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1 . Deep in the middle of Sri Lanka, a massive column of rock reaches out from the green tropical forest. It is 660 feet tall and features frescoes (壁画), graffiti, and landscaped gardens.

The rock is known as Sigiriya and holds a special place in the island's cultural history.

It was established as the stronghold of a king over 1,500 years ago, and today the Sigiriya complex stands as one of the earliest preserved examples of ancient urban planning.

Located in the Central Province, the column of rock is somewhat central to the country. The rock is known as Sihagiri, meaning "Lion Rock", a nod to the giant animal carved from stone which greeted visitors at the entrance.

In 476 BC. King Dhatusena ruled over Sri Lanka. One of his illegal sons, Kashyapa, wanted the throne (王位). Kashyapa overthrew Dhatusena and drove his brother Moggallana to Southern India. Kashyapa crowned himself king in 477 BC.

King Kashyapa chose Sigiriya as his palace because its position was an advantage to the defensive stronghold, offering fantastic 360-degree views. Plans to build a city quickly unfolded and after several years, the Sigiriya complex had become a business center for the new King.

Sigiriya was both a palace and a fortress (堡垒); the overall complex featured five gates and measured just under 3 km by just over 1 km. The site plan consisted of a fort,an upper palace on the top of the rock,and lower palaces at ground level. The king also constructed gardens throughout,and for protection a river with walls surrounded the complex.

Frescoes decorate the western side of the rock, along with the mirror wall, a brick face covered in a highly-polished white plaster. When new, the wall was said to be able to produce Reflections.

Over time the Mirror Wall became a graffiti board, covered in verses written by visitors. Known as "Sigiri Graffiti", some of the messages date to the 8th century CE.

1. It is implied in the passage that Sigiriya was built to ______________.
A.preserve the culture of Sri LankaB.prove the ancient urban planning
C.keep the King from being attackedD.protect the green tropical forest
2. According to the passage, some visitors would _________.
A.have a reflection before the Mirror Wall
B.leave comments on the Mirror Wall
C.draw beautiful paintings of girls on the wall
D.be lost in thought before the Mirror Wall
3. What do we know about Sigiriya?
A.Its entrance is carved like a lion.B.Its gardens are at ground level.
C.Its western side is a mirror.D.Its palaces are on the top of the rock.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The giant lions in Sri Lanka.B.The pearl of the Indian Ocean.
C.The Lion Rock of Sri Lanka.D.The mirror wall in a rock.
2020-07-11更新 | 155次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020年新高考II卷(海南卷)阅读理解D变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Record fires sweeping across the Amazon recently have been making the headlines as scientists and environmental groups are worried that they will worsen climate change crisis and endanger biodiversity(生物多样性)。

As the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon is often called"the lungs of the world”. It is also home to about 3 million species of plants and animals, and 1 million local people. The vast area of rainforest plays an important role in the world's ecosystem because it absorbs heat instead of reflecting heat back into the atmosphere. It also stores carbon dioxide and produces oxygen, ensuring that less carbon is released, reducing the effects of climate change.

"Any forest destroyed is a danger to biodiversity and the people who use that biodiversity," Thomas Lovejoy, an ecologist at George Mason University told National Geographic."The great danger is that a lot of carbon goes into the atmosphere,"he stressed."In the midst of the global climate crisis, we cannot afford more damage to a major source of oxygen and biodiversity.The Amazon must be protected,"UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said.

Data from the National Institute for Space Research(INPE)show that the number of forest fires in Brazil quickly increased by 82 percent from January to August a year ago.A total of 71,497 forest fires were registered in the country in the first 8 months of 2019,up from 39,194 in the same period in 2018,INPE said."We estimate that the forest areas in the Brazilian Amazon have decreased something between 20 and 30 percent compared to the last 12 months," Carlos Nobre, a researcher at the University of Sao Paulo, told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Brazil owns about 60 percent of the Amazon rainforest,whose degradation(恶化)could have severe consequences for global climate and rainfall.The extent of the area ruined by fires has yet to be determined, but the emergency has gone beyond Brazil's borders.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The great role of the Amazon rainforest.
B.The effects of consistent climate change.
C.The causes of the decreasing biodiversity.
D.The results of the Amazon rainforest fires.
2. Why does the author mention the figures in the fourth paragraph?
A.To explain the process of the research.
B.To present the bad influence of forest fires.
C.To prove the great importance of the rainforest.
D.To show the emergency of protecting the rainforest.
3. What does the author want to tell us in the passage?
A.The dry weather leads to the rainforest fires.
B.The biodiversity makes the rainforest unique.
C.The rainforest fires result in serious consequences.
D.The global climate crisis brings more rainforest fires.
4. Which section of a magazine might this passage probably be taken from?
A.Climate and life.
B.Nature and geography.
C.Humankind and society.
D.Science and technology.
2020-06-14更新 | 109次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020年新高考II卷(海南卷)阅读理解D变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Today we know Antarctica as an extreme environment containing ice and snow. But new research provides evidence that the area was very different in the past.

