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1 . My work started in 2003 at my local animal shelter’s Adoption Department. It seems like such a long time ago. In the 13 years that have passed, more than 50,000 animals have passed the doors of the shelter. Most of them, I do not remember. But occasionally there are animals who stand out. Tabby was one such animal.

Tabby was one of the many homeless dogs. What’s more, she was blind and deaf. Tabby’s chances at adoption seemed remote at best. But one day a woman named Loretta came to the shelter. Her son, Gary, who suffered from epilepsy (癫痫) had seen Tabby’s picture on the shelter’s website. They were interested in meeting her! Most boys would want a puppy, a dog who could grow with him and run through grassy fields on summer days. Tabby would never be able to do that. But as they say, "love is blind". After meeting her, they decided to adopt Tabby!

If Tabby’s story had simply ended with her successful adoption, it would still have been something very special indeed but it was what happened after her adoption that some might label as "magical" or perhaps even miraculous. As Gary and Tabby did everything together, they became so "in tune" with one another that Tabby began to telegraph Gary’s seizures (疾病发作) before they occurred, giving his family a warning that one was about to strike. What’s more, Gary seemed to be having fewer and fewer seizures since Tabby’s arrival.

How could it be? There are some things that happen in this world that challenge all logic and understanding. Sometimes, the best that we can do is to accept a miraculous thing, which we didn’t attempt to explain. Because when you try to explain it, you lose the beauty and wonder of it all.

1. Which sentence can be used to describe Tabby?
A.She was so lovely that she could be easily adopted.
B.She suffered a lot from the disease-epilepsy.
C.She was so strong that she could run very fast.
D.She was homeless and couldn’t see or hear.
2. What does the underlined word "miraculous" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Gary learnt about Tabby from a magazine.
B.Gary was cured in the company of Tabby.
C.Tabby could indicate a seizure before it struck.
D.Most boys would have the same decision as Gary.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Love is Blind: a Miraculous DogB.Give Me Food: My Dear Master
C.Love is Everywhere: a Poor DogD.Take Me Home: My Dear Boy
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Chinese word "Shanzhai" means a small mountain village, but it becomes an accepted name for fakes (假货), after "Shanzhai Cell-phones" produced by small workshops in southern China became popular in the mainland market over the past two years. Now besides "Shanzhai" electronic products, there are "Shanzhai" movies, "Shanzhai" stars and even a "Shanzhai" Sprin Festival Gala, a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve.

"Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own, meaning anything that imitates something famous. In Chongqing, "Shanzhai" version "Bird's Nest(鸟巢)" and "Water Cube(水立方)" woven by farmers with bamboo attract(吸引) wide attention from tourists. Both are copies of the famous Olympic buildings in Beijing.

A literature critic said that taking the "Shanzhai" Gala as an example, when the traditional CCTV program becomes less and less attractive to the audience, the "Shanzhai" version appears timely to attract people. "Although it is often connected with poor techniques and operation, 'Shanzhai' culture meets the psychological needs of common people and could be a comfort to their minds," he said.

To the mainstream(主流) culture, the rise of "Shanzhai" culture is a challenge and a motivation(推动). People believe different kinds of cultures developing together is a perfect way and it is for the public to choose.

1. The Chinese word "Shanzhai" may have started with_______.
A.electronic productsB.fake(假的) cell-phones
C.Spring Festival GalaD.Olympic buildings
2. According to the passage, "Shanzhai" culture means_______.
A.anything that are copies of something famous
B.products with poor techniques and quality
C.the action that a person imitates famous people
D.those similar names to famous brands
3. We can infer(推断) that the mainstream culture_______.
A.is stopped by "Shanzhai" culture
B.is the challenge of"Shanzhai" culture
C.may develop faster because of the challenge of "Shanzhai" culture
D.will be replaced by "Shanzhai" culture
4. The underlined word "imitates" is closest in meaning to_______.

3 . The situation of the world’s plants is not good. One fifth of the kinds of plants are in danger of disappearing, according to a report.

“Plants are very vital to human beings,” said Kathy Willis, who led the new report. “Plants provide us with everything—food, fuel, and medicine, and they are very important for our climate controlling. Without plants we would not be here.”

The good news is that deforestation rates around the world have dropped largely since the 1950s. However, this report on the health of plants around the world shows that there is much more to be done.

The report predicts that there are now 390,900 kinds of plants. And about 21 percent of those plants are in danger of disappearing. “The good side is that we’re still discovering lots of new plants, about 2,000 each year,” said Dr. Willis. “The bad side is that we’ve seen a huge change in land cover, mainly caused by cultural activity, with a little bit of climate change in there as well.”

Human activity has a great effect on the danger of plants disappearing. As humans cut down forests to make room for agriculture, towns and cities, biodiversity is lost. This could not only affect our own food supply directly, but also affect the food web.

