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Dear Laura,

I want to thank you for your last letter.     1     I felt very happy when I saw it. I’m so glad I have persuaded you to apologize to Rachel. Isn’t it great to have good friends? Speaking of friends,     2       I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends. I decided to write rather than e-mail you about my new friends because it’s always nice to receive a letter from someone special.

I met Monica when I joined the school badminton team.     3     我们彼此相处得非常好 and soon a great friendship developed.     4       She invited me to go to her house and watch DVDs. We have been friends ever since. My other friend is Jane. She always lets me borrow her Maths notes. She is hardworking and seems to try her best all the time. How are you doing at school?     5     我迫不及待要再见到你。



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A well-made food documentary has a     1         2     for us. The documentary, A Bite of China, once released, has received widespread praise. It has successfully     3         4         5         6     people to explore all kinds of Chinese foods and the stories behind it. The determining factors of extraordinary food documentaries include whether the film is     7         8     telling stories as well as whether the picture goes well with the description. The documentary that people love to talk about gives us an opportunity to     9         10     the relationship between food and people. Just as taste is always associated with one city or one person, good memories of that unforgettable place or person will come flooding back whenever a certain food is tasted.

共计 平均难度:一般