The evidence was found inside a piece of earth sediment(沉积物) collected by researchers from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor off the coast of Antarctica. In the sediment, they found forest soil estimated to be about 90 million years old. This would have been in the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs were the main land animals.

Johann Klages is a geologist, working in the Institute's Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Germany. He said an examination showed that the material formed on land, not in the ocean.

The researchers estimate that the area – about 900 kilometers from the South Pole – had average yearly temperatures of about 12 to 13 degrees Celsius. During the warmest summer months, average temperatures likely reached between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. The average yearly temperature in that area is about 40 degrees below zero Celsius.

The examination results showed “a dense network of roots that spread through the entire soil layer,” the Helmholtz Center said in a statement.

The dark brownish-gray soil included fine dirt particles and hard clay, as well as substances linked to at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Klages put that the plants included trees, ferns and flowering plants and while no animal remains were found, there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles and many insects in the environment.

The researchers said that the rainforest environment in Antarctica was especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a four-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life.

1. According to the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.dinosaurs were from Antarctica
B.Antarctica was always extremely cold
C.the ocean floor is made up of sediment
D.the area has been experiencing climate changes
2. What surprised the researchers?
A.No animals left.
B.No fertilizer to fuel plants.
C.Roots spreading through the soil.
D.The rainforest experiencing polar night.
3. Which column is the passage probably from?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Antarctica, Once a Warm Rainforest
B.Earth Sediment Found in Antarctica
C.Antarctica - an Extreme Environment
D.New Antarctica Found by Researchers

4 . I had been living with Dino and his family for ten days or so, who lived and worked in the rainforest. They were the “bad guys”, burning much of the western Amazon to tun it into cattle farms. They were also some of the nicest and warmest hosts. They are a family trying to survive in a very tough environment through hard work. Their view and understanding of the problems the Amazon faces are different from mine. I see the Amazon as an extraordinary valuable life that should be treasured and protected at all costs-the world needs it, and we all need it. However, the Dinos see the Amazon as a vast, lasting resource that feeds them. After talking extent win them, I realized their respect for it was as deep as my own: they just saw it very differently.

Cattle farming in the Amazon is perhaps mainly responsible for the fires we are seeing now. It is an industry of cutting forest, burning it and turning it to cattle farms. Fires spread throughout the Amazon every year as a result of that practice. Putting cattle on the land means replacing trees with animals that produce damaging levels of greenhouse gases. This is just about the most stupid thing humans can do.

One morning after a fire, I returned to the land. I felt as though I had seen the blue smoke from those blackened tree trunks that remained upright, which are memorials to human stupidity.

The problems the Amazon faces are perhaps more complex now than ever before, but they are curable. We need to decide where and how we appoint and apply values based on sensible economic models that favor both the farmer and the forest. One of the issues facing the Brazilian Amazon now is a loosening of rules by the current administration which has opened up more land for deforestation(毁林) and burning. This could be disastrous, both for the Amazon and the rest of the world.

1. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The consequences of cattle farming.B.The main cause of forest fires.
C.The causes of greenhouse gases.D.The importance of cattle farming.
2. How did the author feel when returning to the land after a fire?
A.It helped the author recall his memory about the land.
B.It reminded us of our foolishness of destroying the land.
C.It's not surprising to see the land destroyed by the fire.
D.It's amazing to see the trees keep straight after the fire.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A.The writer and Dino respected the Amazon equally in different ways.
B.Cattle farming is not to blame for the fires happening in the Amazon.
C.The problems the Amazon faces are more complex and can't be solved.
D.The Dinos are considered to be bad for burning the forest to make a fortune.
4. What should the Brazilian government do to solve the Amazon problems?
A.Prevent the deeds of burning.B.Offer more land.
C.Take stricter measures.D.Appoint economic models.
2020-05-25更新 | 121次组卷 | 4卷引用:海南省文昌中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Language learning apps are very popular now and offer opportunities to learn vocabulary and practice grammar. But there has been a discussion about just how effective such apps can be.

Among the most popular apps are Duolingo and Busuu. A former research found positive results on the use of them. But it mainly concentrated on studies with learners who had signed up for language courses and these apps worked as an after-class support, so the results were not always reliable. A recent study of 4,095 Busuu users has been carried out to find out if users can actually learn a language with an app.