1. What does the underlined word “vital” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Which of the following does Dr. Willis agree with?
A.New plants are more than ever before.B.About half the plants will disappear soon.
C.Many new plants are found every year.D.Plants mustn’t be used to produce medicine.
3. What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.We have made little progress.B.There is a long way for us to go.
C.We have achieved our goal.D.There will be nothing we can do.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Biodiversity Being LostB.Human Social Activity
C.Environment ProtectionD.Nature Climate Change

4 . A simple gesture can be formed into a child’s memory so quickly that it will cause the child to give a false answer to a question accompanied by that gesture. A new finding suggests that parents, social workers, psychologists and lawyers should be careful with their hands as well as their words.

While memories of both adults and children are easy to react to suggestion, those of children are known to be particularly influenced, said lead researcher Sara Broaders of Northwestern University. Kids are used to looking to adults to tell events for them and can be misled even if not intentionally.

Previous research, for example,   has shown that detail-loaded questions often cause false answers; when asked, say “Did you drink juice at the picnic?” the child is likely to say “yes” even if no juice had been available. It is not that the child is consciously lying, but rather the detail is quickly formed into his or her memory.

To avoid this problem, social workers have long been advised to ask children only open- ended questions,   such as “What did you have at the picnic?” But an open-ended question paired with a gesture, briefly meaning a juice box, is treated like a detailed question. That is,children become likely to answer falsely.

And it isn’t just a few kids: 77% of children gave at least one piece of false information when a detail was suggested by an ordinary gesture. Gestures may also become more popular when talking with non-fluent language users, such as little kids, Broaders said as hand movements can impart meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. “It certainly seems reasonable that adults would gesture more with children. ’’

In general, Broaders advises parents and other adults to “try to be aware of your hands when questioning a child about an event. Otherwise, you might be getting answers that don’t reflect what actually happened. ’’

1. What can we know about gestures from the text?
A.They are rarely used by people.B.They have certain effect on children.
C.They have not any function at all.D.They are often used by social workers.
2. Why are kids easy to be misled by gestures according to Sara Broaders?
A.Children are easy to tell lies.B.These gestures are very attractive.
C.Their memories are affected easily.D.These gestures are used frequently.
3. Which may cause a wrong reply according to the text?
A.Where are you going Lucy?
B.What will you have for lunch?
C.Did you see anything else last night?
D.Did you cheat in the last English examination?
4. What does the underlined word “impart” in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.Pass on.B.Tell apart.

5 . It's good to share, right? Growing up as kids we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much? With new fashion trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media?

What is oversharing? The term has become associated with social media, but it doesn't only belong to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone. Within five minutes they have given away details about their personal life. While some of us may try to escape these people, according to marriage therapist Carolyn Cole, this form of oversharing could come from a strong desire to connect with someone. But how does this translate to social media?

Dr. Christopher Hand, a lecturer in internet psychology, says the more details people disclose, the less sympathy we express when things go wrong. This could be due to a belief that we attract our own negative experiences the more we share them. It seems that the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be.

However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more positive posts we share on a platform, the more socially attractive we become. Even back in 2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We are supposed not to show off, as it's now known—especially about our love lives. It makes sense—if your date is going 'that well', would you really have time to share a photo with text?

So, how can you know if you are oversharing? Well, why not ask your friends in real life. They would probably be more than happy to tell you if your posts about your breakfast or your complaint about your lack of money really are too much.

1. Why do some people try to overshare at parties?
A.Because they want to catch others' attention.
B.Because they just want to show off something.
C.Because they have a strong desire to pour out their emotions.
D.Because they may expect to make a connection with someone.
2. What does the underlined word in Para.3 mean?
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.We will become more socially attractive if we post more on a platform.
B.We tend to show sympathy when things go wrong.
C.We may be considered negative when seeking for sympathy by oversharing.
D.We can show off something positive especially about our love lives.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To inform.B.To inspire.C.To advertise.D.To condemn.

6 . Water conservation (保护) means using limited water supply wisely and caring for it properly. Since each of us depends on water to support life, it is our responsibility to learn more about water conservation and how we can help keep our sources pure and safe for generations to come. Below are some of the main reasons why it's important to conserve water.

It diminishes the effects of drought and water shortages. Even though our need for fresh water is always increasing because of population and industry growth, the supply we have stays the same. Even though water eventually returns to the Earth through the water cycle, it's not always returned to the same spot, or with the same quantity and quality. By reducing the amount of water we use, we can better protect against future drought years.

It guards against a series of social problems. Failing to conserve water, can eventually lead to a lack of water supply, which can have bad results. These include rising costs, reduced food supplies, health dangers, and even political conflict. Many fears have been expressed that water wars will occur in the future as water is becoming scarcer and scarcer (更稀缺的).

