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1 . It is sometimes jokingly said that you may skip a meal a day without any adverse effect but skip using your WeChat for an hour and you will feel distinctly unwell. It is an acknowledgement of the fact that the app is no longer only a fun tool but an essential part of life for millions.

Launched in January 2011, this messaging, social media and mobile payment app today has more than 1 billion individual users. People use it for everything, from applying for a business license to booking a hospital appointment to keeping up with family and friends, shopping and paying bills—activities that are part and parcel of our everyday life.

When it was first introduced, WeChat was only an app supporting voice, video, picture and text messages between two persons or among a group. But today it has become ubiquitous.

In the past, people carried their wallet and keys with them wherever they went; today, a smart phone with WeChat installed is all they need in daily life. Its functions like Moments and mini programs and the official WeChat accounts of government agencies and companies have made communication and public services accessible and convenient like never before.

WeChat is also widely used by enterprises. Figures from Tencent show there are around 15 million WeChat official accounts, which enjoy 5 billion followers. Most businesses use their WeChat groups as a standard marketing kit. This has immensely reduced advertising, marketing and communication costs, and in the background of the novel coronavirus disease, made operations faster, contactless and safe.

However, there are concerns about the downsides of WeChat, such as addiction among primary school children. Equally serious is the misuse of WeChat for fraud or instigating crimes. However, it has to be kept in mind that these fallouts are not really the fault of WeChat, but due to the misuse of the app.

If we learn to temper our use of messaging apps with prudence and pragmatism, we could be looking forward to yet new conveniences and experience in this decade with the rapid development of 5G technology and artificial intelligence. Ultimately, the choice is ours, whether to use WeChat or any other new invention, wisely or wantonly.

1. We can conclude from the first paragraph that ___________.
A.we can easily skip a meal a day.
B.we will be ill by not using WeChat.
C.WeChat used to be meant for fun.
D.WeChat has become inseparable in daily life.
2. The underlined word “ubiquitous” in Paragraph 3 probably has the same meaning as ____________.
3. For what reasons do the government agencies choose to use WeChat?
A.WeChat has a mobile payment function.
B.The agencies provide better service through WeChat.
C.Mini programs are convenient for the agencies.
D.People do not have to carry keys and cash with them.
4. What benefits does WeChat bring to the businesses?
A.It has brought more followers.
B.It has become a standard.
C.It has helped to cut down the costs.
D.It has made the businesses healthier.
5. What is to be remembered when we look at the downsides of WeChat?
A.WeChat should be held responsibly.
B.WeChat should be banned among primary school children.
C.The improper use of the app leads to many problems.
D.The 5G technology will bring new conveniences and experience.

2 . Great Barrier Reef Choking on Pollutants

Attempts to protect the Great Barrier Reef are failing. A report released Monday by the government in Australia says water quality in the Great Barrier Reef is far below what it should be. It showed that pollution have decreased, but not enough to reach environmental targets.

Sediment (沉淀物) and chemicals can weaken coral, hurting its ability to feed and grow. Coral are live animals that take root in the ocean floor, but they are not plants. Reefs are the hard skeletons (骨架) left at the bottom of the sea by small marine creatures called polyps (珊瑚虫). The polyps then form the larger structure of a reef. Corals also are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the entire planet. They can make a home for invertebrates, crustaceans, fish, and sea snakes.

Steve Miles is Queensland’s environment minister. He says the research shows the Reef needs more protection. “Over that five-year period, we did see some progress towards our targets. Sediment is down 12 percent and pesticides (杀虫剂) loads are down 30 percent. But what is most disturbing is that these results are far from our targets. Progress towards these targets flat-lined in the period 2013-2014. If one of my kids came home with a report card like this, I would be a bit disappointed. There is more bad news here than good news. ” said Steve Miles.

The report also found that fewer than one-third of Queensland’s sugar plantations used techniques to reduce the use of pesticides. Only 28 percent of land managers managed their land properly. They had reduced harmful water run off to protect the health of the Reef. The official target is a 90 percent reduction in pesticide use within three years.

Scientists at the University of Queensland and the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences published their findings Wednesday, July 18 in the journal Science Advances. It found between 1992 and 2010, the recovery rate dropped by an average of 84 percent. But there is hope. The study also found some corals can recover quickly if “acute and chronic stressors” are lessened.

Meanwhile, the Australian government released its updated reef protection plan Friday. It clearly states global temperatures must be stopped from rising in order to save the world’s largest living structure.

1. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Diverse ecosystems.B.Sediment and chemicals.
C.Reefs and corals.D.Small sea creatures.
2. What can be learned from what Steve Miles said?
A.He is satisfied with the protection of the Reef.
B.He thinks that the Reef needs more protection.
C.He feels angry with what his children did.
D.He is very happy about the Reef progress protection.
3. What does the underlined word “flat-lined” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Not increase significantly.B.Disappear.
C.Speed up.D.Miss the chance.
4. The report found the majority of land managers in Queensland   ________.
A.were tough to deal withB.failed to manage their land properly
C.reduced the amount of harmful waterD.were eager to quit pesticide soon
5. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?
A.A news report.B.A science fiction.
C.A book review.D.A guide book.
2021-03-25更新 | 422次组卷 | 5卷引用:天津市南开中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . These days, it's not unusual to see middle-aged men collecting Star Wars action figures, office workers wearing Hello Kitty accessories, or celebrities like David Beckham playing with Lego bricks. It's becoming more and more common to see adults taking an interest in toys, comic books and the activities that are traditionally associated with children. This phenomenon has given rise to a new word: kidult.

What lies behind the phenomenon? One is about adults' nostalgia (怀旧之情)for the carefree days of childhood, and this is especially true with today's fast-paced, stressful lifestyles. Another is about a societal change in recent decades where people are starting families later. As a result, they have more time and money to spend on themselves. Some adults could only window-shop for their dream toys when they were kids, but now they can afford that radio controlled car or high-priced doll they have always wanted.

Businesses have been quick to exploit the kidult trend, and the number of toy stores that target adults has risen. Companies are repackaging products from past decades and also bringing out new ones for adults. Lego, for example, has brought out an architectural series featuring landmarks from around the world.

Society traditionally disapproves of adults who refuse to put aside childhood interests, viewing the refusal as a sign of social immaturity and irresponsibility. Those who agree with this view sometimes claim that kidults are suffering from the pop-psychology concept known as Peter Pan Syndrome, an anomaly (异常)that people remain emotionally at the level of teenagers. On a grander scale, these kidult opponents (对手)argue that such delayed adulthood causes couples to marry later and have fewer children. This in turn can lead to shrinking national economies, for there needs to be a generational replenishment (补充)of the workforce.

From the standpoint of kidults, though, this phenomenon is seen as nothing but harmless fun. Kidults insist that having youthful interests keeps them young, happy and creative, and their refusal to conform to society's acceptable tastes shows independent thinking. Besides, they argue that being part of the social trend of delayed adulthood is not purely a personal choice. The real causes include expensive housing, increased educational requirements for employment and poor work opportunities.

Whether the kidult phenomenon will continue to grow or prove to be a passing trend is anyone's guess. As the debate about it continues, remember that there is nothing wrong with being young at heart.

1. What does the kidult phenomenon refer to?
A.Adults act like children.
B.Adults have child-like tastes.
C.Adults go in for collecting toys.
D.Adults like playing with children.
2. Which of the following might cause the emergence of kidults?
A.Different living conditions.
B.More choices about toys.
C.High pressure of modern life.
D.Good memories of childhood.
3. What does the underlined word “exploit” probably mean?
A.Get used to.
B.Look forward to.
C.Take advantage of.
D.Make way for.
4. How does the text deal with the debate about kidults?
A.By strongly opposing kidult opponents.
B.By convincing readers to accept kidults.
C.By refusing to take a stand on the issue.
D.By presenting both sides of the argument.
5. What can we infer about the author's attitude towards the phenomenon from the last paragraph?

4 . To grow sugary dates in the sand, Siwa’s farmers must first make the desert suitable for farming. An oasis (绿洲) in Egypt, Siwa has been home to humans for thousands of years. Since ancient times, the oasis has hosted farms producing some of the most valuable dates in Egypt, and sugary dates have appeared on Egyptians, tables.

The desert environment in Siwa is not quite fit for plants to grow. For example, the water there contains much salt. However, with local people’s efforts, the Siwa oasis contains complex agricultural fields, where date trees, crops and other plants grow in harmony. That impressed me a lot during my visit to the oasis. To make a new piece of field, farmers first remove the top soil and replace it with a mixture of sand and waste matter from animals. The first plants are medicinal plants. Then, farmers plant date trees and olive trees. These farming skills are passed down from generation to generation.

To grow date trees is demanding. And it takes 10 years for a new date tree to mature, but once it does, the tree produces generous fruit: around 110 pounds of dates per year. Each farmer picks dates with the skilled hands. They climb the trees using nothing more than a belt. In total, Siwa grows more than 25,000 tons of dates from 280,000 trees per year.

