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1 . We’re growing more used to chatting to our computers, phones and smart speakers through voice assistants. Out of these assistants, Siri is the most well-known spoken web. Blind people have been using text-to-speech assistant for decades.     1    

Some think voice could soon take over from clicking as the main way to interact online. They believe online interaction would soon depend mainly on voice.     2    

Building the spoken web—web-to-voice and voice-to-web—is by no means an easy task. For software to answer simple questions about the weather and play music for us is easy.     3     Artificial intelligence isn’t smart enough yet. Even turning your voice into text is one of the hardest problems to solve. There are as many ways to pronounce things as there are people on the planet.

Using voice interaction feels far closer than surfing the net the old-fashioned way.     4     But if something speaks, it must also listen. Our phones are always near us and they are constantly collecting their personal information. This has already raised privacy concerns. People worry assistants will one day be used to deliver advertising directly to us.

    5     In environments when one’s hands are occupied, such as while driving or cooking, the spoken web is helpful. Think about when you are cooking, it is natural to talk. And speech obviously makes sense when you are driving. On the other hand, in a quiet library, using voice commands to ask a question may not be as suitable as typing, as it could disturb others. The effectiveness of using voice depends on the specific surroundings.

A.Spoken web requires more personality to become popular.
B.But what are the challenges of moving to ”the spoken web“?
C.It is also possible to search for different information you need.
D.The benefits of using voice obviously depend on the context.
E.The informal tone of the assistant helps create an emotional attachment.
F.But to have a conversation with users on diverse topics is a long way off.
G.People who can’t read can also obtain information using the spoken web.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When someone tells me that they’re going to spend just 3 days in Paris, I feel like they’re most likely not going to love it. I mean, it’s possible to have a great time if you do it right and put what you want to see at the first place. During such a short visit most tourists head to see the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Louvre and some other tourist attractions, and therefore experience crowds, long lines and not the real local Paris.

Take your pick and spend some time actually enjoying these things instead of rushing through everything. I’m not telling you not to see these famous landmarks, but in order to fully feel the Paris atmosphere, you need to stay in the city longer. A stay in Paris just for a weekend seems far from seeing all the great things.

Almost everyone is dreaming of getting to the top of the Eiffel Tower. But the moment you start approaching the tower you might realize that it’s not very romantic, as it’s surrounded by a ton of visitors and annoying vendors (小贩). The place is crowded, and lines take forever no matter when you visit it.

It’s hard to find a romantic spot unless you book a dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower. It’s something you will only do once, as it’s not the best fine dining you’ve ever had — you’re doing it just for the experience. However, if you climb the stairs behind the Croatian Embassy you may be able to find a quiet spot overlooking the tower. The view is wonderful and definitely worth it, especially at night when the tower starts blinking!

I recommend you to see the city from up high from the top of the Tour Montparnasse, Arc de Triomphe, or even a carousel (旋转木马) in Tuileries, and actually have the Eiffel Tower in your view.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A.You can only see crowds at tourist attractions.
B.He who has a short visit doesn’t love Paris.
C.Visitor can have a good time traveling in Paris in three days.
D.It takes more time to experience the real Paris.
2. What is TRUE about visiting Paris according to the author?
A.Fully feeling the atmosphere of the city.
B.Only visiting the famous landmarks of the city.
C.Seeing the whole city at the weekend.
D.Rushing through all attractions in the city.
3. How does a tourist usually feel after visiting the Eiffel Tower?
4. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.The atmosphere of Paris.
B.The tips of visiting Paris better.
C.The view of the Eiffel Tower.
D.The tourist attractions in Paris.
2024-02-18更新 | 159次组卷 | 6卷引用:广东省佛山南海区罗村高级中学2023-2024 高一下下学期4月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Language clubs are friendly and supportive places where like-minded students can learn and practice a different language.     1    .

Chinese Club

The Chinese Club offers chances for you to appreciate the most widely spoken language in the world. In the club, we not only have conversation hours to practice speaking Chinese, but also watch films and listen to music.     2    . For example, we attend Chinese New Year Party. If you are interested in learning more about China, Join us from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Grand Lecture Hall on Tuesdays!

French Club

    3    . It will organize events including conversation tables, language workshops, and museum visits We meet for two hours on Saturdays in the online meeting room for a variety of topics throughout the school year.

