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1 . In recent years American society has become increasingly dependent on its universities to find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been to blame for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; for dealing with our urban problems and with our worsening environment; for developing the means to feed the world’s rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands presents its own problems. In addition, however, this concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly impinges on the universities’ efforts to perform their other principal functions, the transmission and interpretation of knowledge-the imparting of the heritage of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward.

With regard to this, perhaps their most traditionally acknowledged task, college and universities today find themselves in a serious situation. On one hand, there is the American commitment, especially since World War Ⅱ, to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of the commitment has been a dramatic rise in enrollments(登记入学) in our universities, coupled with a striking shift from the private to the public sector of higher education.

On the other hand, there are serious and continuing limitations on the resources available for higher education. While higher education has become a great ”growth industry“, it is also at the same time a tremendous drain(耗竭) on the resources of the nation. With the vast increase in enrollment and the shift in priorities away from education in state and federal(联邦的) budgets, there is in most of our public institutions a significant decrease in expenses for their students. One crucial aspect of this drain on resources lies in the persistent shortage of trained faculty(全体教师), which has led, in turn, to a declining standard of competence in instruction.

Intensifying these difficulties is, as indicated above, the concern with research, with its increasing claims on resources and the attention of the faculty. In addition, there is a strong tendency for the institutions’ organization and functioning to fulfill the demands of research rather than those of teaching.

1. According to Paragraph 1, what should be the most important function of American universities?
A.Sparing no effort to create new knowledge for students.
B.Enhancing students’ competence of tackling social problems.
C.Making experts on advanced industries out of their students.
D.Preparing their students to transmit the knowledge of the past.
2. In American universities, there is a contradiction between________.
A.more students and less investmentB.education quality and economic profit
C.low enrollment rate and high education demandD.private ownership and American commitment
3. A serious outcome brought about by the shortage of resources is that________.
A.many public institutions have to cut down enrollments of students
B.teachers are not competent enough to perform satisfactorily in class
C.some institutions are forced to reduce the total expenses on research
D.there is keen competition for resources between public and private institutions
4. What worsened the severity of the problems faced by American universities?
A.The improper distribution of American universities’ resources.
B.The increasing argument over American universities’ primary task.
C.The inability of American universities’ organization and fulfillment.
D.The growing focus on American universities’ function of research.
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2 . Five years ago, my husband and I bought a farm.

As we restore the land, I feel my well-being _______ . I think the farm is also working its magic on our son. Since he was 20, he has lived with mental illness. Just when it couldn’t get any worse, an unexpected _______ occurred in my life. We _______ the farm.

It has taken a couple of years to _______ the land, seed the lawn and build garden beds. The farm was holding our _______ together. Before my son went to treatment, we planted a “guild” (同一目的协会) in the old farm to support the health of trees by grouping other helpful plants around them. We dug around the _______ trees and placed in garlic, wildflowers, etc and the garden seems to grow well.

We also learned how to _______ others. Our workman worked steadily and helped when I asked. Asking for help is a principle in the recovery community, a lesson my son is _______ . The desire to recover this land has _______ in me. I have seen this ________ towards restoration in my son as well. It truly does take a village to rebuild a farm and a(an) ________ . And my son has found his own kind of guild that ________ him.

Owning a farm was never our ________ , but it came when our family needed a ________ project. Digging is an act of faith, hope and ________ of what will appear next.

A.respond toB.appeal toC.concentrate onD.depend on
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3 . According to a study published this week, habitual napping (打盹) appears to be associated with a large brain volume in adults although experts stressed that further research was needed. It reduces the cost caused from the lost time and the fatigue-related errors. The work followed previous studies that suggested a brief doze could improve people’s ability to learn.

Arianna Huffington, a co-founder of Huff Post and the founder and chief executive of Thrive Global, said, “Given the latest science on the effectiveness of napping and the clear link between employees feeling well rested and their productivity, it’s long past time that businesses embrace short naps at work.”

