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1 . How would you feel if you were invited to the moon? If you found a gold coin, would you save it, give it to charity or use it for a holiday? Personality quizzes of this kind, known as “psychometrics”, have bothered many job seekers. Now, it is being applied to the oldest problem in finance: will a borrower repay?

In rich countries, lenders use credit scores to weigh risk. But just 7% of Africans and 13% of South Asians are covered by credit bureaus (征信机构). Bailey Klinger of the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL), which explores new kinds of credit data, argues that psychometrics could include many more people in the financial system. Everyone has a personality, after all.

Judging character is not new. Psychometrics attempts to make it a science. The model developed by EFL has undergone many tests and adapted to different cultures. Its collected data reflect something unnoticed. For instance, young optimists are risky, but old ones are a safe bet.

Clever design cuts cheating. There are no obvious right answers; responses are cross-checked for consistency. The model monitors mouse movements for signs of indecision or distraction. When borrowers lie to get a loan, they often do so in predictable ways. In an EFL test, people are shown pictures of five drinks and asked which one they would be. Choosing water over something with small bubbles may be a sign of cheating.

This sounds fanciful, but there is evidence that it works. In one Indonesian bank, combining psychometrics with existing customer data cut default (违约) rates for small businesses by 45%. A study by the World Bank found that EFL’s model increased lending to those without a credit history.

The technique needs further development. At present, turning to credit bureaus is still the best way to tell if somebody will repay a loan. But bureaus improve more slowly than technology. Lenders will find ever more ways to look into their customers’ souls.

1. What are the figures intended to show in the second paragraph?
A.Racial discrimination from lenders.
B.Uncertain property of poor people.
C.Great risks brought by credit scores.
D.Current weakness of credit bureaus.
2. What can we learn about EFL’s model in the third paragraph?
A.It has been greatly improved.
B.Its data confirm some ideas.
C.Its effects vary with cultures.
D.It can’t tell character exactly.
3. What does “mouse movements” refer to in the fourth paragraph?
A.Borrowers’ responses.B.Lenders’ answers.
C.Pictures of five drinks.D.Drinks with bubbles.
4. What does the last paragraph imply about psychometrics in finance?
A.It will replace credit bureaus.
B.It will be mature in the future.
C.It has won most lenders’ love.
D.It is far from satisfactory.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 困难(0.15) |
文章大意:本文为一篇应用文,介绍了展览活动“手工缝制的世界: 被子的绘图”的参展相关信息。


Quilts (床罩) are a narrative art; with themes that are political, spiritual, communal, or commemorative, they are infused with history and memory, mapping out intimate stories and legacies through a handcrafted language of design. Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts is an invitation to read quilts as maps, tracing the paths of individual histories that illuminate larger historic events and cultural trends.

Spanning the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries, this insightful and engaging exhibition brings together 18 quilts from the collection of the American Folk Art Museum, New York, representing a range of materials, motifs, and techniques from traditional early-American quilts to more contemporary sculptural assemblages. The quilts in Handstitched Worlds show us how this too-often overlooked medium balances creativity with tradition, individuality with collective zeitgeist. Like a road map, these unique works offer a path to a deeper understanding of the American cultural fabric.

Number of Works:18 quilts

Organized by: American Folk Art Museum, New York

Approximate size:175-200 linear feet

Security: Moderate security

Participation Fee: Please inquire

Shipping: IA&A makes all arrangements; exhibitors pay outgoing shipping costs within the contiguous U.S.

Booking Period:12 weeks

Tour: June 2021—August2024

Contact: TravelingExhibitions@ArtsandArtists.org

Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, WI

June 12, 2021—August 29, 2021

Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma, WA

September 17, 2021—January 23, 2022

Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, UT

February 19, 2022—May 14, 2022

Fort Wayne Muesum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN

June 18, 2022—September 11, 2022


October 2022—January 2023

Dane G. Hansen Memorial Museum, Logan, KS

February 17,2023—May 14, 2023


June 2023—December 2023

Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, MS

January 30, 2024—April 21, 2024


May 2024—August 2024

All tour dates can be customized to meet your scheduling needs. Please contact Traveling Exhibitions @ Artsand Artists.org for more information.

1. What is the purpose of the exhibition of Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts?
A.To promote creativity and individuality thorough the engaging exhibition.
B.To provide an opportunity for visitors to learn to make quilts stitch by stitch.
C.To give visitors an insight into the history and culture of America in specific periods.
D.To enrich the understanding of the American culture by a tour visit to museums across America.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A.The exhibition is free both for the exhibitors and for the visitors.
B.Exhibitors that are interested can choose whatever dates they want.
C.The artistic and historic value of handstitched quilts used to be neglected.
D.Exhibitors that are interested can book the exhibition 12 weeks in advance.
3. The article is written to _________.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Belinda, like many of my students, had grown up "street smart", with very little use for schools and books. On the first day of school, she called Rory a very bad word, so I kept her in at break. I made her wash all the desks and pick up all the garbage lying around. "That'll teach her," I thought. Belinda, though, was smarter than me. "I like cleaning. Mr. Brassell," she said. "Can I do this every day?"

On the third day, I caught Belinda fighting with Jose. I walked over to their table and asked what the problem was. "She keeps calling me a bad word," Jose said. Belinda wrote standards after school while I gave her another lecture on behavior. The next day, I caught her fighting with Jose again. I shouted angrily across the room to ask why they were fighting. Again, Jose accused Belinda of calling him a bad word. Belinda had finally earned a home visit. I told her that I would walk her home after school and talk to her mother in person.

And for the first time all the week, Belinda became silent. For the rest of the day, she sat still in her chair, even with kids teasing her. "It's not going to work, young lady," I told her. "You already earned a walk home, and behaving now isn't going to change that."

When the final bell sounded, I took Belinda by the hand, and we began the two-block walk to her house. Belinda took me through the gate to her yard and she went inside to get her mother while I waited outside.

Where have you been, girl?" a voice screamed. Babies cried loudly inside.

"My teacher's here," Belinda said softly, and I still couldn't see inside through the front door.

"Hello," a deep voice barked. Then the door opened, and a rather skinny, short woman walked out.

"Uh, I'm Mr. Brassell, Belinda's teacher."

"What'd she done this time?"


I suddenly decided to try a different approach.


The next day at school, Belinda gave my knees a big hug.

2021-07-06更新 | 530次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省部分校2021-2022学年高一下学期基础学科知识竞赛英语试题
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