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1 . A small bowl bought at a yard sale in Connecticut for just $ 35 has been identified as a rare 15th-century Chinese antique.

The blue-and-white bowl was made by China's royal court during the Ming dynasty. It is now expected to sell for up to $500,000, according to Sotheby's auction(拍卖)house in New York, where the auction will take place next month.

The purchase was made last year near New Haven, Connecticut. “I was just hanging around there aimlessly. But when I saw this bowl, I didn't even bargain over the $35 asking price,” the owner said. Shortly after the purchase, he sent photos of the bowl to auction specialists, who identified it as an item of historical significance.

Upon closer inspection, the artifact was found to have originated from the period of Yongle Emperor, who ruled from 1403 to 1424 - a period noted for its distinctive porcelain (瓷器)techniques. It's now valued between $300,000 and $500,000, with the top estimate nearly 14,300 times the amount it was purchased for.

“I was deeply attracted by the techniques. You can see why this bowl is so highly-valued from the very smooth porcelain body, silky glaze(上釉)and special blue coloring, which were never reproduced in later dynasties,” McAteer, an auction specialist, said.

“The Yongle Emperor improved the porcelain techniques and elevated the importance of porcelain from being an ordinary bowl into a true work of art. This small bowl has both practical and artistic value, ”McAteer said.

1. What can we infer about the bowl's owner?
A.He found the bowl by accident.
B.He hesitated during the purchase.
C.He doubted whether the bowl was real.
D.He bought the bowl because it was cheap.
2. What makes the bowl so precious?
A.The blue color on it.B.The long history it has.
C.The people who made it.D.The unique techniques used.
3. What does the underlined word “elevated” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.An Amazing BowlB.A Special Yard Sale
C.The Return of PorcelainsD.A Man Making Fortune
2021-05-16更新 | 255次组卷 | 6卷引用:Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good 话题训练-备战2023届高三英语一轮复习牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

2 . It might seem strange to be making predictions about 2021, but one thing is clear: technology has been affected just as much as every other part of our lives. Another clear thing is that today’s most important technology trends will play a big part in helping us deal with and adapt to the many challenges facing us. From the shift to working from home to new rules about how we meet and interact in public spaces, technology trends will be the driving force in managing the change.

One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. Each successive advance in mobile connectivity from 3G onwards has unlocked new use cases for the Internet. 3G made web browsing and data-driven services useful on mobile devices, 4G led to the growth of streaming video and music platforms as bandwidths (宽带) increased, and 5G, similarly, will open more doors in terms of what is possible.

5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. They also threaten to make cable and fiber-based (光纤) networks redundant, with their need for us to be tied to a particular location.

In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish. Image recognition algorithms (算法) are used to detect which fish are over or under-feeding, and automatically distribute food and medicine needed to keep them healthy. Initiatives like this will become increasingly important during 2021, where businesses look to increase automation across their workforces.

1. Which of the following is highly influenced by 5G technology?
A.Data-driven services.B.Streaming video.
C.Music platforms.D.Google’s Stadia.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “redundant” in paragraph 3?
3. Why is “Salmar” mentioned in the text?
A.To show the development of Norwegian fishery.
B.To explain how to keep fish healthy.
C.To present the application of 5G technology.
D.To propose new initiatives for businesses.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Different predictions of technology trends.
B.Successive advances in mobile technology.
C.One of the technological highlights of the year.
D.The driving force in managing changes.
2021-05-12更新 | 220次组卷 | 4卷引用:Unit 1 单元检测练习题 2022-2023学年高中英语牛津译林版必修第一册
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3 . Video calls are a common occurrence, but have you imagined being able to touch the person on the other end of the line? Scientists are making this a reality.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales, Australia, have invented a soft skin stretch device (SSD), a haptic device that can recreate the sense of touch. Haptic technology can mimic the experience of touch by stimulating localized areas of the skin in ways that are similar to what is felt in the real world, through force, vibration or motion.

Vibration is the most common haptic technology today and has been built into many electronic devices, such as one attached to the back of a trackpad in laptops. However, haptic feedback with vibration becomes less sensitive when used continuously. The existing technology also has great difficulty recreating the sense of touch with objects in virtual environments or located remotely.

The new technology overcomes issues with existing haptic devices. The research team introduced a novel method to recreate the sense of touch through soft, artificial “muscles”.

It works like this: imagine you call a friend in Australia. You wear a haptic glove with the SSDs and your friend also wears a glove with 3D force sensors. If your friend picks up an object, it will physically press against your friend’s fingers. And the glove with 3D force sensors will measure these interactions. The force signals can be sent to your glove so your device will generate the same 3D forces, making you experience the same sense of touch as your friend.

