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1 . Sitting in my school cafeteria, I looked around, slowly taking in everything. Student after student passed my _________ carrying that day’s lunch, but if you looked deeper, there was more to _________. There was more than just the uniform they were wearing, or the way they had styled their hair. There was a lot more hidden under the _________.

Catching the eye of a girl in my grade sitting at a nearby table, I waved _________. She smiled weakly and then continued to pick at the spaghetti in front of her. If I hadn’t _________ recently that her mother was dying of leukemia, I would have never _________ anything was wrong and I may not have been as _________ and sympathetic, either. It suddenly _________ me that we judge others too quickly without knowing the whole story.

I have an incurable lung disease. No one at our school knows—I don’t show any noticeable _________ except for a few coughs. I go about my day like any other kid, __________ with the realization that I have a __________ and terrifying future.

Before that day when I decided to __________ the world with a new perspective, I __________ myself almost every day. I thought only about myself and my heavy __________. But I’ve now realized no one is __________—we just need to accept the way we are.


2 . Toys for the Techie In Your Life


Each fall, we look back at the year's best tech products, and list the ones we think are actually worth your money (and ours). So have at it!

Lexon Oblio Phone Sanitizer/Charger

This stylish nightstand vase is a Qi-compatible (兼容) wireless charger that powers up your phone while bathing it in ultraviolet light, which is known to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria and may also be effective in inactivating the new coronavirus, according to the FDA. $80; lexon-design.com       


The MaskFone is really just a mask with a pouch (袋子) that holds a pair of Motorola wireless earbuds, but it does solve some highly annoying mask-headphone issues. The earbuds, attached to the belts, stay firmly in your ear when walking or running. No more flying AirPod when you remove the mask. Then, with the microphone shoved (推) inside, you don't sound like you're underwater every time you take a call. Just beware: since there's no phone in sight, people you pass will   think you're talking to them under your mask. S50; maskfone.com

LuDela Real-Flame Smart Candles ,       

Sure, our gift guide tends to include some curiosities, but this remote-controlled selflighting candle actually makes sense. It's not a wax burning candle, but a wax-cylinder lamp with refillable fuel canisters that each last about 100 hours, so it's always full size. Each one does cost... $99; ludela.com

iRobot Roomba i3+

Forget the past puppy. Get a latest robovac (robotic vacuum cleaner). The not-so-adorable, not-so-little autonomous vacuum is quick to navigate to the mess and impressively avoids obstacles. It even empties itself into its Clean Base station. Plus, with the improved app you can set its cleaning schedule, keep track of how much area it covered and remotely control it from anywhere in the house. $600; irobot.com

1. Where can we buy a wireless charger that can reduce the spread of harmful bacteria?
2. What is the feature of iRobot Roomba i3+?
A.iRobot Roomba i3+ is a puppy.
B.iRobot Roomba i3+ has refillable fuel canisters that can last 100 hours.
C.iRobot Roomba i3+ is a self emptying robovac.
D.iRobot Roomba i3+ solves some highly annoying issues.
3. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To encourage new technology.B.To advertise several tech products.
C.To introduce toys for children.D.To tell about new technology.
2021-03-07更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省东南合作校2021届高三下学期期初英语质量试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In July 2019, to celebrate his 45th birthday, Colin Dowler booked off a week from his job as a maintenance manager for the Vancouver Island Health Authority. He planned to spend two days on his own, finding a route he would eventually use to climb Mount Doggie Dowler.

His wife Jenifer didn't like the sound of her husband's latest plan. She was used to Dowler going on adventures by himself, but this time he'd boat to an unknown bay, bike an unpopulated road , hike through grizzly bear country, and camp overnights alone. There was too much room for disaster.

The night before his journey Colin packed the necessities. He filled the remaining pockets of his bag with a handheld GPS, hiking poles, his homemade sausage, and a few other essentials. Instead of his usual Swiss Army knife, he took a three-inch stainless steel pocket knife given to him by his dad.

