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1 .
1. Who is Dr. Zahi Hawass?
A.An artist.B.A writer.C.A guide.D.An archaeologist.
2. When will you attend the lecture if you live in Seattle?
A.On May 4.B.On May 11.C.On June 5.D.On June 27.
3. You can register by the following ways EXCEPT ________.
A.Calling 6467571717.B.Emailing to contact@zahilectures.com.
C.Going to Egypt directly.D.Visiting www.zahilectures.com.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To advertise lectures.B.To entertain people.
C.To present facts.D.To stress history.
2023-08-21更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市部分学校2022-2023学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题

2 . The use of AI (artificial intelligence) is becoming more common in many branches of industry and online shopping. Traditional lines of work, such as goods transport and driving, are developing in a similar direction although mainly out of public view. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now investigated how efficient (高效的) the use of AI can be in the commercial management of trucks.

“Digital applications—as well as machine leaning, a kind of AI—are increasingly applied to operations and courses in the transport area,” explains Professor Matthias Klumpp from the Faculty of Economics. “The question in the commercial area, however, is whether or not this contributes to achieving goals.”

To answer this question, the researchers compared the work efficiency of truck drivers with their main use of AI applications. Looking at trade delivery by truck, they studied three groups: the first drove completely following human decision-making models; the second used a combination of human and machine; and the third depended completely on fully automated decisions.

The researchers found that an intelligent combination of human work and decision-making abilities with AI applications promises the highest transport and driving efficiency. “On average, the second group achieved the most efficient transport trips, with the fewest interventions (干预) and off-course from the best path.” one researcher said, “Clearly, neither a completely human decision-making structure nor a fully automated driving system can promise to meet current goods transport requirements.” The scientists therefore summarized that despite the progress of AI in the field of transportation by truck, human experience and decision-making abilities will still be necessary in the longer term. However, the challenge is that a wide range of training and qualification (资格) needs will come along by working with Al applications, especially for simple goods transport activities.

1. What does Matthias Klumpp focus on?
A.The efficiency of AI.
B.The advantages of AI.
C.The problems caused by AI.
D.The wide applications of AI.
2. How did the researchers get the finding?
A.By providing examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By using different trucks.
D.By listing three experiments.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Al is better at making decisions.
B.A balance is needed between human and AI.
C.Human will soon be replaced by AI in driving.
D.Al applications meet the current requirements.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The future of transport.
B.Artificial intelligence as a co-driver.
C.Artificial intelligence-a better choice in driving.
D.The strengths of artificial intelligence in transport.

3 . Have you ever heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Surely, they are all about finding the best deals on holiday gifts for yourself and family members. And have you heard about GivingTuesday? Here is something about it!

GivingTuesday is observed annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which encourages people to help those in need by making financial donations or doing good in their local community. The “Global Day of Giving” was started in 2012 by New York City nonprofit 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation.

Unlike Black Friday, GivingTuesday serves a more altruistic purpose. In its first year, the movement brought in almost $10 million for charities, and things have only improved since. In 2019, many GivingTuesday social media campaigns worldwide helped raise an amazing $ 1.9 billion from 27 million donors! Over the past five years, many higher education institutions have also been using the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to ask alumni for donations. In 2019, the University of Michigan, which calls it Blueday, received 5887 gifts totaling over $4 million, while Pennsylvania State University raised $710 000 to benefit over 85 University programs.

Though donating money certainly helps, there are many other ways to support the great cause, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can video tutor kids struggling with online learning, or team up with an adult to get groceries or medications for an elderly neighbor. Alternatively, call on your peers to help you with a service project that addresses an issue close to your heart, or pick one from the several ideas suggested on the GivingTuesday website. You can also donate your gently-used clothes and toys to local shelters, or mail a handwritten note to a grandparent or a friend you miss seeing.

What are you going to do to make a positive difference in your community on GivingTuesday? Let us know by adding your comments below!

1. Why does the author mention Black Friday and Cyber Monday in Paragraph 1?
A.To make a comparison.B.To lead to the topic.
C.To arouse readers’ interest.D.To express his doubt.
2. What’s the aim of GivingTuesday?
A.To promote the development of economy.B.To attract people to buy more holiday gifts.
C.To call on more universities to donate money.D.To encourage people to help those in need.
3. What does the underlined word “altruistic” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Where people can offer their kind help.B.What people can do on GivingTuesday.
C.How people can stay safe during COVID-19.D.Why people need to support the great cause.
2021-05-28更新 | 464次组卷 | 5卷引用:黑龙江省鹤岗市第一中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

4 . China has just officially opened its FAST radio telescope to international scientists. Scientists across the world can submit proposals for astronomical observations using the telescope.

