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1 . Researchers studied a group of black-legged kittiwakes that nest in an abandoned radar tower on Middleton Island, Alaska. They attached GPS-accelerometers onto kittiwakes to track their flight performance and discovered that they sometimes travel as far as 155 miles (250 kilometers) a day to find food.

By combining data from the GPS tracker with minute muscle samples from some of the birds, the researchers found that — despite beating their wings less frequently — birds with larger muscle fibers were able to fly as fast as those with smaller fibers. The team also found that birds that flew faster had a higher number of nuclei — which produce the proteins to power flight — in their muscle cells, allowing the birds to increase more muscle fibers to power their flight.

Athletes exercise to maintain muscle tone. The same may be happening with kittiwakes, with those individuals that exercise the most — that is, fly the most — having better developed muscles than those that move less.

“Past studies have focused on hormone levels, body mass, or levels of red blood cells as a predictor of flight performance. We found that muscle structure and body mass together predict performance,   says study coauthor Kyle Elliott, an assistant professor in McGill University's department of natural resource sciences in the Bieler School of Environment.

“With the data from the GPS-accelerometers, we can understand a lot about these birds, like where they're going to find food, how fast they're flying, and how frequently they're beating their wings in flight,"   says Kristen Lalla, the first author of the paper, which she co-wrote as an undergraduate student under Elliott's guidance. “In the past, one of the challenges of measuring muscle structure in small birds was that it usually requires dissecting (解剖)the muscle."

1. What do the first two paragraphs tell us about kittiwakes?
A.They nest in an abandoned Island of Alaska.
B.With smaller muscle fibers, they can fly faster.
C.They often travel as far as 250 kilometers a day.
D.Muscle fibers play an important role in their flight.
2. According to Kyle Elliott, which of the following can predict flight performance?
A.Body mass.
B.Hormone levels.
C.Levels of red blood cells.
D.Muscle structure and body mass.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The influential factors of kittiwakes' flight performance.
B.The importance of protecting kittiwakes.
C.The reasons for Kittiwakes flying so far.
D.The process of kittiwakes' flying.
4. From which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2021-03-10更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2020-2021学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Poaching has been threatening the survival of the African black rhino for long. But thanks to conservation efforts, the population of this endangered animal is slowly increasing, according to a recent update of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

Between 2012 and 2018, the number of black rhinos in Africa has increased moderately, at annual rate of 2.5%, The population in the wild has grown from approximately 4,845 to 5,630. As IUCN's update suggests, the population models predict the number will continue to rise slowly over the next five years.

The white rhino, Africa's another rhino species that exists in greater numbers, has been on the IUCN Red List categorized as Near Threatened. Compared to the black rhino, the white rhino is at higher risk of being poached as it has larger horns and prefers more open habitats, which makes it easier to spot.

The threat to the two species mainly comes from poaching for the illegal international rhino horn trade. Fortunately, in recent years, a number of groups including range states, private landowners, and communities have been making efforts to protect them, and the measures are working. In 2015, there were at least 1,349 rhinos poached—an average of 3.7 rhinos hunted per day. Since then, the poaching numbers have decreased every year. In 2018, there were at least 892 rhinos poached, meaning approximately 2.4 African rhinos poached per day, or one every 10 hours. The data for 2019 looks promising as the poaching levels appear to have further gone down.

Although the levels of rhino poaching have been declining slightly in recent years due to conservation efforts, the costs of keeping rhinos safe have greatly gone up and sale prices for live rhinos have decreased considerably over the last 10 years, making private landowners and communities less motivated to protect rhinos. This trend could delay the continued progress of expanding the species range and numbers.

1. Which of the following can best describe the number of the African rhinos now?
A.Slightly declining.B.Slowly expanding.
C.Greatly increasing.D.Considerably decreasing.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The better situation for the African white rhinos.
B.The reason for protecting the African white rhinos.
C.The process of the white rhino being on the IUCU Red List.
D.The reason why the African white rhino is more likely to be poached.
3. In which year did the African rhinos suffer the most from poaching?
A.In 2015.B.In 2016.C.In 2018.D.In 2019.
4. What can be the author's attitude to the future range and numbers of rhinos?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . For years, Hainan, China's southernmost island province, has been an attractive tourist destination for people around the world because of its pleasant environment. Beginning this year, the beautiful island will have a new identity — an open and distinctive free trade port.

