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1 . The use of AI (artificial intelligence) is becoming more common in many branches of industry and online shopping. Traditional lines of work, such as goods transport and driving, are developing in a similar direction although mainly out of public view. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now investigated how efficient (高效的) the use of AI can be in the commercial management of trucks.

“Digital applications—as well as machine leaning, a kind of AI—are increasingly applied to operations and courses in the transport area,” explains Professor Matthias Klumpp from the Faculty of Economics. “The question in the commercial area, however, is whether or not this contributes to achieving goals.”

To answer this question, the researchers compared the work efficiency of truck drivers with their main use of AI applications. Looking at trade delivery by truck, they studied three groups: the first drove completely following human decision-making models; the second used a combination of human and machine; and the third depended completely on fully automated decisions.

The researchers found that an intelligent combination of human work and decision-making abilities with AI applications promises the highest transport and driving efficiency. “On average, the second group achieved the most efficient transport trips, with the fewest interventions (干预) and off-course from the best path.” one researcher said, “Clearly, neither a completely human decision-making structure nor a fully automated driving system can promise to meet current goods transport requirements.” The scientists therefore summarized that despite the progress of AI in the field of transportation by truck, human experience and decision-making abilities will still be necessary in the longer term. However, the challenge is that a wide range of training and qualification (资格) needs will come along by working with Al applications, especially for simple goods transport activities.

1. What does Matthias Klumpp focus on?
A.The efficiency of AI.
B.The advantages of AI.
C.The problems caused by AI.
D.The wide applications of AI.
2. How did the researchers get the finding?
A.By providing examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By using different trucks.
D.By listing three experiments.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Al is better at making decisions.
B.A balance is needed between human and AI.
C.Human will soon be replaced by AI in driving.
D.Al applications meet the current requirements.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The future of transport.
B.Artificial intelligence as a co-driver.
C.Artificial intelligence-a better choice in driving.
D.The strengths of artificial intelligence in transport.

2 . Have you ever heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Surely, they are all about finding the best deals on holiday gifts for yourself and family members. And have you heard about GivingTuesday? Here is something about it!

GivingTuesday is observed annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which encourages people to help those in need by making financial donations or doing good in their local community. The “Global Day of Giving” was started in 2012 by New York City nonprofit 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation.

Unlike Black Friday, GivingTuesday serves a more altruistic purpose. In its first year, the movement brought in almost $10 million for charities, and things have only improved since. In 2019, many GivingTuesday social media campaigns worldwide helped raise an amazing $ 1.9 billion from 27 million donors! Over the past five years, many higher education institutions have also been using the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to ask alumni for donations. In 2019, the University of Michigan, which calls it Blueday, received 5887 gifts totaling over $4 million, while Pennsylvania State University raised $710 000 to benefit over 85 University programs.

Though donating money certainly helps, there are many other ways to support the great cause, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can video tutor kids struggling with online learning, or team up with an adult to get groceries or medications for an elderly neighbor. Alternatively, call on your peers to help you with a service project that addresses an issue close to your heart, or pick one from the several ideas suggested on the GivingTuesday website. You can also donate your gently-used clothes and toys to local shelters, or mail a handwritten note to a grandparent or a friend you miss seeing.

What are you going to do to make a positive difference in your community on GivingTuesday? Let us know by adding your comments below!

1. Why does the author mention Black Friday and Cyber Monday in Paragraph 1?
A.To make a comparison.B.To lead to the topic.
C.To arouse readers’ interest.D.To express his doubt.
2. What’s the aim of GivingTuesday?
A.To promote the development of economy.B.To attract people to buy more holiday gifts.
C.To call on more universities to donate money.D.To encourage people to help those in need.
3. What does the underlined word “altruistic” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Where people can offer their kind help.B.What people can do on GivingTuesday.
C.How people can stay safe during COVID-19.D.Why people need to support the great cause.
2021-05-28更新 | 515次组卷 | 5卷引用:黑龙江省鹤岗市第一中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . China has just officially opened its FAST radio telescope to international scientists. Scientists across the world can submit proposals for astronomical observations using the telescope.

