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1 . Our tiny boat was ploughing through (费力穿过) the waves across the Indian Ocean and I was absolutely freezing.The further we got from the shelter of the land, the more I thought how foolish I'd been to come along on this trip.

The pilot of the boat looked almost 60 but, perhaps because of a lifetime on the open sea in the hot sun, was very fit and strong.I was wondering how he managed to find his way.To me, it seemed difficult enough to navigate a boat without any electronic equipment even on a sunny day.

So at least we were safe.But this was not what we had come along for.A look at the other divers' faces suggested that now they were also doubtful that we'd ever get the chance to see a whale shark — these weather conditions were totally unsuitable for diving! None of us spoke.It seemed too much of an effort.Then suddenly the boatman stopped the engine.He said a few words in his own language to the diving instructor, who immediately jumped up from his seat and told us to get ready to dive.

When I jumped into the grey sea, I was sure I wouldn't see anything.But then ...there it was! An enormous whale shark, slowly swimming through the water.I couldn't believe my eyes — my first whale shark! I hardly dared breathe — I was afraid my streams of bubbles (气泡)  might scare the huge creature away.And the other divers were equally awed.Slowly we approached this huge animal.It was swimming quite slowly and we were able to swim with it, looking at the beautiful markings on its back.I was still holding my breath, telling myself that this huge fish was harmless! Then I reached out and touched it, stroking  (轻抚) its thick skin.It was amazing how this giant suddenly gained speed — we watched it as it swam away from us, and a few moments later it was gone.

1. While riding a tiny boat across the Indian Ocean, the author _____.
A.volunteered to act as a pilot
B.felt regret about his decision
C.enjoyed the beautiful sunshine
D.talked with other people happily
2. The author probably wanted to know how the boatman _____.
A.kept fit in his spare time
B.spent his life on the boat
C.navigated his boat at sea
D.communicated with others
3. What was the purpose of the author's trip?
A.To see a whale shark.
B.To learn how to dive.
C.To swim the Indian Ocean.
D.To save underwater creatures.
4. How did the author feel after he jumped into the sea?
A.Rather anxious and angry.
B.A little scared but excited.
C.Doubtful and disappointed.
D.A bit tired but later relaxed.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Creating devices that are better for the environment may involve working up a good sweat. That's because engineers are using sweat to make systems that store energy. One such device is a type of capacitor. It is powered by sweat and can be used to charge a device. Researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland developed the device. A capacitor is an electrical component that stores energy physically, in a form very much like static electricity. ( In contrast, batteries store energy chemically. )

The system recently developed is a supercapacitor. This is a capacitor with two conducting sur-faces on which a charge of energy is stored. The energy it stores can be used later. The energy could power an LED light or a type of electronic. Researchers described their new model May 11, 2020 in a scientific journal. The findings are exciting because devices powered by sweat could pave the way to wearable tech that is both safer and better for the environment. Today's wearable electronics include gadgets strapped to the body,   such as watches and fitness trackers. However, engineers are also creating electronics that are part of clothing or stuck onto the skin.

Batteries power most wearable devices today. Yet those batteries often contain chemicals that can harm the environment. That's where the idea of using a bodily fluid comes into play. Electrolytes(电解质) are minerals in your body that have an electric charge. With the device, the sweat serves as the electrolyte. “That's kind of a new way of using sweat,” observes Mallika Bariya. She is a scientist at the University of California, Berkeley. She did not take part in the new study. She says electrolytes are an important part of these supercapacitors. They're needed for these devices to provide power. Sweat is interesting, not gross, she argues. It can tell you about someone's health. Also,   the chemical makeup of sweat can change depending on what part of the body makes it.

1. How does a supercapacitor work?
A.It contains batteries that store energy chemically which could be used later to charge a device.
B.It contains batteries that store energy physically which could be used later to charge a device.
C.It is powered by sweat and store energy chemically which could be used later to charge a device.
D.It is powered by sweat and store energy physically which could be used later to charge a device.
2. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?
A.A supercapacitor powered by sweat could charge wearable tech.
B.Wearable tech is safer and better for the environment.
C.A supercapacitor works with two conducting surfaces on which a charge of energy is stored.
D.Engineers are creating different electronics that are tied to the body with a strap.
3. In what way does sweat replace harmful battery chemicals?
A.The sweat reacts with the chemicals and stores energy.
B.The sweat is mixed with electrolytes and changes its chemical makeup.
C.The sweat gets rid of some harmful chemicals.
D.The sweat contains minerals called electrolytes that have an electric charge.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Electrolytes play an important part in storing energy
B.Working up a sweat may one day power up a device
C.Supercapacitors are better for the environment
D.Batteries that power devices can harm the environment
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Nowadays, handwriting seems to become less necessary, for young children learn to tap and touch screens before they have even learned to pick up a pencil or tie their shoelaces. Most of our written communication is done through texting on mobile phones or typing on a keyboard. And voice recognition software is becoming more and more advanced一making even keyboard unnecessary!