Some businesses, including Thrive Global, have already introduced facilities for employees to take naps. Google introduced sleep pods as far back as 2014 and companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s introduced nap rooms. The practice has even been adopted by the NHS, with a growing number of hospitals introducing sleep pods for staff in an effort to help them get more rest. Employees, it seems, are enthusiastic. Sean Greenwood, of Ben & Jerry’s, said, “If a quick nap gets employees more involved and creative, we’re happy to provide that for our team members.”

Unfortunately, the practice of napping still suffers from our collective concept that sleep equals weakness and laziness. However, the performance-enhancing benefits of naps have been no secret to many leaders throughout history. It also gives the higher-ups the chance to acknowledge the 24/7 culture and come up with top-down   solutions that encourage workers to take care of themselves in and out of work.

While sleep experts stressed that a daytime doze could be beneficial, they said it was crucial to get enough shut-eye at the end of a day. It is the late stage of sleep, sometimes missed by early risers, that strengthens the nerve circuits that make for learning and memory, allowing the brain to make and consolidate new neutral connections. Additionally, prioritizing sufficient sleep during the regular nightly sleep period is essential for overall well-being.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.Work stress.B.Learning abilities.
C.A research finding.D.The brain volume.
2. What is Arianna Huffington’s attitude toward napping?
3. Why are so many companies mentioned in the passage?
A.To advocate enough rest.B.To praise creative employees.
C.To compare the differences.D.To present the current situation.
4. What will possibly be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.The approaches to shut-eye.B.The importance of napping.
C.The secrets to well-being.D.The benefits of memory.
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4 . Liu Jichen, 23, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”. After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI(Artificial Intelligence), students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals to children in impoverished(贫困的) rural areas.

Liu and his team, together with other organizations, launched the “Clear Your Plate” campaign in November for the third year. It has swept over 1,017 universities across the country. The one-month campaign attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions(碳排放) by 3,337 tons.

“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste,” Liu thought. He organized a team of 20 members to work on the project at the end of 2017. To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates, the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants. In 2018, the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16, World Food Day. They then launched a campaign later that year.

“There were so many unknowns in research and development. For our team members, the biggest challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said. They not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users, according to Liu. “We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the younger generation by encouraging them to cherish(珍惜) their food and develop the habit of thrift(节约),” Liu added.

1. What can we know about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program?
A.It aims to put an end to waste and encourage thrift.
B.Its 6 million users are mostly students.
C.It helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons.
D.It is an exchange of food for rewards to help poor children.
2. What challenge did Liu and his team face?
A.They found it tough to promote the campaign.
B.They felt uncertain whether they could complete the project.
C.They lacked professional technical support.
D.They had difficulty gathering enough samples.
3. Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen?
A.Optimistic and demanding.B.Generous and responsible.
C.Talented and humorous.D.Creative and determined.
4. Where is the text probably from?
A.A guidebook.B.A news report.C.A book review.D.A textbook.
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5 . The world has changed greatly since Herman Fisher met Irving Price and Helen Schelle in 1930. The trio (三人组) founded Fisher-Price, maker of popular toy series such as Thomas & Friends, Power Wheels, and Little People. Companies like Fisher-Price are exploring how the world of toys and parenting will change with the development of technology. Fisher-Price recently cooperated with Continuum, a global innovation designer. Together, they created a short video called The Future of Parenting, along with a short essay explaining the thoughts behind the video.

One thought of the video explores how parenting will change when the teens of today raised with data-providing devices such as Fitbit and iPad begin raising kids of their own. Is this a generation that will desire data in all of their kids’ toys? The answer may be “yes” and perhaps the product appearing in the video will appeal to them.

If you interpret the video as a clear vision of the future of parenting, you won’t be blamed for fearing holograms (全息图) will take over your house as a mom or dad. The benefit of holograms in the video is their potential for giving traditional toys the ability to personalize responses, depending on the age and development of the child playing with the traditional toy.

Of course, you might ask yourself, “Do data-providing toys have an advantage over traditional toys in terms of their effects?” The answer may be negative. Lego, a traditional brick toy-maker, on all counts remains a successful company. And studies point out its toys’ benefits to children’s creativity. In addition, recent research demonstrates that toys containing data can potentially prevent language development, compared with traditional puzzles and bricks.