Russian Club

It is a club for both knowledge exchange and personal growth to students who want to learn about Russia. We offer a chance to discover Russian culture and history while making new friends.     4    . Every week, the lessons are held from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays, in Room 135 of the Teaching Building. All levels of Russian learners are welcome.

Italian Club

It is a club for those who share a strong interest in Italian culture and language. Join our extra-curricular activities to meet native Italian speakers, make pizzas, and host opera workshops! We meet every Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Overseas Student Center.     5    , you are welcome to join in the fun and celebration of all things Italian!

Make new friends and join us today! For more information about the latest activities, please feel free to contact languageclubs2023@gmail.com.

A.If you are interested in museum visits
B.Here are some clubs that you need to know
C.Moreover, we also celebrate traditional festivals
D.It is a club for those who long to learn cooking skills
E.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced speaker
F.Besides cultural events, we also run many weekly lessons
G.It is a club offering group events about language and history
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Many teenagers care about helping other people. Few turn their concern into a career (事业). But that’s just what Tom Wilson did. At 12, he started volunteering. Now as the Youth Program Officer at the Connor Foundation, he leads national charity programs and helps the organization decide which projects to support.

“I learned about service by watching my parents.” Tom grew up in a town where people enjoyed helping others. His parents set an example for him with everyday acts of kindness. In 2002, Tom moved to another small town and decided to carry on volunteering. However, he found that there aren’t many choices for teenagers. So he started a nonprofit (非盈利) group, helping them lead their own service projects.

“I turned my love for service into my career.” Tom worked on his nonprofit in middle school and high school, and then one of his teachers advised him to make a career out of helping others. This led him to start a company that provided low-cost camps and educational programs for children. He learned it was possible to make a career out of helping others.

When Tom began his work, he found that some adults didn’t believe teenagers could make a change. Luckily, he was encouraged by his parents and other supportive adults. It was their support that gave Tom courage. Now he works to show teenagers that they can make positive changes. “We want teenagers to know it’s possible for them, their friends, and their generation to make a difference,” he says, and he has always believed in the power of youth to accomplish amazing and meaningful things. Tom advises that teenagers be creative as they look for new solutions to problems. He believes in the power of imagination. “Teenagers are so imaginative,” he says. “They don’t see the same difficulties as adults do.”

1. How did Tom know the value of service at an early age?
A.He joined a national charity program.
B.He discovered it through service projects.
C.He was chosen to be a Youth Program Officer.
D.He observed his parents’ daily acts of kindness.
2. Why did Tom decide to start a nonprofit group in a new town?
A.He needed to enrich his volunteer experiences.
B.He wanted to join in the educational programs.
C.He hoped to offer chances for teenagers to volunteer.
D.He wanted to make new friends with other teenagers.
3. What made Tom consider making a career out of helping others?
A.Pressure from his parents.B.His teacher’s suggestion.
C.A need for low-cost camps.D.His desire for a new career.
4. What does Tom intend to show through his work?
A.Teenagers should start their own careers.
B.Teenagers have the power to make a difference.
C.Adults are always supportive of youth projects.
D.Adults should help teenagers deal with problems.
完形填空(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Fifteen years ago, an earthquake in Turkey hit the school where William Jefferson studied and he was buried in the ruins

He was ________ after 24 hours, but his legs, severely injured, had to be ________. At first, William was ________ and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Later with his parents’ support, William had the courage to spend the following five months in ________ and learned how to get around with his prosthetic (义肢) legs.

________ his prosthetic legs, William regained the ability to walk. Then he was able to return to school. With ________ grades, he got admitted to Ankara University. Later, he ________ his master’s degree with straight A’s and began to work at an educational organization.

In his spare time, William ________ videos on social media about his life and received many________ from other disabled people. They wondered how he could walk so well. That was when it occurred to William that he could make a contribution by helping those ________ to find suitable prosthetic legs and train them to walk ________ again. So he found a job as a doctor studying in prosthetic recovery. It ________ William to see disabled people unable to get out of their homes because they cannot move freely or fear being looked at. This is what ________ his work with recovery.

“I hope that one day when we walk down the street with prosthetic legs, we are not treated ________,” said William. “I plan to continue helping more people with ________ to be less disabled, to move more freely and enjoy life in the way they want.”

A.cut offB.watched overC.looked intoD.checked out
A.In spite ofB.Except forC.Thanks toD.Instead of
A.in needB.on guardC.in shockD.on duty
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了运动员Kelvin Kiptum从买不起跑鞋,借鞋子参加比赛到创造了惊人的世界纪录的经过。

6 . When Kelvin Kiptum lined up for his first competition in 2018, the new marathon star of Kenya did it in borrowed running shoes, because he could not afford a pair of his own.