So, are handwriting skills important to your child? Actually, handwriting is an exercise in eye-hand coordination (手眼协调), an important part of visual-motor (视觉运动) skills, which are connected with achievements in study. Scientists found that developing fine visual-motor skills in early childhood can lead to not only writing success, but better performance in reading and math in elementary school. It was also found that kids who fail to write neatly and efficiently are often accused of being lazy, and this may affect their behavior and self-worth. Moreover, a study showed that when a group of children were asked to come up with ideas for an article, the ones with better handwriting were more active and had quicker minds. In some ways, handwriting helps their brains' development.

The first attempts at writing can be challenging for pre-school children-- whose fine motor (精细动作)skills are not yet fully developed. But some skills to prepare for handwriting are simple to build at home and in preschool. Parents should provide lots of opportunities for kids to copy and draw shapes and simple pictures in early childhood before letters are introduced. Let your child copy your shapes in sand, or with chalk on a board before trying to draw the shapes on their own. Encourage your child to spend less time on electronic devices and more time on activities to improve eye-hand coordination.

Let's face it - technology is certain to continue developing and more research is needed to find the best ways to teach handwriting to young children. But, there' s plenty of evidence that the handwriting practice can provide young children with a good start in developing skills needed for a healthy and successful journey in school.

1. According to Paragraph 1, handwriting is________.
A.easy to learn on a touch screenB.used less for communication now
C.more difficult than typewritingD.totally replaced by voice recognition software
2. How does the author explain the benefits of handwriting'?
A.By showing some research findings.
B.By giving examples of the kids around him.
C.By giving some news reports on handwriting.
D.By providing evidence about pupils with good grades.
3. What does the author suggest parents do?
A.Keep young children away from electronic devices.
B.Teach pre-school children to write letters with chalk.
C.Help children get ready for handwriting before school.
D.Encourage children to face writing challenges bravely.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Does poor handwriting really mean being lazy?
B.Should handwriting be taken seriously in children's growth?
C.How can handwriting affect children's self-confidence?
D.Should homework be done through handwriting or typewriting?
2021-08-27更新 | 241次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省东北育才学校高中学段2021-2022学年高三上学期联合考试(二模)英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约720词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . Why make a film about Ned Kelly? More ingenious crime than those committed by the reckless Australian bandit are reported every day. What is there in Ned Kelly to justify dragging the mesmeric Mick Jagger so far into the Australian bush and away from his natural haunts? The answer is that the film makers know we always fall for a bandit, and Jagger is set to do for bold Ned Kelly what Brando once did for the arrogant Emiliano Zapata.

The bandit inhabits a special realm of legend where his deeds are embroidered by others; where his death rather than his life is considered beyond belief; where the men who bring him to“justice” are afflicted with doubts about their role.

The bandits had a role to play as definite as that of the authorities who condemned them. These were men in conflict with authority, and, in the absence of strong law or the idea of loyal opposition, they took to the hills. Even there, however, many of them obeyed certain unwritten rules.

There robbers, who claimed to be something more than mere thieves, had in common, firstly, a sense of loyalty and identity with the peasants they came from. They didn’t steal the peasant’s harvest; they did steal the lord’s.

And certain characteristics seem to apply to “social bandits” whether they were in Sicily or Peru. They were generally young men under the age of marriage, predictably the best age for dissidence. Some were simply the surplus male population who had to look for another source of income; others were runway serfs or ex-soldiers; a minority, though the most interesting, were outstanding men who were unwilling to accept the meek and passive role of peasant.

They usually operated in bands between ten and twenty strong and relied for survival on difficult terrain and bad transport. And bandits proposed best where authority was merely local —over the next hill and they were free. Unlike the general run of peasantry they had a taste for flamboyant dress and gesture; but they usually shared the peasants’ religious beliefs and superstitions.