FAST is short for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (球面射电望远镜) and it is also believed to be the world's largest radio telescope and the most sensitive single-dish radio telescope. The receiving surface area of FAST is 250,000 square meters, about the size of 30 standard football fields. Its construction was completed in September 2016 and it officially began operating in January 2020.

The major scientific task of the telescope is the observation of pulsars (脉冲星) – the rotating neutron stars. The study of pulsars can help to confirm the existence of gravitational radiation and black holes, and help solve many other major questions in physics. Another scientific goal of FAST is to search for outer space civilization.

The telescope is located in a naturally deep and round karst depression in southwest China's Guizhou Province. The first advantage of the selected site is the altitude. The average altitude of Guizhou is about 1,100 meters, which maximizes the effectiveness of the observation equipment. Secondly, the radio telescope needs to have a “big pan” to receive better signal. The huge natural depression could reduce the amount of excavation (挖掘) and difficulty of construction. Moreover, the selected site in Guizhou is far away from cities, and has a small population, which reduces the interference (干扰) caused by wireless devices such as TVs, mobile phones and radios from human activities.

FAST has identified over 300 pulsars. Experts predict that the number could reach 1,000 in five years and that the telescope could locate and identify the first pulsar outside the galaxy. With the opening-up to international scientists, China's FAST is expected to make more contribution to astronomical research in the future.

1. What do we know about FAST?
A.It is opened to global scientists.B.It is a project under construction.
C.It has provided service since 2016.D.It has found a pulsar outside the galaxy.
2. What is the main task of FAST?
A.To study black holes.B.To observe the pulsars.
C.To explore the sun.D.To seek space civilization.
3. What's special about the selected site?
A.It's close to urban areas.B.It reduces engineering amount.
C.It possesses a shallow depression.D.It's at the highest altitude in China.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Major Scientific Tasks of FASTB.Ways to Select the Site for FAST
C.Contributions FAST Has MadeD.Facts about FAST Radio Telescope

5 . My 12-year-old daughter, Lauren, came home from school yesterday, proudly waving her grade book to me. She had been awarded A-1 in most subjects such as mathematics, language arts and science—a great achievement! Then she sadly pointed out that her perfect score was damaged by a B-1 in French and a C-1 in Physical Education.

I asked her what the scores meant. She said that the letter showed the achievement(成绩) and the number showed the effort. That moment I realized that the grades were misleading. I reached out my hands and gave her a big hug and told her in my mind she had a perfect score. It didn’t matter that her grade in French was a “B”—the “l” showed that she had tried her best. That is something to make any parent proud.

Everybody is different. Everybody has different potential(潜能). Not all of us will become linguists(语言学家) or sports stars. But without 100%effort no potential can be achieved. If I see a salesperson fail at sales, the first thing I want to examine is the effort being put in. If there is a problem with effort, the salesperson has no future. But if I see a salesperson isn’t successful with l00%effort, he or she is worth my effort in helping. Maybe a bit of training or some advice from a more successful person will help. I know that 100%effort, focus in the right direction, will always bring a result whether that is an “A” or a “C”. As long as you make 100%effort, you are great.

1. The author’s daughter was weak in _______.
A.maths.B.science.C.chemistry.D.physical education.
2. What does the author think of grades?
A.High grades make parents proud.
B.Grades are important to children.
C.People hold a wrong idea of grades.
D.High grades show great achievements.
3. Seeing a salesman with 100% effort fail, the author ______.
A.will give him training.
B.is willing to offer help.
C.will find an easy way for him.
D.may think he has no future.
4. In the passage the author praises a person highly for _______.
A.trying his or her best.
B.achieving good grades.
C.having different potential.
D.giving other people useful advice.
2021-05-20更新 | 172次组卷 | 4卷引用:西藏山南市第二高级中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

6 . The world has seen many inventions. While most people are proud of those associate with their names, there are things making inventors feel the other way.

The pop-up (弹出) advert, by Ethan Zuckerman

Pop-up ads are convenient for those who are interested, but most people get annoyed when they are on computers. They may contain computer viruses. Just as we would blame the inventor, the man humbly accepted his invention isn’t one of the best. In his essay, Zuckerman wrote about the most hateful thing, “I wrote the code to launch the window and run an ad in it.”

The emoticon, by Scott E. Fahlman

Emoticons began to occupy screens crazily in 2011 and gained great popularity, especially with young men. It had been four years since Fahlman first used a “smiley face” in a computer message. He created the emoticon as a joke marker. But things are different. “It has gone to places I don’t approve of,” he complained to The Wall Street Journal in 2013. “It shouldn’t have been created.”