The weather that Sunday, July 28 was nice. Colin pulled his car into the Campbell River port and quickly launched and set off in his motorboat with a mountain bike on board. About eight o'clock in the morning, he arrived at Ramsay Arm, and found a spot to tie the boat near a logging (伐木)camp where he chatted with some logging workers.

One of the workers , Vito, gave him a ride in his truck until the forest got too thick. Colin took off his bike and backpack from the truck and started his hiking and route searching. In order not to lose the way back, he marked his trail with blue ribbons (布条).

As he made his seven-kilometer marker, he came around a bend and suddenly put on the brakes—a dirty grizzly bear stood right in the middle of the narrow road, 30 meters away. Colin calculated his chances of turning around for a quick escape, but the bear could easily catch up and stop him before he picked up speed.


The bear suddenly stood up in a threatening way.       


After what seemed like hours, Colin came to himself.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . These days, it's not unusual to see middle-aged men collecting Star Wars action figures, office workers wearing Hello Kitty accessories, or celebrities like David Beckham playing with Lego bricks. It's becoming more and more common to see adults taking an interest in toys, comic books and the activities that are traditionally associated with children. This phenomenon has given rise to a new word: kidult.

What lies behind the phenomenon? One is about adults' nostalgia (怀旧之情)for the carefree days of childhood, and this is especially true with today's fast-paced, stressful lifestyles. Another is about a societal change in recent decades where people are starting families later. As a result, they have more time and money to spend on themselves. Some adults could only window-shop for their dream toys when they were kids, but now they can afford that radio controlled car or high-priced doll they have always wanted.

Businesses have been quick to exploit the kidult trend, and the number of toy stores that target adults has risen. Companies are repackaging products from past decades and also bringing out new ones for adults. Lego, for example, has brought out an architectural series featuring landmarks from around the world.

Society traditionally disapproves of adults who refuse to put aside childhood interests, viewing the refusal as a sign of social immaturity and irresponsibility. Those who agree with this view sometimes claim that kidults are suffering from the pop-psychology concept known as Peter Pan Syndrome, an anomaly (异常)that people remain emotionally at the level of teenagers. On a grander scale, these kidult opponents (对手)argue that such delayed adulthood causes couples to marry later and have fewer children. This in turn can lead to shrinking national economies, for there needs to be a generational replenishment (补充)of the workforce.

From the standpoint of kidults, though, this phenomenon is seen as nothing but harmless fun. Kidults insist that having youthful interests keeps them young, happy and creative, and their refusal to conform to society's acceptable tastes shows independent thinking. Besides, they argue that being part of the social trend of delayed adulthood is not purely a personal choice. The real causes include expensive housing, increased educational requirements for employment and poor work opportunities.

Whether the kidult phenomenon will continue to grow or prove to be a passing trend is anyone's guess. As the debate about it continues, remember that there is nothing wrong with being young at heart.

1. What does the kidult phenomenon refer to?
A.Adults act like children.
B.Adults have child-like tastes.
C.Adults go in for collecting toys.
D.Adults like playing with children.
2. Which of the following might cause the emergence of kidults?
A.Different living conditions.
B.More choices about toys.
C.High pressure of modern life.
D.Good memories of childhood.
3. What does the underlined word “exploit” probably mean?
A.Get used to.
B.Look forward to.
C.Take advantage of.
D.Make way for.
4. How does the text deal with the debate about kidults?
A.By strongly opposing kidult opponents.
B.By convincing readers to accept kidults.
C.By refusing to take a stand on the issue.
D.By presenting both sides of the argument.
5. What can we infer about the author's attitude towards the phenomenon from the last paragraph?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Research is done all the time and most of it goes straight by us, but sometimes we come across some results that are too interesting not to share. It can be fun to find out about new facts, but sometimes you come across things you’d rather not have known. Luckily, we’ve got some fun facts for you today! It turns out that your hand can tell you a lot about your personality. It’s really quite strange. This research mostly focuses on your fingers.

The secret lies in your ring finger and index finger(食指). It can say a lot about what kind of man you are. Yes, this test only applies to men because the length of these fingers indicates the level of testosterone(睾酮)in men. There are three types: A, B and C.