It helps to protect our environment. Reducing our water usage reduces the energy required to process water and deliver it to businesses, farms, and communities, which, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and conserve energy.

It builds safe and beautiful communities. Hospitals, gas stations, health clubs, gyms, and restaurants all require large amounts of water to provide services for communities. Reducing our usage of water means that these services can continue to be provided. Much of our fresh water can also be used for beautifying our surroundings — trees, flowers, vegetable gardens, as well as filling public fountains.

Water conservation requires effort, and every little bit helps. Don't think that what you do does not matter. We can all make changes in our lifestyles to reduce our water usage. The trick is making water conservation a way of life — not just something we think about once in a while.

1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly show?
A.Conserving water is very difficult.
B.Everyone should learn to conserve water.
C.Many people don't care about water waste.
D.Water shortage will influence the later generations.
2. What does the underlined word “diminishes” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Why does the author mention the services in Paragraph 5?
A.To explain what services need water the most.
B.To show water is widely used in our daily life.
C.To explain why people today love to conserve water.
D.To show conserving water benefits our communities.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Why Do Water Resources Become Scarcer?
B.How Can We Make Our World a Better Place?
C.Why Should We Conserve Water in Our Daily Life?
D.How Can We Conserve Water to Protect Our Earth?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. And it also does a lot of good to our health.

Gardening connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect chance to meet and spend time with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and gardeners are no different. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most of them enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens almost as much as sharing flowers and vegetables from their gardens.

Gardening is a great activity for children. It gets them outdoors and off computers, televisions and cell phones. Gardening is also a great teacher. It can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It also helps them to understand that the natural resources (资源) are not inexhaustible and the importance of using them carefully.

Then, when you garden, you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening, like bending and lifting, work small muscles (肌肉) in the body. And you can easily get good exercise when you are digging holes or pulling grass.

In a study, researches looked at more than 2,800 people over the age of 60. They studied their life habits, activities and health over a 16-year period. They found that gardening could lower the risk of future dementia (痴呆) by 36%. Gardening requires people to do many repeated actions, such as picking off dying flowers. These actions have a calming influence on the brain. The brain is still active but not in the same way when we use computers.

You'll feel wonderful when what you grow in a garden looks, smells, feels and tastes good.

1. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Gardeners don't feel lonely.B.Gardeners are fond of sharing.
C.Gardeners have many hobbies.D.Gardeners care about the environment.
2. What does the underlined word "inexhaustible" in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What is the purpose of introducing the study?
A.To tell us gardening is popular with the old.
B.To tell us gardening is good for health.
C.To tell us gardening can be a tiring activity.
D.To tell us gardening is better than playing computers.
4. What's the purpose of the text?
A.To show how to garden.B.To encourage us to garden.
C.To show gardening is popular.D.To encourage us to do outdoor activities.

8 . Reducing, reusing, and recycling is a way of life in Sweden. Recycling is required by law and garbage is sorted at home before if goes to a recycling center. Recyclables are sorted into seven categories and recycling stations are within just 300 meters of all residential areas. " Recycling almost everything is a must in Sweden now. It actually feels very uncomfortable when you visit another country and cant find easy ways to recycle, " said Owen Gaffney, an expert at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth.

But not all of its garbage is recycled. Sweden uses alternatives that include incineratinggarbage to make electricity instead of using fossil fuels(化石燃料)to heat 1.2 million homes. About half of household garbage   is sent to one of the 33 waste﹣to﹣heat plants. Sweden is importing garbage from other countries to keep these plants running. Sweden is also a world leader in turning food waste into eco﹣friendly biogas(沼气). It has made food waste collection compulsory beginning in 2021. There is a food waste biogas plant, which allows biogas to be used to run public buses and to heat apartment buildings.

Sweden now wants to deal with those remaining items that cannot be recycled by using a circular(循环论证的)economy approach. It means that products can be reused and only recycled when absolutely necessary. The Swedish government formed an advisory group to find a way of making this part of its environmental policy.

This will not work effectively unless people are taught to change their behavior. Now the government is reforming its tax code so that people could get cheaper repairs or buy used things. The large Swedish clothing retailer(零售商)H&M operates a recycling program that gives customers discounts when they bring back old clothing.

Sweden is fighting climate change by doing all the right stuff. Waste recycling and the plans to switch to a circular economy will go a long way in reducing its carbon footprint and will help stop global warming.

