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1 . I was 17 when I discovered shooting stars.

I loved them so much that I invited my high school friends to my family farm and spent an August night in our sleeping bags on the hillside to watch them together.

I can’t help but think of that as the final night of my childhood. I always managed to squeeze in a week or two of vacation before starting back at school, and I’d see shooting stars and remember that brilliant night on the hill. While still marveling at them, I’d work at convincing myself that the joy I’d experience from my accomplishments in college would soon replace my longing for some quiet time beneath a vast sky. But always, I returned to college life in August with deep sadness in my heart.

I’ve given lots of reasons over the past 13 years for my choice to live an independent life on a distant farm and homeschool my daughters. But deep down, I think the shooting stars had a lot to do with it. I couldn’t bear to gaze up at them and think that they were a finale to be witnessed before returning to the demands of school and careers.

So I said “no” to all of it: no jobs, no school. And I decided to lead a life tied to the seasons, where shooting stars were just one of many gifts from nature.

I changed my life to make room for them and I’m starting to learn the difference between fulfillment and accomplishment.

Accomplishment is a child’s successful test scores. Fulfillment is loving and forgiving each other through times table (乘法表) and written words.

Accomplishment is the publication of 20 essays per year and six books. Fulfillment is the hours spent researching, then walking through the woods to think about each word and thought.

Accomplishment is making enough income to cover my taxes. Fulfillment is sitting outside at 3 am in August, watching the shooting stars, no longer sad at the passage of childhood, but thrilled for the joy of the stars.

It is learned that accomplishment is merely a mark in the book made as a result of following fulfillment above all else.

1. What does the author think marks the end of her childhood?
A.Leaving home for college.
B.Encountering shooting stars.
C.Watching shooting stars with friends.
D.Sleeping in a sleeping bag on a farm.
2. What caused the author to live independently and homeschool her daughters?
A.The need to live on a farm.
B.The wish for a life connected to nature.
C.The desire for independence.
D.The demands of school and careers.
3. Which of the following might the author see as fulfillment?
A.Winning a gold medal in a sports competition.
B.Spending quality time with family members.
C.Holding a high position in a famous company.
D.Buying a big, lovely and comfortable house.
4. What does the author want to imply?
A.The difference between school and careers.
B.The charm of watching the shooting stars.
C.The significance of living a life of fulfillment.
D.The dilemma between accomplishment and fulfillment.
2023-11-11更新 | 173次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题(含听力)
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2 . When I was 15 or 16 years old, I used to enjoy staring out of my bedroom window at night, at the sky and other houses. After a few minutes of focused attention, I would always reach a point where my vision shifted. The clouds would suddenly look different, stranger and more real. They weren’t “clouds” anymore, but different magical animal shapes that moved through space. The houses weren’t “houses” anymore-they were strange geometric structures made up of jigsaw (拼图) patterns of bricks.

It’s difficult to describe the shift in my vision, but it always felt exciting, as if I was seeing through to the heart of things, beneath a layer of familiarity.

In most situations, our perception is automatic. We see the familiar world, surrounded by objects and phenomena that we perceived thousands of times before and don’t pay real attention to. In addition, we perceive the world through filters (过滤器) of concepts. We have a conceptual label (or name) for everything we see. We label floating shapes in the sky as clouds; we label a masive variety of natural forms with spreading roots and branches as trees. Through filters of familiarity and concepts, our perception of the world is like a faded black-and-white image compared to a three-dimensional colour image.

This is why it always makes sense to side-step our normal familiar perception and perceive the world with fresh vision, free of concepts and expectations, looking at objects as if they had never been seen before, or as if they were other things.

We can see this in great artists. They go beyond familiarity and find a new way of seeing things. Familiar everyday objects like fruit and flowers and bottles are filled with freshness and beauty in the great still-life paintings of artists like Cezanne or Matisse. To look at paintings by Vincent van Gogh, such as Sunflowers, Irises or Van Gogh’s Chair, makes you feel as if an extra dimension of reality has been revealed.

And of course, this is the reason why we love to go to art galleries to see such paintings. To look at them is like going on vacation to a strange foreign country, a reminder of the raw beauty and wonder of the world, hidden beneath our normal automatic vision.