A. The ring finger is longer than the index finger

We’re talking about handsome men here. They’re charming and can get along with everyone. Yet they are a little more aggressive and are quick to take risks. This also means that these people often make more money than their colleagues with a shorter ring finger.

B. The ring finger is shorter than the index finger

Men with these hands are very confident and can even be a little self-loving. These people have no trouble being alone often and don’t like being disturbed. When it comes to love, they do not take a risk out there a lot. They’re not the ones to make the first move.

C. The ring finger and index finger are the same lengths

Maybe this says enough already. Men with these hands are good mediators(调停者), devoted and loving. Everything is balanced with these people. They’re calm and everything seems to run smoothly, as if it’s all organised.

1. Why does the author think the hands are strange?
A.We know nothing about them.B.Both the hands are different.
C.They can let out the personality.D.Some facts about them are fun.
2. What makes the research just apply to men?
A.The length of the fingers.B.The existence of testosterone.
C.The ability to handle things.D.The requirement of patience.
3. What is special about the men belonging to Type B?
A.They are attractive.B.They are confident.
C.They are devoted.D.They are aggressive.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The new use of the fingersB.The latest research into the hands
C.The three categories of the fingersD.The secret of ring and index fingers
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

This past summer, I joined my sister's family for their annual Adirondack vacation in a rented cottage on a lake, the same place my family has stayed since I was a little kid. There are plenty of activities to keep everyone busy: swimming, fishing and sand castle building on the beach.

By the third day, I had noticed that my ten-year-old niece, Jannie, had spent most of her time watching cable TV and browsing through the gift shops in town. Not exactly the wilderness experience I remembered from my youth. So, at dinner, I told Jannie we should hike to the top of the mountain across the lake the following morning, which was called Rocky Point because the peak is bare and rock-covered.

"Well." replied Jannie, "Tomorrow there are some shows on the Disney Channel, so I'm going to be pretty busy."

"When your mother and I used to come here when we were your age, we were too busy swimming and hiking up mountains."

"Sounds more like punishment than a vacation." She shrugged her shoulders. "Besides, I don't think I can walk that far."

When I said it only took a half-hour of steady walking to get to the top. She grumbled, "Fine, I'll go." I knew she was agreeing just to shut me up, but I would take anything I could get.

The next morning was a perfect day for a hike, with sunshine and clear skies. I got up early and took some sandwiches and water bottles, which I tucked into my backpack along with the bug spray and the camera.

Jannie came shuffling downstairs, sighed dramatically, rolled her eyes and announced in a very unenthusiastic, robot-like voice. "I'm ready to go hiking, Uncle David." Anyway, we climbed into my car and drove to the trailhead about ten minutes away. As we stood at the edge of the parking lot and looked down the shaded trail that led into the woods. "I am still not sure this is a good idea, but if you and Mom could do it, I can too, I guess."

Paragraph l:

For the moment she was determined to start our journey.

Paragraph 2:

A while later we did it to the top.

完形填空(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . I was 17 years old. Along with a dozen other boys I had made a long trip to Iowa in order to see a college that I was thinking of _______. While the trip had been _______ for the most part, I was feeling depressed, alone, and isolated. I was _______ the Appalachian mountains and the forests of my home. I loved _______ the leaves turned a thousand _______ of green in the Spring and then became a _______ of red, gold and orange in the Fall.

Here in Iowa everything was _______. The grass looked burnt and brown. All that I could_______was a mixture of corn, mud and pigs. I walked outside the dormitory of the college and sat on a big rock. I closed my eyes and _______ being back home again. When I finally opened them, however, I saw something that touched my __________. It was a Prairie (大草原) Sunset. It seemed to __________ the sky from horizon to horizon. Gold, red, purple and pink clouds all __________ together in a picture painted by Heaven’s own hand. It was so huge that it took my __________ away. It made our mountain sunsets seem __________ by comparison. I realized that this place too had its own special beauty. This place too was a part of nature’s__________.

A.cared aboutB.dreamed ofC.prepared forD.looked over
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It was in my first year of work as a doctor. My mouth was_______and my palms sweaty. The only thing that kept me _______ was the thought that things were so_______ worse for the family I was talking to.