The office cubicle (隔间), by Bob Propst

In 1968, Bob Propst came up with the idea office cubicles, something that “would build a futuristic and tidy office style with no real walls or doors and provide a more comfortable environment”. But the man has come to hate what he has invented, as Propst recalled to Fortune at age 80, “They’ve changed and just become cubicles”.

The K-Cup, by John Sylvan

It seems everyone has a Keurig coffee maker for K-Cups. John Sylvan invented the K-Cup, aimed at facilitating office life of white-collar workers. Now it’s common in houses and companies. However, the single-serve plastic coffee cups aren’t eco-friendly. “I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it”, Sylvan admits. But! Good news for Mr. Sylvan: Keuring now offers varieties of recyclable K-Cups.

1. When was the emoticon invented?
A.In 2007.B.In 2009.C.In 2011.D.In 2013.
2. Which one was created for office workers’ convenience?
A.The pop-up advert.B.The emoticon.C.The office cubicle.D.The K-Cup.
3. What do the above inventions have in common?
A.They benefit human life greatly.
B.Their creators are blamed by the public.
C.Their inventors feel regretful.
D.They are very popular with young people.

7 . Urban planners may soon have a new way to measure traffic jams. By putting in the different routes by which vehicles can travel between locations, researchers have developed a new computer algorithm (运算法则) that helps quantify regions of jams in urban areas and suggests ways around them.

The study, published in the Journal of Physics: Complexity, used traffic speeds from taxis in New York City to demonstrate how road infrastructure (基础设施) and driver behavior can create complex road networks that differ among cities.

The team approached the issue by designing a computer algorithm to capture the topology-or relationship between the different routes between locations-of road networks. “We found that the most significant traffic bottlenecks in Manhattan seem to arise as a result of the city’s structural layout,” said study co-author Daniel Carmody. “For example, the fact that a bridge enters Manhattan at a range where traffic is already limited due to Central Park slows traffic in the area considerably.”

The researchers performed a comparative analysis using traffic patterns in Chengdu, China, to test if the algorithm works equally well in areas with different layouts. Manhattan has a long and thin structure, while Chengdu is round. There are significant differences in the way traffic moves between these two different setups, the researchers said.

“The bottlenecks in Chengdu seem to arise due to the function of the buildings in a particular area,” Carmody said. “For example, it is hard to travel in and out of the central business district in Chengdu because of the large amount of traffic alone. Beltways, or faster streets around busy areas, have emerged in circles around this area, which is not surprising because this feature was intentionally built into the city.”

In Manhattan, the bridges and underpasses that form the entry and exit points cause traffic slowdowns. However, in lower Manhattan, where drivers seem to obey the lower posted speed limits, traffic moves more smoothly, forming a new traffic beltway with the southern end of Central Park acting as a block between lower and central Manhattan.

“It surprised us that there is an emergent beltway in such a busy area of Manhattan,” Carmody said. “This indicates that, unlike in Chengdu, beltways seem to arise from driver behavior even when they aren’t part of the structural plan of a traffic network.”

“The researchers have imagined that this technology could give urban planners a means to quantify traffic patterns, leading to better traffic,” Carmody said. “As methods of transportation develop, new problems will emerge, and we hope that our tools will give planners new ways to measure what is going on with city traffic.”

1. According to the new study, what contributes to traffic jams in Manhattan?
A.The number of bottlenecks and beltways.
B.The location of bridges and underpasses.
C.Road facilities and driver behavior.
D.Road signs and urban population.
2. Researchers also studied Chengdu in order to         .
A.compare the layouts of the two cities
B.find better infrastructure for one city
C.design traffic patterns with the algorithm
D.assess the effectiveness of the algorithm
3. Why do vehicles move faster in lower Manhattan?
A.Because of lower posted speed limits.
B.Because drivers follow the traffic rules.
C.Because it is planned in the traffic network.
D.Because a beltway has emerged around the area.
4. Who is the target of this new computer algorithm?
A.City planners.
B.Slower drivers.
C.Infrastructure developers.
D.Road sign designers.
2021-05-18更新 | 670次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

8 . No matter where you go around the globe, everybody loves to celebrate. And when it comes to celebration, festivals offer something for everyone.

Mardi Gras New Orleans, Louisiana

Also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a cultural event. Though the celebration

is held every year on the day before Ash Wednesday, the festivities last for months, banning in November throughout January and early February. And if you love music, check out the annual Galactic concert at the world-famous Tipitina’s on Lundi Gras (the day before Mardi Gras).

La Tomatina Valencia, Spain

Launched way back in 1945, La Tomatina is one of the oldest festivals on our list. It's also easily the happiest but the messiest, coming off like the world's biggest food fight.

Legend has it that the whole thing started when some local boys joined a parade alongside musicians. The boys made the performers so angry that they tried hit the boys, and a vendor's (小摊贩)vegetable stand fell victim to the incident.

