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1 . William Berloni, 59, is Broadway's dog expert. He trains and manages dogs for musicals and plays that need a well﹣behaved dog. He also works for movies and TV shows with all kinds of animals, including cats, pigs, sheep, snakes and rats. His retired (退休的) actors, including 30 dogs that have acted in shows, live with him and his wife on a farm in Connecticut.

When he was a kid, Berloni's main playmates were his dog, cat and rabbit. But he says he never thought he would become a professional animal trainer. He wanted to be an actor. But while working as an assistant for the Broadway play Annie in 1976, he was given the job of finding a dog to play Sandy.

Berloni visited an animal shelter(动物收容所), where lost dogs and other pets were kept until they were adopted(收养). The shelter took in so many animals that pets which were not quickly adopted were killed. "I did not know that some animals were killed," said Berloni, who adopted a dog on the day it was supposed to be killed.

The dog, which Berloni named Sandy, turned out to be a perfect "actor" after a little training. The pair learned from each other, and Berloni became better and better as a trainer. Sandy starred in almost all of the show's 2,377 Broadway plays and enjoyed retirement on Berloni's farm in 1983.

Since then, Berloni kept finding good dogs from animal shelters and the dogs all acted well in shows. How can Berloni train so many good dogs? "Love is the big motivator (动力)," he said.

1. From the text we know that Berloni is     .
A.working in a movie company
B.known for his own TV show
C.good at raising and training animals
D.good at making music for animals
2. Berloni found that some animals at animal shelters     .
A.were killed before they were adopted
B.suffered illness before they were adopted
C.suffered a great deal from hunger
D.were killed because they were noisy
3. What does the underlined phrase "the pair" refer to?     
A.Berloni and his wife.
B.Sandy and Berloni's wife.
C.The actor and the director.
D.Berloni and Sandy.
4. Berloni gets on well with his dogs mainly because     .
A.he loves them
B.the dogs are lovely
C.he is a trainer
D.they grew up together
2020-11-18更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市2017-2018学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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2 . Our ability to collect data gets far ahead of our ability to fully use it, yet data may hold the key to solving some of the biggest global challenges facing us today.

Take, for instance, the frequent outbreaks of waterborne diseases as a consequence of war or natural disasters. The most recent example can be found in the country, where roughly 10,000 new suspected cases of cholera(霍乱) are reported each week — and history is filled with similar stories. What if we could better understand the environmental factors that contributed to the disease, predict which communities are at higher risk, and put in place protective measures to stop the spread? Answers to this question and others like it could potentially help us prevent a catastrophe.

As a big data scientist, I studied data from wide-ranging, public sources to identify patterns, hoping to predict trends that could be a threat to global security. Various data streams are important because the ground truth data (such as surveys) is often delayed, limited, incorrect or, sometimes, nonexistent.

For example, knowing the incidence(发生率) of mosquito-borne disease in communities would help us predict the risk of mosquito-spread disease such as dengue, the leading cause of illness and death in the tropics. However, mosquito data at a global (and even national) level is not accessible.

To address this gap, we’re using other sources such as satellite pictures, climate data and population information to forecast the risk of dengue. Specifically, we had success in predicting the spread of dengue in Brazil at the regional, state and city level using these data streams as well as clinical observation data and online searchers that used terms related to the disease. While our predictions aren’t perfect, they show promise.

Similarly, to forecast the flu season, we have found that online searches can complement(补充) clinical data. Because the rate of people searching the internet for flu symptoms often increases during their beginning, we can predict a sharp increase in cases where clinical data delays. All of this shows the potential of big data. The information is there; now it’s time to use it.

1. What do the examples in paragraphs 2 and 4 show?
A.Big data is still hard to get and use.
B.People aren’t skilled at dealing with big data.
C.Big data is not always an imagined method.
D.Catastrophes might be prevented with big data.
2. According to the text, survey data        .
A.is a main form of multiple data streams
B.is an effective way to collect information
C.is sometimes unreliable and unavailable
D.is a timely alternative to multiple data streams
3. What does the underlined part “this gap” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The lack of big data on mosquitoes.
B.The lack of different data streams.
C.The risk of an outbreak of a disease.
D.The ignorance of how a disease spreads.
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.How do we collect and use data?
B.What are the challenges facing us now?
C.How can big data help save the world?
D.What is the answer to preventing catastrophes?

