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1 . Eat like a king in the morning, a prince at noon, and a peasant at night. This saying is all about the importance of breakfast. And now scientists can tell us just why it’s so important. According to a study carried out at Imperial College London, UK, skipping the first meal of the day not only means you eat more at lunch, but also that your brain wants to find more unhealthy foods.

The study suggests that there is a special part of our brain called the orbitofrontal cortex, which plays an important part in making choices about what we eat. It is used for identifying the taste of food, especially when skipping breakfast. It is more likely to target high-calorie foods when you’re on an empty stomach.

Scientists did an experiment on this. Dr Tony Goldstone from Imperial College London, scanned the brains of 21 men and women, around the age of 25. On the first day, these people skipped breakfast before the scans. On the second day, they had cereal, bread and jam as breakfast. After the scan on both days, they had their lunch.

When the volunteers had skipped breakfast, they ate around 20 percent more at lunch, compared with days when they had eaten breakfast. Their brain scans also showed the orbitofrontal cortex was especially responsive to high-calorie foods. “We believe that bit identifies the value of foods — how pleasant, how delicious something is,” Goldstone told The Guardian.

1. From Paragraph 1, we learn that ________.
A.scientists found out why eating breakfast is important
B.it’s easy to lose weight without breakfast
C.there’s no need to have good food for supper
D.eating breakfast makes your brain smarter
2. Which is the correct order for the experiment on the first day?
①The volunteers skipped breakfast.             ②The volunteers had lunch.
③The volunteers had a brain scan.
3. In the experiment, the volunteers without breakfast ate about 20% ________at lunch.
A.of the usual breakfastB.more than the usual breakfast
C.of the usual lunchD.more than the usual lunch
4. Which of the following can be the title for this passage?
A.Breakfast still most importantB.Three meals a day
C.Experiments on breakfastD.Experiments on lunch
2021-03-28更新 | 92次组卷 | 2卷引用:必修第三册 Unit 5 综合基础—2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(人教版2019)

2 . With the click of a button, Amanda Eshelman, a 13-year- old girl with hearing loss, regained the ability to hear the world around her.

"Hi, baby, " her mom, who seated herself next to her at St.Louis Children’s Hospital, said before they both burst into tears.

Amanda has been deaf in her left ear from a young age and has been progressively losing hearing in her right ear since she started middle school two years ago.A hearing aid helped her for a while, but it slowly became less and less effective.

A specialist in St.Louis Children's Hospital thought a cochlear implant could improve her hearing—but there was no guarantee.Her parents allowed Amanda to decide for herself.She wanted to go for it.

"They said she hadn’t heard on this side for at least 10 years; we didn't know if it would work, and if her brain would be able to recognize these signals," Amanda’s mom, Betsy Eshelman, told Today.“So we tried not to get our hope up as we walked in.

In mid-November, Amanda had the surgery and two weeks later, the system was turned on.When the sounds returned,Amanda covered her mouth with her hands in astonishment and then shed tears of joy.

“I like it, ” Amanda said in the video.“It’s a lot better than I thought it was going to be.”

Amanda noted the whirr of the fan system and the buzz of the lights overhead.“I didn’t know the lights make noise.”she said.

Now, Amanda is able to hear all sorts of sounds she has been missing out for years—especially at home.

"It's been great," Betsy said."She made the comment that she didn’t realize how loud we all were! She didn’t realize how quiet her world had become.”

1. What is the correct order for the events in the story about Amanda?
①Amanda received a cochlear implant.
②Amanda lost hearing in her right ear.
③Amanda lost hearing in her left ear.
④Amanda regained her hearing.
⑤Amanda started middle school.
2. Amanda's mother worried that          .
A.Amanda wouldn't like the cochlear implant
B.a cochlear implant wouldn’t help
C.a cochlear implant would reduce hearing
D.they couldn't afford a cochlear implant
3. From the underlined sentence, we can infer that Amanda's mother was          
4. The passage is mainly about          .
A.a cochlear implant surgery
B.an achievement for deaf people
C.a girl who regained her hearing
D.how to improve hearing
2021-03-09更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019选择性必修二 Unit 3 过关检测试卷

3 . If you ever find yourself trapped in the wilderness without food, you'll have to figure out how to feed yourself. Many plants in the wild are edible, but many are also poisonous. So it is necessary to learn how to determine whether the plants you find can be eaten safely.

