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1 . Here’s something that’s surprisingly common: people who strongly advocate moral or noble ideals, but regularly use them to justify attacking and mistreating others — something which is surely neither moral nor noble.

Isn’t this inconsistent? How can someone loudly insist they’re a good person while behaving in ways that totally contradict this, without mentally short-circuiting in some way?

The answer is that there are many psychological and neurological (神经的) processes that allow people to engage in this behaviour that, for want of a better label, we’ll call ‘virtue bullying’.

A lot of virtue bullying could be seen as virtual bullying, which is to say it’s a lot easier online. We’ve all seen Facebook posts that make some simple, morally solid claim, such as “I support victims of [the latest disaster]”, which are then followed by something like “Share if you agree. I bet 97 per cent of you won’t.” Such posts are basically saying, “I’m a good, moral person ... and I’ll criticise you until you agree.” This isn’t the behaviour of a good person.

But it’s not internet-specific. Wanting to protect children is a good, moral aim, but consider all the books and shows banned or attacked in the US under the cover of protecting children. Indeed, throughout history, there have been many instances where individuals who considered themselves good and moral have committed terrible acts.

But why do good people treat others badly? Our brains work hard to enhance our self-esteem (自尊). A 2011 study found that an effective way to strengthen our self-esteem is to attack others, so our status (地位) becomes relatively higher. So, thinking you’re good while attacking others can be a very instinctive (本能的) process, sadly.

For humans, our morals are a key aspect of our identity and an important factor in our decision-making. We’re naturally protective of our identities and decision-making. If these things are rooted in morals and beliefs, we’ll be defensive towards anyone who poses a threat to them. This can lead to what seems to be inconsistent behaviours.

Ultimately, for all the explanations offered here, it should be acknowledged that some people are just not nice. How you deal with such people is up to you.

1. Why does the author raise questions in paragraph 2?
A.To express his doubts.B.To present an assumption.
C.To display a phenomenon.D.To introduce points for discussion.
2. What is virtue bullying?
A.Advocating for noble causes online.
B.Using moral ideals to justify mistreating others.
C.Forcing others to agree with one’s moral claims.
D.Attacking people who disagree with one’s moral beliefs.
3. What did the 2011 study find about self-esteem and attacking others?
A.Attacking others boosts self-esteem.
B.Self-esteem is linked with social status.
C.People with higher social status attack others more often.
D.Boosting self-esteem reduces the desire to attack others.
4. What role do morals play in our self-image and decision-making?
A.Morals vary with them.B.Morals threaten them.
C.Morals shape them.D.Morals assess them.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How AI oversight (监管) affects human decision-making is an important question in a world where AI plays an ever larger role in everyday life. Car drivers, financial traders and air-traffic controllers already see their decisions overruled by AI systems put in place to rapidly correct poor judgment. Doctors and judges could be next.

Mr. Almog believes “tennis is one of the most visible settings where final decision fights are given to AI”. So, he and his colleagues have studied whether tennis judges could correctly call balls in or out for nearly 100,000 points played in some 700 matches worldwide, both before and after the introduction of the Hawk-Eve ball-tracking system in 2006. The AI system uses between six and ten cameras positioned around the court to create a three-dimensional representation of the ball’s movement. This can then be presented on a screen visible to players, audiences, officials and TV viewers. Players can use it to appeal against human decisions, with the AI’s judgment considered final. Bad calls from the judges are now often overturned.

The latest analysis showed that the introduction of Hawk-Eye oversight has resulted in a remarkable 8% reduction in mistakes made by human officials. Most of the improvement came during the multi-shot rallies (多次击球) that followed a successful serve (发球) and return. However, when the researchers studied serves in particular, and especially in cases where the served ball landed within 20mm on either side of a line, they were surprised to see the table was turned. Before Hawk-Eye, judges were more likely to call a serve out when it was in while afterwards they were more likely to wave through balls that were actually out.

Such a shift is easily understood. Human officials prefer less bothersome, overlooked faults and reputationally safer choices, despite resulting in more errors. Tennis, with clear evidence of whether a decision was right or wrong, offers a highly simplified model for AI oversight. But many of the same tendencies will be at play in fields like medicine and law, says Mr. Almog, and should be considered seriously before AI is allowed to overturn human decisions. It AI oversight is used in these fields, judges, for example, may prefer to under-accuse and doctors, on the other hand, might give over treatment.