The first sign of a man caught up in the Robin Hood syndrome was when he started out, forced into outlawry as a victim of injustice; and when he then set out to “right wrongs”, first his own and then other people’s. The classic bandit then “take from the rich and gives to the poor” in conformity with his own sense of social justice; he never kills except in self-defense or justifiable place; his people admire and help to protect him; he dies through the treason of one of them; he behaves as of invisible and invulnerable; he is a “loyalist”, never the enemy of the king but only of the local oppressors.

None of the bandits lived up fully to this image of the “noble robber” and for many the claim of larger motives was often a delusion.

Yet amazingly, many of these violent men did behave at least half the time in accordance with this idealist pattern. Pancho Villa in Mexico and Salvatore Giuliano in Italy began their careers harshly victimized. Many of their charitable acts later became legends.

The bandit in the real world is rooted in peasant society and when its simple agricultural system is left behind so is he. But the tales and legends, the books and films continue to appear for an audience that is neither peasant nor bandit. In some ways the characters and deeds of the great bandits could so readily be the stuff of grand opera — Don Jose on “Carmen” is based on the Andalusian bandit El Empranillo. But they are perhaps more at home in folk songs, in popular tales and the ritual dramas of films. When we sit in the darkness of the cinema to watch the bold deeds of Ned Kelly we are caught up in admiration for their strong individuality, their simple gesture of protest, their passion for justice and their confidence that they cannot be beaten. This sustains us nearly as much as it did the almost hopeless people from whom they sprang.

1. Which of the following words is NOT intended to suggest approval of bandits?
A.Bold (Para. 1).
B.Claimed (Para. 4).
C.Legend (Para. 2).
D.Loyalty (Para. 4).
2. Of the following reasons which is the LEAST likely one for becoming bandits?
A.They liked theatrical clothes and behavior.
B.They wanted to help the poor country folk.
C.They were unwilling to accept injustice.
D.They had very few careers open to them.
3. “…began their careers harshly victimized” (Par. 9) means that they _____.
A.had received excessive ill-treatment
B.were severely punished for their crimes
C.took to violence through a sense of injustice
D.were misunderstood by their parents and friends
4. What has made bandits suitable as film heroes is that they_____.
A.are sure they are invincible
B.possess a theatrical quality
C.retain the virtues of a peasant society
D.protest against injustice and inequality
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Culture shock is the feeling of uncertainty, confusion, or anxiety that people may get when they live in or visit another country that differs from their own.     1     It can undoubtedly affect people’s lives. The following are some ways to deal with culture shock.

Have a good understanding of culture and culture shock. There are many factors that make up a culture, including shared beliefs, traditions and morals.    2     It’s because they are surrounded by people with the same beliefs and values, and cultural differences are only clear when you meet someone else’s culture.

Keep a journal(日记) of your thoughts.    3    And you are feeling a bit overwhelmed (不知所措的) with the culture there. Rather than giving in to your anxiety, write it out. Write down how you felt at the moment and what troubled you or made you happy that day. You can also put something down if you’re missing anyone from your hometown.     4    Don’t allow yourself to become a recluse (隐居者) during this experience. You can share your feelings and experiences with your relatives and friends. If you are studying abroad and have other classmates who have similar feelings, connect with them as well as with those who are adjusting a bit more easily.

Do some things you usually like. Don’t allow the culture shock to occupy your mind. And try to do something interesting to replace a range of negative emotions, including anxiety, sadness, anger, homesickness, and sometimes even depression.    5    Or practice your hobbies like reading and dancing.

A.Share your culture.
B.Talk to others about your experiences.
C.Try to step outside of your own culture.
D.Sometimes such a feeling can be very strong.
E.You can watch movies or listen to music that you enjoy.
F.Many people don’t realize how culture influences them.
G.Perhaps you have recently moved to a new city or country.
2021-06-28更新 | 281次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省抚顺市抚顺县高级中学2021-2022学年高三10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Introduction to Sanxingdui Museum

Situated in the northeast of the state-protected Sanxingdui Site by the bank of the Yazi River in Guanghan — a city famed for its long history and splendid culture, Sanxingdui Museum is a modern theme museum which is 40 kilometers to the north of Chengdu.

Covering a total area of 530 yields, Sanxingdui Museum had its foundation laid in August 1992, and opened to the public in October 1997. Featured for its relics, architecture, demonstration and gardens, the museum has become a place of cultural and tourist attractions enjoying prestige both at home and abroad and one of the three exquisite spots Sichuan has offered to the world tourism.