1. What do we know about Sweden?
A.Sweden imports household garbage for biogas.
B.It is convenient to recycle things in Sweden.
C.Half of garbage in Sweden is used to produce heat.
D.Everything is recycled after being used in Sweden.
2. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What does the advisory group do?
A.Teach people how to save fossil fuels.
B.Conduct a survey about the local economy.
C.Offer advice on environmental policy.
D.Make sure the citizens recycle wisely.
4. How does the government encourage its citizens to reuse?
A.It provides various recycling programs.
B.It cuts down taxes on new products.
C.It gives discounts to regular buyers.
D.It offers lower prices for repairs.

9 . Most kids can walk into a library or bookstore and find hundreds of books to read. But it’s not that simple for kids who are blind. They read in a different way. Jenny Lee and other braille (盲文) transcribers take the printed words of a book and change them into a code of raised dots. Blind people can read these dots with their fingers. To know what braille feels like, take a ballpoint pen and press hard onto a piece of paper. Now turn the paper over and touch the raised dot made by the pen point.

When Lee first saw the dots of the braille alphabet, she wondered if she’d ever be able to read and write them easily. She took a class and practised hard for about six months before she passed the final exam: she had to convert 35 pages of a book into braille. Today, Lee works for a publisher. One of her jobs is to change children’s books into braille.

To do this, Lee first types the story into a computer and then uses a computer program to translate it into the braille code. Next, she looks over the translation several times to make sure it’s mistake-free. After that, a copy of the braille story is printed with a special printer. Then Lee and a proofreader work together to find and correct any mistakes. When a book is ready, many copies of it are printed. Afterwards, some are sold through websites and others are sent to libraries.

Sometimes, going over a story again and again gets tiring. That’s when Lee takes a break. Several of Jenny Lee’s co-workers, who are blind, use guide dogs. When the animals aren’t working, Lee likes spending a few minutes with them. To her, playing with dogs “is always a pick-me-up in the middle of the day”.

“I love this mission,” Lee says. “Through my brain power and my fingers, I am putting the dots into some kid’s hands.”

1. How does the writer explain what braille feels like?
A.By explaining what braille words look like.
B.By describing how blind people read books.
C.By asking readers to experience it themselves.
D.By giving examples of different braille words.
2. What was Lee’s first reaction to braille?
A.She was excited to get a new skill.
B.She was amazed at the clever idea.
C.She realized she could teach it herself.
D.She believed it would be difficult to learn.
3. What does the underlined word “pick-me-up” in paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.A discussion to release work stress.
B.Something to improve one’s appetite.
C.Something to help restore one’s spirit.
D.A free ride accompanied with a guide dog.
4. What does Lee think of her job?
A.Profitable and hopeful.B.Tiring but meaningful.
C.Relaxing and helpful.D.Boring but challenging.

10 . If you’ve ever been on a fishing boat, you’ve probably seen crowds of birds following it, hoping to catch a snack. Now scientists use those birds’ behavior to track illegal fishing boats.

Researchers attached data loggers to the backs of 169 albatrosses (信天翁) in Indian oceans. Weighing only 42 grams, the devices included a GPS, which enabled them to detect the presence and intensity of radar signals emitting from boats. That information was then sent by satellite, so the researchers could track the location of the birds—and thus the radar-emitting boats—in real time.

The scientists then cross-checked that data against the known locations of boats, collected from a system boats use to declare themselves, called the Automatic Identification System (AIS). And noticeable differences appeared frequently.

More than a third of the times the birds “loggers” detected radar signals, and therefore a boat, but no such boat appeared in the official log—meaning that the vehicles had likely switched off their AIS—something that probably happens in illegal fishing operations.

The work suggests birds could be an effective boat-monitoring tool as long as illegal fishing operations don’t target the birds.

Fortunately, such a task would be difficult. Around fishing boats, you can find hundreds of birds at any one time that are flying around. And the birds with loggers are not marked in any way. So it’s not really possible for fishermen to pick out a specific bird.

But what concerns researchers is that albatrosses often get caught by some fishing boats. Though regulations have been established to protect against that happening—with success—illegal boats don’t necessarily obey. So scientists might be underestimating the risk posed to albatross populations.

1. What characteristic of albatrosses do scientists take advantage of in their research?
A.Their feeding patterns.
B.Their sense of direction.
C.Their greedy behaviors.
D.Their habit of following fishing boats.
2. For what purpose does a boat shut off its AIS?
A.To seek more fishes.
B.To have it mistaken for another.
C.To avoid being detected.
D.To save the trouble of declaring itself.
3. What does “such a task” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A.Identifying birds with loggers.
B.Monitoring illegal boats.
C.Tracking radar signals automatically.
D.Fishing illegally.
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A.AIS: an Effective System to Locate Boats
B.Humans Are Good at Discovering Birds’ Nature
C.Data Loggers Help Fishermen Get a Good Harvest
D.Scientists Use Birds to Track Illegal Fishing Operations
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