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1 . 假如你是李华,疫情期间你的同学Tom给你写信寻求帮助。信中表达:他长时间上网课身体疲惫,居家学习心情不佳,还经常和父母争吵。请根据下列要点给他回信:
Dear Tom,

I have received your letter and



Li Hua

2023-08-01更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2019-2020学年高一下学期第一模块考试英语学科试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Auckland University Online Education — What to Expect

Most Auckland University (AU) online programs are 100 percent online so that students do not come to the school campus. Instead, AU has designed a media-rich, easy-to-use learning environment through a Learning Management System (LMS).

· Discipline (纪律)

With disciplined work habits, you are likely to succeed as an online student. It is up to you to log on to your course and meet your own deadlines.

· Time Management

In order to earn competitive grades, plan on spending a minimum of 20 — 25 hours a week on each course. AU courses operate on a seven-week schedule, with start dates in January, March, May, July, September and November. Students are able to complete two courses per semester by taking one seven-week course at a time.

· Professional Connections

Many of the AU faculty (教员) who teach online have connections to industry, so the online learning environment ensures access to diverse expertise and practice. It includes an extensive network of professionals in a variety of industries.

“I work as an IT manager. And right from the very beginning, every class I took was relevant to what I was doing at work. The wide range of courses gave me a strong foundation for my career development.”

— Jim Heilman, Computer Information Systems graduate

· Technology

It goes without saying that technology plays a vital role in online learning. You will need a high-speed Internet connection and basic computer skills. For specifics, please click here to visit our Technology page.

1. How long does it take to complete one course?
A.Seven weeks.B.One semester.
C.Several months.D.At least 20 — 25 hours.
2. What is the purpose of mentioning Jim Heilman?
A.To recognize an excellent graduate.
B.To set a good example to other learners.
C.To prove benefits of professional connections.
D.To show effective methods of online learning.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A course brochure.B.A college website.
C.An academic magazine.D.An online advertisement.
2023-06-09更新 | 98次组卷 | 18卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Online courses offer people abundant opportunities to learn. Try some of the Harvard online courses about humanities.

The Path to Happiness

From Confucianism to Daoism, the philosophies developed over two thousand years ago are among the most powerful in human history. This course brings voices from the past into modern contexts to explore the path to a good life today.

Duration: June 16, 2021—June 14, 2022

Fees: Free of charge

Pace: Self-paced

Difficulty: Introductory

Introduction to the Ancient Greek World

This course is about ancient Greece with its unique places, ways of life and historical changes. We survey the most important social institutions and cultural traditions. We also study everyday features such as food and dress.

Duration: June 21—August 6, 2021

Fees: $3400

Pace: Instructor-led

Difficulty: Introductory

Biotechnology and the Human Good

Biotechnology offers exciting and promising prospects for healing the sick and relieving the suffering. In this course we consider possible functions beyond common treatments like making people look younger, perform better and become perfect.

Duration: June 21—August 6, 2021

Fees: $ 3400

Pace: Instructor-led

Difficulty: Intermediate

Superheroes and Power

What makes superheroes popular? How can they help us think about super powers? In this course, we explore those questions in Marvel and DC favorites (especially the X-Men) as well as independent comics novels.

Duration: June 22 —August 6, 2021

Fees: $ 3400

Pace: Instructor-led

Difficulty: Intermediate

1. Which course can you take if you are free in Oct. 2021?
A.The Path to HappinessB.Introduction to the Ancient Greek World
C.Biotechnology and the Human GoodD.Superheroes and Power
2. What does Biotechnology and the Human Good deal with?
A.Powers of superheroes.B.More uses of biotech.
C.Ways to increase happiness.D.Clinical practices of biotech.
3. What do the four courses have in common?
A.They are of the same level.B.They are free of charge.
C.They belong to the same subject.D.They are instructor-led.
2023-01-12更新 | 617次组卷 | 32卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市尚志中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题

4 . More schools around the USA are using online classes when communities run into troubles like wildfires, storms or water shortages.

In Jackson, Mississippi, a problem with the public water system left the city without safe water for several days. As a result, schools had to go online for one week in May. The time in online learning did not last long for the 20, 000 students in Jackson. Earlier this month, children went back to in-person learning when the city said water was safe for normal use.

However, online learning caused problems for children and teachers. At home, children attending online classes often had their whole family in the house. Early in 2020, school officials had high hopes for online learning. Since then, the problems with it have become clearer. The change to online learning has caused many students to fall behind where they should be in their studies. And it has added to new worries about students’ health.

In 2018, two powerful storms hit the same area, causing schools in some places to close. Some students were out of school for weeks. There were attempts(尝试) at online learning, but many children did not have laptop computers or other technology. For this reason, most schools tried to move students to other in-person buildings.

“Schools now will look first to online learning,” said Gary Henry. He is head of the University of Delaware and has been part of a research team studying online learning. For a period of a few weeks, he said it could be a step to keep students on schedule. But the pandemic(疫情) showed that it was not a good way over a long period of time. “It’s a difficult start,” said Henry. “It’s better to have the kids in the classroom so you can see how they are doing, and provide timely support to them.”

1. How long did the students in Jackson attend online courses in May?
A.For two days.B.For one week.
C.For two weeks.D.For one month.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The disadvantages of online classes.
B.Added worries about students’ health.
C.A challenge school officials must face.
D.High hopes parents have for their children.
3. What did most schools do when two storms hit Jackson in 2018?
A.They developed an online learning system.
B.They handed out computers to every student.
C.They tried their best to have in-person class.
D.They encouraged parents to work from home.
4. Which statement will Henry probably agree with?
A.The storms cause all the schools to close every year.
B.Many schools in Mississippi were burned in a fire.
C.Online tests are more popular among students.
D.In-person learning is better for students’ study.
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 自本学期开学以来,受多次新冠疫情的影响,学生不得不在家中上网课。请你为校刊写一篇短文,叙述你对网课的看法。内容如下:
1. 网课背景;
2. 网课的利与弊;
3. 你应对弊端的做法(至少两点)。
1. 不需要写标题;
2. 词数120左右;
3. 参考词汇:网课 online classes;新冠疫情 COVID-19
2022-01-04更新 | 174次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Electronic Village Program (Thursday, June 18, 2015)


   9:00 am to 10:00 am

   Room 501

Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.


   2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

   Room 502

Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.


   10:30 am to 11:00 am

   Room 601

Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback(反馈), including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.


   3:00 pm to 4:20 pm

   Room 602

Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on all kinds of topics, including introducing family, friends, and hobbies.

1. What can Nearpod be used to do?
A.Offer grammar tests.B.Teach listening on-line.
C.Help vocabulary learning.D.Gain fluency in speaking.
2. If you want to improve your speaking skills, where can you go?
A.Room 501.B.Room 502.C.Room 601.D.Room 602.
3. Which of the following can test your grammar learning?
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Online courses remain a preferably alternative. According to China Youth Daily, among the 1,523 Chinese parents of primary and middle school students surveying recently, 87.2 percent had signed their children up for online courses. The most popular courses are math and English.

Online courses have several advantage. Since there is no need commute (通勤), both students and parents save time. Students also have an access to a broad range of teachers, include those living abroad. And parents still have worries about online courses. One is what exposure to digital devices over long periods of time can damage children’s eyesight. Other concern is a lack of contact between students and teachers.

2021-05-31更新 | 198次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省实验中学2021届高三下学期第四次模拟考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般