FAST is short for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (球面射电望远镜) and it is also believed to be the world's largest radio telescope and the most sensitive single-dish radio telescope. The receiving surface area of FAST is 250,000 square meters, about the size of 30 standard football fields. Its construction was completed in September 2016 and it officially began operating in January 2020.

The major scientific task of the telescope is the observation of pulsars (脉冲星) – the rotating neutron stars. The study of pulsars can help to confirm the existence of gravitational radiation and black holes, and help solve many other major questions in physics. Another scientific goal of FAST is to search for outer space civilization.

The telescope is located in a naturally deep and round karst depression in southwest China's Guizhou Province. The first advantage of the selected site is the altitude. The average altitude of Guizhou is about 1,100 meters, which maximizes the effectiveness of the observation equipment. Secondly, the radio telescope needs to have a “big pan” to receive better signal. The huge natural depression could reduce the amount of excavation (挖掘) and difficulty of construction. Moreover, the selected site in Guizhou is far away from cities, and has a small population, which reduces the interference (干扰) caused by wireless devices such as TVs, mobile phones and radios from human activities.

FAST has identified over 300 pulsars. Experts predict that the number could reach 1,000 in five years and that the telescope could locate and identify the first pulsar outside the galaxy. With the opening-up to international scientists, China's FAST is expected to make more contribution to astronomical research in the future.

1. What do we know about FAST?
A.It is opened to global scientists.B.It is a project under construction.
C.It has provided service since 2016.D.It has found a pulsar outside the galaxy.
2. What is the main task of FAST?
A.To study black holes.B.To observe the pulsars.
C.To explore the sun.D.To seek space civilization.
3. What's special about the selected site?
A.It's close to urban areas.B.It reduces engineering amount.
C.It possesses a shallow depression.D.It's at the highest altitude in China.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Major Scientific Tasks of FASTB.Ways to Select the Site for FAST
C.Contributions FAST Has MadeD.Facts about FAST Radio Telescope
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Your best friend that follows you around when the sun comes out - your shadow - doesn’t serve an important function like your heart or brain, but what if you could use shadows to create electricity? When using solar panels (电池板) that are powered by light, shadows can be boring because it means electricity can’t be created. However, researchers from the National University of Singapore have engineered a way to create power from the shadows present everywhere.

A team of the university created a machine that can collect energy from shadows. It is created by placing a thin coating of gold onto silicon (硅). Like in a normal solar panel, when put in light, the silicon electrons (电子) become energized and the energized electrons then jump from the silicon to the gold. The voltage (电压) of the part of the machine that is placed in the light increases relative to the dark part and the electrons in the machine flow from high to low voltage. They are sent through an external circuit (外电路) creating a current that can be used to power another machine. The greater the contrast between light and dark, more energy is provided by the machine.

The team is working on improving the performance of the machine, borrowing approaches from solar panels to gather light. Increasing the amount of light the machines can receive allows them to better make use of shadows, as well as developing shadow energy collecting panels that can successfully gather from indoor lighting. The team is also researching the use of other materials other than gold to drop the price of the machine, meaning they would be more cost effective and easier to apply in society.

Shadows are present everywhere and perhaps one day in the future we will be able to collect energy from them by placing the shadow-effect energy machine around the world in places that have been considered unfit for solar panels to work, or indoors. “A lot of people think that shadows are useless,” Tan says, but “anything can be useful, even shadows.”

1. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.Your best friend always stays with you after the sunrise.
B.The shadow has the same function as the heart and brain.
C.Shadows can stop solar panels from creating electricity.
D.Researchers have found a way to create power from shadows.
2. What is the key working principle of the machine mentioned in the text?
A.The silicon produces electricity when it is in the light.
B.The gold produces power with the help of the silicon.
C.The energized electrons flow from high to low voltage.
D.An external circuit creates current using another machine.
3. How does the team improve the performance of the machine?
A.Using solar panels in the machine.
B.Increasing the amount of light received.
C.Developing light energy collecting panels.
D.Bringing down the price of gold.
4. Which of the following is the best place to apply the machine?
A.A gym.B.A park.C.A farm.D.A playground.
2021-05-17更新 | 330次组卷 | 3卷引用:专题18 阅读理解专项练习(二)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(外研版2019)

