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1 . Chicken is America’s most popular meat. Many people assume chicken follows a simple rule-of-thumb: Pink chicken turned white means “done.” It’s similar to how we cook other meats. But is this true? To study how cooks at home follow safety recommendations, researchers filmed 75 households in five European countries. From a random but nonrepresentative sample, they also conducted an online survey of nearly 4,000 households in the same countries that say they cook chicken.

Worried that chicken would dry out, most home cooks determined doneness by color and texture (口感) inside the meat, they found. Few bothered with thermometers (温度计), claiming they took too much time, were too complicated to use, didn’t fit in the chicken or weren’t necessary (although easy-to-use thermometers are inexpensive and widely available).

In additional lab experiments, the scientists injected raw chicken breast with bacteria (细菌), which cause millions of sicknesses, thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each year in the United States. They cooked the breasts until they reached core temperatures ranging from 122 to 158 Fahrenheit, and they discovered something surprising. At 158 degrees, but not lower, bacteria inside the chickens’ cores was reduced to safe levels, and when cut open its flesh appeared dull and fibrous, not shiny like raw chicken. But meat began changing from pink to white far below this, and most color change occurred below 131 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes, the chicken’s core would be safely cooked, but unsafe levels of bacteria still existed on surfaces that hadn’t touched the grill plate.

So what are you supposed to do?

Dr. Bruno Goussault, a scientist and chef, recommends buying and cooking breasts and legs separately. Bring the breast’s core to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, he said, and the leg to between 168.8 and 172.4 Fahrenheit. If you really want to safely measure temperature for a whole chicken, insert a pop-up thermometer into the thickest part of the leg before roasting it, Dr. Goussault suggests. By the time it pops, the breasts will have long cooked. They will likely be dry and far from his standards of culinary (烹饪的) perfection. But you’ll be sure to, as Dr. Goussault says in French, “dormir sur ses deux oreilles,” or, figuratively, “sleep peacefully.”

1. Why didn’t home cooks measure temperature with a thermometer?
A.They could not afford it.B.It affected the taste of the meat.
C.It was not available in supermarkets.D.They thought it was too much trouble.
2. In lab experiments, when the temperature reached 158 Fahrenheit, the meat         .
A.was free of bacteriaB.still remained pink
C.appeared to dry outD.was reduced in size
3. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.The meat does not taste best when bacteria free.
B.The leg becomes fully cooked before the breast.
C.A whole chicken requires a higher temperature.
D.The thermometer should be placed inside the breast.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Food safety.B.Simple lifestyle.
C.Cooking skills.D.Kitchen equipment.

2 . Mirroring body language is a way to bond and to build understanding. It is a powerful tool that we use without even knowing it.

The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. When you see someone yawn, you are likely to yawn immediately. Smiling is also pretty contagious-seeing a smiling person makes you want to smile too.

Mirroring body language is a nonverbal way to say “I am like you, I feel the same”. Research shows that people who experience the same feelings are likely to trust, understand and accept each other.

Women have the natural ability to pick up and understand body signals. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman is more likely to mirror another woman than a man is to mirror another man. That's why women are regarded as better talkers, even if they might not really have more close friends.

It is interesting that when a man tries to mirror a woman's body language while she is talking, he may seem to her as caring, intelligent and attractive.

Mirroring body language is an excellent way to build trust and understanding quickly. If you want to set up a connection with a new person, mirror his or her gestures, sitting position, tone of voice and talking pace. This will make them feel that there is something about you that they like.

While mirroring body language gains you acceptance, you still need to take into consideration your relationship with the person you are mirroring. If you are in a lower social position and are mirroring the body language of your boss, he will view you as arrogant. However, if you want to defeat those who are trying to prove superior to you, mirroring their body language will help defeat them and change their position.

