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1 . HONG KONG — At the school where Ko Cheuk-kiu works, there are neither school bells ringing nor students running around the playground. “You look good today. Shall we review the text together?” After greeting her student Hei Hei, Ko, in a light blue uniform, turns on her tablet computer and begins to teach at the bedside.

Founded in 1954, the Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital Schools initially provided services in only one public medical institution. Now, it is a special education institute funded by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, with 26 school units attached to 19 public hospitals. Its services are mainly divided into three fields — general specialty, psychiatry, and homebound teaching programs. The first two provide services for hospitalized students to reduce their difficulties in returning to school, while homebound teaching is aimed at students who need to stay at home to recover for a long period. Teachers are assigned to different hospitals or students’ homes and shift on a regular basis. Depending on the situation, teachers will carry out small group or one-on-one bedside teaching, and each session lasts about 30 minutes.

“Teaching children in a hospital? I was curious and keen to know more about it,” Ko recalls, explaining she first learned about the school from a newspaper report in 2009 when she had just finished her master’s degree in language. Ko, who also studied special education, applied for a teaching position at the school and was hired as a Chinese language teacher.

Teachers in hospitals have to meet students with different medical conditions and face all kinds of challenges every day, but Ko regards these experiences as training, which have led her to have a deeper appreciation of life. Over the years, Ko has received a lot of greeting cards from parents and students showing their appreciation. Looking at these warm words of encouragement, she silently sends her best wishes to the students. “I hope they can soon recover and go back to school, and continue to pursue their dreams,” she says.

1. What is Ko doing?
A.Teaching at home.B.Teaching online.
C.Teaching in a hospital.D.Teaching in a regular classroom.
2. What do we know about the Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital Schools?
A.It was founded by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government.
B.It offers teaching services for students both in hospital and at home.
C.It runs on money raised from the public.
D.It assigns teachers to the same hospitals or students’ homes.
3. Probably why did Ko apply for a teaching position at the school?
A.Because she was curious about teaching.B.Because she knew a lot about the school.
C.Because she just graduated from university.D.Because she could apply what she had learned.
4. Which can best describe Ko?
A.Passionate and dedicated.B.Responsible and diligent.
C.Genuine and aggressive.D.Self-centered and sensitive.
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When we watched Shackleton and the boat sailed away     1     Elephant Island, we felt low and     2     (discourage). But it was not for long. A good dinner and some music made us     3     (cheer) again. Life fell into a regular pattern. We had to find food and     4     (drink) water and also had to deal with the changing temperatures.     5     twenty-two of us lived like this in the cold for four months. We were     6     (luck) that our group worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears     7     a positive and successful way. When we were     8     (final) rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. It was our     9     (optimistic) and faith in Shackleton that had helped us persevere in staying alive. And he paid us back by his commitment     10     (save) us from a slow but painful death.

2023-08-30更新 | 52次组卷 | 3卷引用:外研2019选择性必修三 unit6 单元复习与测试 课前预习
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . French explorer Jacques Cartier is known mainly for exploring the St. Lawrence River and giving Canada its name.

Like many other European explorers, Jacques Cartier went to North America looking for gold and perhaps a shortcut to Asia.     1     It became France’s main route into Canada.

Jacques Cartier was born on December 31, 1491 in Brittany, a province of France. In about 1534, the king of France asked him to lead an expedition(远征) to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia.

    2     There he and his crew explored the land around the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and met Native Americans. When he sailed back to France, he took with him two Native Americans.

    3     This time, Cartier sailed deeper into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and into the Saint Lawrence River. The two Native Americans he had taken before had learned French, and they served as guides. About 260 miles inland, Cartier reached the Native American village of Stadacona. Today, the city of Quebec stands near that place.

Cartier and his men were among the first Europeans to winter in what is now Canada.     4     After returning to France he reported tales told by the native people of treasures farther inland.

Cartier once again crossed the Atlantic in 1541.     5     When he returned to France in 1542, he was told that they were just the common minerals pyrite(黄铁矿) (fool’s gold) and quartz(石英).

A.A second voyage came in May 1535.
B.Instead he found the Saint Lawrence River.
C.The bitter cold surprised them, and some of the men died.
D.He made three voyages of exploration in dangerous waters.
E.Cartier was considered one of the most devoted explorers of the period.
F.He explored further and found what he thought were gold and diamonds.
G.In the spring of 1534 Cartier sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to what is now Canada.
2023-08-30更新 | 80次组卷 | 5卷引用:外研2019选择性必修三 unit6 presenting ideas 课前预习
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Dear Editor,

Please publish more articles about women scientists. Women scientists have made outstanding contributions to the world. These women make excellent role models. More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. Both women were encouraged to study science, and they both accomplished great things.