5 . Experts are warning about the risks of extremely picky(挑剔的)eating after a teenager living on a diet of chips and crisps developed lasting sight loss. Eye doctors in Bristol cared for the 17-year-old after his sight had gone to the point of blindness. Tests showed he had serious vitamin deficiency(缺乏). Dr. Denize Atan, who treated him at the hospital, said, “His diet was basically a portion of chips from the local fish and chip shop every day. He also used to snack on crisps and sometimes white bread and ham, and not really any fruit and vegetables.”

The teenager saw his doctor at the age of 14 because he had been feeling tired and unwell. At that time he suffered from vitamin B12 deficiency, but he did not stick with the treatment or improve his poor diet. Three years later, he was taken to the Bristol Eye Hospital because of progressive sight loss.

He was not overweight or underweight, but he had lost minerals from his bones, which was really quite shocking for a boy of his age. In terms of his sight loss, he met the standards of being blind. “He had blind spots right in the middle of his sight,” said Dr Denize Atan, “That means he can’t drive and would find it really arduous to read, watch TV or recognize faces.”

Dr Denize Atan said that parents should learn about the harm that can be caused by picky eating, and turn to experts for help. For those who are concerned , she advised, “It’s best not to be anxious about picky eating , and instead calmly introduce one or two new foods with every meal.” She said multivitamin tablets can supplement(补充) a diet, but cannot take the place of eating healthily. “It’s much better to take in vitamins through a varied and balanced diet,” she said, adding that too many certain vitamins , including vitamin A, can be harmful ,“so you don’t want to overdo it.”

1. What does Dr Denize Atan imply in paragraph 1?
A.The diet of the boy is not balanced.
B.Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins.
C.Picky eating is common among teenagers.
D.The cause of the boy’s disease is unknown.
2. Why did the boy go to see his doctor at the age of 14?
A.To improve his poor diet.
B.To get some help to lose weight.
C.To be treated for his discomfort.
D.To slow down his progressive sight loss.
3. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Reasons why the boy is seriously ill.
B.Suggestions for the boy’s family to care for him.
C.Advice for parents worried about picky eating.
D.Ways of taking in enough vitamins and minerals.
2021-05-17更新 | 215次组卷 | 7卷引用:陕西省韩城市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Coca-Cola is to test a paper bottle as part of a longer-term goal to get rid of plastic from its packaging entirely. The prototype (样本) is made by a Danish company from an extra-strong paper shell that still contains a thin plastic liner (衬垫). But the goal is to create a 100% recyclable, plastic free botte capable of preventing gas escaping from carbonated (碳酸) drinks. The barrier must also ensure no fibers get into the liquid.

That may have a risk of changing the taste of the drink — or potentially can't meet the requirements of health and safety checks. But industry giants (巨头) are backing the plan. Coca-Cola, for example, has set a goal of producing zero waste by 2030. Coca-Cola was ranked the world's number one plastic polluter by charity group Break Free From Plastic last year, closely followed by other drink-producers Pepsi and Nestle.

The Paper Bottle Company, or Paboco, is the Danish firm behind the development of the paper-based container. Part of the challenge has been to create a structure capable of standing the forces exerted by carbonated drinks — such as cola and beer — which are bottled under pressure. On top of that, the paper needs to be mouldable to create distinct bottle shapes and sizes for different brands and take ink for printing their labels.

After more than seven years of lab work, the firm is now ready to host a trial in Hungary this summer of Coca-Cola's fruit drink Adez. Initially, this will involve 2,000 bottles distributed via a local retail chain.

But it is also working with others. Absolut, the vodka maker, is due to test 2,000 paper bottles of its own in the UK and Sweden of its pre-mixed, carbonated raspberry drink. And beer company Carlsberg is also building prototypes of a paper beer bottle.