Avoid using this method without careful planning. Some plants can be deadly, and even if you follow these guidelines perfectly, there is always a chance that a plant will make you seriously ill. Prepare yourself for wilderness outings by learning about the local plants, and carry a guidebook to help you identify plants. Even if you are unprepared and cannot find food you know to be safe, remember that, depending on your activity level, the human body can go for days without food, and you’re better off being hungry than being poisoned.

Testing the plant in your mouth is dangerous, so go forward very slowly and carefully. First, hold a small portion of the prepared plant part against your lip for 3 minutes. Do not put the plant in your mouth. If you notice any burning, tingling (刺痛), or other reactions, discontinue testing. Second, place another small portion of the plant part on your tongue. Hold the plant on your tongue without chewing for 15 minutes. Discontinue testing if you notice any reaction. Third, chew the plant and hold it in your mouth for 15 minutes. Chew the plant well, and do not swallow. Discontinue testing if you notice any reaction. Fourth, swallow the small portion of the plant. Wait 8 hours. Do not eat or drink anything during this period except purified water. If you feel sick, immediately throw up what you eat and drink plenty of water. If activated charcoal (活性炭) is available, take that with the water.

1. What’s the meaning of the underlined world “edible” in paragraph 1?
A.Suitable for using as food.B.Widely spread.
C.Existing in large quantities.D.Not widely known.
2. What can we know from paragraph 2?
A.Planning is unnecessary when using the method.
B.Not all plants in the wild can serve as food generally.
C.Suffering hunger can be more dangerous than testing plants.
D.Following the method perfectly can ensure safety.
3. Which is the correct order of testing plants in the mouth?
① wait and see ② chew it in the mouth③ put it on the tongue④ put it against lips ⑤ swallow it
4. Where might the passage come from?
A.A student’s diary.
B.A science report.
C.A guide book for camping.
D.A doctor’ s notebook.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . TUVALU,a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean,has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu’s nine little islands is more than five meters above sea level.Salt water is already entering the country’s drinking water supply,as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetables.Without urgent help,the country’s days are numbered.

But Tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the sea.Venice,a historic city in Italy best known for its canals,has sunk about 24cm over the past 100 years.Experts say that it will have sunk another 20~50cm by 2050.A century ago,St.Mark’s Square,the lowest point in the city,flooded about nine times a year.Nowadays,it happens more than 100 times.While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands,Tuvalu’s rising sea level is caused by global warming.

The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degree over the past century,scientists expect it to rise by an extra 1~3 degrees over the next 100 years.

Warmer weather makes glaciers(冰川)melt,adding more water to the ocean.The warmer temperatures also make water expand,so it takes up more space,causing the sea level to rise.The sea level has risen about 10~25cm in the last 100 years.

The main cause of global warming is human pollution.Through burning coal,oil and gas,people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,such as CO2.This adds to the power of the greenhouse effect,making the planet even warmer.

Many scientists believe that,if the warming is not stopped,there will be huge climate changes.The sea level could rise by one meter this century.

Should this come true,the sea will swallow up millions of homes and the world will be flooded with“climate refugees”looking for somewhere to live.

1. We can infer from the first paragraph that.
A.Tuvalu is in danger of moving slowly downwards into the sea
B.all Tuvalu’s islands are about five meters above the sea level
C.drinking water in Tuvalu will be destroyed
D.Tuvalu is often flooded by storms and waves
2. Put the following events in the right order.
a.Glaciers begin to melt.
b.People burn coal,oil and gas.
c.The greenhouse effect is growing.
d.The earth is getting warmer and warmer.
e.The sea level is rising.
f.More CO2is produced.
g.Many places are sinking into the sea.
3. What does“climate refugees”mean?
A.People who are forced away from their homeland by climate.
B.Climate changes.
C.Rare animals.
D.Climate effect.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Tuvalu’s nine little islands are less than five meters above the sea level.
B.The average global temperature has risen by 1―3 centigrade degrees over the past 100 years.
C.the warmer temperature causes the sea level to rise.
D.There will be huge climate changes unless the warming is stopped.
2020-08-27更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:【高中新教材人教版同步备课】必修1【新教材精创】4.2 Reading and thinking 练习(2)
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5 . Being compared to great people like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein is not something that happens to the average person. At the age of just 23, Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski has already achieved much more goals than most of us ever will in our lifetime.

When she was only 14 years old, the Chicago girl made her own single engine airplane—by herself. She then flew it across Lake Michigan, becoming the youngest person to ever fly their own plane.