With her father’s encouragement, Marie Curie made the world a better place through her scientific accomplishments. She studied the emission (放射) of rays from uranium (铀), a feature she called “radioactivity (放射性)”. Later, Curie and her husband, also a scientist, processed the mineral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements (元素). With this discovery, Marie Curie earned her doctorate, and shortly thereafter, both she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly discovered elements; this work laid the foundation for X­rays and atomic physics.

When Rachel Carson was young, her mother encouraged her to study nature. As an adult, she became known as the mother of the modern environmental movement. After studying marine biology and zoology in college, Carson worked as a government scientist and wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other. In 1951 her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general readers and remained on the best­seller list for eighty­six weeks. In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring, a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides (农药).

Humans have benefited greatly from the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists? I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science. With that goal in mind, I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that women make to science.


Annie Bastien, Grade 7

Capistrano Middle School

1. According to the text, Marie Curie        
A.achieved success with her father’s helpB.separated two radioactive elements alone
C.made contributions to the study of X­raysD.won the Nobel Prize twice with her husband
2. What can we learn about Rachel Carson?
A.She was a physicist and chemist.B.Her books had a great influence on the public.
C.She was inspired by her father to become a scientist.D.Her role as an environmentalist was rarely known by people.
3. What can we infer about the author?
A.She aims to become a scientist.B.She likes reading and writing stories.
C.She has a great interest in women scientists.D.She wants to publish articles in the magazine.
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Food will be different in the future.On the downside,fish will be     1     (small),largely due to global warming,according to a study    2     (publish) by Yale University.Fish size will shrink (缩小) by up to 30 percent in the coming decades.

On the upside,your water will be exquisite (极好的).“People will pay a lot     3     (get) perfect water,”believes Thomas Frey,founder and executive director of DaVinci institue,a futuristic think tank in Colorado.“But it will be     4     (exact) what you should be drinking.It may have more vitamin C or oxygen.”

In restaurants,Frey predicted,“robotic kitchens will prepare individualized menus     5     customers.Already people are picky about eating or not eating certain things     6    they will be even more so in the future.You may order a cheeseburger or chicken wing and it will be individualized for you with robots adding trace elements which will improve your health.”

And the meat may come from somewhere other than a farm.

“We already have lab­grown burgers     7     come from stem cells,but so far it’s just beef and chicken and fish,”said Frey,     8     (add) that it will get more specialized.“Restaurants will want other     9     (kind) of meat,all grown in labs with stem cells.”

“And, if you happen to bring an impatient baby,there     10     (be) lab­grown breast milk,”said Frey.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 .         “You care for nothing but shooting dogs and catching rats. You will shame yourself and all your family,” Darwin’s father once said to him.

Most people know that Charles Darwin was the father of evolutionary biology. However, what is not widely known is what sort of person he was.

In his autobiography (自传), Darwin described himself as a rather “naughty” child. He stole fruit from the trees on the side of his parents’ house, made up wild stories, and tried to be the center of attention in the family.

Even worse, it seemed that Charles Darwin was a lazy young man and a slow learner at grammar school. He was a rather shy student but he did take great pleasure in showing off his athletic skills to the other schoolboys. It is not known how well Darwin did at school, but we could say that he was likely to be an unremarkable student.

When Darwin was nine years old, his father sent him to a boy’s boarding school. At this school, Darwin learned classics, ancient history and Greek, all of which he found boring. He was not inspired much by his schooling. He found his only pleasure there was reading Shakespeare’s historical plays, the poems of Byron, Scott, and Thomson. His increased interest in natural science was encouraged by events outside his formal education.

As Darwin grew older, collecting became his major hobby. It became very clear that Darwin was not taking his studies seriously.