On the one hand, parents know that they should limit their kids’ screen time to keep them healthy, and the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidance on daily screen time. On the other hand, technology can be wonderfully engaging and can provide excellent educational opportunities for children. Nothing is perfect and we should embrace every aspect of a new thing.

1. What are companies like Fisher-Price currently exploring?
A.The impact of technological advances on toys and parenting.
B.The way to be an outstanding global innovation designer.
C.New ideas of making short videos of creative toys.
D.Techniques used to produce popular toy series.
2. According to the author, teenagers raised with data-providing devices may ___________.
A.be fond of devoting themselves to improving technology
B.be afraid of the negative impact of electronic toys
C.pass their preference for such toys on to their kids
D.show great creativity and imagination
3. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.
B.Comparisons of the effects of two kinds of toys.
C.Suggestions on how to choose suitable toys.
D.Advances in technology used to make toys.
4. What does the author want to show at the end of the text?
A.Love me, love my dog.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Everything is a two-edged sword.
D.Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
完形填空(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Father’s Day to me is just as special as Mother’s Day. Each parent has something to ____ and sometimes one parent ends up playing both ____ and I happen to be one of those parents.

I completely ____ my son by myself,though I wanted him to have a ____ figure in his life.I can remember how ____ it was to answer some of the questions of a man,which I wished his dad could have ____.Last year I had to have an operation.I have always been ____,so it hurt my pride that I had to rely on others for help.I can remember my son saying,“Mom,you took care of me for 21 years,now it’s my ____ to look after you.” It ____ me to hear him say that;he had ____ everything I had done for him.

Children don’t forget things when they are growing up,____ those who have raised them.My father played an important role in my life and when I look back on my ____,he was my total inspiration (灵感),He taught me a lot about life and helped me keep a(n) positive attitude even when I got into difficulties.He ____ me to never give up on my dreams ____ they could be my own reality one day. He has taught me that laughter,kindness and love are more valuable than gold.

Happy Father’s Day to those who are there to support and love their children.Happy Father’s Day to all the mothers out there who have to play a father’s role and to all the fathers who have to play a(n)mother’s role.Raising children has never been ____ but it takes a special parent to make a difference in a child’s life.

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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Lauren Collins的自传When in French的相关内容。

7 . Are you a different person when you speak a foreign language? That’s just one of the questions The New Yorker’s writer and native North Carolinian Lauren Collins explores in her engaging autobiography, about her tough efforts to master French after marrying a Frenchman whose name — Olivier — she couldn’t even pronounce properly. When in French ranges from the humorously personal to a deeper look at various theories of language acquisition and linguistics.

The couple met in London “on more or less neutral ground: his continent, my language.” But the balance shifted when they moved to Geneva for Olivier’s work. The normally voluble Collins found herself at a loss — “nearly speechless.” The language barrier, and her dependence on her husband for simple things like buying the right cut of meat worsened her mixed feelings about “unlovely, but not ridiculous” Geneva. She comments, “Language, as much as land, is a place. To be cut off from it is to be, in a sense, homeless.”

Her sense of alienation (疏离感) leads to an examination of America’s miserable record when it comes to foreign languages: “Linguists call America ‘the graveyard of languages’ because of its singular ability to take in millions of immigrants and make their native languages die out in a few generations,” Collins writes. Educated in Wilmington, N.C., and at Princeton, she could — like the vast majority of Americans — only speak their mother tongue.

Eight months after she moved to Switzerland, Collins gave up on the natural acquisition of language and finally enrolls in a French course. As she struggles with grammar and vocabulary, Collins notes smartly that vert (green), verre (glass), ver (worm), vers (toward), and vair (squirrel) compose a quintuple homonym (同形异义). “Although it’s difficult, French can be tried,” she says.

Yet French is actually considered among the easiest languages for an English speaker to learn, especially compared to Arabic or Mandarin Chinese. Collins, whose notably rich English vocabulary includes glossolalia (nonsense speech) and shibboleth (catchword or slogan), finds plenty of terrific French words to love. She writes, “English is a trust fund, an unearned inheritance, but I've worked for every bit of French I've banked.”