The haptic devices could be used in various fields, allowing users to feel objects inside a virtual world or at a distance. This could be especially beneficial during such times like the COVID-19 pandemic when people rely on video calls to stay connected with loved ones. Or it could be used in medical practices. Doctors can feel a patient’s organ tissues without touching them.

1. What does the underlined word “mimic” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What does the author focus on in the third paragraph?
A.Limitations of the haptic technology.B.Application of haptic devices.
C.Common use of continuous vibration.D.Haptic feedback with vibration.
3. In which of the following situations can SSD be used according to the author?
A.Tasting a dish on the video.B.Feeling a dress being sold online.
C.Giving a telephone interview.D.Receiving on-site medical treatment.
4. Which word can best describe SSD according to the text?
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4 . I did an experiment last week. No, nothing involving test tubes or beakers (烧杯). Instead, I experimented with not watching the news right before I went to bed.

This is a long-time habit of mine so it’s probably not surprising that the first couple of nights I got a little twitchy when news time rolled around and I wasn’t watching. To distract myself, I went to bed a little earlier and read. Wow, what a treat that was! I love to read but I don’t always make the time for it so this felt quite luxurious. On the nights I didn’t read, I spent a little extra time petting my dog, Henry. He loved it. There’s never enough ear scratching for him. The compromise nights were when I had a book in one hand and was petting the dog with the other. Happy all around!

The funny thing about happiness is that it’s a whole lot easier to feel when you’re not being bombarded (轰炸) by images of bad news. It’s not like skipping the late news means that I don’t know what’s going on in the world. I still do read, listen to, and watch news stories. Just not right before I go to bed. That makes it easier to fall asleep and then stay asleep without dreaming about crime, wars, or natural disasters. (Although that dream I had about going to the prom might count as a natural disaster!) It’s definitely a much gentler way to end the day. I like it so much that I’m going to not only continue the no news before bed practice, but I’m also going to experiment with turning off other electronics earlier in the evening, things like the computer and smart phone.

Do you have any experience with turning off your electronics early in the evening? Does setting a particular time, like digital Quiet Hours, work? Please share any tips you have. Something tells me that this could be a little more challenging for me than no news.

1. What does the underlined word “twitchy” mean?
2. What did the author do to distract himself from watching news?
A.To treat himself with snacks.
B.To read to his dog.
C.To turn off the TV.
D.To read in bed.
3. What’s the result of the author’s experiment?
A.He had more time to walk his dog.
B.He was less exposed to images of bad news.
C.He was cut off from the current world.
D.He had nightmares.
4. What does the author intend to do by writing the text?
A.To encourage the readers to cut down time on electronics.
B.To gather the readers’advice in watching TV.
C.To share the effect of watching news.
D.To tell the readers the importance of reading.
2021-04-07更新 | 155次组卷 | 5卷引用:牛津译林版 2020选必二 Unit1 Welcome-Reading 课后
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5 . The populations of common animals are just as likely to rise or fall in number in a time of accelerating global warming as those of rare species, a study suggests.

Until recently, scientists were still accumulating data on how animal populations were shifting over time globally across the different regions of the planet.

Making use of the newly available data, a team of University of Edinburgh researchers studied nearly 10000 animal populations recorded in the Living Planet Database between 1970 and 2014 to provide a new perspective on animal population change. These include records of mammals, reptiles, sharks, fish, birds and amphibians.

The team found that 15 percent of all populations declined during the period, while 18 percent increased and 67 percent showed no significant change. Amphibians were the only group in which population sizes declined, while birds, mammals and reptiles experienced increases. The overall decline in amphibians makes them a priority for conservation efforts, researchers say, as their loss could have knock-on effects in food chains and wider ecosystems.

Gergana Daskalova, of the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences, who led the study, said, “We often assume that declines in animal numbers are prevalent everywhere. But we found that there are also many species which have increased over the last half of a century, such as those which do well in human-transformed landscapes or those which are the focus of conservation actions.”

Dr. Isla Myers-Smith, also of the School of GeoSciences, who co-authored the study, said, “Only as we bring together data from around the world, can we begin to really understand how global change is influencing the biodiversity of our planet.”

1. With the global temperature rising, what happens to the animals?
A.Rare animal species tend to decline.
B.Common animal species tend to increase.
C.Global wanning is accelerating with the loss of animal species.
D.The population of common animals changes just like rare ones.
2. How did scientists carry out the study?
A.By analyzing existing information.B.By studying animals,behavior.
C.By comparing different studies.D.By recording the data of animals.
3. What does the underlined word “prevalent” in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What is Dr. Isla Myers-Smith's attitude toward the study?