Busuu provides learning materials for 12 different languages. It offers special models where some contents are ready for use for free while some contents are not. We find that its users are an even mix of men and women. More than half consider themselves to be at the beginner level because there is a reduction in users as their language levels go up. Most people use the app because of personal interest, or because they want to study or live abroad. Female users are likely to use it less often but for longer periods of time than male users.

Feedback in the app is highly thought of. More than 92% of the users say that the app has met their expectations and 86% consider the app as very good or good. In fact, more than 80% of the users surveyed strongly agree that using the app has helped them improve their knowledge of the language they are learning.

Besides, language learning apps also create an environment where mistakes are only known to the users, and this can address the performance nervousness that many learners suffer from when asked to speak a foreign language. So language teachers should encourage their students to use them to do the grammar work, leaving precious class time for more language communication.

1. What's the reason why the results of the former research weren't always reliable?
A.It was only carried out before class.
B.It only considered users of a limited(有限的)kind.
C.It just focused on positive results.
D.It used out-of-date methods.
2. What can we learn about the app Busuu from the text?
A.All the contents are free to use.
B.Most users consider it satisfying.
C.It's used by more advanced learners.
D.It's more popular with female learners.
3. Which of the following can probably replace the underlined word “address”?
A.Deal with.B.Write down.
C.Turn to.D.Speak of.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Students won't suffer nervousness in learning languages by using Busuu.
B.Language learning apps are effective and satisfactory to language learners.
C.Language learning apps are very popular with most language teachers.
D.Students should be required to use apps for homework after class.

6 . Reading instruction in the classroom is a key concern for all teachers and there are many ways to go about it. However, is our determination to achieve excellence in reading skills in our children killing their love and enjoyment of a good book?

In my work with parents, I am frequently asked the best ways to encourage reluctant readers to be engaged with books. Parents report that their children return home from school with no inclination to pick up a book and read.

Any eager reader will gladly talk about the joy with a good book to read away the hours on a cold, rainy afternoon. Reading a good book is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We need to share these experiences with our children in order to assist them in developing into strong readers. But the use of boring, mass-produced home reading texts in children’s early years at school can be seen as the beginning of this negative cycle.

As children progress through their schooling life, there are many other instances of learning reading skills that don’t help reading development. Frequently, teachers feel the pressure to give their students “just enough” in terms of reading strategies to be able to achieve the test, which leaves little time to focus on reading for pleasure.

Kelly Gallagher, a high school teacher, outlines the term “Readicide” in his book. He says it’s: the systematic killing of the love of reading, often worsened by foolish, boring practices found in schools.

Recent research shows that many teachers tend to follow the traditional literacy practices that they have experienced in their own education, which can often have negative intentions for their students.

While teaching children key concepts for analyzing and evaluating texts is important, the manner in which it is done and time that is spent on this can lead to unexpected results. Schools aren’t to blame when it comes to not arresting students’ lack of interest in reading, but they have an important role to play in fostering reading enjoyment.

1. What does the underlined word “inclination” mean?
2. What does the term “Readicide” refer to?
A.To develop reading habitsB.To read for pleasure
C.To learn reading skillsD.To kill a love for books
3. According to the text, teachers at school ______.
A.focus on teaching reading strategies
B.ignore key concepts for analyzing texts
C.are to blame for students’ poor reading
D.fail to follow the traditional reading practices
4. What might be suitable title for the text?
A.Reading books is to experience pleasure
B.Learning to love books is even more important
C.Teaching reading helps reluctant readers
D.Getting pleasure from books makes capable readers
2020-03-04更新 | 120次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020年新高考II卷(海南卷)阅读理解C变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Rescue workers and thousands of volunteers are not the only ones who have won hearts and minds for their heroic efforts in the search for survivors after Tuesday's powerful earthquake in

Mexico. Fifteen dogs from the navy's canine(军犬)unit have assisted this week in the rescue efforts at the sites of collapsed buildings across Mexico City, where more than 50 people have been pulled alive from the ruins.

Of the canine heroes none is more famous or loved than Frida, a six-year-old white Labrador who in her distinguished service has won praise for her ability to detect people who have been trapped by various natural disasters. Over her admirable career she has found 52 people including 12 survivors in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

This week, Frida and Evil and Echo—two Belgian Shepherds that have also been specially trained for rescue efforts一were sent to the site of the collapsed Enrique Rebsamen School in southern Mexico City.

Equipped with goggles that protect her eyes from dust and smoke, boots to prevent damage to her paws while she climbs over rough ruins, Frida took to her work looking every bit the part of the ruins.

If Frida detects the presence of a survivor, she is trained to bark to alert rescue workers but if she detects a corpse she stops suddenly before proceeding, her handler explained.

Eleven children were rescued from ruins at the school but this time human rescue workers rather than the dogs were the ones who located them.