She graduated from Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) in 2010 and entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

At first, she had to wait to be accepted into the school, but once Professors Allen Haggerty and Earll Murman watched her video they had no doubt. Femalista quoted Haggerty as saying: After just three years at MIT she has already achieved the highest possible grade point average of 5.0.

She is now studying further at Harvard University, with full academic freedom. Once again she is only 23 years old.

What's even more impressive is that she is no longer interested in building planes but has turned her attention to physics, namely black holes and how gravity (重力)affects space and time —that is why she is being compared to Einstein and Hawking.

Pasterski records all of her work on her website Physics Girl, but if you are a little shocked by her achievements, she has some words for you.

During an interview with Marie Claire earlier this year she said: Being optimistic about what you believe you can do. When you're little, you say a lot of things about what you'll do or be when you're older—I think it's important not to forget those dreams."

1. Why does the author mention Einstein and Hawking at the beginning?
A.To honour the two scientists.
B.To compare the two scientist.
C.To bring out the key character.
D.To introduce their achievements.
2. What might be the right order of the events about Pasterski?
a. Study at Harvard University.
b. Wait to be accepted by MIT.
c. Achieve grade point average of 5.0.
d. Graduate from IMSA in 2010.
e. Make a single engine airplane by herself.
3. What is even more impressive about Pasterski?
A.She has full academic freedom at Harvard.
B.She records all of her work on her website.
C.She becomes the youngest person to fly a plane.
D.She is interested in some special fields of physics.
4. According to Pasterski, which are the important qualities that people need to succeed?
A.Independence and concentration.B.Concentration and optimism.
C.Optimism and determination.D.Friendliness and determination.
2020-04-07更新 | 23次组卷 | 2卷引用:第8课 必修二Unit4-2022-2023学年高一英语上学期课后培优分级练(译林版2020)

6 . A ship that sank off the coast of California decades ago was recently reconstructed in detail. The 3D digital model even included hundreds of sponges (海绵动物) that have gathered on the ship’s surface since it sank.

Named American Heritage, the supply ship sank in Santa Monica Bay on May 4, 1995, and for decades its exact location was unknown. Researchers with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) spotted a strange shape in that area in 2008. But it wasn’t until May 2018 that MBARI scientists identified its exact location and mapped the site in detail, showing what appeared to be a shipwreck (失事船只).

Even then, the identity of the shipwreck was uncertain. Yet another MBARI team revisited the location to do further exploration. They sent remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and took photos of the damaged ship. Though it was covered with deep-sea sponges and other animals, the scientists were able to spot letters spelling out its name, confirming that the shipwreck was American Heritage.

As one of the MBARI scientists who found American Heritage, chief ROV pilot Knute Brekke had worked on the ship before. And he was on duty with the diving company American Pacific Marine — the owner of American Heritage — the night the ship began taking in water and eventually sank.

MBARI spokesperson Kim Fulton -Bennett said to Live Science about the discovery, “The model is not complete, as floating ropes and poor visibility kept the pilots from getting too close to the wreck. But the 3D reconstruction is detailed enough to show that American Heritage is now home to thousands of sponges. Shipwrecks often turn into the shelter for diverse communities of ocean life.”

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A.A valuable treasure was discovered.
B.Special sponges were found under sea.
C.3D model reconstructed a sunken ship.
D.A sunken ship was gotten out of water.
2. Which is the right order of the following events?
① Something strange was found in the area.
② ROVs were sent under sea to take photos.
③ A ship sank in Santa Monica Bay.
④ The identity of the ship was confirmed.
⑤ Scientists tried to locate the shipwreck.
3. What can we learn about Knute Brekke?
A.He was familiar with the sunken ship.
B.He was in charge of a diving company.
C.He was responsible for the rescue work.
D.He was the first one to witness the accident.
4. What’s Kim Fulton-Bennett’s attitude towards the 3D model?
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7 . By the mid-1920s, Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. had been one of the most celebrated men .In 1957, when Pablo Picasso was in his seventh decade, he joked that x-ray technology might one day reveal a lost work underneath one of his early paintings. Today, that prediction became reality although the technology involved goes far beyond x-rays.

Using hyper-modern tools to peer into one of his Blue Period paintings, researchers have not only shown a hidden piece of art history in astonishing new detail, they have revealed a striking amount of insight into Picasso's creative process and style.