1. What does the underlined word “contagious” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Affecting each other.B.Powerful to show one's feelings.
C.Attractive to the others.D.Being gentle to people around.
2. When copying others' body language, one usually can ______.
A.send wrong messagesB.hide true feelings
C.win others' acceptanceD.avoid misunderstanding
3. What might happen if you try to mirror your boss's body language?
A.You will appear very attractive.B.It will help to soften his position.
C.You will seem unacceptably proud.D.It will be a good way to build trust.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.It is important to copy the others' gestures.
B.Why women are regarded as better talkers.
C.Men is not good at nonverbal communication.
D.Mirroring body language can be a useful tool.
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3 . The baggy yellow shirt had long sleeves and four extra-large pockets. It was faded (褪色) from years of wear, but still in good shape. I found it in 1963 when I was home from college on Christmas break, looking through bags of clothes Mom planned to give away. Seeing me packing the yellow shirt, Mom said, “I wore that when I was pregnant (怀孕) with your brother in 1954!”

“It’s just the thing to wear over my clothes during art class, Mom. Thanks!” Then I put it into my suitcase. The yellow shirt became a part of my college wardrobe (衣橱). I loved it. After graduation, I wore the shirt the day I moved into my new apartment and on Saturday mornings when I cleaned.

The next year, I married. When I became pregnant, I wore the yellow shirt. I missed Mom and the rest of my family, since we were in Colorado and they were in Illinois. But that shirt helped. I smiled, remembering that Mother had worn it. That Christmas, I repaired one sleeve, packed it in holiday paper and sent it to Mom. When Mom wrote to thank me for her real gifts, she said the yellow shirt was lovely.

The next year, my husband, daughter and I stopped at Mom and Dad’s to pick up some furniture. Days later, at the kitchen table, I noticed something yellow tied to its bottom. The shirt! And so the pattern was set. On our next visit home, I secretly placed the shirt under Mom and Dad’s mattress (床垫). I don’t know how long it took for her to find it, but almost two years passed before I discovered it under the base of our living-room floor lamp. The yellow shirt was just what I needed now while refinishing (重新整修) furniture.

1. After college graduation, the writer used to wear the shirt when ______.
A.she had art classesB.she cleaned the new apartment
C.she searched her wardrobeD.she played with her brother
2. When the writer was in Colorado, ______.
A.the shirt was too old to wearB.the writer stayed with her mother
C.the shirt comforted her in feelingsD.the writer finished her college education
3. What did the writer mean by saying “the pattern was set” in Paragraph 5?
A.The shirt was cleaned and well hidden.B.The shirt was often hidden and found.
C.The shirt was kept by the writer’s mom.D.The shirt was found before refinishing furniture.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.My Mother’s Big SecretB.My Lovely Yellow Shirt
C.My Favorite Clothes at CollegeD.My Family’s Yellow Shirt
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4 . From my earlier memory of Mother, it seemed quite natural to think of her as different, nor of everyday things as Father was. In those days he was a young-looking man. He did not hesitate to make friends with children as soon as they were able to talk to him and laugh at his stories. Mother was older than he was. She must have been a woman of nearly forty, but she seemed even older. She changed little for a long time, showing no indication of growing old at all until, towards the end of her life, she suddenly became an old lady.

I was always inquisitive about Mother’s age. She never had birthdays like other people, nor did anyone else in our family. No candles were ever lit or cakes made or presents given in our house. To my friends in the street who talked delightfully about their birthday parties, I would repeat my mother’s words that such celebrations were only foolish.

“Nothing but deception,” she would say. “As though life can be marked by birthdays. It’s deeds, not years, that matter.”

Although I often repeated her words and even prided myself on not having birthdays, I once could not help asking Mother when she was born.

“I was born. I’m alive as you can see, so what more do you want to know?” she replied, so sharply that I never asked her about her age again.

In so many other ways Mother was different. Whereas all the rest of the women I knew in the neighboring houses took pride in their housewifely abilities, their new furniture, the neat appearance of their homes, Mother regarded all those things as of little importance. Our house always looked as if we had just moved in or were about to move out.