The Hainan Free Trade Port will serve as a special functional economic area and its level of openness will be better than any other port in the world. Products and funds from abroad will have free access to the port, and most goods will be duty-free. The decision shows China's willingness to further open up to the world.

The province of Hainan was founded in 1988. Later it became an appointed special economic (SEZ) to attract foreign investment. In 1992, the Yangpu Economic Development Zone, which was the first area in China to be comprehensively developed by foreign investors, was established. After eight years, in 2000, Hainan took the lead in carrying out a policy of visa on arrival. In the following years, a series of similar initiatives have been implemented for Hainan's continuous development, including a pilot zone for free trade founded in 2018.

Apart from an attractive landscape, Hainan's industrial structure features tourism and modern services. Not only will they become the highlights of the free trade port, but also they are in line with the rapid trade growth in global services as well as the development of many ports toward the service sector. In addition, as a free trade zone and port at provincial level, Hainan has a satisfying scale and full experience. All these advantages will enable Hainan to become a global trade center.

From SEZ to free trade pilot zone, and now today's free trade port, Hainan's development and its determination to build an open economy are evident to all. It's hoped that it will seize the chance of free trade and attract more business and experienced professionals from around the world to come to the island.

1. What's Hainan's future plan?
A.To construct a free trade port.
B.To boost Hainan's tourism and services.
C.To remove the tax on all imports and exports.
D.To strengthen environmental protection.
2. How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By giving descriptions.
C.By following time order.D.By making comparisons.
3. Which of the following is good for Hainan to become a global trade center?
A.Its slow trade growth.B.Its traditional services.
C.Its development of IT industry.D.Its distinctive service industry.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Hainan: A Push for Global Economy
B.Hainan: A Witness to China's Opening-Up
C.Hainan: An Island Full of Ups and Downs
D.Hainan: An Unforgettable Tourist Destination
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . English is changing faster than ever with the development of society. Do you long to keep up with the times? If so, here are some old-fashioned words you should remove from your vocabulary list.


As an alteration of the term "snippersnapper'', the word first appeared in the 17th century, expressing our ancestors' annoyance at ill-mannered children. In its more contemporary version, the word relates to a young person who is too confident and does not show enough respect to older.


Are you born in the 1980s? If so, you may still be using the term "tape" when speaking of recording music or TV shows. Today, though digital media has made data storage on magnetic an outdated thing, this old linguistic habit still exists.


In the earlier age of air travel, female crew members serving airline passengers were called stewardesses. It was the development of women's rights movement in the 1960s that the word fell out of use. "Stewardess" was replaced by a more gender-neutral term, "flight attendant”. Dungarees

What we know as "jeans" today were once called “dungarees" to refer to trousers made of denm (蓝粗棉布).As traders began importing the cloth from Genoa in Italy, this kind of trousers got a new name ’jeans”. So don't be surprised if you catch your grandpa saying dungarees.

1. Who can be described as a whippersnapper nowadays?
A.A child who is bad-tempered.
B.An elder who doesn't like children.
C.An elder who has confidence and influence.
D.A teenager who is overconfident and impolite.
2. Which of the following has become out of date with digital technology?
3. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To show readers how to stay young.
B.To explain how to keep up with the times.
C.To analyze the differences among modern words.
D.To advise readers not to use some old-fashioned words.

5 . When you’re on a fishing boat, you may see flocks of birds following in your track, hoping to catch a snack. Now scientists say they can use those birds’ behavior to track illegal fishing boats.

Here’s how it works: Researchers attached data recorders to the backs of 169 albatrosses (信天翁) in the Southern and Indian oceans. The devices weighed only an ounce and a half, but they included a GPS and were able to detect the presence and intensity of radar signals coming from boats. That information was then transmitted by satellite, so the researchers could track the location of the birds-and thus the radar-emitting boats-in real time.

The scientists then cross-checked that data against the known locations of boats, gathered from a system that boats use to declare themselves, called the Automatic Identification System (AIS). And differences appeared frequently.

