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语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 容易(0.94) |
1 . 选词填空

I hesitated to join the new Tai Chi Club because I always    1    (believe) tai chi was for old people. In fact, it was really     2    (amaze) and had a huge effect on me physically and mentally.    3     is said that a 13th-century Taoist named Zhang Sanfeng invented tai chi after drawing     4    (inspire) from a fight between a snake and a bird. 

While     5    (learn) the basics of tai chi, I found myself bored and aching. Luckily, my coach taught me how to relax my     6    (muscle) and focus on peace of mind. With these requirements in mind, I found my balance and flexibility     7    (slow) improved.  

I discovered that tai chi is deeply rooted     8     the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, and that the practice of tai chi aims to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body.  

A year of practising tai chi has had a positive effect on my everyday life. I feel    9    (happy) and more confident. I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits     10     it has brought me.

2023-04-06更新 | 800次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 2 Extended reading & Project & Assessment 能力提升练-2022-2023学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Risks of Overtraining

Getting in shape and training for an event such as a marathon requires long-lasting and intense physical commitment.    1     But the truth is, sometimes the very acts we do to get healthy can actually push us past our physical limits.

Specifically, overtraining is a set of signs that occur when your body is not able to recover sufficiently before going into your next workout.     2    People tend to ignore them. Over time, the cycle of starting the next training session before allowing recovery causes breakdown of the very parts of the body that you work so hard to build up.

The structures and systems of your body adapt to the demands you have placed on them before the rest time. If your workout slightly goes beyond your current ability, it will adapt toward what you did in a positive way.     3    

Two main factors are necessary in recovery: nutrition. and rest. Good nutrition, including water and protein intake, is extremely important, especially within 40 minutes of your workout.     4    Your body uses the nutrients you have given it during the rest time. especially sleep, to strengthen.

One of the best ways to prevent overtraining is to focus on your morning resting heart rate.     5    Generally, you will detect an increase in your heart rate before the other signs show up. Tracking it in a log can be a great way to monitor your recovery.

A.It's easy to measure and track.
B.Allowing time for recovery is also essential.
C.The problem is that they show up very gradually.
D.Below are the signs and symptoms of overtraining.
E.Listening to your body will assure you of your fitness goals.
F.If far beyond, it'll take longer to adapt and may cause injury.
G.We generally assume regular intense exercise good for our health.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Spending time outdoors has long been linked (联系) to better health. Gardening goes beyond just beautifying outdoor spaces—it can have a deep effect on our physical and mental (身心上的) health.

Gardening involves physical activity that works all the main muscle (肌肉) groups, which is helpful for overall health. “Activities such as digging, planting, weeding and harvesting require movement and can help to improve strength,” said Clayton, CEO of an online lawn care company. “Performing these activities regularly can help burn calories, and keep a healthy weight.”

Beyond burning calories and building muscle, lots of studies have shown that gardening can improve the immune system (免疫系统). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, and gardening is listed as a suitable activity. Doing garden work for that time each week can reduce the risk of obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. Additionally, spending time outdoors makes us get close to natural sunlight, which is important for vitamin D synth.

Gardening provides a chance for social connection, too. It can be a shared activity among family members, friends or neighbors, building relationships and a sense of belonging.

Gardening also offers cognitive (认知的) benefits. It excites the senses, improves focus and encourages problem-solving and creativity. It provides a chance to learn about plants, ecosystems and the environment, developing a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature.

1. What is Clayton’s attitude towards gardening?
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about gardening?
A.It improves focus.B.It is a waste of time.
C.It can keep a body in shape.D.It helps to reduce the risk of diseases.
3. How does gardening affect social connection according to the text?
A.It contributes to creativity.B.It encourages problem-solving.
C.It builds relationships between people.D.It improves people’s awareness of safety.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Start a GardenB.Choose a Garden or Not
C.What Plants Grow Best in a GardenD.Start Gardening and Get the Health Benefits
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

You already know the fact that regular exercise is important for controlling weight and     1     (avoid)a variety of health conditions. But it can also improve your academic     2    (perform). And. if you’re a distance learning student, you may miss out on some of the opportunities for physical activity afforded to more traditional students who routinely walk around campus. But it’s well worth the effort     3     (put) the schedule exercise into practice.

The study, which     4    (publish) in the Journal of Medicine & Science, describes physical activity as     5     vigorous movement that produces sweat and heavy breathing. Mike McKenzie found that students who studied over three hours per day were 3. 5 times     6    (likely) to be exercisers. Over a decade ago, McKenzie     7     (say) researchers discovered a link     8     exercise and focus in children.