6 . A group of second-year college students have discovered hidden writing on a page from a book from the 1500s, using a special camera system they built.

Surprisingly, finding hidden writing on very old documents isn’t all that unusual. In fact, there’s even a special name for documents like this: a palimpsest (再生羊皮纸卷).

Long ago, writing was done on parchment — thin, dried animal skins specially prepared for writing. But parchment wasn’t easy to make and wasn’t cheap. So it became common to erase the old writing off a parchment and then reuse it for another piece of writing. That’s what creates a palimpsest.

The writing erased off the parchment can’t be seen directly, but scientists have learned ways to use special lighting to reveal the original writing. But it’s unusual for young college students to discover palimpsests.

Last year, first-year students at the Rochester Institute of Technology took part in a class that brought together many students to take on a project as a group. The project was to build a special camera system that could take pictures using different kinds of light.

Over the summer, the students working on the imaging camera managed to finish it. When they were done, they borrowed several old parchments from the collection at the school’s Cary Graphic Arts Collection. When they put one of the pages under their camera system with UV light, the hidden writing suddenly appeared. Under the UV light, handwriting in French could easily be seen behind the fancy writing and decorations normally visible on the page.

Zoe, a student involved in the project, said, “This was amazing because this document has been in the Cary Collection for almost 10 years and no one noticed it.” The students are even more excited because even though the parchment is no longer part of a book, they know where 29 other pages from the same book are. The students, who are now working with others to locate the other parchments, hope these, too, will have hidden writing and that they can figure out what it means.

1. What was parchment designed for in ancient times?
C.Imaging.   D.Collecting.
2. What does the underlined word “reveal” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Heat up.B.Bring out.
C.Adjust to.D.Clear away.
3. What are the students expecting to do according to the last paragraph?
A.Make a handwriting-recognizing camera.
B.Identify what the parchments are made of.
C.Track the origin of the palimpsests in the Cary Collection.
D.Discover hidden writing and its meaning on more parchments.
4. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To tell about a new discovery.B.To recommend a special book.
C.To explain a cultural phenomenon.D.To introduce an old document.

7 . This is the moment a cleaner at a British university burst into tears after students raised $ 2,063 to send him to Jamaica on vacation to see family.

Herman Gordon, who has worked at Bristol University for more than a decade, is described as “one of the most loved” members of its cleaning staff. He is so well liked that a group of students raised money to give him a holiday. A video shows a student hands an envelope of cash to the surprised Gordan with tears rolling down his cheeks. He wipes away tears with a cleaning cloth and hugs the student who gave it to him. Gordan said: “I want to thank every one of you and God bless every one of you.”

The group of students started the fundraising because they liked Gordon so much. A post said: “The Jamaican cleaner in the biomedical library is the jolliest man I have ever met; he makes me smile even when I’m in the deepest depths of sorrow, if you want a reason to smile, go talk to him for a minute or two.”

Anyone who has been to the biomedical library knows who Herman the cleaner is. Simply put, Herman is the epitome(典范)of happiness, “All year round, this man works hours on end to provide us with a clean working space in which to study. But most importantly, his everlasting positive attitude has managed to turn many students’ dark days into positive ones filled with joy,” said a student. Whether you’re just feeling generally down or stressed out due to exams, Herman is always there to encourage you.

This legend proves that happiness is not about what you own, what job you have or how much money you’ve got, but about appreciating what you currently have in life even if it’s small.

1. What was Herman Gordon’ reaction when receiving the fundraising?
2. What does the underlined word “jolliest” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.most miserable.B.most cheerful.C.most generous.D.most glorious.
3. In which aspect do students benefit most from Herman?
A.Building confidence.B.Developing exam skills.
C.Learning self-control.D.Gaining biomedical knowledge.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A biomedical library cleaner. .B.A group of warm-hearted students.
C.Money-raising to send a cleaner on vacation.D.The most loved cleaning staff.

8 . As online technology advanced, web sites, podcasts, and blogs became powerful sources of information that allowed everyone to stay updated on any subject imaginable. Although all of these information sources remain popular, there's a new king of media and it's online video.

There are many reasons why online video has increased suddenly over the past few years. The first is increasing data speeds. It wasn't until recently that people everywhere had fast enough online connections to enjoy high-definition (高清)videos. However, once faster Internet speeds were provided, people quickly fell in love with online videos. The second reason why online videos have become so popular is convenience. Watching videos requires less effort and energy than reading through paragraphs of text after a day of hard work. Videos also seem to provide more satisfaction, as people prefer to connect with people they can hear and see, as against the words of some author whom they know little about.

