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1 . As the COVID-19 appeared, many people’s life changed.

At the beginning of March 2020, Boylan, a professor of Medicine Jon Bae, went from working onsite to being another role as a health economic analyst(分析家) of Duke University Health System. And a month into the pandemic(流行病), his daughter, Elora, was born. The past two years drew Boylan closer to his wife, Katie, “During the time of the pandemic, I am not one of those people who have time to learn how to bake bread or anything,” Boylan said. “I think, in terms of personal growth, I have learned much about how to live a happy life.”

By October of 2020, the pandemic had lasted for several months, and Melanie Thomas was feeling down. “How do I have a rich and full life during this special time and keep a positive attitude?” Thomas asked herself. She decided that she needed a goal that she could work out until the world opened up. For the next several months, Thomas began running, working out at a socially distant gym, and walked as much as she could every day. While the trip to Nepal was the goal, the exercise to prepare for it became a central piece of herself-care routine.

A few weeks ago, Mary Atkinson began spending the remaining daylight after work setting up a garden in the yard of her Greensboro home. She as well as her two-year-olds on, West, often played there with the sand and his toy truck. “This is something that never happened before the pandemic, and it gives much happiness to us,” said Atkinson.

During the pandemic, John Carbuccia, instead of eating lunch out or grabbing meals in the university canteen, found himself eating homemade breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Scrambled eggs with vegetables or simply prepared salmon fillets are some of his current favorites. And without having to rush to the company, he walks and runs around his neighborhood before and after work at home.

1. How was Boylan affected by the pandemic?
A.He became a cooking master.
B.His income turned to be uncertain.
C.He lost his job.
D.He had a better understanding of living happily.
2. What did Thomas mainly do during the pandemic?
A.She visited Nepal.B.She lost weight.
C.She did exercise.D.She learned online.
3. What benefit did the garden built by Atkinson bring to her?
A.It saved much space for storing sand.B.It provided comfortable office space.
C.It offered a good environment for sports,D.It improved the parent-child relationship.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The features of working from home.
B.Tips on how to fight against the pandemic.
C.The change of people’s life during the pandemic.
D.An experiment in studying the meaning of life.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 自2020年初新冠肺炎(coronavirus)在全球爆发以来,大中小学生都在网上进行网课学习。假如你是李华,为校英语社团组织的“停课不停学”的活动投稿。请你给社团负责人Mr.Chen写一封信,内容包含以下要点:
1. 你的作息规律和在家学习感受;  
2. 表达感恩之情(对父母或老师等)。
Dear Mr. Chen,


Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A doctor named Chepurnov from Siberia conducted a controversial coronavirus immunity test after surviving COVID-19 in March. The 68-year-old Russian doctor spent time with coronavirus-positive patients without wearing a mask to see if he could get a second COVID-19 infection. The doctor was infected a second time and experienced a worse COVID-19 case than he had previously.

This unusual coronavirus immunity test can easily be filed under the “only in Russia” section of COVID-19 news. Only in Russia was a coronavirus vaccine approved for mass use before any scientific research was shared with the world and before the drug cleared the Phase 3 trial. The story gets even crazier, considering the doctor’s age. At 68-years-old, Alexander Chepurnov happens to be the kind of COVID-19 patient most at risk of developing a severe case.

Even so, Chepurnov’s controversial experiment isn’t without worth. It’s certainly the kind of experiment that others wouldn’t necessarily approve of, especially in western countries. But it’s the kind of experiment that can yield results — and Chepurnov did get his wish. He was reinfected with COVID- 19 within six months from the first bout. Chepurnov and his research team started to monitor his antibodies. He discovered that they vanished after three months. “The observation showed a fairly rapid decrease,” he told the paper. “By the end of the third month from the start of the disease, they ceased to be determined.” This falls in line with other studies about COVID-19 antibody life.

Chepurnov’s story also seems to fall in line with other studies that say immunity can last for at least 5-7 months. The story also proves that immunity lasts even after the antibodies are gone and suggests that other immune system components are indeed involved in providing prolonged protection. Others theorized that T cells would extend immunity beyond the life of the first batch of antibodies. Chepurnov’s empirical findings are also important for vaccine research. If immunity lasts less than a year, more booster shots (加强针剂) might be needed after the initial doses.

But Newsweek points out a problem with the experiment. Because his first case of COVID-19 hasn’t been diagnosed via a PCR test. Also, Chepurnov’s experiment hasn’t been published in a scientific journal, and it’s unclear what scientific rigors were applied. Still, if his findings are accurate, Chepurnov is actually right to warn against using a herd immunity approach to beat the pandemic.

1. Why is Chepurnovs experiment considered controversial?
A.Its not effective.B.Its too dangerous.
C.Its disapproved of by Russia.D.Its not diagnosed via a PCR test.
2. What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
3. What is the finding of Chepurnovs experiment?
A.COVID-19 immunity lasts permanently in ones body.
B.The longevity of COVID-19 antibodies is about 3 months.
C.Old patients are most at risk of developing a severe COVID-19.
D.Vaccination can protect one from being infected with coronaviruses.
4. Whats the main idea of the passage?
A.Siberia is a unique place for treating COVID-19 patients.
B.Newsweek found the evidence against herd immunity to COVID-19.
C.Researches showed humans produce antibodies if infected with coronaviruses.
D.A controversial experiment on coronavirus immunity was conducted in Russia.
2020-12-15更新 | 272次组卷 | 3卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市三中2020-2021学年高三上学期期末英语试题
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你是李华,为全面迎接开学你市将邀请钟南山院士参加有关“抗疫”知识的在线讲座。请写信通知目前在某酒店隔离的你校英国留学生Johnny参加,内容包括:
1.写信目的;2.主讲人简介;3.时间和方式:下周三上午9点到11点,钉钉(Ding Talk)在线。
2020-10-16更新 | 275次组卷 | 7卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨德强学校2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
5 . 语法填空

The novel coronavirus, which    1    (origin)in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has now spread to 12 countries, has much in common     2     seasonal flu. They are both viral infections, share similar symptoms and crucially can spread from human to human. In the midst of flu season in much of the northern hemisphere,    3     (tell) the difference between the two will be vital in stopping its spread.

Human coronaviruses, of     4    there are four, can cause infections similar to flu: while many symptoms are mild, both can lead     5     pneumonia (肺炎)and become lethal(致命的). However, the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒) is     6    (serious) than a "typical influenza infection," says Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading.

While the mortality rates and symptoms of flu and novel coronavirus may end up being similar, humans'     7    (able) to fight off the viruses differ greatly.

Flu can spread from person to person from up to six feet away,     8    (large) caused by liquid emitted when the inflicted cough or sneeze. Those infected are usually contagious for around three days following the beginning of     9     illness, although this time-frame could stretch to over a week.

All this and more remains a mystery as for the new coronavirus. To understand the virility of the outbreak, Jones urges a focus     10    whether or not international cases lead to secondary infections. "If they don't," he explains, "it would suggest that the virus doesn't transmit quite so well: clearly all the people on the airplane (that traveled from an infected zone) didn't get it."

2020-06-29更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市宾县第二中学2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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