Notice to Sanxingdui Site Museum Travelers

. Opening & Booking Time

Opening time: Gallery One 8:30-18:00 Gallery Two 8:30-18:30

Booking time: 8:30-17:00

. Visiting Route

Gallery One→Gallery Two

. Ticket Price

(1) Gallery ticket ¥72 ¥36 (students)

(2) Garden ticket ¥5

The ticket is used on the sold day and each gallery once.

Admission free for children under 1.2 meters (including 1.2m), seniors aged 60 or above and the disabled.

. Guide ServicePrice

(1) Guide Service

If you need a museum guide, please employ one at the reception desk in Gallery One.

Chinese, Cantonese, Tibetan: ¥80 (Group below 20 persons)

English, Japanese: ¥120 (Group below 20 persons)

(2) Guide Range: Gallery 1 & Gallery 2

(3) It takes about 80 minutes each guide service.

(4) We provide Chinese & English auto guiding device free of charge. Please deposit CNY ¥200 and your valid credential. If damaged or lost, you should compensate according to the cost price.

.Consulting telephone: 08385651526

. Complaint against the price telephone: 12358

1. What can we learn about Sanxingdui Museum?
A.It’s located in the northeast of Chengdu.
B.It’s an ancient theme museum.
C.It’s a famous place of cultural and tourist attractions.
D.It’s the only top tourist spots in Sichuan.
2. As a university student, you accompany your 68-year-old grandpa on a trip to Sanxingdui Museum, how much will you pay for the tickets?
C.¥ 77.D.¥ 41.
3. Jennifer, who is from New York, wants to visit the museum, she may ________.
A.pay CNY ¥200 for a museum guide
B.first call the museum at 12358 for enquiry
C.use Chinese & English auto guiding device for free
D.deposit some money and provide her valid credential
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Empathy, the ability to understand and co-experience the feelings and thoughts of other people, is probably one of the most important skills a person can have.     1    

• Humans are social animals.

There are very few activities that humans take part in that don’t involve others.     2    It allows you to perceive others’ motives, treat them the way they want to be treated, understand how others perceive you, and so on.

• It lets you better understand non-verbal components of communication.

    3    People who are not empathetic have a hard time reading between the lines of conversations. They cannot understand that what the other person means to communicate is different from what they actually say.


When you unconsciously perceive what the other party wants and needs and can understand exactly why they want it, reaching a “win-win” solution gets easier. You don’t have to blindly search for a way out.

• It broadens your horizons.

Seeing the world from other people’s perspectives lets you perceive it to a fuller extent. When you are able to look at life from other people’s point of view, you are able to live a more fulfilled life.

    5    Thus, achieving higher levels of empathy often means achieving greater fulfilment as human beings.

A.It makes you better at handling conflicts.
B.It helps you introduce your ideas to others.
C.Empathy basically is what makes us human.
D.Humans always live and work with each other.
E.So why exactly is empathy so important for us?
F.Communication is so much more than what words express.
G.Therefore, the ability to better understand others and read their feelings is an advantage.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . As we know, the 2020 Summer Olympic Games is delayed to 2021 for Convid-19.

It's Tokyo's second time hosting a Summer Olympics, 57 years after their first time in the spotlight. These Games will see the introduction of some exciting new sports to the lineup (阵容), too: skate boarding will make its Olympic debut, as well as karate (空手道), surfing and sport climbing.

There will be plenty of classics to watch as well, from the ever — popular swimming and gymnastics (体操) events to track and field (田径) and team sports. And while Olympic trials have yet to take place, we'll most likely be seeing the return of superstars like the 2016 gymnastics standout Simone Bilesimming record — setter Katie Ledecky and track star Sydney McLaughlin, who was just 16 when she competed in the Rio Olympics and has been on the rise ever since.

The 2020 Summer Olympics will begin on July 23, 2021 and run until Aug 8, 2021, with the opening ceremony on July 23 and the closing ceremony on Aug 8. In between, audiences around the world will tune in to two weeks of nonstop sports. Most of the big swimming events will take place over the first week. while the track and field competitions ramp up (进展) in the second half.

For the second time in its history, Tokyo is hosting the summer Olympics they first hosted back in 1964. (Japanhas also been home to two Winter Olympics, at Sapporo in 1972and Nagano in 1998.) Tokyo is the first city in Asia to host an Olympics twice.