More recently, another study by Johnson reveals that even short ”microbursts“ of physical activity throughout the day can have positive effects. Jennifer tells that sitting for long periods of time,     9    college students tend to do, can have a negative health effect. In addition, the study found that five-minute bouts of walking every hour had a positive impact on mood, tiredness, and hunger at the end of a day. This may be     10    (particular)beneficial to students who also work a full-time job and study in the evening and nighttime hours.

阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Jumping rope is popular but we tend to ignore (忽视) its benefits.     1     A study found that college men who spent 10 minutes jumping rope daily for six weeks improved their cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness just as much as college men who spent thirty minutes jogging for the same time. Here are some benefits of jumping rope.


Since most of your major muscles are working when you jump rope, the exercise creates a lot of heat in the body. Your body needs to burn more fuel to produce this energy, so it burns lots of calories. It burns more calories than any other exercises, such as jogging, cycling and swimming.

Improves coordination (协调)

Jumping rope requires good coordination, especially as you advance to more skilled moves.     3     It improves coordination by requiring several body parts to communicate in order to complete one movement. The feet must jump in time with the wrists turning in order to create a continuous jumping motion.

Reduces injury risk

With your improved coordination from jumping rope, you’ll be less likely to get hurt either during exercise or in daily activities.     4     As a result, you are more agile (灵活的) and your body awareness is improved greatly. This guarantees fewer injuries.

Improves heart health

Since jumping rope gets your heart pumping, it’s great for your cardiovascular system and heart health. Jumping rope can increase your VO2 Max (最大摄氧量), the measure of the maximum amount of oxygen a person can breathe during exercise. The higher someone’s VO2 max, the more cardiovascular endurance (耐受力) they have.

Jumping rope gives us a full-body workout with just one piece of equipment and one move.     5     Jump to some music, or take your rope to a nearby park to enjoy the fun.

A.Burns calories
B.Improves muscles
C.It benefits us not only physically but also mentally.
D.You can quickly swing the rope twice within each jump.
E.It may even be more effective than other forms of exercise.
F.Jumping rope forces you to move your upper and lower body together.
G.So jumping rope helps you stay calm, clear and focused in everything you do.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes place in a natural environment rather than in a health club or gym.     1    . Instead, it relies on the use of natural means of taking part in activities that improve strength and endurance with as little reliance on equipment as possible.

    2    . For example, some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that the individual wear clothing only made from natural fibers. Others consider barefoot running or walking with a big arena to be more desirable than running or walking with shoes.

A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on the fresh air, sunshine and involvement with the natural world, rather than the equipment or clothing used during the exercise.     3    . Similarly, climbing a mountain using standard equipment and protective clothing would also be considered a green exercise.

Many consider green exercise helps to reconnect human beings with the natural world. The interaction with nature helps to lower people's blood pressure, refresh their mind, and actually improve their self-esteem.     4    .

Not everyone believes that the green exercise is more beneficial than working out in a health club or gym.     5    . Meanwhile, the use of fitness devices may result in more challenging workouts which help strengthen the heart and lungs in ways that more simplistic exercise in a natural setting would be difficult to manage.

A.A green gym uses as little equipment as possible
B.Spirits are also believed to be positively affected
C.Opinions on what truly green exercise means differ
D.Green exercise includes a range of activities exposed to nature
E.So riding a bicycle in the forest can be called a type of green exercise
F.It usually doesn't use fitness equipment that is normally found in a gym
G.Some point out that many health clubs are built to make full use of natural light
2022-04-26更新 | 901次组卷 | 22卷引用:2022届山东省聊城市高三下学期二模英语试题
完形填空(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . One of the presents in my house this Christmas was a late 18th-century volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (大英百科全书). It is a window into the discoveries and thinking of the time. The encyclopaedia is an entertaining reminder of how _______ some of our current truths are bound to be. Certainties in areas we haven’t yet understood will look just as ridiculous as some of these in centuries to come. And one of those we are still remarkably _______ is the effect of food and exercise on our bodies. We’re surrounded by confident _______ on how to eat, how to avoid or reverse obesity (肥胖), and yet the advice seems pointless while the world gets fatter. Much of what we think we know is a pile of assumptions rather than _______ .

Our confusion is the theme of Spoon-Fed, a book by one of Britain’s leading nutrition researchers, Tim Spector of King’s College London. Its subtitle is: “Why almost everything we’ve been told about food is wrong.” It is a call for us to _______ more.

