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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了出生在荷兰的Robert van Gulik成长背景及其所取得的成就。

1 . Robert van Gulik was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano makers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings (派驻). The family lived in various areas of the East Indies for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.

He was an eager academic, collector of art and manuscripts (手稿), and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were extraordinary. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and traditions.

Although he also wrote essays and short stories, Robert remained best known for his Chinese mysteries. In 1940, Robert came across an 18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never expected. The novel, titled Four GreatStrange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set during the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Interested, Robert not only translated the novel into English, but he explored the history of Chinese Penal Code (刑法) and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation Dee Goong An (狄公案): Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries include over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的) editions, before being translated into English in 1957.

1. What helped Robert develop the ability in several languages?
A.His eagerness for art and ancient writing.
B.His mother’s good family background.
C.His appreciation for cultures and languages.
D.His living in different parts of the East Indies.
2. What does paragraph 2 tell us about Robert?
A.His hobbies.B.His skills.C.His books.D.His achievements.
3. Why does the author mention the 18th-century Chinese novel?
A.To recommend a Chinese mystery fiction to us.
B.To show the factor leading to Robert’s great fame.
C.To help us learn about the 7th-century Tang Dynasty.
D.To value the development of Chinese detective fictions.
4. Which proverb can best describe Robert’s translation of Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee?
A.Better late than never.B.Attitude is everything.
C.Practice makes perfect.D.Rome was not built in a day.
2024-05-28更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . When did the voice inside your head start talking? I became aware of mine at about the age of 15. At night, I sometimes found it difficult to get to sleep because there was so much “mind chatter” inside my head.

In fact, mind chatter is quite common for human beings. Usually, whenever our attention isn’t focused, a stream of mental activities flows through our minds--thoughts about the future or the past, daydreams about various realities, or friends or other people. We often call this mental activity “thinking”, but this isn’t really so.

Real thinking suggests something active over which we have conscious (有意识的) control. It happens when we consciously use powers of reason and logic to evaluate different choices, make decisions and plans, organize our lives, solve problems and so on. But mind chatter isn’t like this. It’s purposeless, running through our heads no matter what our desires are and disturbing us.

For example, imagine you’re thinking about what courses to take for the next school year. As you are considering them, thoughts about your favorite subjects flood in, reminding you of a project that you really like. This makes you remember chatting with friends about a fascinating article on climate change. Suddenly, you remember the upcoming science fair and you worry about managing your time. All these thoughts leave you struggling to focus, and you end up seeking advice from classmates.

However, it’s unrealistic to expect to silence our mind chatter altogether. It’s such a natural part of our minds that it’s unlikely to disappear. We should accept it and treat it as a kind of physiological (生理的) process that takes place inside us but is not part of our identity. We should treat it in the same way that we treat the process like eating and the flow of our blood. We don’t get our sense of identity from them, so why should we identify with the voice inside our head?

1. How is real thinking different from mind chatter?
A.It is illogical.B.It is related to active reasoning.
C.It lacks a clear purpose.D.It is driven by desires.
2. What does the example about mind chatter in paragraph 4 highlight?
A.Its inability to give advice.B.Its connection to our memories.
C.Its impact on our concentration.D.Its common presence in our mind.
3. What does the author think of mind chatter?
A.It’s normal.B.It’s unusual.C.It’s beneficial.D.It’s harmful.
4. Why does the author mention physiological processes in the last paragraph?
A.To stress the importance of mind chatter.
B.To show mind chatter cannot define who we are.
C.To explain the link between mental and physical health.
D.To prove the human body’s physiological effect.
2024-05-28更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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3 . An increase in a country’s working-age population is a blessing. Lots of workers support relatively few children and retired people. So long as the labor market can absorb an increasing number of job-seekers, output per head will rise. That can boost savings and investment, leading to higher economic growth, more productivity gains and developmental speed-up. Yet for countries that fail to seize this opportunity, the results can be tough.

Consider Thailand. It is rapidly aging. In 2021, the share of Thais aged 65 or over hit 14%, a figure that is often used to define an aged society Soon Thailand will, like Japan, South Korea and most Western countries, see a decreasing supply of workers and flagging productivity and growth without extraordinary measures. Yet unlike Japan and the rest. Thailand is not a developed country. It has got old before it has got rich.

