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1 . The body gives off many gases. Although some smells may signal a need to bathe or that you ate a certain meal, other gases might point to serious disease. Now, researchers have come up with a system that uses earmuffs to catch the disease-signaling gases. Doctors could get the information as patients wear a set of earmuffs. Results could be ready within minutes.

“The ear is a good place to monitor,” explains Johnson, a biomedical engineer. The ear’s skin is fairly thin, he notes. So gases don’t have to travel far to get out of the blood and escape through skin pores.

To collect the gases, Johnson and his team selected earmuffs that make a tight seal with the head. These are the type people often wear to protect the ears from loud noise. His team made two holes in the muff covering one ear. A tube slowly pumped air in one hole. Another tube pulled air out of the second hole and sent it to a sensor.

In their tests, the team found that they could measure changes in the amount of alcohol coming from the skin of the ear. It could work much like a Breathalyzer that police use to test people for driving drunk. The team invited three men. Each had to avoid drinking alcohol for at least three days before taking part. Once in the lab, these men wore the earmuffs and sat for 10 minutes as the system recorded normal gas levels leaving their ears. Afterward, the men drank a big amount of alcohol. About 7 minutes later, the earmuff system tested out a rise in alcohol leaving the skin. After 50 minutes, alcohol levels reached the peak and continued falling until the test was over.

The team then measured other gases by changing out the sensor. With the right sensor, their earmuff system could test out disease. Later, they replaced the earmuffs with a one-eared version to make it a bit more comfortable.

Johnson imagines another possible benefit. The earmuff system could help doctors tell whether a child’s ear infections have been caused by bacteria or a virus. How? Each type of infection exudes different gases. That, in turn, could guide how doctors cure the disease.

1. What makes the ear a good place to monitor?
A.Its small size.B.Its thin skin.
C.Its clean surface.D.Its blood flow.
2. What did Johnson and his team find in their tests?
A.Sensors should be examined in time.B.Drunk-driving tests were ineffective.
C.Serious diseases were difficult to identify.D.Their system could be used to tell diseases.
3. What does the underlined word “exudes” in Paragraph 6 most probably mean?
A.Collects.B.Gives off.C.Cuts off.D.Uses.
4. In which section of a magazine is this passage most likely to appear?
2023-03-18更新 | 340次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市2022-2023学年第一次普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语试卷
完形填空(约310词) | 容易(0.94) |

2 . The little boy with big brown eyes was waiting for us on the other side of the world. Ever since our adoption agency had _________ us, I’d been hurriedly competing all the necessary paperwork. I made it a personal goal to never delay the process. On one late afternoon in June. I rushed toward the closest FedEx office. I had some _________ to send overnight, and I wanted them to go out that day.

I thought I knew where the FedEx office was. I drove there as the minutes slipped away, only to find that the office was no longer _________ where I remembered it. Tears came to my eyes. This was _________ we all had a smartphone in our pockets. I had no way of _________ the correct location. _________ , I started driving toward home. I felt like a failure, as though I’d just ___________ my new son to more days in an orphanage waiting for us.

Suddenly, I was ___________ at a stoplight by an oversized box truck My anger turned to ___________ when I saw the sign. It was a FedEx truck I ______________ closely behind the truck. What were the ______________ the truck would lead me straight to the FedEx office I was seeking?

It broke out the chances were good. Less than five minutes later, I saw a FedEx sign, and the truck made a turn into the parking lot. I had ______________ in my eyes again.

Our documents went out that night. The truck driver ______________ knew he was an angel for me that day. Three months later, we flew halfway around the world to ______________ our son for the first time. We have been with him every day since.

Miracles are always around us ______________ we are open to them. Sometimes, it’s a smile at the right time or a kind word. And every now and then, it’s even a big truck that cuts us off in traffic.

A.kept upB.put downC.taken inD.cut off
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