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1 . Binge-watching (刷剧) is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in a row. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the Internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favorite shows stream (流播) directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, binge-watching has been officially listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week-by-week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes, many platforms will display pop-ups with “you might like” suggestions, or will automatically play the next episode.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back (一集接一集地), almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and 25% have neglected their household chores (家务活). Next we’ll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said, “The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist (抗拒) watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move.” If people find binge-watching hard to resist, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless number of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning, then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, “A little of what you fancy does you good.”

1. How did the writer develop the first paragraph?
A.By giving a definition.B.By telling a story.
C.By listing some examples.D.By analyzing the cause and effect.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “concurrently” in Paragraph2?
A.For convenience.B.At the same time.
C.In detail.D.Free of charge.
3. What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that ______.
A.people can’t control their feelingsB.people can’t resist the temptation of Bingeing
C.people have no patience to do workD.people are addicted to waiting for a new episode
4. What advice did the writer give at last?
A.To keep online media from stopping functioning.
B.To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.
C.To learn life lessons from the episodes.
D.To watch episodes in a moderate way.
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jenny was the only child in her family. She had a quarrel (吵架) with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily. She couldn’t help weeping sorrowfully when she thought of the scolding from her mother. Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat. She stood beside a stand (货摊) for a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business. However, with no money in hand, she gave a sigh and had to leave.

The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked, “Hey, girl, you want to have the noodles?”

“Oh, yes, but I don’t have money on me.” she replied.

“That’s nothing. I’ll treat you today,” said the man, “Come in.”

The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, whose smell was so attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.

“What is it?” asked the man kindly.

“Nothing. Actually, I was just touched by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears. “Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother drove me out of the house. She showed no care for me. She is so merciless compared to a stranger!”

Hearing the words, the seller smiled, “Girl, do you really think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot. But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby. Can you remember the times she cooked for you? Have you expressed your gratitude to her?”

Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shock: she remembered her mother’s familiar face and weathered hands. “Why didn’t I think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful. Why haven’t I thanked my mum for what she has done for me?”

On the way home. Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Nearing the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.


At that time, her mother came back and touched her hair gently, which called her mind back.

2024-04-07更新 | 85次组卷 | 81卷引用:湖北省荆州市荆州中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Adaptations are the currency of the movie industry. It’s common to see that the latest hit movie or thrilling drama is inspired by a novel, video game, or perhaps even a comic book. The journey of the page being adapted to the screen has been covered a lot. But little is the process spoken about in reverse.

       The most well-known version of a film making its way into the publishing industry is through the classic novelization. Movie novelizations went through a popular period before the Internet existed. Fans wanted to keep learning more about the fictional worlds they had stepped. into and needed to experience the story again in a new way. They couldn’t simply google it, nor could they immediately get the production on tape. Therefore, the novelization was a great solution.
       Novelizations were usually written by authors who were not in the movie-making process. Instead, they would receive the most complete version of the screenplay to hand and would begin to write their adaptation based on that document. Although changes could be made, there were times where a novelization didn’t actually reflect what happened on the screen because scenes could be cut or replaced and the novelizations were left outdated. But there’s also an advantage. The novelizations were a small piece of movie-making history in their own right. Massive films like Star Wars, ET, Back To The Future, and Alien all received their own page adaptation. It was a completely unique experience before the films were even available to watch. For a time, they were everything for cinema lovers.
       Regardless of the influences on the tales, movie adaptations provide a creative outlet for new concepts to be developed. That’s a wonderful idea. which should be encouraged for those movies that never got a chance to continue on their path.
1. What does the underlined phrase “in reverse” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why were movie novelizations popular before the Internet existed?
A.They took the place of productions on tape.
B.They were adapted from up-to-date novels.
C.They satisfied fans’ curiosity in a different way.
D.They created a fictional world for people to first step in.
3. What is probably the disadvantage of a novelization?
A.Its choosing the wrong story.
B.Its missing the point of the screenplay.
C.Its cutting and replacing movie scenes.
D.Its failing to match the original movie.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Novel-based Movies.B.Fast-developing Industries.
C.Film-to-book Adaptations.D.Well-known novelizations.
2024-02-16更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:武汉市部分重点中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末联考英语试卷
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“No matter how hard we try, some things are just not meant to be,” Andrew thought bitterly. He looked down at the hospital bills in his hands and tears filled his eyes. His poor mom had been so ill, and here he was complaining and feeling sorry for himself! He should be praying for her recovery, not crying over a lost, childish dream.

Andrew was nineteen, and as far back as he could remember, he’d wanted to become a software engineer. That dream had become harder to reach after his dad died when Andrew was twelve. His mom had been left to raise him on her own, and it was hard to make ends meet. So Andrew started doing part-time jobs.