There are many changes to the Olympics this year. The biggest change to the Olympics for 2020 is the addition of the five new sports and the return of baseball (absent in 2016), plus a few new events, like the three-on-three basketball competition.

One change sure to receive a lot of attention are the adjusted gymnastics team rules: instead of fielding a team of five athletes, each country will be whittled down to four all-around contestants (参赛者), with two more teammates added to compete only in individual events.

1. How long will the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games last?
A.One week.B.17 days.
C.24 days.D.One month.
2. What do we know about the sports events according to the text?
A.Gymnastics team rules have been changed.
B.Baseball will be absent in the 2020 Summer Olympics
C.Four new sports will be added to the 2020 Summer Olympics
D.Most of the big swimming events will take place over the second week.
3. Which of the following sports are the classics of the Summer Olympics?
①swimming ②gymnastics ③surfing ④skateboarding ⑤karate ⑥track and field
4. What does the underlined phrase “be whittled down to” in the last paragraph mean?
A.be added toB.be shifted to
C.be reduced toD.be expanded to
2021-06-12更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2021届高三临门一卷(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Many of us write a list of things we'd like to do before we die—often called a bucket list. Bucket lists have helped some people overcome anxiety which would have stopped them following their dreams. Some of us may choose to write one to fill our life with exciting and new experiences—from skydiving to swimming with sharks—the list is unlimited.

A blogger called Annette White said she made a promise to live her bucket list which continuously pushes the comfort zone to its limits and beyond it. Such a list can be exciting and can indeed help you plan your life and give you focus. When the BBC reporter Helen Fawkes knew she was suffering from incurable ovarian(卵巢的)cancer, she took comfort in drawing up a bucket list——although she called it her “list for living” because these were things for making the most of life. Sadly, she was not able to achieve all of her 50 things before she died at the age of 45.

Creating a bucket list can certainly give us hope, but some people have argued it can be used as a coping strategy to try to control something uncontrollable—death Clinical psychologist Linda Blair told the BBC that she was not really in favor of bucket lists ... “They take you away from the chance to be spontaneous(自发的).” It's probably true that a list can encourage people to follow someone else's idea of the perfect life. And also, following a fixed list of goals makes you less impulsive(冲动的)— your aims and wishes might change as you approach the day when you finally kick the bucket.

But why not at least dream of what we would like to do? Why not reach for the stars, even if we only reach the sky? Whether we want to plan it or just see what happens, we don't know what tomorrow will bring, so maybe we should live for today.

1. What can we know about a bucket list?
A.It encourages people to follow someone else's life.
B.It refers to doing something exciting and challenging.
C.It includes unlimited choices for us to do before we die.
D.It is a strategy to try to control something uncontrollable.
2. How does the author explain the meaning of bucket lists?
A.By analyzing the reasons.
B.By giving different examples.
C.By conducting a research.
D.By asking some questions.
3. What is the Linda Blair's attitude towards bucket lists?
4. What does the last paragraph imply?
A.We should live in the moment.
B.We can try to reach for the stars.
C.We just wait to see what happens.
D.We dream of whatever we'd like to do.
2021-06-12更新 | 195次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省2021届高三临门一卷(二)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . March 22 is the World Water Day, the theme of which is to save and cherish water. If one person saves a drop of water each day, hundreds of thousands tons of water can be stored every year.     1    , let’s take a look at these tricks to save water.

Fix pipes around your home.

    2    . Inspect your water meter and utility bills every month to see how much water you’re using. If you notice an unusual increase, it may be a sign that you have a cracked pipe somewhere in your home. Resolving such problem can save a lot of water in the long run.


This is one of the easiest ways to cut back on your water usage. There’s no need to keep the water running while you’re in the process of cleaning your teeth or trimming your beard. Though it may sound hard to believe,     4    

Use water-efficient appliances.

The next time you need to replace a dishwasher, washing machine, or water heater, purchase a water-efficient appliance which will benefit you a lot. For example,     5    , and you’ll also save money over time when it comes to utility costs.

If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone make a little effort, we can make a big difference.

A.Since water is so limited.
B.While water becomes so valuable.
C.it will cut back on your water consumption.
D.Replace damaged pipes to avoid wasting water.
E.Turn the taps off while you brush or shave.
F.Keep water from running throughout the cleaning process.
G.you can save roughly 760 L of water a month in this way.
2021-06-10更新 | 160次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省辽西联合校2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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