The dates can be eaten fresh, or made dry. Every part of the date tree is significant in Siwa, from leaves made into beds and boxes to wood used to build houses. And then, of course, there’s the fruit itself. The dates can be cooked with goat meat or mixed with eggs for breakfast. They can also be mixed with flour, water, and olive oil, and boiled slowly to make a local dessert.

Local farmers once developed many unique date varieties, which their camels carried to Cairo. But later many of those varieties perished. And today only several major varieties remain and some have become quite rare and been at risk. The 1985 construction of a road in the oasis made the survival of local agricultural tradition even tougher.

1. What can we learn about sugary dates from Paragraph 1?
A.They can adapt to tough environment.
B.They have existed for a long time.
C.They’re introduced to Egypt from abroad.
D.They’re the most valuable fruit in Egypt.
2. What impressed the author a lot during his visit to Siwa?
A.The great variety of plants grown there,
B.The hard but happy life of local people.
C.The great complexity of the local agriculture.
D.The local farmers’ wisdom and contribution to farming.
3. What do the figures mentioned in Paragraph 3 show?
A.It’s worthwhile to make an effort to grow date trees.
B.It’s easy for farmers to pick dates from the trees.
C.It costs a lot to grow date trees in the basis.
D.It’s necessary to develop agriculture in Siwa.
4. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.People’s preference for dates.
B.The introduction to local food,
C.The usage of date trees’ different parts.
D.The locals’ high expectations of date trees.
5. What does the underlined word “perished” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Died out.B.Spread out.
C.Got created.D.Became known.
2021-01-20更新 | 594次组卷 | 5卷引用:天津市南开中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中英语试题

5 . As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, people are staying 1.8 meters apart, washing their hands and avoiding touching their faces . Or at least they're trying to. However, ignoring an itchy nose or hair in your eyes is easier said than done. Even professionals who should know better get caught by the impulse. Medical school students being trained in infectious disease prevention, for example, touched their faces 23 times an hour during a lecture, according to a 2015 study in the American Journal of Infection Control.

"Actually, it's one of the most common habits for any human," said psychologist Kevin Chapman. "People are taught to touch their faces often, whether by applying makeup, brushing their teeth, or putting their hair up," Chapman added. These routines carry over to less intentional methods of touching their faces, such as rubbing their eyes in a bacteria-filled grocery store.

This tendency isn't just about repetition. "It's a habit to make sure that our faces are appearing a certain way publicly, " Chapman said. Food around the mouth , for example , could suggest that someone is lazy or doesn’t take care of their appearance. Touching their face allows people to regulate their presentation and also shows others that they're self-aware.

Though touching the face is a bad habit for many people, it can be worse for those with anxiety. To manage stress, they may perform body-focused repetitive behaviors such as biting their nails or pulling their hair. On a less severe level, people may touch their faces to comfort themselves in times of stress.

When people are concerned about touching their faces, they may do it more frequently. To break the habit, you should start by being more aware of what you are doing, but don't punish yourself when you reach out your hand.

1. What does the underlined part "the impulse" in Paragraph 1 refer to ?
A.The desire to touch the face.B.The hope of staying away from others.
C.The desire to wash hands frequently.D.The wish to accept professional training.
2. Which of the following about face-touching may Chapman agree with?
A.It is an acquired habit.B.It is the latest fashion.
C.It is an age-old custom.D.It is the act of self-protection.
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly discuss about face-touching?
A.Its typical examples.B.Its future tendency.
C.Its public rules.D.Its social reasons.
4. Why do people with anxiety repeat some body-focused behaviors?
A.To keep focused.B.To stop self-harm.
C.To make themselves relieved.D.To create a strong impression.
5. How can we avoid touching the face frequently according to the last paragraph?
A.By taking regular relaxation exercises.B.By paying more attention to the behavior.
C.By carrying out severe punishment accordingly.D.By concentrating on the other parts of the body.
2021-01-20更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市六校联考2020-2021学年高二上学期期末英语试题

6 . No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.

I learned this lesson from an experience many years ago. I took the head coaching job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the new team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no couch, and they didn't even practice to prepare for the Game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my sadness we were beaten. I couldn't believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my attitude about their ability and confidence.

I stared doing anything I could to help them build a little pride. Most important,I began to treat them like winners. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vacations. We met every day and practiced passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our failure on the spring practice field. we won our first game and our second, and continue to improve .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a victory for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest thrills of my life !

From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can influence the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves differently, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, not born.