Every cent he earned he put away for college. When he was sixteen, he got himself a summer job at a local IT company, where his insight and intelligence caught the owner’s eye. Mr. Lewis, the CEO, made Andrew the assistant of his best and most innovative developer, and the boy thrived (不断成长) on the challenge. He couldn’t wait to go to college!

Unfortunately, when Andrew was in his senior year in high school, his mother became very ill. The usually energetic woman was constantly tired and in pain. She went from doctor to doctor, but no one knew exactly what was wrong with her. They sent her off to do dozens of expensive tests, then shook their heads over the results. Andrew’s mom started getting weaker and weaker, and thinner and thinner until she could barely walk.

Andrew added up the medical bills and was shocked. They owed over $23,000! Andrew pulled out his bank book. He had close to $30,000 in his savings account. He’d painstakingly (艰苦地) saved up for YEARS, so he’d be able to go to college, but his mom’s health was more important.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
        The next day, Andrew went to see Mr. Lewis.
        That night, Mr. Lewis appeared on Andrew’s home with a great idea.
2024-02-15更新 | 88次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省新高考联考协作体2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题B卷(含听力)
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段话,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off” said the teacher to her class.

An extra day off unsuited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday.”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.

Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. I trained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing videogames inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped here yes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on,” said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,

“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Kayla. It is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place.”


At first Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.


But things began to change as she was doing the chores.

2024-02-15更新 | 154次组卷 | 51卷引用:湖北省黄冈市黄梅县育才高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sports bring us together

       Sports are more than competitions.
       I used to be very shy and often felt lonely. Although I did well in all the academic subjects, I was afraid of physical education. Even kids in the neighborhood would laugh at me. “Look at that girl,” they said. “Her feet don’t leave the ground when she runs!” Their words embarrassed me. At school, whenever the teacher organized some competitive games, no one in the class would choose me as their partner or team member. As a result, I often ended up looking at others enjoy their games.
       Things would go on like that if not for a sports meet in my high school. By mistake, my name was put on the list of those who would compete in the women’s 1500 meters race. By the time people found the mistake, it was too late to change.
       My deskmate, Mary, was a natural athlete. She said to me, “I couldn’t run that race in your place, because I have signed up for three items already.” I nearly broke down. 1500 meters! Running against the best runners in front of the whole school! It would be the worst nightmare I’d ever have!
       “You still have time to catch up because there is still one month before the sports meet,” Mary patted me on the shoulder, “That is cool! You will run for our class! And we will do training together.” Yes, this is not just for myself, but for my class. But still, 1500 meters to me was like Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰) to a beginning climber. I had no idea even how to start my preparation.
       Mary invited me to join in their training. Every afternoon after class, several of us ran together. When the fear of being laughed at flooded over me, I saw others running right beside or stand by the tracks cheering for us. They gave me strengths.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
       Before I could realize how fast one month went by, I was standing behind the start line of the sports meet.
       As expected, I was almost the last to cross the finish line.
2024-02-11更新 | 87次组卷 | 4卷引用:武汉市部分重点中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Is future you? It might seem like a strange philosophical question. But the answer to how you think about your future self could make the difference between decisions you ultimately find satisfying and ones you might eventually regret.

The brain patterns that emerge on an MRI (核磁共振成像) when people think about their future selves most like the brain patterns that arise when they think about strangers. This finding suggests that, in the mind’s eye, our future selves look like other people. If you see future you as a different person, why should you save money, eat healthier or exercise more regularly to benefit that stranger?

However, if you see the interests of your distant self as more like those of your present self, you are considerably more likely to do things today that benefit you tomorrow. A paper in the journal PLoS One revealed that college students who experienced a greater sense of connection and similarity to their future selves were more likely to achieve academic success. Relationships with our future selves also matter for general psychological well-being. In a project led by Joseph Reiff, which includes 5, 000 adults aged 20 to 75, he found that those who perceived a great overlap (重叠) in qualities between their current and future selves ended up being more satisfied with their lives 10 years after filling out the initial survey.     

So how can we better befriend our future selves and feel more connected to their fates? The psychological mindset with what we call ”vividness interventions“ works. We have found, for instance, that showing people images of their older, grayer selves increases intentions to save for the long term. Besides, you might try writing a letter to-and then from-your future self. As demonstrated by Yuta Chishima and Anne Wilson in their 2020 study in the journal Self and Identity, when high-school students engaged in this type of ”send-and-reply“ exercise, they experienced elevated (升高的) levels of feelings of similarity with their future selves.

Letter-writing and visualization exercises are just a couple of ways we can connect with our future selves and beyond, but the larger lesson here is clear: If we can treat our distant selves as if they are people we love, care about and want to support, we can start making choices for them that improve our lives-both today and tomorrow.