This is a big barrier to Thailand’s future development. To protect its aging citizens, many of whom are poor, Thailand’s government will have to spend more on health care and pensions (养老金). This will make it harder to invest in productivity-boosting skills and infrastructure (基础设施). And where Thailand goes, many developing countries will follow.

One conclusion is that countries with a working-age burst need seeking more economic growth out of it. India may never have a better chance than the present. It is widely accepted that privatization and looser foreign-investment rules could raise its growth rate.

Another conclusion is that developing countries need to start planning for old age earlier. They should reform their pension systems, including by raising retirement ages. They should encourage financial markets, providing options for long-term saving and health insurance. And they should try harder to increase female participation in the labor force. Getting more women into jobs would help deal with the fact that women live longer than men, but tend to have less savings and pensions, leaving them in difficult situations in old age.

1. What does “opportunity” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.Providing more jobs for working-age laborers.
B.Reducing support for children and the elderly.
C.Encouraging investment for economic growth.
D.Increasing economic output and labor productivity.
2. Why is aging considered a barrier to Thailand’s future development?
A.It causes a shortage of young workers.
B.It forces the country to invest in infrastructure.
C.It leads to less investment in economic development.
D.It increases the burden on the working-age population.
3. Why is it important for developing countries to involve more women in labor force?
A.To extend women’s retirement ages.
B.To encourage women to be included in health insurance.
C.To equalize the number of men and women in the workplace.
D.To settle the conflict between women’s long lifespan and small pension.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Aging Problems in Developing Countries.
B.Planning Ahead for Aging Societies.
C.Challenges and Opportunities of Aging Societies.
D.The Role of Female Labors in Addressing the Aging Issue.
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4 . If we want to define grit, the correct way to put it is as a non-cognitive trait (非认知特性) based on someone’s ability to insist despite many challenges and obstacles to achieve a given goal. It is the trait that tells you to keep trying at something when everyone else has given up on you. It is a measure of emotional intelligence and well-being.

New research revealed that students with grit tend to gain a higher grade point average than their less gritty classmates. They are also more likely to win in spelling contests even with a lower verbal IQ.

Grit is equally important as intelligence. One of the most famous stories in science is how Isaac Newton came up with the concept of universal gravity. An apple fell from a tree, and this sparked the genius that later revealed the secret of why things keep falling back to Earth. Such narratives are very appealing stories but discouraging. There is no hard work, just a new concept produced by a gifted man. The apple story then proved wrong. It took many, many years of labor and failures before he came up with the concept. The purpose of this article though is not to undermine intelligence. Newton was clearly a genius, but intelligence alone would not have made him reach their goals.

“Nobody is talented enough to not have to work hard, and that’s what grit allows you to do,” says Angela Duckworth, the foremost researcher on the field of grit study. In her study, Duckworth isolated two qualities that seem to define gritty people. The two important qualities separated are:

·The tendency to not give up tasks from mere changeability
·The tendency to not give up tasks in the face of obstacles

To end this post, I leave you with a quote from Kahlil Gibran, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are burned with scars.”

1. How does the author explain the meaning of “grit” in paragraph 1?
A.By giving a definition.B.By offering an example.
C.By listing some facts.D.By making comparisons.
2. What does the author want to say by mentioning the apple story of Isaac Newton?
A.To show the importance of labor.B.To show his born intelligence.
C.To show the importance of grit.D.To show his great achievement.
3. What does the underlined word “undermine” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. Which statement will Duckworth probably agree with?
A.Gritty people favor changeable work.B.Gritty people are more likely to insist.
C.Gritty people are allowed to work hard.D.Gritty people tend to achieve higher success.
2024-05-27更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中考试英语试题
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5 . The Dark Side of Digital Age: Cyberbullying

What is cyberbully? Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices. It can include sharing personal and private information about someone else.     1    . Some cyberbullying even crosses the line into unlawful or criminal (犯罪) behavion.