More than a third of the times the birds’ recorders detected radar signals, and therefore a boat, no such boat appeared in the official log (航海记录)—meaning that the vehicles had likely switched off their Automatic Identification Systems—something the researchers say probably happens in illegal fishing operations.

The work suggests birds could be an effective boat-monitoring tool—as long as illegal fishing operations don’t target the birds. Fortunately, such a task would be difficult.

“Around fishing vessels, you can get hundreds of birds at any one time that are all flying around. So it’s not really possible to target a specific bird. And the birds with recorders on are not marked in any way. So it’s difficult for fishermen to pick out a specific bird," said study author Samantha Patrick, a marine biologist at the University of Liverpool.

Patrick’s bigger concern is that albatrosses often get hooked on fishing lines. And though regulations have been established to protect against that happening—with success—illegal boats don’t necessarily obey. So scientists might be underestimating the risk posed to albatross populations. But this system could mean that those illegal boats may have a tougher time flying under the radar.

1. What behavior of albatrosses can be used to track illegal fishing boats according to scientists?
A.Seeking snacks on a boat.
B.Following a boat to catch food.
C.Monitoring the location of the boats.
D.Keeping an eye open for illegal activities.
2. What’s the purpose of data recorders attached to the backs of albatrosses?
A.To carry a GPS.
B.To record the birds’ behavior.
C.To help satellite transmit information.
D.To detect radar signals from boats.
3. Why do the fishing boats turn off their Automatic Identification Systems?
A.They are probably fishing illegally.
B.They needn’t declare themselves.
C.They don’t want to emit radar signals.
D.They want to avoid being followed by albatrosses.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Birds—Humans’ Friends
B.Data Recorders—A Helper to Albatrosses
C.AIS—A System to Declare Locations of Boats
D.Albatrosses—A Tool to Monitor Illegal Fishing Boats

6 . The Tibet autonomous region has placed nearly half its land area under the strictest ecological supervision (监督).It was announced at an annual meeting of the regional People's Congress, which kicked off on Wednesday.

The ecological protection area, which covers more than 539,000 square kilometers, makes up 45 percent of the region's area, and 22 ecological reserves have been built and are operational.

According to the government work report, the rate of days with good air quality in Tibet's cities has reached 99.4 percent, and all the region's drinking water sources have met applicable standards.

The report also said that the number of Tibetan antelope (羚)in the region has risen to more than 200,000, wildlife species to 1,072 and black-necked cranes to more than 8,000. Five rare new species have been discovered in recent years. The region has spent 12.2 billion yuan ($1.9 billion) on ecological protection projects in recent years. Five cities and three counties have been named as national-level ecologically civilized model cities and counties, and more rural residents have benefited financially by undertaking part-time ecological protection work.

More advanced monitoring facilities have been in place in the reserve, with more ecological protection inspectors employed to undertake protection work. The professional ecological inspectors are provided with basic tools such as motorcycles, telescopes and paging receivers, and they provide feedback regularly. Professional inspectors also receive one week of training every year from professors at Tibet University.

Kunsang Darje, a railway maintenance worker in Nagchu, said that apart from maintaining the railway and highway, he also collects trash along the section with his colleagues. “The place I work is in a no-man's land, and I think it's very important to protect the animals there without affecting them with human activities, and we are also bound to take responsibility there," he said.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A.The ecological situation in Tibet has been totally improved.
B.Almost half Tibetan land has been ecologically supervised.
C.Many more operational ecological reserves have been built.
D.More Tibetan protection inspectors have been employed.
2. Which of the following is the positive effect of Tibet's ecological protection?
A.Larger protection areas.B.Numerous rare new species.
C.More days with quality air.D.Global capital investments.
3. By doing ecological protection work, ____________.
A.protection inspectors can employ other people
B.protection inspectors are supplied with cars
C.Tibet's rural residents can get annual training
D.Tibet's rural residents can earn extra money
4. What can be inferred from Kunsang Darje's words?
A.He asks his colleagues not to litter everywhere.
B.He attaches importance to raise animals there.
C.He keeps railway and highway in good condition.
D.He has a sense of duty to protect animals there.

7 . A group of scientists in labs spread across Europe, the U.S. and Nepal have been working on Qomolangma “remotely”. The project’s goal is to turn the world’s highest mountain into a huge climate laboratory.

