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After learning the basics of tai chi in those first few classes, I found myself bored and aching from doing the same moves over and over again. Luckily, my coach taught me how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind while performing the routine. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my satisfaction that     1     我的平衡性和柔韧性慢慢有所改善, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.

In time, I began to look into the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I discovered that     2     tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the unity of opposites. Neither can exist independent of the other; for example, there is no shadow without light. The practice of tai chi aims to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements. Eventually,     3     tai chi brings about a state of physical balance and mental peace.

A year of practising     4     tai chi has had a positive effect on my everyday life. I sleep better at night, and I am more energetic during the day.     5     我感到更快乐和更自信了. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay cool in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me.

2024-05-28更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省2023-2024学年普通高中学业水平合格性考试(压轴卷)英语试题
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Exercise has a range of health benefits. However, some people believe that     1     if some exercise is good, more is always better, so they tend to exercise for a long time without stopping. For example, some people go jogging for several hours at a time because of the step-counting smartphone apps.     2     还有些人周末连续锻炼数个小时 to make up for their lack of exercise during the weekdays. Habits like these put stress on the body, and if maintained over the long term,     3     they can be a serious health risk.

Generally speaking, aerobic routines that last over 100 minutes have a certain health risk. On the other hand,     4     they should not be shorter than 10 minutes. If you do exercise for only a few minutes, you may not be working out long enough to see any benefits from it. When you exercise, aim for the daily average of 30 to 60 minutes.     5     这将会防止你受伤. Moreover, it will ensure that the exercise you do has a positive effect on your physical health.

2024-03-05更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟(专家卷一)英语试题
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The day began like any other on Goldshore Beach. People were walking, running or simply sitting on the sandy beach, enjoying the warm sea air     1    and the soft wind that brushed their hair. Sabrina was one of the happy tourists     2    until she noticed something odd. “The water was like the bubbles on the top of a beer.” she later explained. “It wasn’t calm and it wasn’t going in and then out. It was just coming in and in and in.” Sabrina had just learnt about tsunamis in a Geography lesson. 她立刻想到了这一点     3    that these were signs of an approaching tsunami.

Sabrina was frightened,but she soon kept her head.她警告她的父母有危险,     4     though at first they just thought she was joking. However, Sabrina was certain that a terrible disaster was on its way     5    and kept asking her parents to talk to a safety officer, To her great relief, the officer immediately realized the coming danger. The beach was rapidly cleared of people, just before the huge waves crashed into the coast.

2023-10-13更新 | 56次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省涟源市2021-2022学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语试题
翻译-单词释义 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 将下面短文中的画线单词与其英文释义相匹配。
a. a feeling of great sadness or regret
b. to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet
c. happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan

A     1     random act of kindness is an unexpected act of charity or helpfulness and is often done for a stranger. Here is an example.

When online comedian Carlos Davis and his brother noticed a woman paying for her petrol in pennies at a petrol station, they decided to step in and offer her money to cover the expense.

They didn’t realise how much of an impact their act of kindness would have on the woman, who was in     2     sorrow.

After Davis stepped out of his car to hand the woman the dollar notes, the woman     3     froze in amazement and then burst into tears and told him that her husband had died just a week before and she had been financially struggling since his death.

“How did you know I was in need?” she asked the brothers, to which Davis responded, “It’s only right. We got to stick together.”

When the woman asked the brothers how she could repay them, they told her to simply pay it forward by doing a kind thing for someone else.

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Dear Laura,

I want to thank you for your last letter.     1     I felt very happy when I saw it. I’m so glad I have persuaded you to apologize to Rachel. Isn’t it great to have good friends? Speaking of friends,     2       I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends. I decided to write rather than e-mail you about my new friends because it’s always nice to receive a letter from someone special.

I met Monica when I joined the school badminton team.     3     我们彼此相处得非常好 and soon a great friendship developed.     4       She invited me to go to her house and watch DVDs. We have been friends ever since. My other friend is Jane. She always lets me borrow her Maths notes. She is hardworking and seems to try her best all the time. How are you doing at school?     5     我迫不及待要再见到你。



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6 . 汉译英


A well-made food documentary has a     1         2     for us. The documentary, A Bite of China, once released, has received widespread praise. It has successfully     3         4         5         6     people to explore all kinds of Chinese foods and the stories behind it. The determining factors of extraordinary food documentaries include whether the film is     7         8     telling stories as well as whether the picture goes well with the description. The documentary that people love to talk about gives us an opportunity to     9         10     the relationship between food and people. Just as taste is always associated with one city or one person, good memories of that unforgettable place or person will come flooding back whenever a certain food is tasted.

共计 平均难度:一般