt and was a busy trade route throughout history, is home to many ancient civilizations. The farmer and his son discovered the mosaic about a kilometer from the border with Israel. Archaeologists and other experts are concerned about the mosaic’s future because of the ongoing conflict there and a lack of funding for historical protection.

1. What led Salman al-Nabahin to the unexpected discovery?
A.His son’s constant digging work.B.His decision to remove some new trees.
C.The improper growth of some new trees.D.The appearance of some birds and other animals.
2. What can we learn about the mosaic?
A.Its origin has something to do with religion.B.The time of its creation can be figured out.
C.It has been seriously damaged by digging work.D.It reflects relationships between humans and animals.
3. What do René Elter’s words in the last but one paragraph show?
A.The history of the mosaic floors.B.The great value of the mosaic floors.
C.The secrets hidden in the mosaic floors.D.The difficulty in creating the mosaic floors.
4. What is some experts’ concern about the mosaic?
A.It may not be well -protected.B.It may be too large to carry.
C.It may cause regional conflicts.D.It may lose its historical meaning
2024-02-18更新 | 37次组卷 | 2卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
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7 . Have you ever imagined being able to communicate with your pet at home and have it understand everything you say? It sounds too good to be true, but scientists have started using artificial intelligence (AI) to help communicate with animals.

Professor Karen Bakker—who is the author of a book called The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants—said that AI is already helping humans communicate with bats and honeybees and this could change what we know about nature and our non-human relationships.

Scientists have worked out how bats speak to each other to argue over food and how mother bats communicate with their young.

Professor Bakker explained how researcher Yossi Yovel had used recordings and AI to understand bats.

“Bats argue over food; they actually distinguish between genders when they communicate with one another; they have individual names, or ‘signature calls’,” she said.

“Mother bats speak to their babies in a kind of ‘motherese’.

Bats learn to ‘speak’ with signals from their mothers.

But while human mothers raise the pitch(音高) of their voices when talking to babies,mother bats lower the pitch.

She said it was a great example of how animal patterns could be revealed using sensors and microphones that would otherwise never be heard with the human ear.

AI makes this possible because a computer can be trained to listen like a bat.

With honeybees, the computer combines listening with vision of the bees’ body movements to understand what they are communicating. Researchers now know how be essay things such as “hush” or “stop”.

Researcher Tim Landgraf even created a robot honeybee that entered a hive(蜂房) and was able to communicate with other bees when it wanted them to stop doing something or fly.

1. What is the role of AI in communicating with animals?
A.Allowing humans to speak to animals.
B.Translating human language into animal language.
C.Transforming human thoughts into animal language.
D.Helping humans understand what animals are saying.
2. What do scientists know about bats?
A.They use unique names given by human.
B.They live together like early human groups.
C.They share their food with each other without arguing.
D.They can distinguish between genders when communicating.
3. How do mother bats communicate with their young?
A.By using a kind of “motherese”.
B.By raising the pitch of their voices.
C.By using sensors and microphones.
D.By making body movements.
4. What do we know about the robot created by Tim Landgraf?
A.It can speak with other bats.
B.It can build a hive with bees.
C.It can communicate with other bees.
D.It can teach other bee show to fly and stop.
2024-01-25更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通县2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . If you will take a vacation with your family or friends, renting a yacht (游艇) in Cabo is one of the choices you need to consider. A yacht is comfortable and gives you the freedom while on vacation.     1    .

It allows you to explore different destinations.     2    , renting a yacht can allow you to do this often without the need to unload your baggage. It also allows you to reach and see beaches which you can only reach by water.

    3    . Renting a yacht could be great if you are looking for an ideal environment for relaxation. Whether sailing across the coast or in calm waters, it allows you to sit back and enjoy viewing the beautiful scenery.     4    .

It allows you to enjoy your privacy and personal service. Renting a yacht for a vacation guarantees (保证) privacy and provides an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones.     5    . The yacht workers will help you get the best out of your vacation and take care of your personal needs.

These above are the reasons why you may consider renting a yacht when going for a vacation.

A.Of course, there are many choices
B.Since you will visit many places in Cabo
C.It allows you to experience total relaxation
D.Because exploring and privacy are the most important
E.Besides, you have the chance to request personal service
F.Here are some other benefits of renting a yacht for your trip
G.Renting a yacht will, thus, make you get away from the busy world
2024-01-23更新 | 52次组卷 | 2卷引用:青海省西宁市大通县2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . One winter evening, Kelly was walking home from her favorite bookstore. She had bought two cookery books and three art books, and couldn’t wait to get home to read them in front of a warm fire.

“I read a lot, and love the pleasure of reading something that I want,” she said. But when she reached into her pocket, she realized that her wallet was gone. She looked around and started to retrace (折回) her steps.

“I’m down on my hands and knees, looking in the gutters (排水沟) around the streets. I go back and forth. My wallet is nowhere,” she said.

She went back to the bookstore, but nobody had turned it in. Kelly walked home hopelessly and was about to cancel her credit cards when an email appeared. It was from a man named Adam, who said he had found her wallet.

Through a name card, Adam found a way to contact Kelly and gave her his phone number and home address. Kelly had a taxi sent to Adam’s house and 20 minutes later, a small brown paper bag arrived on her front steps.

“The loveliest detail is that when I’m digging the wallet out of the bag, I suddenly find Adam has dropped a bar of chocolate at the bottom, which he can not have possibly known is my favorite,” Kelly said.

The kindness of Adam’s gesture has stayed with Kelly. She decides to look for chances to pass it on.

1. How many art books did Kelly buy?
2. Why did Kelly go back to the bookstore?
A.To call Adam.B.To find her wallet.
C.To pay the money.D.To return her books.
3. How did Adam get the way to contact Kelly?
A.By a piece of news.B.From one of his friends.
C.Through a name card.D.With the help of the police.
4. How did Kelly sound when she found a bar of chocolate in the bag?
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . My son Timmy was born with several rare developmental disabilities. By age 13, he had had at least 10 surgeries on his legs and feet. Balancing and walking was very ________ for Timmy, and he needed a great deal of help with mobility.

Meeting Janice, who ________ treat Timmy, changed Timmy’s life. Janice and Timmy ________ an immediate bond. That bond led us to get our Larry, the biggest dog I’ve ever seen. Janice, being so ________ with my son and her dogs, knew Timmy and Larry would make a perfect ________.Larry, not usually easy to bond with, was ________ like glue to my son the minute they walked in the door.

Larry has changed Timmy, s life so much for the better. Not only does Larry give my son ________ for his mobility issues by keeping him steady on his feet and protecting him from ________, but he is also his best friend. If Timmy is sleeping, Larry does not ________ his side. If Timmy does not feel ________, Larry still will not leave his side, even to ________ or go out.

Larry slows to Timmy’s pace and watches every ________ he makes. They walk along together in perfect steps. It is truly ________ to watch the two of them together. This year, Timmy and Larry began their journey in high school together. The ________ that Larry gives Timmy is priceless. Larry is always there to support Timmy for mobility, for falling, for companionship, and is his best ________.

A.used toB.seemed toC.had toD.failed to
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