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1 . On achieving success:

“When you make a choice and say, ‘Come hell or high water, I am going to be this,’ then you should not be surprised when you are that. It should not be something that is intoxicating or out of character because you have seen this moment for so long that ... when that moment comes, of course it is here because it has been here the whole time, because it has been [in your mind] the whole time.”

On failure:

“I don’t mean to sound cavalier when I say that, but never. It’s basketball. I’ve practiced and practiced and played so many times. There’s nothing truly to be afraid of, when you think about it ... Because I’ve failed before, and I woke up the next morning, and I’m OK. People say bad things about you in the paper on Monday, and then on Wednesday, you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’ve seen that cycle, so why would I be nervous about it happening?”

The word “cavalier” in the 3rd paragraph probably means __________.
A.not serious or caring B.anxious and eager
C.worried and pessimisticD.not proud or arrogant
2021-09-18更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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2 . But he’s nervous."I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…"Chris trips on the"-ld,"a   pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support."…Vote for …me …"Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.

What does the underlined word "stumbles" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Improper pauses.B.Bad manners.
C.Spelling mistakes.D.Silly jokes.
2021-09-18更新 | 222次组卷 | 3卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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3 . According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake. And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions (份), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.

What does the underlined word "beanpoles" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Big eaters.B.Overweight persons.
C.Picky eaters.D.Tall thin persons.
2021-09-18更新 | 217次组卷 | 3卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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4 . In the mid-1990s, Tom Bissell taught English as a volunteer in Uzbekistan. He left after seven months, physically broken and having lost his mind. A few years later, still attracted to the country, he returned to Uzbekistan to write an article about the disappearance of the Aral Sea.

His visit, however, ended up involving a lot more than that. Hence this book, Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia, which talks about a road trip from Tashkent to Karakalpakstan, where millions of lives have been destroyed by the slow drying up of the sea. It is the story of an American travelling to a strange land, and of the people he meets on his way: Rustam, his translator, a lovely 24-year-old who picked up his colorful English in California, Oleg and Natasha, his hosts in Tashkent, and a string of foreign aid workers.

What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Developing a serious mental disease.
B.Taking a guided tour in Central Asia.
C.Working as a volunteer in Uzbekistan.
D.Writing an article about the Aral Sea.
2021-09-18更新 | 231次组卷 | 4卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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5 . Nutria were brought there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild. “The ecosystem down there can’t handle this non-native species (物种). It’s destroying the environment. It’s them or us." says Michael Massimi, an expert in this field.

The fur trade kept nutria check for decades,but when the market for nutria collapsed in the late 1980s, the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy.

What does the underlined word “collapsed” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.Boomed.B.Became mature.
C.Remained stable.D.Crashed.
2021-09-18更新 | 198次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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6 . While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. But I imagine that, while money is indeed wonderful and necessary, rereading an author’s work is the highest currency a reader can pay them. The best books are the ones that open further as time passes. But remember, it’s you that has to grow and read and reread in order to better understand your friends.

What does the underlined word "currency" in paragraph 4 refer to?
C.Allowance.D.Face value.
2021-09-18更新 | 224次组卷 | 4卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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7 . The poignancy of Jordan retiring from his beloved basketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such a tough decision took me by surprise. As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just as our lizard had. Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.

The underlined part "leaving behind the layer" in Paragraph 8 can be understood as ________.
A.letting go of the pastB.looking for a new job
C.getting rid of a bad habitD.giving up an opportunity
2021-09-18更新 | 216次组卷 | 3卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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8 . Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant don't worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam (横杆), I fell onto the stones, damaging a nerve in my hand, and Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man. Safe. A few minutes later, when I landed the trick, my friends beat their boards loud, shouting: “Safe! Safe! Safe!” And that's what mattered — landing tricks, being a good skater.

What do the underlined words “Safe! Safe! Safe!” probably mean?
A.Be careful!B.Well done!C.No way!D.Don't worry!
2021-09-18更新 | 258次组卷 | 6卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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9 . “The vagueness of the gesture meanings suggests either that the chimps have little to communicate, or we are still missing a lot of the information contained in their gestures and actions,” she said. “Moreover, the meanings seem to not go beyond what other animals convey with non-verbal communication. So, it seems the gulf remains.”

What does the underlined word “gulf” in the last paragraph mean?
2021-09-18更新 | 205次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)

10 . Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey (调查). Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it’s not really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies. I think my home falls into that category.

What does the underlined word “concede” in paragraph 3 mean?
2021-09-18更新 | 373次组卷 | 5卷引用:专题15-阅读之词义猜测题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
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