1. How did the author look out of the bedroom window?
A.With full attention.B.In a normal way.
C.In astonishment.D.With great care.
2. What does the author really mean by saying “our perception is automatic” in paragraph 3?
A.We perceive the world all the time.B.We tend to look at things without thinking.
C.We have the ability to perceive the world.D.We are familiar with the world around us.
3. Why are great artists mentioned in the text?
A.To introduce new ways to create art.B.To show how real beauty is created.
C.To support what the author advocates.D.To argue for what the author did as a teenager.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Creating a New World through ArtB.Looking at the World with New Eyes
C.Appreciating the Beauty of Every DayD.Experiencing Life in Unfamiliar Environments
2023-11-01更新 | 112次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省名校联考联合体2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次联考英语试题(含听力)
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3 . I am a professor of clinical psychology. Some time ago, I got halfway through a day of teaching before a co-worker pointed out to me I was quite carelessly wearing a pair of different shoes, one red and one black. I felt so embarrassed and upset but I would have to go teach my course like this. When I noticed how much I wanted to disappear and avoid this situation, I was determined to face it instead. I walked into class and announced to the students that I was wearing two shoes from different pairs, and directed their attention to my feet. Everyone laughed and we went on with class. Years later, a student in that class told me that this was the moment she first thought that maybe, just maybe, she could be a professor, too.

I shared my mistake because I realized that trying hide it was interfering with my ability to concentrate my mind on my teaching — but I had no idea that it would also help shorten the psychological distance between my students and myself.

Many contexts may punish or shame people for making mistakes. Our efforts to avoid them result from our desires for success, and how others will respond to our mistakes. We might feel self-criticism and shame if we do make some.

However, mistake making is part of learning new things, and it can draw us closer to others. It opens up the possibility of accepting mistakes gladly, letting us be more open and engaged in what we are doing.

We can say words of kindness and self-compassion to ourselves: Mistakes are natural and human; we can be kind to ourselves for this error and still try to do better next time; noticing our own imperfections can help us to be kind to others when we notice they are imperfect, too. When we practice our mistakes in this way, they can become opportunities to open up to others, learn about ourselves, and connect even more with what matters to us.

1. How does the author develop paragraph 1?
A.By giving some examples.B.By following time order.
C.By doing scientific experiments.D.By sharing personal experience.
2. What was the result of the author sharing his mistake?
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.Intentions to avoid mistakes.B.Advantages of making mistakes.
C.Possibilities of making mistakes.D.Efforts to avoid making mistakes.
4. What can we know about mistakes from the last paragraph?
A.They interfere with what we are doing.
B.They draw too much attention from us.
C.They are big opportunities to get us improved.
D.They make us feel irresponsible and defeated.
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4 . Whenever I get really depressed and anxious, my first impulse is to reach for my phone. Maybe I’ll get a message from a friend or discover some new distraction on social media. Unfortunately, during the past couple of years, one glance at my screen often makes me want to crawl back into bed.

That changed after I made friends with a strange creature named Webot. I’m finding that it makes me feel better-and it might work for you too. Like many apps, Webot sends me messages at random. But instead of tempting me into doom scrolling with shocking news alerts, Webot asks how I’m doing. When I text Webot my troubles, it asks me friendly questions, encourages me, and invites me to express some of my darkest thoughts. There is something intensely comforting about discussing your thoughts with a machine.

There are many therapy apps on the market, both free (like Webot) and paid for. But Webot is a particularly interesting case. Psychology researcher Alison Darcy at Stanford University created it after years of study. She says it was challenging on both a technical and artistic level because the chatbot is a character with its own personality. “It’s as careful a construction as you might find in a novel or poetry. Webot’s personality is humble, warm and wise, ”as Darcy puts it, “Webot isn’t an all-knowing authority. It is a mental health ally”.

Best of all, Webot is always there, even when I’m lying awake in the middle of the night. That’s exactly the point, according to Darcy. “Your therapist should not be in bed with you at 2 a. m,“ she laughs. But Webot can be. You can pull up Webot at the exact moment you need it most.

It is working. Last year, Darcy and her colleagues published a study showing that people like me are forming “bonds” with Webot. Bonding is a “meaningful“ process of “getting something off your chest, or managing your thoughts more objectively”.

And you know what? In the bizarre world of 2023, it might be healthier to bond with a robot than be “engaged“ on social media.