A young girl had been rushed up to theatre (手术室) after a road traffic accident. I had spent some time in between _______in theatre talking to the family as they waited for news. The surgeons had been _______ to save her life. Ashen-faced, the consultant (会诊医师) told them the news. I sat with them for some time as they_______quietly and when I emerged from the room the consultant was standing outside. “I think it would be nice if it came from you,” he said.

I_______ blankly. “What?” I asked.“About organ donation,” he replied. I swallowed hard. Surely this would be the _______thing they’d want to talk about. It felt acutely_______ and ill-timed to be considering this kind of conversation while they were being engulfed in________. But the problem with organ donation is that every minute ________. I opened the door and sat opposite them, ________ that I was only going to make things worse for them.

“It’s what she’d have wanted,” the mother said________ I’d even finished.

The father nodded. While I had________ they might be angry with me for bringing up such a ________ subject in their moment of grief,__________they seemed pleased.“She was always so ________ ,” her father added. As I left them, it ________ to me that I’d been wrong in thinking it would be an awkward conversation. Nothing could take away the pain of having lost their daughter. Yet this last, final act had ________ them and helped them feel that the ________ of their daughter lived on in this act of generosity.

Strangely, it was one of the most heart-warming conversations I have ever had.

A.in turnB.in briefC.in particularD.in fact
2021-03-04更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省七彩阳光新高考研究联盟2021届高三下学期返校联考英语试题

9 . A new study suggests that identical(同卵的) twins are not exactly the same genetically. Scientists in Iceland examined DNA from 387 pairs of identical twins, their parents, children, husbands or wives. The examinations led the team to find “early mutations that separate identical twins,” lead researcher and geneticist Kari Stefansson said.

Mutations are small changes in DNA that can happen when a cell divides in an attempt to copy itself. These small changes can influence a person’s physical appearance or control a person’s ability to fight a disease.

The newly-discovered mutations show that identical twins do have genetic differences. On average, identical twins have 5.2 of these early genetic differences, the researchers found. These differences represent a small part of each twin’s genetic material. But they could influence why one twin is taller or why one is at greater risk for some cancers than the other.

In the past, many researchers believed physical differences seen in identical twins were related mostly to environmental influences, such as nutrition or lifestyle behaviors.

Jan Dumanski is a geneticist at Sweden’s Uppsala University. He was not involved in the study. He praised the findings as “a clear and important contribution” to medical research. “The implication is that we have to be very careful when we are using twins as a model” for examining the influences of genetics or the environment, Dumanski said.

A 2008 paper in The American Journal of Human Genetics found some genetic differences between identical twins. The new study, however, goes beyond earlier work by including the DNA of parents, children, husbands and wives of identical twins. Studying family members permitted the researchers to examine when genetic mutations happened in two different kinds of cells: those present in only one individual and those passed on to the person’s children.

Stefansson said his team found twins where a mutation is present in all cells of the body of one twin, but not in the other twin at all. However, “sometimes the second twin may show the mutation in some cells, but not all cells,” he added.

1. What is a function of mutations?
A.Change people’s DNA.
B.Help a cell to copy itself.
C.Influence people’s physical appearance.
D.Increase people’s ability to fight diseases.
2. Why did the study include the DNA of family members?
A.To check when the mutations happened.
B.To identify the results of former research.
C.To find out where the mutations happened.
D.To examine the influence of the environment.
3. What is Jan Dumanski’s attitude toward the study?
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.A Breakthrough in Identical Twins Study
B.Identical Twins: Not Genetically Exact Copies
C.Genetic Differences Caused by Family Members
D.DNA Decides the Difference between Identical Twins
2021-03-04更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省七彩阳光新高考研究联盟2021届高三下学期返校联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers talking about?
A.The man’s family.
B.The man’s weekend.
C.The man’s mobile phone.
2. What is the man’s father doing in the photo?
3. What does the woman suggest?
A.The man should go camping more.
B.Family activities are very important.
C.Life could be fun without social media.
2021-03-01更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省A10联盟2021届高三开年考英语试题
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