1. We can infer from paragraph 1 that when Darwin was a child, his father thought _____.
A.he was not a common childB.he would become a great man
C.he didn’t care about his familyD.he wouldn’t achieve anything
2. By mentioning that Darwin made up wild stories, the writer probably wants to show that Darwin _____.
A.had a gift for languageB.liked to be the center of attention
C.was “naughty” when he was a childD.was a very good storyteller
3. The underlined word “unremarkable” in paragraph 4 probably means “_____”.
4. What do we learn from paragraph 5?
A.Darwin thought classics, ancient history and Greek boring.
B.Darwin was inspired much by his schooling.
C.Darwin disliked reading Shakespeare’s historical plays.
D.Darwin’s interest in natural science was encouraged by events in his formal education.
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 短文填空

Disney’s theme parks might be the best known, but they     1    (不是最有趣的).    2     (参观迪士尼公园)is really fascinating. Personally,    3     (看到孩子们玩得开心), dressing up as their favorite characters and being so happy can make you recall the once carefree kid that you were too! Before you plan your next trip to Disney parks or Universal Studios,    4       (考虑一下去参观某个生态友好的主题公园)may be a good idea, too.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Gabby Frost为了帮助自己的朋友战胜心理疾病而成立了Buddy Project。Buddy Project帮助了很多有心理疾病的人。她尽管遇到了很多的困难,但仍坚持不懈。

8 . In 2013, Gabby Frost founded Buddy Project when she was 15. At that time, her best friend was diagnosed (诊断) with a mental health condition, and that had been the first time she had been made aware of what mental illness was. Cabby began thinking of how she could make a difference to help her friend. She didn’t want to wait around for someone else to think of something. The idea to create a supportive community where people can connect with others who share the same interests immediately came into her head. That simple idea is what led to the creation of Buddy Project.

One of the biggest social barriers she had to jump over was that some people didn’t view her seriously because she was a 15­-year-old girl, and even now, she’s still a young woman. “Sometimes it’s frustrating because some people don’t think what I do is needed or they don’t think I’m professional,” she said. “Most people are overwhelmed by the fact that a 22-­year­old girl is running this and that it’s one person doing this but not a whole team. I’m just lucky that I’ve found a support system that has been able to help my mom and me with the project. ”

Mental illness affects tens of millions of people in the United States each year, yet only half receive treatment. Since founding the organization as a high school student, Gabby has helped more than 200,000 participants feel better. Buddy Project aims to raise awareness of mental health by pairing people as buddies, which transitioned from social media movement to non­profit organization in late 2015, and has raised over $ 50,000.

1. Why did Gabby Frost set up Buddy Project?
A.To treat her mental disease.
B.To know what causes mental illness.
C.To help her friend fight the mental disease.
D.To cure those with mental disease.
2. What problem did Gabby face?
A.She couldn’t get support from her parents.
B.She couldn’t help so many patients at a time.
C.She wasn’t able to attract enough participants.
D.She wasn’t thought well of because of her age.
3. How do most people feel about young Gabby’s running the project alone?
A.Completely doubted.B.Totally convinced.
C.Strongly impressed.D.Fully satisfied.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Americans pay little attention to mental health.
B.Many Americans have trouble with mental health.
C.Buddy Project provides financial aid for patients.
D.Buddy Project has cured many people with mental disease.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式

WeChat, one of the world’s most popular mobile apps and social networks, brought home iF Gold Award for its smart retail innovation, Scan & Go. It is     1     first ever Chinese product to win gold in the iF Service Design category.

Scan & Go enables shoppers at retail stores to turn    2     (they) mobile phones into a virtual checkout counter. When shopping, customers use their mobile phones     3     (scan) product barcodes, view product information, get discounts, complete self-checkout, and pay     4     (direct) within the app via WeChat Pay. There is no queuing up at the cash register. “This concept     5     (show) a customer-centric scan-and-go-solution for an optimized (充分利用的) shopping and retail context. All standards of the good user experience     6     (meet) in this service design, including touchless access, efficiency or ease-of-use in scanning of market products and the final payment and checkout. This is user-friendly design at its     7     (good),” says iF Gold Award in its Gold Statement to Scan & Go.

According to statistics, sales during peak hours in     8     (tradition) supermarkets account for 60% of total turnover, and     9     average customers spend three to five minutes on queuing and payment during peak hours. With Scan & Go, customers no longer have to queue, and the payment time     10     (shorten) to one minute.

语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 语法填空

It has been 2,000 years since Chinese     1     (invent) paper, which made China become one of the first     2     (nation) to start producing historical records, maps and literature. Early Chinese scientists discovered     3    they could make something     4     (explosion). Gunpowder led to the development     5    a variety of weapons. Early printing presses were made by carving     6     (wood) blocks with characters. Bi Sheng’s invention made it much quicker     7     easier to reproduce     8     (write) works. The ancient Chinese made the first and simple compasses by     9     (float) small pins of magnetic metal     10    bowls of water.

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