1. What does the underlined word “That” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.I lost interest in my phone.
B.I was tired of social media.
C.My phone didn’t understand my impulse.
D.My phone didn’t help me feel any better.
2. According to the text, what do we know about Webot?
A.It bonds with me through social media.
B.It is a creature that makes me feel better.
C.It communicates with me and offers comfort.
D.It is a therapist helping me manage my thoughts.
3. From Darcy’s perspective, why can Webot make us feel better?
A.Because it can build mental connection with us.
B.Because it is free and has a favorable personality.
C.Because it is carefully constructed in a novel or poetry.
D.Because it can keep us informed of shocking news alert.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text?
A.To urge us to quit social media.
B.To show us the functions of Webot.
C.To propose us interacting with Webot.
D.To encourage us to share our thoughts.
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5 . A man recently connected with me on LinkedIn and sent me this note: “Let me know if you ever need a writer. ”I guess he’s a writer? I don’t know. But I do know this phrase “Let me know if you ever need a…” shows up a lot, in my inbox and surely yours, too. I’ve come to think of it as the eight most deadly words in selling oneself because that phrase is the death of opportunity.

Let’s consider the approach. These people are being standoffish. Rather than selling themselves, they’re shifting the burden onto someone else to make the sale. If I need a writer, I should reach out to them. If I need a story, I should ask them for an interview. If I need a customer service solution, I should ask them for details. “Let me know if you ever need a…” sounds like an invitation, but it’s really a shrug.

Imagine the situation where I’d assign a story to the writer who used the nine words, “Let me know if you ever need a writer. ”Just anyone who can string words together. I would have needed to be in a panic, so desperate for someone to contribute to our magazine that I’d stopped thinking about great writers or good writers, or even serviceable writers and simply settled for: a writer. This isn’t a situation that exists. The world is full of good options! We are not living in times of shortage. If we need a job done, there are plenty of qualified people to do it. Our question is: Who’s the best?

If you want to create opportunity for yourself, answer that question convincingly. The first thing to do is show someone you are the opportunity. Hiring you can help them. We also need to stop hiding behind ourselves. Get out in front! Sell yourself and your amazing abilities. Understand someone’s problem, and explain exactly why you are the solution. Avoid saying “Let me know if you ever need a…”. Instead, start with: “Let me explain how I can help you.”

1. What do we know from the author’s experience?
A.We’d better start our own careers as early as possible.
B.The author prefers to hire his employees on LinkedIn.
C.The phrase “Let me know if you ever need a…” is useful.
D.Many people use the wrong opening sentence to sell themselves.
2. What does the underlined word “standoffish” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Frank and open.B.Unfriendly and proud.
C.Unsure and sensitive.D.Concerned and confident.
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.The author is in desperate need of a writer’s help.
B.There are very few great writers available nowadays.
C.Anyone who can string words together is a good writer.
D.The author isn’t interested in the writer using the nine words.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Ways of selling oneself.B.Tips for job interviews.
C.Preparations for landing a job.D.Requirements for common jobs.
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6 . Recently I had the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend, Chris Besse. One of the things I always admired about Chris was the way that he saw education as a mission, not a job. Chris called me last week to tell me he is CEO of a company called EdgeMakers, which is a new company that is bringing one of the missing ingredients(要素)to education: innovation.

I am always calling for changes in the way we educate our children. It is important that we prepare our children for a different economy and a different world. Employers of the future will demand creativity from their employees.

A tech company owned by a friend of mine has grown from a handful of employees to over 100 in the last seven years, and he still has 90 percent of all the employees he hired. He doesn’t pay more than other tech firms. He doesn’t have a Disney-like campus. What he does is pose interesting problems, not get involved in the solutions and allow employees to get to the solution in any way they want. His employees stay because they are motivated and interested.

This is the definition of modern industry and in many ways, the future of education. Successful employers now encourage innovation. Schools should create an innovative environment. But it appears that our current education system has a long way to go to achieve this.

The good news is that some schools are making changes. California and Texas just approved EdgeMakers’ courses for use in their high schools. According to John Kao, founder of EdgeMakers, “Creativity is inside every student, waiting to be freed. But without intentional programs in our schools, creativity is underdeveloped. We cannot allow this to continue, as our society is faced with problems that appear unsolvable unless we innovate to find solutions. Our goal with these courses is to combine students’ natural creativity with purpose, helping them develop as innovators whose work is truly meaningful and makes a difference to issues that matter.”