At the Chicago marathon of October,2023, as Kiptum set an amazing world record of two hours and 35 seconds, the story of his rise in marathon running is just as unbelievable as the long steps he takes. “It has been a long journey for me,” the Men’s World Athlete of the Year told the Sports Channel.“It has come true, and I am really happy.”

The father-of-two is among a new group of Kenyan athletes who began their careers on the road, different from the past tradition of athletes starting on the track before shifting to longer distances. Kiptum says his unusual choice was simply decided by a lack of resources (资源).“I had no money for track trainings,” he explained. “So I started training with road-running guys, and that’s how I got into marathon.”

Kiptum’s love for running arose from watching his cousin running as a top marathon athlete, but he had to make his family believe that he could make it in athletics. “My father wanted me to be an electrician but I was saying that I needed to be an athlete-I had that eagerness,” Kiptum recalled. “That period was very hard for me because I trained for four years, yet there were no successes and they were disappointed in me. But I kept on pushing.”

Kenya is home to some of the world’s greatest marathon runners, but Kiptum has qualities that make him special, says reporter Martin Franklin. “The level of fearlessness that Kiptum shows in his race is what is needed to rise to the top,” Martin adds. “Although his lightning-fast speed will lead to injuries in the future, Kiptum has made up his mind to become the first man to break the two-hour limit in marathon.”

1. What was Kiptum’s unusual choice?
A.Starting with road training.B.Seeking training resources.
C.Mixing road and track training.D.Running with others on the track.
2. Why is Kiptum different from other marathon runners according to Martin?
A.He runs at a great speed.B.He holds more world records.
C.He has greater courage to face challenges.D.He has a good plan to avoid possible injuries.
3. What might be the best title for the passage?
A.From Electrician to Top Marathoner
B.From Borrowed Shoes to World Records
C.Kelvin Kiptum: A Tough Fighter for National Honor
D.Marathon: Life- changing Career for African Athletes
2024-01-29更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了中国游泳运动员Qian Hongyan的励志故事。
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

For Chinese swimmer Qian Hongyan, competing at the 4th Asian Para Games (亚残运会) is more about testing her limits. More     1    (important), the 26-year-old will keep encouraging others to face life’s challenges. “It’s great to participate in the Games     2     the first time. I want to inspire more people with disability,” said Qian in an interview.

    3    (know) as the “basketball girl”, Qian has been an inspiration for years. She lost both her legs due to     4     car accident in 2000. Then, she became familiar to people because of a picture of her as a kid sitting inside half of a basketball,     5     acted as protective equipment to help her move around on the ground.

In 2007, she began training in swimming. It     6    (be) hard in the beginning. Without both legs, keeping     7    (her) above water felt like an impossible task. However, with years of hard work, Qian improved,     8    (become) a national team swimmer at the Rio Paralympics in 2016. She finished     9    (nine) in the women’s 100m breaststroke.

Coach Zhang Honghu has seen Qian’s growth from a shy girl into an excellent athlete. “I hope she will keep pushing her limits and have a great life in the years     10    (come),” said Zhang.

2024-01-29更新 | 137次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是Graham Dugoni创造的一个没有电子设备的空间,即YONDR以及过度使用智能手机会导致的问题,如何断绝与手机联系。

8 . Graham Dugoni was sick of seeing smartphones everywhere when he lived in San Francisco in 2014, so he decided to create device-free spaces for people who wanted a digital break.

The result is YONDR, a physical way to disconnect at concerts, schools, and private events. If a touring musician decides to use it, for instance, the audience are told ahead of time that when they arrive, they’ll drop their phones into a small case that locks when it’s closed. The audience keep that case with them but can only access their phones when they go to a particular area away from the crowd. When they leave, the cases are unlocked.

“A lot of what we hear is that the show is just better,” Dugoni says. Some people report that, except being anxious for a while, the experience proved rewarding. “People walk out saying it’s unbelievable not to see a single smartphone out. There’s more energy, and it makes everything more noticeable.”

YONDR’s presence suggests that many people have become overly attached to their phones and shows the importance of finding solutions.