The investigation focused on"La Miséreuse accroupie, "or" Crouching Woman, "painted in 1902 and currently owned by the Art Gallery. The painting, an oil on canvas (画布) piece drawing a crouching (蜷坐的) woman who wears a long coat, shows Picasso’s typical Blue Period colors: grey, green, blue and white. It shows that the innovative modernist was inspired by the lines of an underlying landscape painted by an unknown artist.

The analysis also exposes several changes to the woman described in the painting,many of which Picasso ultimately abandoned. Researchers released their findings on Saturday’s press conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Austin, Texas. “We think now it's a landscape painted by someone enrolled at the fine arts academy in Barcelona, someone in Picasso’s orbit but not in his close circle, ”says Kenneth Brummel, assistant curator of modern art for the Art Gallery of Ontario.

As to why Picasso would have “recycled” another artist’s canvas(油画布), reasons could range from economic necessity, as a young artist still establishing himself, to deep inspiration driven by the lines of the image already laid down there. Picasso often re-used canvases for this reason."

“He didn't shave off the canvas or put a preparatory layer over it,” Brummel says.“ Picasso saw this landscape, found inspiration, and decided he was going to paint it immediately."

1. According to the text ,the most likely process of Picasso's painting?
①Picasso reused another artist's canvas.
②Inspired by a landscape painting, Picasso decided to paint one too.
③Picasso painted a woman on the landscape painting.
④Not happy with the landscape, Picasso covered it totally.
⑤Picasso made changes to the woman
2. How did Picasso deal with the landscape painting?
A.He reused it because he hated wasting anything.
B.He hid his own paintings beneath the landscape.
C.He took the advantage of it and created a new one.
D.He kept it to himself with the permission of its owner.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.People often celebrated Picasso’s success.
B.Picasso was not well-off when he started his career.
C.Picasso became successful overnight.
D.Picasso was good at imitating other artists’ works.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Picasso's predication turned out to be joke.
B.High technology uncovered art mysteries.
C.Seeing is not always believing.
D.Lost Artwork Found Under Famous Picasso Painting.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . One day in March, seven years ago, during happy hours at a bar in my hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas, I made a surprise announcement to my friends: I was going to shut down   my law practice and attempt to travel around the globe in a year. What’s more, I would do it without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation (预定) of any kind. My announcement drew mixed reactions from my friends. Some offered support and encouragement, while others were more doubtful.

Once I had said the words, there was no turning back. I took months to shut down my law practice and get things in order. Once I set off on my adventure in December 2008, I found travelling without using planes was not easy. Trying to circle the globe in 16 months (it took me a bit longer than the initial 12 months I planned) made it even harder. Even so, travelling overland was the most amazing way to truly understand the immensity (浩瀚无际) of our wonderful planet.

I took three consecutive (连续) overnight buses to travel 3,000 km through Argentina, from Ushuaia to the capital Buenos Aires. I would look out of the windows for hours continuously at the completely plains, as if humans had never touched it.

It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent staring out of the windows for hours as the Siberian plains swept by. Sometimes, I wouldn’t see a village or a human being for 10 hours. Later in my journey, it took 22 days on a cargo freighter (货船) to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to Philadelphia, to finish my round-the-world adventure.

It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far less difficult than I had imagined. Pulling into a city on a bus with a backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations (住所), and then finding an empty room was never much of problem anywhere. It also kept me flexible (灵活) and open about all my travel plans, which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan for less than you think you should.

1. The author’s trip was special in that ________.
A.he made it at the expense of giving up his job
B.it hardly cost him anything
C.he did not make advance booking or travel by air
D.It was a global trip
2. The author most probably returned to the United States in ________.
A.Jane 2009B.December 2009
C.February 2010D.April 2010
3. The author’s travelling route was ________.
① Moscow
② Philadelphia
③ New Zealand
④ Ushuaia
⑤ Beijing
⑥ Buenos Aires
4. What did the author think of his around-the-world tour?
A.Challenging but pleasant.B.Dangerous but wonderful.
C.Boring and disappointing.D.Costly and painful.
2020-01-07更新 | 49次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修四 Unit 2 Section B 课后

9 . Mekong fresh water irawaddy dolphin(短吻海豚)is an endangered species(濒危物种)throughout Asia, with reducing numbers inhabiting(栖息)stretches of the Mekong in Cambodia and Laos, and Bangladesh. The dolphins can live up to 30 years, grow up to 2. 5m in length, and can weigh 150kg.