1. Who did the author think would become the winners at first?
A.The old team.B.Their own team.
C.The number one team.D.The other team
2. When did the author's team win their first game?
A.Before their training.B.During the spring practice.
C.At the start of the vacation.D.Six months after their failure.
3. What does the underlined word “thrill" probably mean in Paragraph 5?
4. How did the author help their team to win?
A.By building up their confidence.B.By giving them a lecture.
C.By buying them a book.D.By changing the leader.
5. What can we learn from the text?
A.Time is money.B.Winners are born.
C.Losers are always beaten.D.Practice makes perfect.

7 . Kids spend a lot of time looking at screens, and some parents worry, but a new study argues against the fears parents may feel.

“The danger is that they’re hearing a message that social media, digital technology use is causing very serious and harmful problems like depression(抑郁症) and suicide-related(与自杀有关的) behaviors. And the idea is that if you shut off social media, which lots of kids use to connect with each other, their friends, find out information about health, you could be making a situation worse. Parents are really being sent a message that is not supported by anything scientifically.” Candice Odgers, professor of psychological science at the University of California, said.

Odgers and her colleagues looked at the screen-related behavior of 400 public-school students in North Carolina aged 10 to 14. This group was picked as a representative sample of race and socioeconomic status for the entire U.S. The researchers found that the kids spent between almost five hours to seven hours per day on their devices, with the older kids online the most. That’s a lot of hours, but:

“Overall, what we find is no connection between the amount of time that young people spend online using digital technologies and mental health symptoms like depression and anxiety. When we do find associations, they were actually quite surprising to us. We found that young people who sent more text messages actually reported better mental health.

Now, again, this was a small association, but it reflects what other people have found: that people who are very connected offline and who use technology in the positive ways to stay connected often, are more connected online as well and experiencing better mental health.”

So why the fears about screen time? Odgers argues that the methodologies for older studies may have led to false conclusions.

“One of the issues with the research that’s been done to date has been that youths are, you know, in school.... They have a survey put in front of them, and they’re asked to recall(想), over the past six months, ‘How often are you online?’and ‘Have you ever felt depressed?’And the correlation (相互关系) between those two things has been used to spread a lot of fear around this connection between social media use and things like depression—99.5 percent of the reasons that kids differ in their depression are due to something other than the time they spend online.”

1. According to Professor Odgers, we know that___________.
A.social media is causing serious problems
B.digital technology is the cause of depression
C.parents are holding wrong ideas about social media
D.parents have showed too much concern for their children
2. Who are the respondents(受访者) of professor Odgers’ team’s research?
A.Kids all over America.
B.Kids and parents in North Carolina.
C.Kids with different family backgrounds.
D.A number of public elementary and middle school students.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.The more screen time kids have, the less happy they are.
B.Kids who use social media more are not necessarily depressed.
C.Using digital technology has nothing to do with one’s health.
D.The relationship between digital technology and depression is unclear.
4. The research also tells us___________.
A.technology should be put to good use
B.kids who make more phone calls might be happier
C.we should pay more attention to mental health
D.we should enrich our lives by spending more time offline
5. What does the underlined word “methodologies” refer to?
A.Time and effort.B.Aim and purpose.
C.Ideas and dreams.D.Means and principles.
6. The problem with the old research is___________.
A.the sample is too small
B.the respondents are too young
C.not considering the time spent offline
D.deliberately(故意地) linking the Internet to mental issues
2021-01-13更新 | 168次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市静海区第一中学2020-2021学年高二12月考英语试题

8 . Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a dinner guest in Ghana(非洲的加纳), this information will help you.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time in Ghana. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food.

When you go to a home, the host takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinner room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else. But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw (锯) because it is very hard and like rubber(橡胶). You must chew fufu well, or you can get sick. You eat fufu with fingers of your right hand only.

1. If you are a dinner guest to a family in Ghana, you’re first ________.
A.taken to the living-roomB.taken to the dinning-room
C.told some strict rules about dinnerD.told to wash your hands
2. At a dinner you eat food from ________
A.the top of dishB.the other side of the dish
C.the dish only for youD.just one side of dish
3. In the fourth paragraph, the writer wants to tell us ________
A.what to eat in GhanaB.how much time to spend on a dinner.
C.the way of eatingD.different food at a dinner
4. The word “chew” in the last paragraph means ________
A.smellB.tasteC.presses with your handsD.crush with your teeth
5. In Ghana, ________
A.dinner is always at six
B.rules for dinner time are not strict
C.a family offers food only at four
D.you don’t have to wash your hands again after dinner.
2020-12-27更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区汉沽第六中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Students are sitting in a classroom at P.S.54, a public elementary school in Brooklyn, New York. When their teacher, Adrienne Heim, strikes a bell, they take a deep breath.