Research links smartphone overuse to a wide range of physical and mental (心理的) health problems, including tiredness, depression and anxiety. It is also connected with shorter sleep time, as well as reduced quality of sleep. Plus, smartphone addiction can occupy too much of your time and attention, leaving less to spend on healthier activities.

One of the best ways to disconnect from your phone is to get some physical distance from it. “Let’s say you have a little workstation at home - try to keep your phone behind you on the shelf,” advises Olson, a researcher at McGill University. Much of our phone use is mindless, so “putting up some ltte barriers (障碍), like keeping it behind you and face down, can be effective.” Keeping your phone in another room while you sleep is another particularly helpful way, he adds.

1. What do we know about YONDR?
A.It made people feel disconnected.
B.It was created to stop phone using.
C.It was helpful for taking a break from phone use.
D.It led to inconvenience for concert ticket holders.
2. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The effects of overusing smartphones.
B.The solution to mental health problems.
C.The reasons for phone-related problems.
D.The commonness of people using phones.
3. What does Olson suggest people do?
A.Put the phone on the worktable.
B.Turn off the phone while sleeping.
C.Make it hard to reach for the phone.
D.Surround the phone with small barriers.
2024-01-29更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
9 . 将下列几个部分(A、B、C、D和E)按题号排序,构成一个符合逻辑的完整语篇。
A. It is called rucking, a term from ruck marching, which is a skill that militaries around the world have long used for training.
B. Rucking involves walking with a weighted backpack. It’s an easy way to strengthen your heart and muscles without hurting the joints (关节).
C. Anyone who walked to school with a backpack full of books has already tried an exercise routine that is getting popular in the fitness world.
D. Even people eager for more exercise should progress slowly. Shoes that fit well can help you avoid additional foot pressure and safely walk on an uneven land.
E. As with any new physical activity, newcomers should start rucking with slow and stable steps. If you don’t have basic conditioning, try walking the expected distance with a very light pack first. Then slowly add more weight.
2024-01-29更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末中教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了14岁的Laura Smith在一家非营利性食品社区组织做志愿者。她发现在捐赠的食品当中,缺少新鲜或绿色的蔬菜和水果,所以她决定自己在家里种植。她在两年中捐赠了8000多磅的水果和蔬菜,展示了年轻人的无私和善良。

10 . When Laura Smith was 14 years old, she volunteered at a nonprofit food community organization. As she was filling bags with donated (捐赠) food, she noticed something that didn’t seem right: Canned and packaged goods were plentiful, but she saw nothing fresh or green to give to families in need. She thought it would be great to change that. She wanted to start a garden on part of her parents’ farmland to provide families with home-grown produce.

While being proud of her, Laura’s father expressed worry about the workload involved. Laura had raised rabbits and lambs before, but she had never tried growing vegetables on such an extensive level. However, he soon realized that his daughter was ready. Laura did a lot of research online to find out what worked and what didn’t, which plants needed shade, which needed more water, and when was the best time to harvest each crop.

In spring 2021 Laura planted 15 types of vegetables on a land of 5,000 square meters. When the first green shoots appeared, it was an exciting feeling. Yet, that’s where the real work began. “Our summers are very hot and dry, so I had to water every day,” said Laura. Throughout the summer, she checked her plants daily for weeds and watered them by hand, using two water tanks attached to a farm vehicle to continually refill her watering can.

Laura was soon ready to harvest and weigh her first crops-the first batch weighed 40 pounds. She then packaged them and donated the products to eight local groups. “It felt really good to know that anyone who wanted fresh vegetables could get them,” Laura said.

Over the past two years, Laura has donated more than 8,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables. “Laura’s confidence and generous hand in helping those in need have made a greater impact than she could have imagined,” said Remi Freeman, an official from one of the charity groups. “It helps our mission to end hunger, and also demonstrates the selflessness and kindness that is so wonderful to see in younger people.”

1. What inspired Laura to start a garden?
A.Her interest in gardening.
B.Her parents’ expectations.
C.Lack of fresh produce in the donated food.
D.Poor quality of canned and packaged food.
2. What concerned Laura’s father about her plan at first?
A.The money needed.B.The amount of work.
C.Her farming knowledge.D.Her working experience.
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Laura’s hard work.B.Laura’s ambitious plan.
C.The poor weather condition.D.The skills needed for farming.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.A Great Gardening Dream
B.A Journey to Green Living
C.A Close Study on Organic Food
D.A Harvest of Growing Kindness
2024-01-29更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末中教学质量检测英语试题
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