1. What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.Generating further discussion.B.Introducing a research result.
C.Showing the effect of the finding.D.Concluding various viewpoints.
2. How does the author prove his statements?
A.By offering relevant statistics.B.By using quotations.
C.By referring to previous findings.D.By making comparisons.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Benefits of befriending our future selves.
B.Ways of connecting with our future selves.
C.Methods of changing psychological mindsets.
D.Possibilities of us becoming our future selves.
4. What does the article want to tell us?
A.Making future plans makes a difference.
B.Our future selves look like other people.
C.Getting to know your future self benefits.
D.Your choice affects the fates of strangers.
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day my grandfather gave me a gift — a piggy bank. It had an opening through which one could put money in, but the opening was not big enough to reach in and get the money out. The only way to get at the money was to break the piggy bank open. My grandfather explained that was the whole idea: the piggy bank would help save my money so that, at the end of the year, I might have enough for that bike I dreamt about. He asked if I would put some of the money he gave me into the piggy bank. I agreed immediately and promised that I wouldn’t break it open until I could afford my dream bike.

Whenever he gave me a little bit of money, he would say, “This is for spending. But you can save some and put it in the piggy bank if you want to save it up.” When he gave me larger amounts, it was clearly for saving in the piggy bank. For some time, this worked fine. I loved shaking the piggy bank and hearing the sound of the coins. As it became heavier, I grew more excited, dreaming about buying my new bike, and all the adventures I could have on it.

Whenever I wanted to take some money from the piggy bank to buy delicious ice-creams or beautiful pens, I would imagine riding my bike on the street, and thinking of that, my thoughts about ice-creams or pens went away. So for almost six months, I only put money into the piggy bank without taking any out. I thought I wouldn’t break my piggy bank for anything. But one day something unexpected happened. I saw a piece of news on the television that a serious earthquake (地震) had happened in a nearby province. As many houses were destroyed, a lot of children became homeless. Seeing their shabby clothes and crying faces, I was sleepless that night.

Paragraph 1: I knew I should do something.__________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2: My grandfather was surprised by my behavior._____________________________________________________________________
2023-12-27更新 | 133次组卷 | 20卷引用:湖北省荆州中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试卷
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9 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was eating breakfast at home in Hampshire in March this year, scrolling through social media on my phone, when a story caught my eye. It was about a nine-year-old dog, Charlie, dubbed (称为) the loneliest in Britain. He had been in a rescue centre in Somerset for more than 500 days.

For some reason, nobody wanted to adopt him. I clicked on the link and straight away these huge, sad eyes stared back at me. I was emotional. I turned to my husband, Sam, and said: "We’ve got to have him.” He read the article over my shoulder and felt exactly the same way. We wanted to give Charlie a happy home and a new lease of life.

Over the past few years we have tried to adopt a few different dogs, but we haven’ had any luck — we were never top of the list. Sam and I got used to filling in forms and not hearing anything. We’d almost given up hope.

But Charlie is an older dog and we felt we’d be suited — even older dogs have a lot of love left to offer. So we took our time with the application, sent photographs of our house and garden. We explained why Charlie would be happy with us, and then forgot all about it.

A few days later we received an email from Brent Knoll animal centre, saying we’d been shortlisted. We were thrilled. They asked us to visit Charlie to be interviewed and to see if he liked us.

When we arrived we were taken to the staff room. We didn’t know what to expect. We hadn’t been told much about Charlie’s circumstances, but as he had been given up for adoption and hadn’t been placed with a new owner for so long, we thought there might be issues. But the dog that bounded (蹦跳) in was full of joy and charisma.

1. 续写词数应为 150左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

He came straight over to us.


We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance.

2023-10-19更新 | 206次组卷 | 4卷引用:读后续写变式题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

At noon that day, I drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound coming from the bedroom upstairs—it was the sound of my favorite violin.


I dashed upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 12 years old was petting my violin. The boy had messy hair and a thin face, his oversized coat seemingly filled with something. At first glance, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed that he was surely a thief.

Then, I saw his eyes full of fear and despair. My anger was immediately replaced by a smile, I asked, “Are you Mr. Ram’s nephew, Michael? I’m his housekeeper. Two days ago, I heard his nephew living in the countryside will come. It must be you. You’re really like him!”

On hearing my words, the boy was first astonished, but then quickly said, “Has my uncle gone out? I think I’d better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a while.”

I nodded and asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, “Do you like to play the violin so much?”

“Yes, but I’m so poor that I can’t afford it,” the boy replied.

“Then, I give this violin to you.” The boy looked at me questioningly, but he picked up the violin. Going out to the living room, he suddenly saw on the wall my huge color photo I performed in the Sydney Opera House. He involuntarily trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back.

I was sure that the boy had understood what happened because no one would decorate the living room with the housekeeper’s photo.

Paragraph 1:

A few years later, I was invited to be a judge at a music competition of senior high school students.

Paragraph 2:

After the competition, “Michael” ran to me, holding a violin box.

2020-11-24更新 | 1013次组卷 | 26卷引用:湖北省武汉市重点中学5G联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
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