During April and May last year, a team of more than 30 biologists, glaciologists, geologists, meteorologists, and geographers fanned out across Qomolangma’s southern side, conducting fieldwork high on the mountain. “We believe the best way to get a full scientific picture of Qomolangma is not just to do one kind of science,” says Paul Mayewski of the University of Maine, the leader of the effort.

Each individual study promises a unique picture of the mountain’s climate-past, present, and future. Ice cores will allow scientists to go back in time-tens, hundreds and perhaps thousands of years to learn about the environment. Snow and water samples give a look at what’s happening on the mountain, today, including the future of the glaciers. The team also fixed a network of automated weather stations, which will document upcoming weather trends for years to come.

One of the hardest tasks fell to Mayewski’s colleague Mariusz Potoeki, who hoped to drill ice cores at several places on the mountain, including the South Col (25,938 feet) and the top of Qomolangma (29,035 feet). The job required a specially designed drill system powered by batteries, and an excellent team to figure out how to prevent the cores from becoming liquid during their long journey back to the University of Maine’s laboratory for analysis.

Potocki abandoned his summit attempt due to the crowds of normal climbers. To his relief, Potocki succeeded in taking the highest ice core ever recovered, at just above Camp Four-26,312 feet above sea level. “The ice doesn’t lie.” Mayewski says. “The very idea that the highest part of the planet hasn’t been spared from human activity ought to be a real wake-up call for everybody.”

1. Which way does Paul Mayewski suggest to fully study Qomolangma?
A.Working on it remotely in labs.B.Teaming up with more countries.
C.Doing many kinds of science.D.Turning it into a real lab.
2. Why does the team analyze ice cores?
A.To document upcoming weather change.B.To get a unique picture of climate trends.
C.To know more about the past environment.D.To predict the future of the mountain.
3. What difficulty did Mariusz Potocki face?
A.Improving the special drill system.B.Drilling the oldest ice cores at some places.
C.Conducting fieldwork above Camp Four.D.Delivering frozen ice cores to the lab.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Potocki got ice cores at 29,035 feet.B.Human activity has affected Qomolangma.
C.Ice cores can serve as a warning for us.D.Normal climbers helped with Potocki’s work.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many wildflowers of spring in eastern North America bloom thanks to ants. The tiny six-legged gardeners have partnered with those plants and about 11, 000 others to spread their seeds. The plants,in turn, “pay” for the service by attaching a calorie-loaded appendage (附属物) to each seed, much like fleshy fruits remunerate birds and mammals that desert seeds or poop (排泄) them out. But there's more to the ant-seed relationship than that exchange, researchers reported last week at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, which was held online.

Many ants eat seeds. Certain plants attach a nutritive globe called an elaiosome to their seed coats, which serves as a favorite lunch for the ants’ young and gives ants a handle on seeds that can be bigger than their heads. Until now, researchers assumed the ants simply carry the seeds to their nests, feed the elaiosome to their young, and deposit the seed either outside or inside at the colony's “garbage dump”, which provides a rich environment for shooting.

In both the field and the lab, Chelsea Miller presented ants with seeds from various trillium (延龄花) species and found the ants were quick to pick up some species’ seeds while leaving others to rot, Miller said. To find out how ants make their choices, Miller and Susan Whitehead at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) used techniques to analyze the chemical makeup of elaiosomes. They found that ants pick seeds based on the specific combination and concentrations of acid and other compounds (化合物) made by the plant, 20 of which are unique to trilliums. The ants’ tastes may affect plant species’ distributions, say Kirsten Prior, an ecologist at Binghamton University: “Widespread trillium species are preferred by seed-dispersing ants compared to rare trillium species.”

Melissa Burt, an ecologist at Virginia Tech, hopes these studies bring ants new respect. “Many people who talk about ants only know them as insects that are taking over their kitchens, but many ants perform important functions in ecosystems,” she says. “Seed dispersal is just one of those.”