3 . You might want to take this news standing up. A national survey finds that Americans of all ages are spending more time sitting. Sitting too much——especially when watching television, phones or other screens—can be bad for people’s health, research suggests.

In a new study, researchers analyzed previously collected survey data from more than 50,000 American children, teenagers and adults. The surveys, which went from 2001 through 2016, asked people how much time they spent sitting. People reported sitting a lot. For example, close to two-thirds of children and teens said they sat at least two hours a day watching television or videos. The data also showed that computer use outside of school or work has been increasing across all ages.

Lin Yang is a public-health expert at Alberta Health Services in Calgary, Canada. As an author of the new study, she notes that this trend is not unique to the United States. “Other studies out of Europe and Australia have also found increases in sitting time,” she says. “This includes sitting for work or school as well as driving rather than walking or riding a bike.”

In recent years, inactivity has been seen as an important risk to people’s health. The US Department of Health and Human Services updated its Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans last year. It now stresses new research about the dangers of too much sitting. “This new version recommends Americans not only move more, but also sit less,” Yang says.

Though Americans sit a lot due to screen time, they can make use of it to reduce its risk to health. Erin O’Loughlin, an exercise psychologist at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, studies how active video games—sometimes called “exergames”—can help kids move more. That may be good news for Americans. “Sports are great. But you don’t have to play sports if that’s not your thing,” she says. To up your active time, she recommends finding what attracts you. “If you like screen time, try to mix it with physical activity,” she says. “You can do this by playing active video games.”

1. What did researchers do in the new study?
A.They collected worldwide data.B.They improved participants’       health.
C.They did analysis on previous data.D.They observed people watch       videos.
2. What do the underlined words “this trend” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Sitting in different places.B.Lack of outdoor exercise.
C.The increase in sitting time.D.The decrease of screen time.
3. What is Erin O’Loughlin’s idea about the way to move more?
A.Combined ones come first.B.Interest actually matters a lot.
C.The easiest one is the best.D.The more challenging, the better.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Take Measures to Cut Down Sitting Time
B.Stand Instead of Sitting in Front of Screens
C.Americans Should Limit Their Screen Time
D.Screen Time Brings Health Risk to Americans
2020-11-03更新 | 97次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省湖口中学2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . My fifteen-year-old son has just returned from abroad with rolls of exposed film and a hundred dollars in uncashed traveler’s checks, and is asleep at the moment. His blue duffel bag lies on the floor where he dropped it. Obviously, he postponed as much sleep as he could: when he walked in and we hugged, his electrical system suddenly switched off, and he headed directly for the bed, where I imagine he beat his old record of sixteen hours.

It was his first trip overseas, so weeks before it, I pressed travel books on him, and a tape cassette of useful French phrases; drew up a list of people to visit; advised him on clothing and other things. At the luggage store where we went to buy him a suitcase, he headed for the duffels, saying that suitcases were more for old people.

During the trip, he called home three times: from London, Paris, and a village named Ullapool. Near Ullapool, he climbed a mountain in a rainstorm that almost blew him off. In the village, a man spoke to him in Gaelic, and, too polite to interrupt, my son listened to him for ten or fifteen minutes, trying to nod in the right places. The French he learned from the cassette didn’t hold water in Paris. The French he talked to shrugged and walked on.

When my son called, I sat down at the kitchen table and leaned forward and hung on every word. His voice came through clearly, though two of the calls were like ship-to-shore communication. When I interrupted him with a “Great!” or a “Really?”, I knocked a little hole in his communication. So I just sat and listened. I have never listened to a telephone so attentively and with so much pleasure. It was wonderful to hear news from him that was so new to me. In my book, he was the first man to land on the moon, and I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had already given was probably not much help.

The unused checks are certainly evidence of that. Youth travels light. No suitcase, not much luggage and a slim expense account, and yet he went to the scene, and came back safely. I sit here amazed. The night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you’ve never seen is a night you would gladly turn into a week.