The kids are practicing mindfulness. That means they are learning to pay attention to the present moment. Why?

Being mindful can help people stay calm and focused, according to Heim. She is the founder of Green Generations. The organization brings mindfulness classes to eight schools in New York City.

Isafye Lewis, 10, has been taking in the class at P.S.54 for two years. "Mindfulness teaches me to relax, " he told TFK. "It really helps me feel better when I'm sad or angry."

At P.S.54, students practice mindfulness through deep breathing, movement, and relaxation exercises. But Heim says that mindfulness is about more than just staying calm. It also boosts confidence. "It helps children have a right attitude, " She says, "so they can make healthy decisions."

Recent research published in Developmental Psychology supports this view. The study also found that mindfulness training can help kids succeed in school. That's because it trains the brain to pay attention and manage stress.

"It doesn't solve math equations for kids," Mariam Gates, author of This Moment Is Your Life, told TFK. "But what mindfulness does for all of us is help us focus on the moment we're in, which is the only place we can learn, change, or grow."

But you don't have to be in a classroom to practice mindfulness. Gates says, "You can always bring your attention to this moment and change how you experience it."

1. Why do the students take a deep breath when the teacher strikes a bell?
A.They are afraid of the teacher.B.They are practising mindfullness.
C.They are taking an exam.D.They are having singing class.
2. What does Isafye learn from mindfulness?
A.How to take it easy.B.How to stay focused.
C.How to stop being sad.D.How to get high grades.
3. What does the underlined word "boosts" in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What did Mariam Gates say about mindfulness?
A.It does little to help kids' studies.B.It helps kids make decisions.
C.It makes kids less stressful.D.It helps kids pay attention.
5. What is this text mainly about?
A.An organization centered on mindfulness.B.A new study on mindfulness.
C.An introduction to mindfulness.D.The influences of mindfulness.
2020-12-04更新 | 285次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市部分区2020-2021学年高二上学期期中英语试题

10 . Nobody laughed when the UK comedy show Little Britain toured the US. Americans didn’t find the “British stereotypes(刻板印象)”funny. One character was a woman who was sick whenever she saw a foreigner.Another was a loud and rude 15-year-old girl cursing(骂)at her teachers.But back home,British people were laughing,thinking,“Yes!That’s exactly what we’re like!”

A laugh is a laugh in any language,but the reasons for it can be very different.Britons and Americans speak the same language,but humor does not always translate.

Take The Office as an example.This was originally a UK TV series but it was changed for the US.Both the US and UK series are set in a boring workplace in a boring town.But David Brent,the boss of the UK office,is not a nice guy like Michael Scott in the US version. “We had to make Michael Scott a slightly nicer guy,”wrote series creator Ricky Gervais.“He couldn’t be too mean.”

Gervais said British people are different from Americans because“Britons cruelly make fun of people we like or dislike…and of ourselves”. He believes the differences between the American and British senses of humor are because of“our upbringing”.

“Americans are brought up to believe they can be the next president of the United States,”he wrote.“Britons are told,‘It won’t happen for you’.”

Things usually turn out fine at the end of every US Office episode(集). Even if they’re not perfect, the characters “learn a lesson” for the future.

But in David Brent’s office—and in lots of UK comedies—the last scene is often sad. You are often left with the feeling that things just couldn’t get worse. For British people, this seems truer to life and so much funnier.

It’s not just Britain and the US that have comic differences. Few foreigners would understand a Chinese cross-talk show,for example.

Cultural differences are no laughing matter. But comic differences can be a window into a culture.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To show that British humor is not funny at all.
B.To show that American people don't understand British people.
C.To show that Britain and America have different stereotypes.
D.To show how humor may mean different things in different cultures.
2. What's the meaning of the underlined word“mean”in Paragraph 3?
3. Which of the following statements about The Office is TRUE according to the article?
A.David Brent is quite a nice guy.
B.Michael Scott is a rather mean guy.
C.Episodes in the UK version often end on a hopeless note.
D.Episodes in the US version often end in a boring way.
4. What can we infer from the article?
A.Britons do not like to make fun of others.
B.British comedy often has a moral message.
C.American people are brought up to be more positive.
D.Jokes are difficult to translate from one language into another.
5. What is the author’s opinion of comic differences?
A.They are slight differences that can be ignored.B.They can partly show cultural differences.
C.They show stereotypes of different cultures.D.They help people communicate with each other.
2020-09-25更新 | 452次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市南开区2020-2021学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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