1. What does the underlined word “remunerate” probably mean?
2. What does the text say about elaiosome in paragraph 2?
A.It's a tasty treat for young ants.B.It's no smaller than ants’ heads.
C.It is used as young ants’ new nest.D.It can be used as a weapon to protect ants.
3. Why did Miller and his team figure out the chemicals of some seeds?
A.To analyze the specific combination affecting the plant growth.
B.To find out the reason for ants preferring some seeds to others.
C.To prove the accuracy of their lab techniques applied in the field.
D.To understand the way of ants distributing different plant species’ seeds.
4. What do most people think of ants according to Melissa?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Chicago Botanic Garden Events

Midwest Fruit Explorers

March 31-April 10, 1-4 pm

The Midwest Fruit Explorers presents this hands-on workshop with step-by-step instructions on how to grow fruit trees.

Midwest Daffodil Society Show

April 22-28, 10 am-4:30 pm

The Midwest Daffodil Society Show features hundreds of daffodils on display that will be judged by the society. The show includes floral(花卉的) design and photography competitions.

Ikebana International Show

May 11-19, 9 am-3: 30 pm (Saturday & Sunday only)

The Ikebana International Society presents an exhibition of traditional Japanese flower arranging.

Gardeners of the North Shore Show & Sale

The Gardeners of the North Shore host this annual show.

June 27-30, 9 am-4:30 pm

This show includes a judged exhibition with more than 500 entries of anything a home gardener can grow, including flowers, vegetables, herbs, and houseplants.

Service animals

Service animals are welcome. No pets please.

Electronic Convenience Vehicles(ECVs)

They are available for rent in the Visitor Center on an unreserved, first-come-first-served basis. The following fees apply: members: $15, 1 nonmembers $20. ECVs will not be rented for indoor use.


Wheelchairs are available free at the Information Desk in the Visitor Center.

Daily Hours: 8 am-7 pm

Garden View Cafe: 8 am-4 pm

Garden Shop: 10 am-4 pm

1. What can you do at Midwest Fruit Explorers?
A.Design flower patterns.
B.Learn about fruit tree planting.
C.Take part in its photography competition.
D.Buy some fruit at a good price.
2. At which show can you enjoy traditional Japanese flowers?
A.Midwest Fruit Explorers.
B.Midwest Daffodil Society Show.
C.Ikebana International Show.
D.Gardeners of the North Shore Show Sale.
3. What service can visitors enjoy in the garden?
A.They can rent ECVs for indoor use.
B.They can visit the garden with their pets.
C.They can have free coffee from 8 am to 4 pm.
D.They can use free wheelchairs if they need to.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . If you are looking for something fun and educational to do in Maryland, why not visit the Maryland Science Center? It is located at 601 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 2. The ticket prices vary depending on ages, groups and the exhibits you choose.


The Maryland Science Center is basically a museum, but it gives everyone a chance to learn through experience and play, rather than just glance at an exhibit.


You can learn about various topics, including outer space, the human body, dinosaurs, electricity, marine(海洋的) biology, energy, and much more. You can also take part in the interactive activities, such as racing bubbles, digging for dinosaur fossils, using puzzle pieces to construct cars, and so much more.

The Davis Planetarium(天文馆)

At the Davis Planetarium, you can lie back in a chair and look at the stars while still inside the Science Center. The stars will appear on the ceiling of the theatre as you watch them.

There are different shows to catch at the Davis Planetarium. You can learn about the galaxy and astronomy during the Dark Matters show. Learn about the stars and planets during the Sky Live show. The One World One Sky show allows children to explore the stars. The Live from the Sun show will teach you all about the hot sun.

The Kids Room

For children, they can’t miss the Kids Room. They will be able to play in a water area, construct dams and water towers, push buttons, ring doorbells, build with blocks, and more, and definitely they will learn a lot. In addition, there is also an area for kids of two years old and under, where they can crawl, walk and explore safely with soft toys.

1. What do we know about the Maryland Science Center?
A.It charges different prices for parents and Children.
B.It is regarded as the most popular museum in Maryland.
C.It is a museum where there are many famous exhibitions.
D.It is mainly designed for children and their families to play together.
2. If you want to know why the sun shines, which show should you choose?
A.Dark Matters.B.Live from the Sun.
C.One World One Sky.D.Sky Live.
3. What can we learn about the Kids Room from the passage?
A.It is designed for parents who have children.
B.It provides a good opportunity for parents to relax.
C.Children there need to be accompanied by their parents.
D.It is a good place for children to learn and play at the same time.
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