Unlike Jhumpa Lahiri, who became so hooked on Italian and used it to write In Other Words, Collins’ goals for learning French were more modest: “I wanted to speak French and to sound like North Carolina.” She also wanted to be able to deal with chimney sweeps and butchers, communicate with her in-laws, and “to touch Olivier in his own language.” She admits that she feels different speaking French: “Its austerity (朴素) made me feel more confused.”

1. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “voluble” in Paragraph 2?
2. Why do linguists call America “the graveyard of languages”?
A.Because other languages are prohibited in America.
B.Because only English-speaking people can immigrate into America.
C.Because immigrants’ native languages contradict English in America.
D.Because American culture swallows up immigrants’ native languages gradually.
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5?
A.Collins’ English vocabulary knowledge contributes little to her French learning.
B.Collins has found out some effective ways of mastering French words.
C.Arabic or Mandarin Chinese is easier to learn than French for English speakers.
D.It’s terrifying for Collins to have French words in store for practical use.
2023-07-25更新 | 249次组卷 | 5卷引用:浙江省杭州市外国语学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期中测试英语试题
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8 . How Did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die?

On November 20th, 1791, Mozart suddenly came down with fever and was wracked with pain. His arms and legs were severely swollen. In the following days his health significantly deteriorated. He died on December 5 after lapsing into a coma. The death certificate states he died of “severe miliary fever”. Exactly which disease led to Mozart’s death has been a mystery for the last 200 years.


Many myths —some more plausible than others — entwine (缠绕) Mozart’s early demise. One of the most popular myths — that Mozart was poisoned by his rival Antonio Salieri — rose to prominence due to the popularity of the film Amadeus. This theory is supported by the fact that Mozart had been living through a phase of depression before his death, suffering from paranoia and existential fear. Mozart himself suspected that the cause of his deteriorating health was being poisoned over a long time. However, it is highly likely that this was just his subjective view of reality.

Many other speculations circulate. Syphilis and trichinellosis are frequently mentioned. In 1905, a French physician assumed uric acid poisoning due to a never fully healed nephritis. In 1961, lead poisoning was suggested as a possible cause of death.

Scientific attempts to explain Mozart’s death

In 2000, a group of American scientists proposed rheumatic fever caused by a strep infection after conducting meticulous detective work. The symptoms stated in literature and the reports of Mozart’s contemporaries yielded the clues. Without antibiotics, such an infection would inevitably lead to death. Rheumatic fever causes a weakening of the heart, which could explain Mozart’s swollen limbs.

In 2009, the Dutch scientist Richard Zegers extensively studied surviving documents and concluded that Mozart had been suffering from pharyngitis, a throat infection with symptoms including cramps, fever, rashes and a swollen neck. Mozart’s sister-in-law Sophie Haibel had described these symptoms. The death registry of Vienna for winter 1791 lists several deaths caused by this disease.

Whatever the cause of Mozart’s death, it came far too early. Let us thank him for his manic urge to create art and remember him on December 5th!

1. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the underlined word “deteriorate” (Paragraph 1)?
A.To become worse.B.To change greatly.
C.To recover quickly.D.To be harmed rapidly.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It is generally believed that Mozart was poisoned by his friend.
B.Mozart’s depression paranoia and existential fear led to his death.
C.Mozart had been poisoned sustainably for a long time before he died.
D.Mozart once got a nephritis and it was never healed.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Mozart’s disease was recorded in contemporary literature and reports.
B.Antibiotics were not discovered at that time.
C.Rheumatic fever can only be caused by strep infection.
D.Mozart’s illness cannot be cured even today.
4. What is the author’s purpose mentioning Mozart’s sister-in-law’s words?
A.To back up the Dutchman’s study.
B.To prove they were common symptoms causing death in 1791.
C.To prove Mozart did have such symptoms before his death.
D.To emphasize her special identify as a witness to Mozart’s death.
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真题 名校

9 . A growing body of research suggests that the gut microbiome (消化道菌群) could play a major role in a rising chronic disease that makes us physically weaker. The illness, which is commonly called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), is characterized by intense fatigue, gastrointestinal (胃肠道的) issues, muscle pain, and cognitive challenges such as headaches and difficulty concentrating, among other symptoms. It often follows a viral infection which can lead to a “disruption” in a balanced gut ecosystem. Actually, an increasing number of Americans have been the sufferers since the outbreak of COVID-19.