Michael Michelsen, the firm's commercial manager, says the bottles are formed out of a single piece of paper-fiber-based material to give them strength.

1. What is the longer-term goal of Coca-Cola company?
A.To stop using plastic in its packaging.
B.To produce drinks of alternative tastes.
C.To expand business in European countries.
D.To use paper bottles with a thin plastic liner.
2. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Coca-Cola has very strong competitors.
B.Some industry giants are in favor of plastic free packaging.
C.Carbonated drinks are facing stricter health and safety checks.
D.The paper bottle company is under pressure from environmentalists.
3. What does the underlined word “mouldable” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Being hard to be printed on.
B.Being able to be strengthened.
C.Being able to be made into different shapes.
D.Being able to be mixed with other materials.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Coca-Cola Takes the Lead to Go Green
B.Paper Bottles Are in Place for the Market
C.Drink Industry Is Turning to Paper Bottles
D.Paper Bottle Companies Spring up Worldwide
2021-05-15更新 | 162次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省“五个一”名校联盟2022-2023学年高二6月联考英语试题(含听力)

7 . In the world of Chinese archaeology (考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all around China. Master Zhou is credited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a “national-level craftsman” with a talent for using simple tools to get relics (遗物) that would crumble in other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic (新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.

It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5, 300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims that China has the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.

Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge between China's written history and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5,000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof of China's 5,000 years of history.

Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders "can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins," he argues.

1. What does the underlined word “crumble” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?
A.It is of great historical significance.B.It has various precious treasures.
C.It has appealing scenery.D.It is easily accessible.
3. What is Mr Wang's attitude towards foreigners' view?
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Chinese history amazes the worldB.Chinese archaeology catches on
C.China follows its traditionD.China digs its past
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Just as a hungry brain craves (渴望) food, a lonely brain craves people. A new brain study demonstrates this. After being left alone, it shows people's brains would be activated at the sight of other people. The action was in the same brain region that speeds up when a hungry person sees food.

Livia Tomova, a neuroscientist, who studies how the brain produces mental activities, and her colleagues began this study. They recruited (招募) 40 people. On one day, the participants had to fast—not eat anything at all—for 10 hours. On another day, the same people were placed in a room for 10 hours. They couldn't see anyone. No friends, no family and no social media. They weren't even allowed to check their email. After both days, Tomova and her colleagues put the people in a MRI machine. It shows activity in the brain by tracking how much blood is flowing to each region.

At the end of each day, the participants showed high activity in a brain area called the midbrain. The scientists were interested in two, small areas within it. Both areas produce dopamine, a chemical that is important in craving and rewards. The two areas activated when hungry participants saw pictures of tasty pizza or juicy hamburgers. After the volunteers had been isolated, those brain areas became active when they saw social activities they missed. It might be playing sports or chatting with friends.

The midbrain plays an important part in people's motivation to seek food or friends. In fact, it responds to food and social signals even when people aren't hungry or lonely. But hunger and loneliness increased the reactions and made people's responses specific to the thing they were missing. And the more hunger or isolation the volunteers said they were experiencing, the stronger the activity in this part of the brain. Tomova and her colleagues published their results November 23 in Nature Neuroscience.

1. How does Tomova test out the result of the study?
A.By stimulating desire.B.By controlling blood flow.
C.By monitoring brain activity.D.By examining mental activities.
2. What do we know about midbrain?
A.It consists of two areas.B.It helps motivate desire for food.
C.It stops working when people are full.D.It decreases responses to lost friends.
3. What does the underlined “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.A midbrain area.B.A social activity.C.A volunteer.D.A hamburger.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Dopamine—a Sure Sign of AgeB.Midbrain—a Nest for the Thoughts
C.Hunger Makes Mental Health StruggleD.Loneliness Makes Our Brains Need People
2021-05-12更新 | 781次组卷 | 4卷引用:江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语练习卷

9 . Sophia Gholz is an award-winning children's book author, music lover. and magic seeker. Sophia enjoys writing fiction with humor and heart. When writing nonfiction, she pulls on her love of science and her family background in ecology.