1. How did Father impress the author?
A.He liked writing stories.B.He talked a lot.
C.He was a very young man.D.He was popular with children.
2. Before the end of her life, Mother ______.
A.looked quite youngB.looked like an old lady
C.looked younger than she wasD.looked like a 40-year-old woman
3. What does the underlined word “inquisitive” (in Paragraph 2) probably mean?
4. What do we learn about Mother?
A.She was lazy.B.She was strict.
C.She was proud.D.She was special.
2020-05-24更新 | 115次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南省昆明市东川区明月中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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5 . Popular Houston Events

Brick Fest Live LEGO@(乐高积木)Fan Experience by Brick Fest Live


October 20, 10:00 am; October 21, 5:00 pm

NRG Center

The event is filled with attractions and activities designed to inspire, educate, and entertain people. It is for LEGOR lovers of all ages to roll up their sleeves and play with over a million LEGOR bricks! Now it comes to Houston for the first time!

Houston Fairytale Ball by Pretty Princess Parties


November 17, 9:00 am; November 18, 7:00 pm

Norris Conference Centers

Meet all the princesses at the Houston Fairytale Ball. This event is full of magical moments you won’t want to miss! Dance with Cinderella. Read with Rapunzel. Share snacks with Tinkerbell. All of our princesses travel to Huston this time, excited to sing, dance, and play with your little ones! Our event focuses on making sure your little ones feel royal throughout all of our activities.

Sickle Cell(镰状细胞)Education and Research Day by Texas Children’s Sickle Cell Center


October 6, 11:00 am:-3:00 pm

Kingdom Builders’ Center

It is an event for families of children with sickle cell disease. It provides families in Huston the opportunity learn about managing sickle cell in fun ways. There is a theme every year and this year’s theme is “The Greatest Me” and we look forward to seeing your family here! To make sure your child gets a T-shirt you must register (登记) no later than September 3.



November 4, 11:00 am-6:00 pm

Playgrounds in Houston

It is the nation’s largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast to coast aimed at keeping kids active and healthy. Kids of all ages have a chance to take courses designed to challenge speed, strength, and general physical fitness. The event is free to the public and features a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy.

1. What event can you enter in early November?
A.Brick Fest Live LEGOR Fan Experience
B.Houston Fairytale Ball
C.Sickle Cell Education and Research Day
D.2019 KIDFITSTRONG Fitness Challenge
2. Where should you visit if you want to enjoy food as well as playing?
A.NRG Center.
B.Norris Conference Centers.
C.Kingdom Builders’ Center
D.Playgrounds in Houston.
3. Which of the following hosts may organize events locally and regularly?
A.Brick Fest Live.
B.Pretty Princess Parties.
C.Texas Children’s Sickle Cell Center.
4. What do the four events share?
A.They last for two days.
B.They are free of charge.
C.They are family-friendly.
D.They focus on health problems.
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6 . Of all the American blockbusters, some popular movies are rolled out for the teenagers. With the preparation of popcorns, you can choose one of them for your teen to watch with you or their friends.

1. Dead Poets Society

An English teacher, called Mr. Keating, guides his students, who hope to be lawyers and doctors, to poetry and free-thinking. With each student coping with some issues, he urged them to set up Dead Poets Society for reading and writing poems.

2. The Hunger Games

Based on a book by Suzanne Collins, the story set in Panem, a destroyed country in North America. Each year, boys and girls, coming from 12 districts of Panem, take part in Hunger Games. Broadcast alive, this competition is exciting because all the participants play the games against death.

3. The Breakfast Club

It begins with five students at the Shermer High School, Claire, a princess, John, a criminal, Andrew, an athlete, Brian, a bookworm and Allison, an unfortunate person, who are forced to spend 9 hours together on a Saturday. In spite of their differences, they find that their social problems are more similar than they think.

4. Eighth Grade

Kayla is a shy, socially anxious girl trying to get by the last few weeks of middle school. She earns the “most quiet” girl title in school, but at home, she posts online self-help and motivational videos that not many people watch. Kayla is raised by her single father Mark, who tries to disconnect Kayla from the social media.