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To remember a friend.B.To bring up a topic.
C.To recommend a course.D.To explain a phenomenon.
2. What do the author and Chris have similar views on?
A.The future of job searching.B.The major mission of their company.
C.The role of parents in kids’ development.D.The importance of innovation in education.
3. How does the author’s friend keep his employees?
A.By offering high salaries.B.By providing a comfortable workplace.
C.By creating an environment of innovation.D.By helping them solve problems.
4. Which statement will John Kao agree with?
A.Natural creativity can be enhanced.
B.Intentional teaching should be avoided in schools.
C.EdgeMakers’ courses have proved to be efficient.
D.We should pay less attention to unsolvable problems.
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7 . I’m an 18-year-old pre-medical student, tall and good-looking, with two short story books and quite a number of essays to my credit. Why am I singing such praises of myself? Just to explain that the attainment of self-pride comes from a great deal of self-love, and to attain it, one must first learn to accept oneself as one is. That was where my struggle began.

Born and raised in Africa, I had always taken my African origin as burden. My self-dislike was further fueled when my family had to relocate to Norway, where I attended a high school. Compared to all the white girls around me, with their golden hair and delicate lips, I, a black girl, had curly hair and full, red lips. My nose often had a thin sheet of sweat on it, whatever the weather was. I just wanted to bury myself in my shell crying “I’m so different!”

What also contributed to my self-dislike was my occasional stuttering(口吃), which had weakened my self-confidence. It always stood between me and any fine opportunity. I’d taken it as an excuse to avoid any public speaking sessions, and unknowingly let it rule over me.

Fortunately, as I grew older, there came a turning point. One day a white girl caught my eye on the school bus when she suddenly turned back. To my astonishment, she had a thin sheet of sweat on her nose too, and it was in November! “Wow,” I whispered to myself, “this isn’t a genetic(遗传的) disorder after all. It’s perfectly normal.” Days later, my life took another twist(转折). Searching the Internet for stuttering cures, I accidentally learned that such famous people as Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill also stuttered. I was greatly relieved and then an idea suddenly hit me—if I’m smart, I shouldn’t allow my stuttering to stand between me and my success.

Another boost to my self-confidence came days later as I was watching the news about Oprah Winfrey, the famous talk show host and writer—she’s black too! Whenever I think of her story and my former dislike of my color, I’m practically filled with shame.

Today, I’ve grown to accept what I am with pride; it simply gives me feeling of uniqueness. The idea of self-love has taken on a whole new meaning for me: there’s always something fantastic about us, and what we need to do is learn to appreciate it.

1. What affected the author’s adjustment to her school life in Norway?
A.Her appearance. B.Social discrimination.
C.Her changing emotions. D.The climate in Norway.
2. What did the author’s occasional stuttering bring about according on Paragraph 3?
A.Her lack of self-confidence.
B.Her loss of interest in school.
C.Her unwillingness to greet her classmates.
D.Her desire for chances to improve herself.
3. How did the author feel on noticing the similarity between her and the girl on the bus?
A.Blessed and proud. B.Confused and afraid.
C.Amazed and relieved. D.Shocked and ashamed.
4. What can best summarize the message contained in the passage?
A.Pride comes before a fall.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.Self-acceptance is based on the love for oneself.
D.Self-love is key to the attainment of self-pride.
2023-06-07更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖南省长沙市长郡中学高考考前保温卷英语试题(一)
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8 . Learning how to do simple handwork is a great way for girls to combine practical skills and creativity. With schools and educators always trying to encourage more girls to take up STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) in high school and beyond, this could be the start of something special.

“My daughter always asks to help me when I get something from IKEA that needs putting together,” says Emma. “Normally, I don’t trust her to do much more than turning the Allen key a few times, but recently I bought two chairs and thought: Why not let them have a go? My daughter Ruby did one on her own and was really careful and expert in it. It amazed me that she did a better job than me.”

If parents still aren’t convinced that letting their daughters loose with the family power tools is a good idea, just remember how much the local worker charges for a quick DIY job. This fun hobby might save the family a few dollars, or even broaden their daughter’s visions to a building, engineering-based career or study path further down the line.

“When I first used a saw (锯子), I was pretty sure I’d cut my finger off or something, but our teacher explained everything we needed to know and I star-ted off slowly,” explains Amelia, a 12-year-old girl.

“I’ve nearly finished making my bread board and I’ve brought some off-cuts home because I want to try and turn them into something using tools from my grandpa’s collection. I love building. It’s creative and challenging and really satisfying when it works!” Amelia adds. “I’m going to build a bird feeder for our garden next. I just need to ask Mum and Dad if I can borrow a drill and some nails.”