Advancing digital technology has also helped, as it has made sharing videos easier and more convenient than ever. High-powered smartphones and more affordable video cameras allow anyone to easily record an event or give a few comments about a scorching topic that is on their mind. Meanwhile, sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and Ustream allow users to quickly upload their videos and share them with friends, family, and the general public if they wish.

Last but not least, advertising. Companies have made it easy for people to get rewarded for creating popular videos. Some people with large enough fan bases can even make a very wealthy living by uploading a few videos every week.

The future also looks bright for companies who post online video ads. In fact, new software allows them to watch viewers' emotional reactions to their content through the users' webcams (网络摄像机).They'll be able to see whether users laugh, cry, or feel bored during videos, so they can adjust their ads. This should prove extremely helpful, as there will be millions of videos competing for viewers' attention.

1. Why do some people prefer watching videos to reading after work?
A.It helps them review the news.
B.It helps them get information with relative ease.
C.It provides them more information.
D.It helps them save time.
2. What does the underlined word "scorching" in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. How will the software mentioned in the last paragraph help companies in the future?
A.It will enable them to better understand what customers enjoy.
B.It will let more viewers see the advertisements they make.
C.It will cause viewers to create more popular videos.
D.It will make people like their videos.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Online Video:   The New King of Media
B.Online Technology is Developing Fast
C.Online Video:   A New Advertising Trend
D.Online Technology is Closely Related to People

9 . If you don't use it, you lose it. At least, that's how the old saying goes. It refers to the idea that something which does not get used regularly quickly falls into a state of decline. Muscles, for example, will waste away without use. In order to resist this, people take regular exercise to keep their skills sharp.

Well, what about the brain? As we age, our brains can naturally begin to decline. In some cases, this can lead to certain mental conditions such as dementia(痴呆),which I'm sure you will agree, no one wants. However, all is not lost because these days it's relatively easy to train your brain. Smart phones and apps have put programmes into our hands that can test, maintain and even improve our memories, mathematical skills and a lot of other mental abilities. With a little practice every day, we can keep our brains nice and sharp, right?

Well, no, actually. According to a report from the Global Council on Brain Health, even though many people thought it was important to play online games, such as puzzles and mind games, which are designed to improve brain health, the evidence of the benefits was “weak to non-existent”.

There are other ways to promote the old grey matter. It recommends seeking out new activities that challenge the way you think and are socially engaging,while leading to a healthy lifestyle. Among their suggestions are practising tai chi, taking photography classes, learning new technologies, gardening, art projects or volunteering.

There's more good news, too, James Goodwin, chief scientist at Age UK has said that brain decline is not inevitable (不可避免的). As long as the activities are “new to you and require your concentrated attention”, they can provide benefits for brain health. So, hurry up, get out there and try something new. Maybe it's time to try that hobby you've always wanted to do. And as for me? I'm off to learn the piano.

1. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A healthy magazine.
C.A travel brochure.D.A research paper.
2. Which has the closest meaning of the underlined words “socially engaging”?
A.Making more shopping.B.Avoid brain decline.
C.Doing exercises alone.D.Going out with friends.
3. Which of the following can better keep your brain healthy according to the author?
A.Trying something new.B.Using smart phone regularly.
C.Playing games online.D.Doing what you are good at.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Advantages of trying something new.
B.Disadvantages of using smart phones.
C.Ways to keep our brain as sharp as possible.
D.How to spend time meaningfully at an old age.

10 . The situation of the world’s plants is not good. One fifth of the kinds of plants are in danger of disappearing, according to a report.

“Plants are very vital to human beings,” said Kathy Willis, who led the new report. “Plants provide us with everything—food, fuel, and medicine, and they are very important for our climate controlling. Without plants we would not be here.”

The good news is that deforestation rates around the world have dropped largely since the 1950s. However, this report on the health of plants around the world shows that there is much more to be done.

The report predicts that there are now 390,900 kinds of plants. And about 21 percent of those plants are in danger of disappearing. “The good side is that we’re still discovering lots of new plants, about 2,000 each year,” said Dr. Willis. “The bad side is that we’ve seen a huge change in land cover, mainly caused by cultural activity, with a little bit of climate change in there as well.”

Human activity has a great effect on the danger of plants disappearing. As humans cut down forests to make room for agriculture, towns and cities, biodiversity is lost. This could not only affect our own food supply directly, but also affect the food web.

1. What does the underlined word “vital” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Which of the following does Dr. Willis agree with?
A.New plants are more than ever before.B.About half the plants will disappear soon.
C.Many new plants are found every year.D.Plants mustn’t be used to produce medicine.
3. What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.We have made little progress.B.There is a long way for us to go.
C.We have achieved our goal.D.There will be nothing we can do.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Biodiversity Being LostB.Human Social Activity
C.Environment ProtectionD.Nature Climate Change
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