1. Who helps teenagers form a Dead Poets Society?
A.Mr. Brain.B.Mr. Keating.
C.Suzanne Collins.D.Ms. Claire.
2. Which film is adapted from a book according to the passage?
A.Eighth Grade.B.Dead Poets Society.
C.The Hunger Games.D.The Breakfast Club.
3. Whom is the passage most likely to be targeted at?
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7 . Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium

Located in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD, the all-new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is one of Victoria’s leading visitor attractions and is really an unforgettable outing for the whole family. Having 12 amazing zones of discovery, it is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit the city.

Opening Times

Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is open from 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. every day of the year, including public holidays. Last admission is at 5:00 p.m., one hour before closing.


Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is located on the corner of Flinders Street and King Street, Melbourne. It is situated on the Yarra River, opposite Crown Entertainment Complex.

Train to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium

Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is a short walk from either Flinders or Southern Cross train stations.


The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium tram stop is located on the free City Circle Tram route and also routes 70 and 75. City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions.

Shuttle Bus

The Melbourne City Tourist Shuttle is a free bus service, stopping at key tourist attractions in and around the City. Running daily, every 15 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

Car Parking

While there is no public car parking at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, there are several public car parking lots available only a short walk away.

Wheelchair Access

Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.


Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your tickets once payment has been accepted. Please print all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!

1. What do we know about Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium?
A.It has 12 the most attractive places in Melbourne.
B.It allows visitors to enter from 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
C.It is opposite the Yarra River.
D.It is located at the center of the CBD in the city.
2. What can visitors enjoy in Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium?
A.Free car parking.B.Wheelchair access.
C.Internet connection.D.Transportation service.
3. Tickets to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium _______ .
A.are free to all visitors
B.can be purchased by email
C.needn’t be checked at the entrance
D.can be emailed to you after purchase without delay.

8 . “Nomophobia”, NO Mobile Phone phobia(恐惧) is a 21st-century term for the fear of not being able to use your smartphone. Smartphone addiction is on the rise, surveys show, and a new study released adds to a growing body of evidence that smartphone addiction is harming our minds literally.

Smartphone addiction affects many people from all across the globe. Over 1.8 billion people own smartphones and the average owners check their screens 150 times a day. Considering those numbers, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when 44% of people (compared with 20% in 2011) admit feeling anxious when they can’t have access to their phones.

Researchers from Harvard University used brain imaging to study the brains of 19 teenage boys who were diagnosed with smartphone addiction. Compared with 19 teenagers who were not addicted, the brains of the addicted boys had significantly higher levels of GABA, which decelerates neurons (神经元), than levels of glutamate-glutamine, which energizes brain signals. That results in poorer attention and control, which you don’t want to have, because you want to stay focused. So that means you are easier to get distracted.

“Addicted teenagers in the study also had significantly higher scores in anxiety, depression and levels of impulsiveness (冲动) ,” said Dr. Leslie Perlow, who led the study.

If you seem to have the symptoms of smart device addiction, experts have some suggestions in addition to mindfulness training. First, turn off your phone at certain times of the day, such as in meetings, when having dinner, playing with your kids, and of course, driving. Remove social media apps, like Facebook and Twitter from your phone, and only check-in from your laptop. Try to stop yourself to 15-minute intervals at set times of the day when it won’t affect work or family life. Don’t bring your cellphone and its harmful blue light to bed, and use an old-fashioned alarm to wake you. And last, try to replace your smart device time with healthier activities such as meditating or actually interacting with real people.

1. What is the conclusion of the research?
A.Smartphone addiction leads to distraction.
B.Smartphone addiction easily causes anger.
C.Smartphone addiction is harmful to the mind.
D.Smartphone addiction brings about anxiety and depression.
2. Where can you find the data that best supports smartphone addiction is on the rise?
A.In Paragraph 2.B.In Paragraph 3.
C.In Paragraph 4.D.In Paragraph 5.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “decelerates” in Paragraph 3?
A.Speeds up.B.Slows down.
C.Adds to.D.Cuts down.
4. Which of the suggestions is encouraged according to the text?
A.To use an old-fashion cellphone.B.To participate in more social activities.
C.To stop fifteen-minute intervals.D.To turn off the blue light on bed.