One by one Spector offers answers to recent food _______. Coffee can save our lives, he says. Three to four cups a day reduces the risk of heart disease and may cut the risk of death by 8 per cent. Butter does not damage our hearts, Spector argues, and salt is vital. Eggs have gone “from heroes to villains and back again”. Don’t say no to all red meat on _______ grounds; occasional small quantities of high-quality unprocessed meat provide important vitamins and iron and are “probably good for you“. Exercise is so good for longevity and happiness that it should be considered our No 1 drug, but the one thing for which it’s _______ useless is losing weight. Vitamin pills are a multibillion-pound industry with almost no proven _______ but which can cause real harm. Even vitamin D, which Spector used to study and believe in, he now _______.

Spector also offers more than a set of currently _______ tips. The science of nutrition has not been solved by him, as he would be the first to admit. His most _______ point is that there is no one size that fits all. Our bodies are complex, and our reactions are _______: yet nobody wants to pay for the research that might explain why.

Some combination of food choices, genes, environment and the chemical reactions generated by our microbiome — the unique microbe (微生物的) combinations in our body ― yes different _______ for each of us, leaving some lean and two thirds of us too fat. This is the territory Spector wants to explore further and which might just allow us to _______ the global trend to obesity, with all the risks we’ve witnessed this year.

A.certain aboutB.ignorant ofC.capable ofD.worried about
2023-05-08更新 | 441次组卷 | 6卷引用:上海市行知中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim跟你写信提到,他感觉自己现在的身体素质没有以前好了,希望你能给他一些建议,如何保持身体健康。请你给他回信,内容包括:
Dear Jim,


Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A new study involving nearly 50,000 people from four continents offers new insights into identifying the quantity of daily walking steps that will best improve adults’ health and longevity(长寿), and whether the ideal number of steps differs across people of different ages. The study represents an effort to develop an evidence-based public health message about the benefits of physical activity. The often-repeated 10,000-step-a-day saying grew out of a decades-old marketing activity for a Japanese pedometer(计步器), with no science to back it up.

Led by physical activity professor Amanda Paluch, an international group of scientists conducted an experiment among adults aged 18 and older. They grouped the nearly 50,000 participants into four comparative groups according to average steps per day. The lowest step group averaged 3,500 steps; the second, 5,800; the third, 7,800; and the fourth, 10,900 steps per day. Among the three higher active groups, there was a 40—53% lower risk of death, compared to the lowest step group.

More specifically, for adults 60 and older, the risk of early death leveled off at about 6,000—8,000 steps per day, meaning that more steps than that provided no additional benefit for longevity, while for adults younger than 60, about 8, 000—10,000 steps per day.

“So, what we saw was this continuing reduction in risk as the number of steps increases, until it levels off. Interestingly, the study found no definitive association with walking speed.” Paluch says.

The new study supports and expands findings from another study led by Paluch before, which found that walking at least 7,000 steps a day reduced middle-aged people’s risk of early death. “There’s a lot of evidence suggesting that moving even a little more is beneficial, particularly for those who are doing very little activity.” Paluch says. “More steps per day are better for your health.”

1. Why did the scientists carry out the new study?
A.To know about people’s health condition.
B.To explain the pedometer’s working principles.
C.To determine the best physical activity for people.
D.To provide a scientific guideline on daily walking.
2. What does the underlined phrase “leveled off” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Turned higher.B.Became stable.C.Fell sharply.D.Changed rapidly.
3. What does the experiment find?
A.The old should walk as much as possible.
B.Young people usually walk more than the old.
C.The most beneficial steps differ by age groups.
D.Walking pace is the key to avoiding early death.
4. What does Paluch advise people doing little activity to do?
A.To walk more steps.B.To control walking speed.
C.To limit walking distance.D.To track the number of steps.
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 容易(0.94) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Running a few kilometers each day is good     1     our health. However, new research says running too much could be bad for us. Running long distances     2    (regular) for many years could make our life     3    (short) , not longer. A researcher said too much running can create plague(斑)inside your heart,    4    can lead to heart disease. He wrote that running too much for many years takes away the good things from exercise. He     5    (add) that the risk of heart disease could be     6    same as someone who never exercised.

Researchers said men who ran marathons for 25 years had 62% more plaque in their heart than men who did little     7    no exercise. Another doctor said he felt cheated. He started running marathons in 1967. He used     8    (run) 60 kilometers every week. He said, “I thought I was out there exhausting     9    (me), building an absolutely strong heart.” The doctor advised     10    (exercise) frequently but not to overdo things.

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