Two recent studies published in Cell Host &Microbe point to changes in the microbiome as a possible cause of CFS. Research groups at Columbia University and the Jackson Laboratory performed detailed analyses of the microbes in stool (粪便) samples from patients with CFS and compared them to healthy controls.

The two groups found similar bacteria species were less present in CFS patients compared to control patients. They focused on bacteria that produce butyrate, a fatty acid involved in regulating metabolism and the immune system. “Butyrate plays several roles in directing the body’s response to infections, while also protecting the barrier between the intestine (肠) and the circulatory system, regulating genetic changes in cells, and more,” says Brent Williams, lead author on the Columbia study. Williams and his colleagues extensively analyzed the role of butyrate in CFS patients’ guts, even identifying a correlation between low levels of bacteria that produce this acid and more severe symptoms.

Parallel findings from the Jackson Laboratory team suggest the bacteria that produce butyrate could be used to diagnose CFS. Previous research has identified microbiome issues in CFS patients, but the new findings help clarify which microbes could be related to the illness.

More research on butyrate-producing bacteria and other species identified in the studies is necessary to investigate these potential biomarkers of CFS, the authors say. If the findings are replicated, specific gut bacteria could be used to diagnose the illness, which is currently identified based on symptoms alone.

The findings additionally point toward possible treatments, such as probiotics or microbiome-focused diet adjustments—though patients who have been sick for long periods may require drugs that alleviate the damage done to their metabolism or immune system.

1. What do we know about CFS?
A.It is caused by COVID-19 only.B.It is an illness with systemic symptoms.
C.It breaks the balance of the gut ecosystem.D.The number of the infected is on the decrease.
2. How did the researcher carry out the recent studies?
A.By controlling data.B.By identifying genes.
C.By analyzing samples.D.By comparing symptoms.
3. Which of the following is NOT the significance of the recent researches?
A.Butyrate’s multiple functions are promoted.
B.Targeted gut microbes may be used to diagnose CFS.
C.Certain microbes responsible for CFS are narrowed down.
D.Probiotics supplement with drugs can be a treatment for CFS.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Gut microbiome may be the key to CFS.B.Microbes help digest food and aid absorption.
C.Man’s gut is a rich, diverse tropical rainforest.D.New method for diagnosing CFS are provided.
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10 . Winter goes and summer comes. The tides_______; the tides withdraw. All nature is a circle of moods and I am a_______of nature. It is one of nature’s_______, little understood, that each day I_______with moods that have changed from yesterday. Inside me is a wheel,_______turning. Like the flowers, today’s full blossom will_______, yet I will remember today’s dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow’s blossom.

And how will I master these emotions so that each day will be_______? Trees and plants depend on the weather to_______, but I make my own weather. I_______it with me. If I bring enthusiasm to my customers, they will________with enthusiasm and my weather will produce a harvest of sales and a lot of gold for me. I will learn this secret: weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who________his actions to control his thoughts. Each day I will follow this plan of battle before I am________by the forces of sadness,________and failure. I will know only those with inferior(较次的) ability can always be________, and I am not inferior. If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel________I will remember my goals.Yet, some emotions approach me with a smile, which can also destroy me. If I become overly proud, I will remember my weaknesses. If I feel my skill is________, I will look at the stars.

With this new knowledge I will make________of a person’s anger of today, for he doesn’t know the secret of controlling his mind. No longer will I judge a man on one________. This secret will be my key to great wealth. From this moment I am________to control whatever personality awakes in me each day. I will control my fate, which is to become the greatest________in the world!

A.break inB.wake upC.take offD.give out
A.behind the sceneB.on the bottom lineC.at the end of the ropeD.out of sight
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