1. During the trip, the author’s son ______.
A.ran out of moneyB.forgot to call his mother
C.had inadequate sleepD.failed to take good pictures
2. Which of the following could best describe the author’s son?
A.Polite and careless.B.Creative and stubborn.
C.Considerate and independent.D.Self-centered and adventurous.
3. What does the underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.It is important to listen to your child’s story.
B.It’s easy to interrupt the chat with your child.
C.The author is proud of her son landing on the moon.
D.The son no longer needs much help from his mother.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Good parents should protect their children from potential dangers.
B.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
C.It’s a win-win choice to give a child space to experience and explore.
D.Communication between parents and children is extremely important.
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5 . When most high school students complain about having to wake up extra early,they're usually referring to a swim practice before class or the last minute study before a test. But that was never the case for Corey Patrick,who woke up at 4:30 every morning last year in order to arrive on time at Tarrant High School in Alabama.

Patrick had attended Tarrant City Schools since his fourth grade,but things got difficult when his family moved to a town 14 miles away. Even though his family didn't have any forms of transportation,Patrick didn't want to miss out on his senior year with friends,so he woke up at 4:30 every morning in order to make it to a 5:41 a.m.bus that would help him get to Tarrant on time.And just as he had done every other school day of the year,Patrick got up one morning to start the journey from his home to his high school; the only obvious difference that morning was that he was wearing his graduation gown (毕业礼服),which made that day's bus driver,DeJuanna Beasley, take some photos of him. She then shared them online with these words,“You tell me this isn't determination.He got on my bus to go to his graduation,and no one was with him.Sometimes it's all in what you want out of life.I was so proud of this young man.”

That was soon shared by many people online,and it caught the attention of radio host Rickey Smiley,who surprised Patrick by giving him a car later. Smiley confirmed that he would make sure that Patrick received help with getting his driver's license. A GoFundMe was also created for Patrick,which has raised over $20,000. And Patrick has got a scholarship (奖学金) to Jacksonville University,where he plans to study computer science.

1. Why was Patrick different from most students when it comes to rising early?
A.It had something to do with study.
B.It was a part of daily life for him.
C.He was unwilling to get up early.
D.He spent more time in studying.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Patrick dressed poorly on his graduation day.
B.It took Patrick an hour to get to the bus stop.
C.The driver was moved by Patrick's story.
D.There was no school in Patrick's town.
3. What does the underlined word “That” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Patrick's request for help on the Internet.
B.The difficulties that Patrick experienced.
C.The information about Patrick's university.
D.The message published online by the driver.
4. Who gave Patrick practical support rather than money?
A.GoFundMe.B.Rickey Smiley.
C.Patrick's high school.D.Jacksonville University.

6 . Tiny as they are, bats have the ability to "see" in the dark by using a special skill called echolocation(回声定位法). They make noises and wait for sound waves, or an echo, to bounce back off objects. They can tell the distance of various objects by how quickly, the sound waves bounce back off them. If no sound bounces back, they can then fly forward.

This special ability has been copied in the human world for a long time,such as in submarines and planes. But apart from helping vehicles “see” where they are, what if blind people could use echolocation for themselves? American Daniel Kish. who is blind, 1s known as "batman. " This isn't because he walks around in a cape(披风) and a mask, but because he has a bat-like ability to locate where he is through sharp clicks he makes by moving his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Kish is so skilled at echolocating that he can ride a bike and hike on his own.

Recently, a research carried out at the University of Durham in England shed some light on the power of human echolocation. Kish, as well as other volunteers, worked with a group of scientists who studied the way blind people listen to the echoes that they produce from clicks. The team found that people were capable of hearing even very faint echoes, ones far fainter than had been previously thought.

Lore Thaler, lead scientist of the group, said, "We found that in some conditions, they were really faint-about 95 percent softer than the actual clicks, but the echolocators were still able to sense this."

Andrew Kolarik, another expert in echolocation, told BBC News that echolocation “can be very useful at providing information at face or chest height” and could help people “avoid objects like low hanging branches that might not get detected by the cane or a guide dog".