Hopefully they’ll say yes. After all, Amelia might end up building them a family house in a few years.

1. How did Ruby perform when putting the chair together?
A.Less carefully than usual.B.As skillfully as an expert.
C.Beyond mom’s expectation.D.No better than her mom.
2. What will happen if a girl knows how to do a DIY job?
A.The local worker will charge her less money.B.She will make a few dollars for the family.
C.It will prevent her from getting a lot of fun.D.It will improve her STEM-related ability.
3. What will Amelia do with parents’   permission?
A.Make a bread board.B.Bring off-cuts home.
C.Build a family house.D.Make a bird feeder.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Parents ought to do handwork with their kids.B.Girls should be given chances to do handwork.
C.Girls share their stories about doing handwork.D.Kids are beneficial from doing some handwork.
2023-03-21更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖南省衡阳市高三第二次联考(二模)英语试题
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9 . One night, during the first of my eldest son’s three basketball games, we happened to be sitting next to a lady with a young son. The little boy looked slightly younger than my youngest son. At one point in the game, the little guy looked over to my son, and said, “Wanna be my friend?” My husband leaned over to tell me what he heard. I spent the next 20 minutes taking pictures of my oldest son on the court, and my youngest son, with his new buddy, playing games two seats down from where I sat. It was a heart-warming scene and reminded me how easy it can be to make new friends.

A few hours earlier, we went to a downtown cafe for an afternoon treat. There were no free tables for four, so we took a table for two, and crowded into the small space, each taking a bite of everyone else’s order. We were loud. We were likely annoying the college students with open laptops, drinking coffee and working hard to finish midterm papers. One such young lady came over to our table and said, “I have more room at my table. I am happy to trade with you guys so you can spread out.” It was a simple act but it showed a selfless heart. We politely refused her offer, but her kindness stuck with me for hours after it happened.

These are just two examples of everyday kindnesses I often take for granted. I could name so many more. Although often overlooked, these small acts of service, friendliness and human care are what it takes to make the world go round.

1. What heart-warming scene did the author see?
A.Her little son made a new friend.B.Her eldest son played basketball well.
C.Her husband leaned over to warm her.D.The college students worked hard in the cafe.
2. Why did the young lady in the cafe came over to the author’s table?
A.To take a bite of her ordered food.B.To exchange her table with the author’s.
C.To invite the author to join her at her table.D.To ask the author to help her with her papers.
3. What does the underlined word “overlooked” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What does the author try to express?
A.Making friends is not a difficult thing.
B.Remember those who helped you out.
C.Acts of everyday kindnesses make the world better.
D.Small acts of service mean little to people in need.
2023-02-18更新 | 76次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省益阳市2022-2023学年高一上学期2月期末英语试题
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10 . When I was growing up, I had an old neighbour named Dr Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than most of the adults in our community.

When Dr Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres, and his life’s goal was to make it a forest.

The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant care and growth. He never watered his new trees, which flew in the face of conventional wisdom. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them so that each successive tree generation would grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things rough for them and weed out (淘汰) the weaker trees early on.

He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture. I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.

So he never watered his trees. He planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he’d beat it with a rolled­up newspaper. Smack! Slap! Pow! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.

Dr Gibbs passed away a couple of years after I left home. Every now and again, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I’d watched him plant some twenty­five years ago. They’re extremely tall, big and robust since they have deep roots now. However, the trees in my garden trembled in a cold wind although I had watered them for several years.

It seems that adversity (逆境) and suffering benefit these trees in ways comfort and ease never could. I stood there deep in thought.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I stand over them and watch their little bodies, the rising and falling of life within. I often pray for them. Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy. But I think it’s time to change my prayer (祷词) because now I know my children are going to encounter hardship.

1. According to Dr Gibbs’ theories, trees will become weaker if they .
A.are lack of careB.are watered
C.are weeded outD.are beaten
2. The underlined word “robust” in Para. 6 most probably means “ ”.
3. Which of the following may be the author’s best prayer for his two sons now?
A.I wish them strong wings, with which they can fly higher and touch the sky.
B.I wish them nice fortune so that they can meet people like Dr Gibbs in the future.
C.I wish them deep roots into the earth since the rains fall and the winds blow often.
D.I wish them great shades under the tree since the sunlight is always sharp and bitter.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.A nice doctorB.The deep roots
C.Adversity and sufferingD.My childhood memory
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