1. Why does the author mention professionals in different fields?
A.To show peoples preference for AI systems.
B.To illustrate people’s different opinions on AI.
C.To highlight the increasing impact of AI oversight.
D.To stress the challenges of AI’s correcting poor judgment.
2. What can be inferred about the Hawk-Eye ball-tracking system?
A.It leads to conflicts between players and judges.
B.It helps guarantee the fairness of a match.
C.It involves complex technical operations.
D.It simplifies the flow of the match.
3. In what situation will judges’ error rate increase after applying the AI system?
A.When the served ball hits the net.B.When players serve within the lines.
C.When players make multi-shot rallies.D.When the served ball is a little off the lines.
4. What is Mr. Almog’s attitude towards introducing the AI system into the medical field?
7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Generation Z (or Gen Z: Americans born during the late 1990s and early 2000s) are making a significant impact on the world. 62% of them say they want to start their own business or that they already have. We shouldn’t be surprised by the start-up desires of the generation that have grown up digitally connected to the wider world. They have an audience literally at their fingertips if they can come up with a persuasive content and product ecosystem that people want to buy into.

Destiny Snow is one such teen. Snow and her sister grew up watching their mother own and operate her income tax and accounting business, in addition to her real estate company. “It’s much easier to believe that something can be done after seeing it done,” says Snow. “Seeing my mother overcome her difficulties and achieve her goals encouraged me to go into business for myself as well.”

When Snow first launched her online store, she was surprised that her business was quite sluggish. “I anticipated many customers, especially my friends and family rushing to buy what I was selling, but that wasn’t the case. Lack of their support discouraged me at the time,” she admits. Instead of giving up, she took a break to analyze her approach.

“I knew I had the ability to run a successful business; I just needed to figure out what I was doing wrong. I watched countless marketing videos, reviewed success stories, read business articles and ordered piles of business books,” she says. “Soon I realized I needed to identify my target audience and make use of social media marketing. To succeed in running a company, I have to win the hearts and minds of total strangers,” says Snow. Her realization as well as quick and proper adjustment eventually made her a successful teen entrepreneur (创业者).

As more and more entrepreneurs enter the marketplace to deliver their unique products and services to the world, the opportunities to succeed will still be out there, although they’ll be harder to seize.

1. What can we learn about Generation Z from Paragraph 1?
A.They are open to different views.
B.They are practical and financially aware.
C.They are mindful of environmental issues.
D.They are easily accessible to the outside world.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The educational background of Snow and her sister.
B.The inspiration for Snow’s becoming an entrepreneur.
C.The secret to Snow’s mother’s success in her business.
D.The harmonious relationship between Snow’s family members.
3. What does the underlined word “sluggish” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. Which of the following words can best describe Snow?
A.Careful and patient.B.Decisive and flexible.
C.Generous and honest.D.Adventurous and innovative.
7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题

4 . Orphanage Assistant Program of Volunteer with Ghana

Volunteers support the children in their daily needs at the orphanage (孤儿院), helping them in their studies and guiding them.

·Typical day

In the morning most of the children will be in school. Therefore volunteers have the opportunity to stay in the orphanage and do tasks like bathing, feeding, dressing and playing with the babies or to assist the teachers in the school near the orphanage. The school-going children will return to the orphanage around 1 pm. Volunteers will help to prepare lunch. The timetable for the rest of the day always includes exciting activities. To ensure success in their studies, volunteers will also take time to help children with their homework. Volunteers can choose to work in the morning or in the afternoon.

·Program fees

4 weeks (min. stay): 1,116€; 6 weeks: 1,600 €; 12 weeks: 3,056 €; 50 weeks (max. stay): 9,700 €

What’s included in the fee?

Airport Pickup at Kotoka International Airport

Volunteers will send us their flight details and we will be at the airport waiting for their arrival.


Volunteers stay in a fully-equipped house, typically 3 or 4 to a room.


Food will be provided for breakfast and dinner; volunteers are responsible for their own lunch.

·What’s NOT included in the fee?

Flight Tickets

The nearest airport is Kotoka International Airport in Accra. We assist you in finding cheap flights to Ghana.

Travel Insurance

Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to be prepared. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft travel insurance for Ghana provides security and is a plus to have.

NOTE: Start and end dates are extremely flexible as we work with volunteers to find the best length for them while supporting the continuous nature of the program.
1. What do volunteers do in the afternoon?
A.Get a rest.B.Take care of babies.
C.Provide homework support.D.Work with teachers in the nearby school.
2. What can be included in the program fee?
A.Flight tickets.B.Airport pickup.
C.Fravel insurance.D.Everyday lunches.
3. What are volunteers encouraged to do?
A.Pay the fees in full.B.Have travel insurance.
C.Choose a longer service period.D.Start the program earlier in the year.
7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了生物学家John Alcock,特别介绍了其对动物行为的进化方法的研究。

5 . A half-century ago, one biologist taught us from a new textbook titled Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary (进化的) Approach. At that time, I was a young assistant professor at Montana State University and I wondered: Doesn’t every biologist think about animal behavior from an evolutionary view?