9 . You can remember the face, but can't put a name to it. Many of us have been caught in this embarrassing situation. But researchers say it is often easier to remember someone's name than what they look like.

Twenty-four volunteers were shown 40 pictures of strangers, paired with random(随机的) names. They were given time to memorize the faces and names before being tested on which they thought they had seen before.

The participants could remember up to 85 percent of the names but only 73 percent of the faces. When they were shown a different picture of the same person, the participants could recall only 64 percent of faces, according to the study, led by the University of York.

That may be because faces are only recognized visually(视觉地), while names can be both spoken and written down so appear in our visual and audio memory. When people were shown famous people, they also remembered their names more accurately than their photographs. Co-author Dr Rob Jenkins, from the university’s psychology department, said, ''Our study suggests that, while many people may be bad at remembering names, they are likely to be even worse at remembering faces. This will surprise many people as it is against our initial understanding. Our life experiences with names and faces have misled us about how our minds work. '' Remembering names gets harder with age, leading to many uncomfortable moments for middle-aged people when they run into people they know.

But to study whether names are harder to recall than faces, the researchers, whose findings are published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, used a ''fair test'' where the participants were presented with strangers' names and faces.

1. What can we know according to the research in Paragraph 3?
A.It is certain that names are harder to recall than faces.
B.Remembering names is more easily than remembering faces.
C.Most participants can remember the face not the name to it.
D.The participants can recall 73% faces of the same person.
2. Which of the following will the author agree with?
A.Age will weaken the ability to remember names.
B.Unlike faces, names are only recognized visually.
C.Faces can appear in our visual and audio memory.
D.Rob Jenkins has proved people can remember faces better.
3. What does the underlined word ''initial'' in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.People can't remember strangers’ names and faces.
B.Recalling names is more difficult than remembering faces.
C.The researcher uses the same method to study another problem.
D.Whether names are harder to recall than faces is further proved.
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10 . Love sugar-white sand beaches? Whether you’re looking to ski down the side of a mountain or surf in the sunshine, you’ll find the following four places in the best winter travel destination (目的地) list.

Best for: Families and water babies

The newly-built Coral Towers at the Atlantis resort (旅游胜地) in Paradise Island, Bahamas, with new next-door neighbor Marina Village, an open-air shopping and dining marketplace, are just two of the newest reasons to visit this Caribbean popular travel destination. Don’t forget about Aquaventure, the world’s largest open-air water park. With the average winter temperatures between the mid 60°F and high 70°F, it’s a perfect place to escape the cold.

Best for: Winter sports lovers

Known as “Ski City” because of its position as the gateway to “the Greatest Snow on Earth” at four of the U. S.A.’s best ski resorts — Alta, Brighton, Snowbird, and Solitude — Salt Lake City welcomes winter sports lovers all around the world. In addition to wonderful skiing and snowboarding tracks, Utah Olympic Park offers an unforgettable experience that will make you feel like an Olympian in training.

Best for: Adventurers

Iceland in the winter is simply dreamy and temperatures aren’t as cool as you might think. Plus, there’s no better time than winter to view the Northern Lights. Short winter days mean you’ll have an even greater chance to catch the magic. An increasing number of flights in and out of Reykjavik make it easier than ever to visit.

Best for: Families and theme park lovers

Whether you come for the Pro Bowl in January, the new Toy Story land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, or Supercharged ride at Universal Studios Florida, Orlando is yet another warm-weather destination for winter travel. The weather is at its best and the crowds are at their thinnest.

1. Which of the following is a good place for shopping?
C.Marina Village.D.Ski City.
2. What makes Iceland become one of the best winter travel destinations?
A.The new Toy Story land.B.Sugar-white sand beaches.
C.An open-air dinning marketplace.D.The magic of the Northern Lights.
3. To escape the cold in winter, you can go to ______.
A.Salt Lake CityB.Orlando
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