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1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where does the man enjoy getting his news from?
A.The TV.B.The radio.C.The Internet.
2. What type of news does the man like?
A.Art news.B.Sports news.C.Business news.
3. What is the man’s attitude towards the news programs on TV?
2023-08-04更新 | 43次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话3)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What sport does the man like best?
2. What kind of music does the man like?
A.Classical music.B.Pop music.C.Jazz.
3. What does the man do with friends to keep friendship?
A.He hangs out with them.
B.He plays sports with them.
C.He shares music with them.
4. When will the woman’s movie begin?
A.At 2:30 p.m.B.At 3:30 p.m.C.At 3:00 p.m.
2023-08-02更新 | 221次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman interested in now?
2. Who runs the fastest?
3. What is true about Lily?
A.She swims fast.
B.She will take part in the long jump.
C.She is in the same class with Amy.
4. When did the man win first prize in the long jump?
A.Last week.B.Last month.C.Last year.
2023-08-01更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who is Teddy Jones?
A.A doctor.B.An actor.C.A reporter.
2. What happened to the main character?
A.He suffered from cancer.B.He got married to a girl.C.He wanted to be a doctor.
3. What can we learn from the dialogue?
A.TV audiences know many famous doctors.
B.Barbara played a role on the TV show.
C.Teddy liked the role he played very much.
2023-07-31更新 | 70次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话3)
听力选择题-长对话 | 容易(0.94) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When is the reality show on?
A.At 7:00.B.At 8:30.C.At 9:00.
2. Why won’t the woman watch Avatar?
A.It’s too long.B.She’s seen it many times.C.Much action is involved in it.
3. What is the home improvement show about?
A.Cleaning the house.B.Decorating the bathroom.C.Fixing things around the house.
2023-07-23更新 | 438次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话3)
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
6 . When did the man see the film?
A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Saturday.
2023-07-21更新 | 148次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力短对话5)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does the man seldom do exercise?
A.He lacks motivation.
B.He has a heart problem.
C.He works all the time.
2. What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?
A.He’s an athlete.B.He’s a researcher.C.He’s a journalist.
3. Why does the woman speak of a study?
A.To encourage the man.
B.To recommend an exercise.
C.To support her findings.
4. How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?
A.300 minutes.B.150 minute.C.75 minutes.
2023-07-21更新 | 147次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.TV programmes.B.Their favorite sports.C.Their favorite subjects.
2. How often does the woman watch a soccer match?
A.Nearly once a month.B.Nearly once a week.C.Nearly every Sunday.
3. When did the man begin playing basketball?
A.In the middle school.B.In the primary school.C.At college.
4. What does the man think of basketball matches?
A.They are popular but boring.
B.They are fun and exciting.
C.They are not popular in most countries.
2023-07-21更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does Kirsty go to the sports village every morning?
A.By car.B.By bike.C.On foot.
2. What does Kirsty do at midday?
A.She practices shooting.B.She meets her coaches.C.She takes a walk.
3. What exercise does Kirsty do before supper?
A.She goes running.B.She goes swimming.C.She plays football.
4. When does Kirsty finish her football practice?
A.At 6:30.B.At 7:30.C.At 9:00.
2023-06-04更新 | 86次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the man doing?
A.Attending a lecture.B.Hosting a programC.Holding a conference.
2. What does Susan focus on?
A.Car accidents.B.Sickness and health.C.Children’s safety at home.
3. Which accidents happens most at home?
A.Cuts.B.Burns.C.Broken bones.
2023-05-26更新 | 28次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话3)
共计 平均难度:一般