Later, I met John Alcock, the book’s author, and he told me that most biologists were more concerned with closely related mechanisms (机制) of animal behavior in the immediate environment, and did not normally ask questions about what adaptive function might have been served by engaging in a particular behavior in a particular environment.

When I left Montana to join Arizona State University, one of the students in my lab was crazy about her undergraduate animal behavior class. It turned out that the teacher was John Alcock, who had obtained his Ph. D. from Harvard University.

Alcock authored a number of beautifully written books. His Sonoran Desert Spring is a delightful read, revealing a deep appreciation of all the amazing life forms that have adapted to life in the desert. Another of his books, In a Desert Garden: Love and Death Among the Insects, describes all the amazing aspects of nature that took place in his own garden.

Alcock received a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜) from his parents at age seven and through it, he discovered the beautiful birds of rural Pennsylvania, where he was raised. I later often had the pleasure of going bird watching with Alcock, and it was amazing that he could spot and recognize bird species by catching sight of them, or even just listening to a small piece of song.

Alcock had rich knowledge and a way with words that allowed him to make up an extremely interesting story about something uninspiring. And given the known psychological benefits of getting out in nature, imagine having a career in which your job is to go out into the wilderness and look at flowers and birds.

1. What does the author want to know about biologists?
A.Their attitudes towards wild animals.
B.Their research on the natural environment.
C.Their opinions on animal behavior.
D.Their concerns about the changing world.
2. Why does the author mention a student in his lab?
A.To stress John Alcock’s influence.B.To prove John Alcock’s ambition.
C.To show John Alcock’s achievement.D.To explain John Alcock’s responsibility.
3. What does paragraph 5 mainly show about John Alcock?
A.His discovery of the hidden beauty.
B.His pleasure in exploring nature.
C.His ability to identify different birds.
D.His experience of living in Pennsylvania.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.John Alcock: A Pioneer in Animal Behavior Studies
B.Exploring the Sonoran Desert with a Biologist
C.Bird watching Adventures: A Life Inspired by Nature
D.The Impact of Binoculars on a Biologist’s Childhood
7日内更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省滨州市惠民县第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题

6 . As a teenager growing up in Great Britain, Lola Anderson was inspired by the rowing events at the 2012 London Olympics.

Moved by the athletes' strength and determination, she decided to_________the sport herself. In her diary, she expressed her dream of winning an Olympic gold medal in rowing. Embarrassed by her_________dream, Lola tore out the diary page.” I threw that away because I didn't believe, “Anderson_________” I was 14 then, so why would I believe? Young girls struggle to see themselves as strong, athletic individuals, but that's_________now." Despite her initial_________, Anderson pursued rowing with her father's support.

In 2019, as Don Anderson_________cancer, he presented Lola with a_________. He held open his hand to_________the page she had torn from her diary years earlier. Don had found it in the trash(垃圾筒) and kept it, _________she would need it one day, Don__________months later, but his faith in his daughter's dream remained.

His predictive gesture__________on Wednesday when Anderson competed in her first Olympic Games as part of the women's quadruple sculls(四人双桨)rowing team. Her team__________the gold medal by a mere 0.15 seconds. After the race, Anderson reflected on her father's firm support.

“It's a piece of paper,but it's the most valuable thing I have," she said. " Maybe jointly with the__________now." Lola Anderson’s__________from a self-doubting teenager to an Olympic champion serves as__________of the power of dreams and the lasting impact of a father's love.

A.take upB.look intoC.live uponD.fight for
A.passed awayB.died offC.set offD.went away
7日内更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了社会学家Allison Pugh的新书《最后的人类工作》,该书强调在自动化时代保持人际关系和连接性劳动的重要性,呼吁社会为“社会健康”而战。

7 . New technologies tend to cause a cycle of concern, disorder, and conflict before eventually being accepted. Recent writings about artificial intelligence (AI) and other advances in computer science suggest that we are preparing to welcome the final stage of this latest round of invention.

The Last Human Job, sociologist Allison Pugh’s new book centered on caregiving and human connection in the age of automation, warns readers against unreserved acceptance of these technological advances, citing “connective labor” as valuable human work that will not be easily replaced by algorithms (算法). “Absent from discussions about AI and automation,” Pugh argues, “is the impact that these systems might have on the emotional understandings we build of ourselves and others.”

Pugh sets the stage by arguing for the value of human connection and the importance of both seeing and being seen by others. “Practitioners (从业者) said they gained a sense of purpose simply from the opportunity of observing people at their most defenseless,” she observes. She then provides a summary of how care work is being increasingly automated, showing how quantification and measurement have taken over many aspects of human-facing jobs, leaving little room for doctors, teachers, and others to build connection.