Her book, The Boy Who Grew a Forest, shares the true story of Jadav Payeng, a man in India who single- bandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime. When he was younger, Jadav Payeng was shocked by the destruction of his island home. So he took matters into his own bands and began planting one seed at a time. Jadav's forest is now over 1300 acres and provides a home to many animals, some endangered. Jadav is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.

To write this story, Sophia got to know more about Jadav Payeng and his forest through a documentary film called Forest Man. Influenced by her father, a forest ecologist and a scientist, she grew up learning about the importance of trees and the natural world. When she heard about a man on a m1ssion to reforest an entire island on his own, she was drawn to this story.

As for research, most of her research was done online. She read every news article that she could find about Jadav and listened to every interview. Then she reached out to several people who had met or interviewed Jadav as well, including the producer of his short documentary film.

She hopes that The Boy Who Grew a Forest lights a spark in everyone who reads it to go out and care for our beautiful planet. She'd love young readers to be inspired to plant or to learn more about animal habitats, biodiversity and science in general.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A story on how to plant trees.B.Endangered animals in the forest.
C.Destruction of Jadav's island home.D.A book introducing a tree- planting hero.
2. What do we know about Jadav Payeng ?
A.He has quit planting recently.B.He is known to many people. .
C.He was an actor of Forest Man.D.He planted trees with his family.
3. Which words can best describe Jadav Payeng?
A.Humorous and skilled.B.Creative and outgoing.
C.Determined and diligent.D.Controversia1 and helpful.
4. What's the purpose of writing The Boy Who Grew a Forest?
A.To encourage research on wildlife.B.To describe a boy's farming experience.
C.To stress the importance of planting trees.D.To advocate the action to protect the earth.
2021-05-12更新 | 271次组卷 | 5卷引用:广东省广州中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题

10 . When you hear the beginning of your favorite song from the radio, suddenly your neck is covered in goose bumps.

It's such a thing that a group of scientists call “skin excitement”—a feeling of cold caused not by a drop in temperature or sudden scare, but by the sense of beauty. “Skin excitement” can come from a song, a painting, a moving movie scene, or even a beloved memory-pretty much anything that causes the giving out of pleasure-soaked dopamine in your brain. But it does not come for all of us.

Your favorite music uncovers a lot about your personality,and so does how you respond to that music. Studies suppose that as few as 55 percent of people experience “skin excitement” when listening to music. And if you count yourself among this group, the goose bumps on your skin aren't the only giveaway—scientists can read it in your brain, too. In a new study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Harvard researchers performed brain scans on 10 students who said they reliably got cold when listening to music, and 10 students who didn't. They found that the cold-prone brains may really be excited by stronger emotions.

Cold-prone brains are generally more likely to show stronger emotional intelligence than no-cold brains. Cold-prone minds tend to have unusual active imagination, reflect more deeply on their emotions, and appreciate nature and the beauty of music and art to a stronger degree than no-cold brains.

So, what type of music causes the chills? It seems that the type is not so important; participants in the new study reported getting cold from songs of every kind. And any song connected with a strong emotional memory of the listener can produce the most reliable results. For me, that's the song Sailing to Philadelphia by Mark Knopfler, which I listened to as a kid in the car with my dad, on the way to the summer camp.

1. What can we learn about “skin excitement” in the text?
A.It helps to produce doparmine.B.It is caused by the pain in the skin.
C.It can be experienced by every music listener.D.It is the human body's reaction to something nice.
2. What does the new study by Harvard researchers mainly find?
A.The percentage of music lovers in students.
B.The solutions to the goose bumps on one's skin.
C.The differences between cold-prone and no-cold brains.
D.The relationship between one's music preference and personality.
3. What are people with cold-prone brains like?
A.Beautiful and intelligent.B.Emotional and dishonest.
C.Imaginative and sensitive.D.Brave and strong-minded.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Responses to Music Vary among PeopleB.A Feeling of Cold Is Caused by Horrible Music
C.Your Favorite Music Reveals Your PersonalityD.Favorite Music May Bring Forth Goose Bumps
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