According to BBC News, echolocation is a skill blind people can acquire and develop, just like learning a language. As Kolarik said, "Teaching echolocation skills could provide blind people with the means of exploring new places. "

1. What does "this special ability" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The ability to make noises in the dark.
B.The ability to bounce back off objects.
C.The ability to measure the distance quickly.
D.The ability to use sound waves to echolocate.
2. What do we know about Daniel Kish from the text?
A.He is fond of riding a bike and hiking alone.
B.He is able to hear echoes he produces from clicks.
C.He is called "Batman” because he looks like a bat.
D.He conducted the experiment to circulate echolocation.
3. What is Kolarik's attitude towards the future use of echolocation in blind people?
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Echolocation in Human World.B.A Very Special Batman.
C.Finding New Way to “See”.D.A Breakthrough in echoing.

7 . You are with me once in a while for nearly 20 years now. You never said why you chose me. I didn’t even think I was your type. I had always thought you went for the worrier, the unadventurous. But I am an outgoing girl. Maybe you were impressed with my demanding teaching career. Your past lovers come from all walks of life. I see them yell and accuse under your pressure.

I often keep you a secret. I refuse to let my identity be swept up in yours. Besides, sometimes when people talk about you, what they are concerned is how they know you, too and the ways to be relaxed and get away from anxiety. But you and they are only casual acquaintances—the intensity (强度) is incomparable.

I am writing now because I have noticed that we are growing apart. So there are things I want to say. I know my daily exercising annoys you; you’re nowhere to be seen when I’m reading our favourite books. I’ve noticed that you’re turned off by the way I’m eating fruits and vegetables. When I take the time to chat with a stranger or a friend, you often storm off. So I’ve decided it is time to start making plans of my own, despite not knowing what yours are.

I know we will always be in touch. You’ll visit me when I least expect it. But plan on being prepared. If we do eventually split for good, you should know you have changed me for the better. Because of you, I see that life is a fragile gift to be handled with awakened care and patience. So learn to keep you at bay by getting away from stress.

In short, appreciate you for what you have brought into my life but I ask you to give me the distance I need to live the lessons you have taught.

1. The word “you” mentioned in the passage refers to ________.
A.a secretB.a bad feeling
C.a teacherD.the author’s best friend
2. Which activity of the author will “you” like?
A.Reading her favorite books.B.Chatting with her friends happily.
C.Working out on regular basis.D.Doing demanding work and feeling stressed.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards “you”?
A.She is grateful to “you”.B.She has pity on “you”.
C.She can’t forgive “you”.D.She regrets treating “you” badly.
4. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.A poem.B.A guidebook.C.A diary.D.A biography.

8 . If you watched the 2018 Winter Olympics, then you might have noticed the suits that the athletes wore. Have you ever wondered why they look so unique? Besides making the athletes look stylish, the suits can also help them move faster. This is especially true for speed skaters.

Wave your hand around in the air. You might feel some air moving around your hand, but you probably don’t think that it can slow your hand down. But if you wave your hand around in some water, you can feel that it is not easy to move your hand. This is called drag (阻力). Air has less drag than water, but it can affect your speed.

Speed skaters wear suits that reduce drag. The suit makes the surface of their body smooth. This way, the air moves more easily over their body and there is less drag.

The US speed skating team’s suits were made out of a white nylon-spandex (尼龙氨纶) mix called H1. When we move, we leave a vacuum (真空) hole of air behind us that can slow us down. Speed skaters need to make it as small as possible. The H1 fabric (织物) can help with this. The fabric makes the airflow behind moving objects more steady and therefore makes the hole smaller, Wired magazine reported.

The H1 fabric was used for the arms and legs of the team’s suits. That’s because human arms and legs move more and feel more drag.

Wearing high-tech suits might not decide the final victor in a competition. But the suits give athletes the best tool to do their job.

1. What was the main goal in making the speed skaters’ suits?
A.To make them stylish.B.To reduce drag.
C.To help the body relax.D.To make air move slowly.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to??
A.A white nylon-spandex mix.B.The H1 fabric.
C.A vacuum hole of air.D.The airflow.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.A special suit is a tool for athletes to do their job.
B.The H1 fabric is made out of cotton.
C.The H1 fabric was used to make the entirety of the suits.
D.Water has less drag than air.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Skaters in CompetitionsB.Changes Happening in Suits
C.Ways of Changing SuitsD.High-tech Suits for Skaters
2020-09-08更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第二中学2020-2021学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . If a super-flu strikes, face masks may not protect you. Whether widespread use of masks will help or harm during a worldwide flu outbreak is a question that researchers are studying.