“When one goes to a doctor or a teacher, the encounter is full of the potential for shame, a risk that makes it all the more powerful when practitioners show empathic (同理心的) reflection,” writes Pugh. In chapter 8, she explains how such interactions can be done right. Research conducted by herself and others identifies three key aspects supporting connective labor: “relational design”, or how people are set up to interact with one another; “connective culture,” or shared practices and beliefs that influence how people interact; and “resource distribution,” which includes time given for interaction, worker-to-client rates, and the extent of technology and data use, among other factors.

Pugh concludes by arguing that we need a social movement for connection. “We need to fight for what we might call our ‘social health’,” she maintains.

1. What is the main concern of Allison Pugh’s new book?
A.The impact of AI on future employment.B.The approach to living and working with AI.
C.The increasing role of technology in caregiving.D.The value of connective labor in the age of automation.
2. Why does the author mention “practitioners” in paragraph 3?
A.To explain how to do care work.B.To argue against the automation technology.
C.To prove the significance of human connection.D.To discuss the challenges of privacy in caregiving.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The encounter.B.The shame.C.The risk.D.The potential.
4. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The overview of chapter 8.B.The effective way to interact.
C.The new trend of caregiving.D.The factors of avoiding shame.
7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Willis was a highway patrol trooper (巡逻警察), who was in charge of the traffic safety of the Tennessee Highway. One afternoon this July, it rained heavily. He was driving along the busiest section of the highway during the downpour when he saw the traffic slowing down in front of him. Some cars stopped and bypassed one lane (车道).

Willis initially thought there was a car crash, so he slowed down his car to approach. But he soon found out the source of the delay was an animal wandering on the wet road. And he spotted that was a dog when he got close enough. There was a large dog that looked like a brown German shepherd (牧羊犬) in the middle lane.

The weather was at its worst, and the gray sky with the heavy rain gave the highway minimum visibility. The delay might cause a traffic jam and of course it was very dangerous to let the dog wandering in the middle of the highway.

He immediately turned on his blue lights because people usually slow down when they see the blue lights and called into the radio so they knew where he was. He pulled over, got out , and whistled to draw the dog's attention.

It seemed as if the dog knew Willis was its lifesaver. It walked to Willis and his car.Once the dog was in the car, Willis pulled into a parking lot nearby, where he called Petworks Animal Service. While waiting, he noticed the dog wearing a collar with its name “Luna”. Willis recorded a short video of the dog.

Then an animal control officer came and took Luna to the shelter. Willis came back to work. Watching cars travelling on the highway through the window glass, he thought he might do something to let the dog's owner know their pet was found safe.




After work, Willis posted the video online with a brief description attached.


Days later, news came that Luna's owner had been found and would visit him.

7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
leaf   successful   Mary   However   catch   cut   cover   quickly   proud   its

There was a young woman called Mary who took too great     1     in her flower garden. One day, while Mary was looking through a flower list, a picture of a plant     2     her eyes. “I must have it.” So she     3     ordered it.

When it arrived, she planted it at the back of her garden. It grew well with beautiful green     4     all over it, but there were no blooms (花). Day after day, Mary continued to water it, feed it, and even talked to it.     5    , these were useless.

One week later, she felt so sad that she made up her mind to     6     it down and plant something else in     7     place. It was at this moment that her neighbor Tom rang her to see his garden that was next to     8    . The vine (藤) bloomed. “Thank you so much! This is the most beautiful bloom I have seen so far. You can’t imagine how much I enjoyed the flower you planted.” Mary walked through the gate into Tom’s garden, and she saw that on the other side of the wall, the vine was     9     with flowers. It didn’t flower on her side of the wall, but on the other side!

Sometimes one may not see the good result of his effort (努力), but that doesn’t mean it isn’t     10    . Maybe you could get a lot of surprise from the other side.

7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。

Beijing is the capital of China. Not only Chinese people but also lots of foreigners (外国人) come to visit it every day, because there are so many places of interest in Beijing.

Here’s a map of Beijing. And here is Tian’anmen Square. The Great Hall of the People is on its left and on its right is the National Museum of China. If you want to visit the Forbidden City (紫禁城) , just go straight ahead. It is opposite Tian’anmen Square. Have you ever been to the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall? It’s between the Great Hall of the People (人民大会堂) and the National Museum of China. Do you like parks? Maybe Beihai Park will be your favourite. It is a quiet place.

Most people like shopping, especially women. The best place to go shopping is Wangfujing Dajie in Beijing. Go across the square. Take the first turning on the right. Go along Dong Chang’an Jie and then turn left. You can get to Wangfujing Dajie. 我确信在那里你会玩得很高兴的

1. Why do people come to visit Beijing every day?   
2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指的是)?   
3. 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。
4. 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。
5. 在文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子。
In Beijing, Wangfujing Dajie is the best place to go shopping.   
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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