Fortunately for travellers, the dolphins have become a popular tourist attraction in recent years, providing a vital development to the local economy. Kratie, a sleepy provincial capital 7 hours by bus from Phnom Penh, is the best place to see them. The irrawaddy dolphins live in deep Mekong pool all year round and can be found at Kampi village 15km north of Kratie town, which has become a symbol of the town’s rejuvenation after years of war and neglect. The trip to see the dolphins can be started at any time of the day from Kratie town and travel upstream around 30 minutes by car along a quiet paved road to Kampi, a riverside fishing village.

The dolphins can usually be seen right from the river bank, but it’s worthwhile to take a spotting cruise in one of the wooden long-tail boats available for hire. The irrawaddy dolphins won’t come right up to the boat like their gregarious (群居的)saltwater cousins, but they are easy to find, lying lazily on the surface, or breaking water with a distinctive puff of spray while chasing fish.

The boat trip in drive season is only 60 minutes. The boat men will turn off the motor to approach the dolphins and sail with wooden oars, or simply make fast to a clump of brush when dolphins are nearby. In just over an hour on the boat, you will see the dolphins over a hundred times, at a range close enough to distinguish(辨别)between individual animals.

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.General information of irrawaddy dolphins.
B.The protection of irrawaddy dolphins.
C.The distribution of irrawaddy dolphins.
D.The growth of irrawaddy dolphins.
2. The underlined word” rejuvenation” in Paragraph 2 probably means” “
3. Which of the following is the correct route to see irrawaddy dolphins?
A.Kampi→Phnom Penh→Kratie
B.Phnom Penh→Kampi→Kratie
C.Kratie→Phnom Penh→Kampi
D.Phnom Penh→Kratie→Kampi
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Irrawaddy dolphins can be watched closely.
B.Irrawaddy dolphins are not afraid of people.
C.Irrawaddy dolphins like to come right up to the boat.
D.Irrawaddy dolphins don’t live in groups.
2019-10-29更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:新外研版 必修1 Unit 6 Period 3 课时练1

10 . In Africa, Christmas Day begins with groups of carolers (欢唱颂歌的人) walking to and from through the village, along the roadway, by the houses of the missionaries (传教士), singing the lovely carols known to the world around. Often people may be awakened by a group of carolers beginning to gather at the house of worship(敬神活动). They return home to make final preparations as to the clothes one must wear and also as to their offering for the Christmas service.

The most important part of their Christmas worship service is the love offering. This is the gift in honor of Jesus. At about 8 or 9 o'clock everyone goes to the celebration of the birthday of Jesus. Everyone who attends the service goes forward to lay down their gift upon the raised platform near the Communion table. No one will attend the service without giving a gift.

Christmas in South Africa is a summer holiday. There is no snow, but it has many flowers, many beautiful varieties of wild flowers being in their full pride.

In Ghana, most churches show the coming of Christmas by decorating the church and homes beginning with the first week in Advent, four weeks before Christmas. This season happens to be the time of cocoa harvest, so it is a time of wealth. Everyone returns home from wherever they might be such as farms or mines.

In Africa, it is the traditional dinner of turkey, roast beef, mince pies, or suckling pig, yellow rice with raisins, vegetables, and plum pudding, crackers. In the afternoon, families go out into the country and usually there are games or bathing in the warm sunshine, and then home in the cool of the evening. Boxing Day is also a proclaimed (正式宣布的) public holiday usually spent in the open air. It falls on December 26 and is a day of real relaxation.

1. The purpose of this text is to ________.
A.persuade us to have a holiday in Africa
B.describe some important holidays in Africa
C.tell us how people celebrate Christmas in Africa
D.introduce to us when Christmas came into being
2. What is the most important part of Christmas worship service?
A.One must sing a carol on the platform.
B.One must appear in fantastic clothes.
C.Food is shared among carolers.
D.Everyone carries a gift to the scene.
3. If you visit South Africa on Christmas Day, you’ll find _____________.
A.the church and homes are being decorated
B.there are flowers all over the country
C.everyone returns home to harvest cocoa
D.it is snowing heavily everywhere
4. The correct time order of the following festivals should be __________.
A.Christmas→ Boxing Day→Advent
B.Boxing Day→ Christmas→Advent
C.Christmas→ Advent→Boxing Day
D.Advent→Christmas→Boxing Day
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