But it’s a question the public keeps asking while the government is making preparations for the next flu. “We don’t want people to wear them everywhere,” said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Our suggestion is to avoid exposure (暴露) to the flu.”

When that is not possible, you should consider wearing a simple surgical mask (医用口罩) if you are in one of the three following situations. First, you’re healthy and can’t avoid going to a crowded place. Second, you’re sick and think you may have close contact with the healthy. Third, you live with someone who’s sick but still need to go out.

Why aren’t masks added to this self-protection list? This is because they can help trap virus-laden droplets (小滴) flying through the air from a cough or sneeze. Simple surgical masks only remove the larger droplets. Besides, the CDC is afraid masks may create a false sense of security. Perhaps someone who should have stayed at home would wear a badly-fitting mask and step on the subway instead.

Nor does flu only spread through the air. Say someone covers a sneeze with his or her hand, then touches a handle or subway pole. If you touch that spot next and then put germy (带有细菌的) hands on your nose or mouth, you’ve been exposed. It’s harder to rub your nose while wearing a mask, so your face may get pretty sweaty under a mask. You reach under to wipe that sweat, and may transfer germs caught on the outside of the mask straight to the nose. These are the problems that face masks may create for their users.

1. The CDC suggests that people ___________.
A.stay alone when they are sick
B.wear face masks when going to a crowded place
C.wear face masks wherever possible
D.remain at home if living with someone who’s sick
2. The underlined word “that” in the third paragraph refers to ________.
A.making preparations for the fluB.avoiding exposure to the flu
C.coming up with suggestionsD.wearing face masks everywhere
3. One of the concerns the CDC has is that ___.
A.masks may make people wrongly assume they are safe
B.the sick may not wear masks and go out
C.the flu virus may spread via public transportation
D.healthy people may not know how to protect themselves
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The widespread use of face masks.
B.The possibility of a worldwide flu outbreak.
C.New discoveries from face mask research.
D.The effectiveness of wearing face masks.
2020-08-26更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市第一中学2019-2020学年高一5月月考英语试题

10 . Call it a mobility system or a wheelchair—it can be seen at the Tokyo airport moving on its own.It is helping with social distancing while fighting the spread of the coronavirus. It also helps older passengers and those who otherwise need assistance walking the last few steps to the boarding gate.

The mobility system seats one person and runs on its own without hitting anything. It has a pre-programmed path of about 600 meters at Tokyo's Haneda International Airport. It was shown on Monday by WHILL, the company behind the technology.

WHILL Chief Executive Satoshi Sugie said robotics and self-driving technology reduce the need for a human at the wheel. They are good for these times of "living with" coronavirus. The ride lasts several minutes. It travels from the security area to the boarding gate at a speed of 3.5 kilometers per hour. But many people hope the technology can help in other places, such as hospitals or parks. The technology uses sensors and cameras to see a clear path and avoid hitting those walking toward it. It could also help Japan free up laborers. Japan, like many other nations, suffers from a labor shortage. The technology could free a worker to do another job.

Tests have been carried out at several airports since last year, including John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The company hopes to put it in airports around the world.

The person on the machine can start or stop it through a simple controller .It runs on batteries and is programmed to return to where it started when its passenger gets off Anyone needing help walking long distances can use it at Terminal One at Haneda airport. It is called the "last-mile mobility, says WHILL.

1. What do we know about the mobility system?
A.It can seat more than one person.B.It runs with the assistance of a controller.
C.It helps older passengers to the boarding gate.D.It has a flexible path of about 600 meters.
2. What does "they” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Humans at the wheel.B.The needs for human beings.
C.These times of "living with" coronavirus.D.Robotics and self-driving technology.
3. What plays an essential part in the technology?
A.Sensors and cameras.B.The speed of the machine.
C.The path of the ride.D.The distance of the ride.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.The system runs completely on its own.
B.The system has been put into use in the US.
C.WHILL will continue to test the system in airports worldwide.
D.The system is controlled by a passenger to return to the start.
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