However, that hasn't stopped Frida from becoming a social media star and reaching a new level of fame this week. Videos and other social media posts that highlight the work of Frida and her impressive record of detecting people trapped by natural disasters spread quickly online.

While she has yet to detect anyone trapped in the ruins this week, she and other rescue dogs are continuing to work tirelessly, searching through spaces that humans cannot reach. With the possibility that there are still people trapped alive, time will tell whether she adds to her rescue record.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Severe earthquakes in MexicoB.Undertaking rescue work.
C.People waiting for rescueD.Special rescuers in Mexico.
2. What makes Frida a social media star?
A.Her rescue records and tireless work.
B.Her cooperation with the rescue team.
C.Her cool appearance with some special devices.
D.Her ability to search spaces beyond humans' reach.
3. What does the underlined word "corpse" in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.An article of clothing.B.An unconscious animal.
C.A dead person.D.A special signal.
4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_______ .
A.Frida will achieve nothing
B.Frida will probably work miracles
C.more dogs will be sent to the area
D.the rest of the rescue will be done by dogs
2020-01-15更新 | 396次组卷 | 8卷引用:海南省琼海市嘉积中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次月考英语科试题 (含听力)

8 . We have recently heard some interesting ways that 5G wireless technology might change our lives in the future. One project in Britain is testing this superfast technology, but not on humans. Instead, the experiment involves an unlikely group of Internet users—cows. The system connects the animals to 5G in an effort to automate the milking process.

The project was developed by American technology company Cisco Systems. It is part of a Cisco-led program called 5G Rural First. Cisco says the program seeks to explore the future of 5G connectivity in rural communities around the world. Rural areas are expected to be the last to receive 5G service.

Testing areas were set up on farms in three rural areas of England. The cows are equipped with 5G-connected devices that link up to a robotic milking system. The system uses sensors and machine learning to fully automate the process, System designers say the technology takes over after a cow feels ready to be milked and walks toward an automatic gate. The device is designed to recognize each individual cow. It then positions equipment to the right body position for milking. During the process, machines release food for the cow as a reward.

One of the test areas is in the town of Shepton Mallet, in southwest England. There about 50 of the farm’s 180 cows are fitted with 5G smart collars and health-observing ear sensors. Project officials say the devices do not harm the cows and the sensors permit farmers to immediately identify any problem or health concerns.

Other technology tools powering the 5G smart farms include automated brushes that work automatically when the cow rubs up against them. Sensors also control the amount of light to the cows’ living areas depending on the weather. And, an automatic feeding system makes sure the animals always get enough to eat.

Nick Chrissos works on the project for Cisco. He said the system could connect every cow and every other animal on the whole farm. “That’s what 5G can do for farming—really release the power that we have within this farm, everywhere around the United Kingdom, and everywhere around the world.”

1. Why was the program developed?
A.To produce more milk.B.To care for cows better.
C.To try out 5G in rural areas.D.To improve 5G system on farms.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The way 5G system controls the milking process.
B.The way 5G system is set up on the farms.
C.The reason why 5G is used on the cows.
D.The reason why 5G is popular with the farms.
3. Which paragraph talks about extra technology applications on the 5G farm?
A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.
C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 5.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.5G Is Used Widely on the Cows of British Farms
B.5G Has Reached Rural Areas of the United Kingdom
C.British Cows Connected to 5G Can Control Their Own Milking
D.Farmers in British Are Using 5G to Improve Their Life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
9 . Meeting people from another culture can be difficult.From the beginning,people may send the wrong signal(信号).Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.
Different cultures emphasize(强调)the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree.For example,business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust.Even with people at work,it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”,usually over a glass of tea,before they do any job.In many European countries—like the UK or France—people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafés rather than at the office.
Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures.I once made a speech in Thailand.I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion;instead there was an uncomfortable silence.The people present just stared at me and smiled.After getting to know their ways better,I realized that they thought I was talking too much.In my own culture,we express meaning mainly through words,but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.
Even within Northern Europe,cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values;however,Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly.We think that they are rude.In fact,this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.
People from different parts of the world have different values,and sometimes these values are quite against each other.However,if we can understand them better,a multicultural environment(多元文化环境)will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.
1. In some countries,eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to .
A.develop closer relationsB.share the same culture
C.get to know each otherD.keep each other company
2. The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that .
A.the English prefer to make long speeches
B.too many words are of no use
C.people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature
D.even talk and silence can be culturally different
3. According to the text,how can people from different cultures understand each other better?
A.By sharing different ways of life.
B.By accepting different habits.
C.By recognizing different values.
D.By speaking each other’s languages.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Multicultural Environment
B.Cross-Cultural Differences
C.How to Understand Each Other
D.How to Build Up a Relationship
2019-01-30更新 | 682次组卷 | 19卷引用:海南省屯昌中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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