If you go, please follow some simple rules: Don't throw hard objects, squash the tomato before throwing it, stay a safe distance away from tomato trucks, and stop in time.

Montreux Jazz Festival Switzerland

Founded back in 1967, Montreux is one of the oldest music festivals in the world. It's also the second largest jazz festival, after the Montreal International Jazz Festival. That Canadian concert may attract more visitors-around 2 million annually. But Montreux benefits from its pretty location on the attractive shores of Lake Geneva. The area is particularly beautiful in late June/early July, when the festival is held.

1. When is Galactic concert held?
A.On Mardi Gras.B.On Lundi Gras.
C.On Montreux Jazz Festival.D.On La Tomatina.
2. What do people do on La Tomatina?
A.Punish naughty boys.B.Enjoy musicians' performance.
C.Throw tomatoes without hurting.D.Catch people who destroy tomatoes.
3. Where can you read the passage probably?
A.News report.B.Academic journal.
C.Conceit brochure.D.Travel magazine.

9 . When you think of Australia's overall atmosphere, what comes to mind? Sun, surf, and sand? That's right, but don't forget the snow! The lifts open at ski resorts across regional Australia from June to October, Tours are excellent option and depart from Queensland, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, or Canberra. Some tours are all- inclusive of accommodation, meals, ski hire, and lift tickets. It's a handy option for first-timers and for meeting other travelers.

Falls Creek, Victoria

Falls Creek is the largest ski resort in Victoria. Falls Creek is seven-hour drive south-west of Sydney and a four - and - a - half - hour drive northeast of Melbourne. There is a resort entry fee of AU $ 51.50 per day for all vehicles or AUS18. 50 per person on a bus.

Mount Hotham, Victoria

Mount Hotham provides challenging terrain(地形), Mount Hotham is a four-hour drive from Melbourne. The train will take yow straight from Melbourne or Sydney to the Victorian snowfield. Lift pass prices vary depending on the day you visit and how early you book.

Mount Buller, Victoria

Mount Buller is a three-hour drive from Melbourne It's easy to get to as there's a coach service that runs regularly during the winter season. Mount Buller offers a “kids stay free” deal where up to two children under the age of 15 can stay for free when accompanied by two adults. Lift passes can get as cheap as S66 when you book ahead of time.

Thredbo, NSW

There are 14 lifts and 54 runs across the resort, with many choices for beginners to advance. Thredbo has a lively village as there's almost always an event going on. You can purchase full - day or half - day lift passes, and prices range depending on the time of year. The resort is a two - hour drive from Melbourne.

1. Which is the farthest to Melbourne?
A.Falls Creek, Victoria.
B.Mount Hotham, Victoria.
C.Mount Buller, Victoria.
D.Thredbo, NSW.
2. What is the advantage for two adults with a boy aged 9 visiting Mount Buller?
A.Its atmosphere is better.
B.Lift passes get discounted.
C.Only two tickets are needed.
D.The boy's accommodation is free.
3. What can we do in Thredbo, NSW?
A.Choose different villages.
B.Go skiing in the snowfield.
C.Enjoy the event in a village.
D.Book ahead of time to get discount.
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10 . The London Eye remains temporarily closed but in line with the Government's roadmap out of lockdown we plan to reopen from 17th May.You can pre-book now. Further information can be found here.

What to Expect

The London Eye soars 443 fee into the sky and views stretching25 miles every direction.Since opening in 2000,it has been used as a backdrop in countless films and is loved by Britons and visitors alike.This is the UK's most popular visitor attraction,visited by over 3.5 million people a year.

Each London Eye capsule holds up to 25 passengers comfortably. All capsules are fully air-conditioned and rotate (旋转)on a special device designed to keep everyone upright as the wheel makes a slow but progressive rotation.The full rotation lasts 30 minutes of an ever changing view of this dynamic city.

Opening Times

■September to May 10:00am—8:00pm daily

■June 10:00am—9:00pm daily

■July 10:00am—9:30pm daily

■August 10:00am—-8:30pm daily

■Not open on Christmas Day or during maintenance period.

Ticket Prices

January to March ₤15.00
April to December ₤15.50
Child (5-15 years):
January to March ₤7.50
April to December ₤7.75
Child under 5 years: free
Senior (60 plus): ₤12.00

Booking line

■9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Sunday

■Telephone: 0870 5000 600

1. Which of the following does the London Eye ride offer?
A.A 30-minute fast rotation.
B.An insight into its long history.
C.A 360°moving view of the city.
D.A non-chargeable admission.
2. When is the London Eye open in January?
3. What's the charge for a young couple with a 5-year-old boy who visit on the reopening
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