    2    . Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices are also common grounds for cyberbullying. Instant messaging, online chatting, forums, and online gaming are common for cyberbullying. Additionally, Email exchanges also contribute to the widespread of this digital harassment (骚扰).

With the popularity of social media, comments, photos, posts, and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers. What you post online stays public and can be seen by anyone. This forms an online reputation (名声) that can be checked by schools, employers, and others researching you.     3    .

Cyberbullying can be a big problem because it doesn’t stop easily and stays online forever. Detecting cyberbullying is also a big problem as it often happens out of sight from teachers and parents, making it harder to identify.     4    . Also, what’s shared online tends to stay public unless taken down, which could harm their future opportunities like getting into college or finding a job.

Every state has rules for schools to handle bullying. Nowadays, with cyberbullying on the rise, many states have updated these rules to include cyberbullying.     5    . Some states also address bullying that impacts students’ academic success. Please check each state’s laws and policies, especially those regarding cyberbullying.

A.Schools require support from families and society.
B.It requires joint efforts to create a safer online environment.
C.Schools must follow these rules or their own policies to deal with bullying.
D.Children find it hard to escape cyberbullying due to never-ending internet access.
E.It also includes sharing negative, harmful, false or mean comments on others.
F.Additionally, cyberbullying can damage reputations of all involved, not just the bullied person.
G.Cyberbullying often happens on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
2024-05-27更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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6 . Whether you are planning a trip to London or simply have an interest in museums, these are some must-visit destinations.

The British Museum: Located in London, the British Museum is one of the oldest and most renowned museums in the world. It houses a vast collection of artifacts from different cultures and civilizations, including the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon Sculptures, and the Portland Vase.

The National Gallery: Also located in London, the National Gallery is home to an impressive collection of Western European paintings, ranging from the 13th to the 19th centuries. Some of the highlights include works by Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.

The Natural History Museum: Another London-based museum, the Natural History Museum is known for its extensive collection of natural history specimens, including dinosaurs, minerals, and rare plants. It is a great place for visitors of all ages to learn about the natural world.

The Victoria and Albert Museum: Also known as the V&A, this museum is located in London and is dedicated to art and design. It houses a vast collection of objects, ranging from ancient Chinese ceramics to contemporary fashion.

The Tate Modern: Located in London as well, the Tate Modern is a modern art museum that houses a diverse collection of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, and installations. It is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art.

These are just a few of the many museums in London that are worth visiting, each museum offering a unique and enriching experience. Bring your passport and go!

1. Where can visitors find an extensive collection of natural history specimens?
A.The British Museum.B.The National Gallery.
C.The Tate Modern.D.The Natural History Museum.
2. Which museum is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art?
A.The Victoria and Albert Museum.B.The Tate Modern.
C.The Natural History Museum.D.The National Gallery.
3. Who is the article intended for?
A.Tourists planning to visit London.B.Students studying art history.
C.Lovers collecting ancient artifacts.D.Citizens interested in museums.
2024-05-27更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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7 . One of the most popular city walk routes in Shanghai is Fuxing Road in the downtown area of the city. With sycamore trees giving shade from the sunlight, the street is home to many historic buildings of special significance to China. Among them is the former residence of a legendary Chinese architect.

Zhuang Jun (1888-1990) was a groundbreaking Chinese architect known for his significant contributions to the field of architecture in China. Born in Shanghai, Zhuang’s architectural heritage continues to be celebrated today, particularly through his former residence on Fuxing Road West in Xuhui district. Designed by Zhuang himself and constructed in 1921, the three-story garden house shows his architectural talents with unique features such as tooth-shaped red bricks and bright orange window glasses. Despite being a private residence today, which is not open to the public, the house stands as a cultural relic preservation site, offering a glimpse into the life and work of this legendary architect.

Zhuang’s journey in architecture began with his studies in the United States at the University of Illinois, where he became the first Chinese student of the academy with a scholarship from the government. After his graduation in 1914, he returned to China. He played a key role in the development of architecture at Tsinghua University, where he helped design the campus and managed the construction of various buildings, setting the basis for modern construction science in China. Zhuang’s influence extended beyond Tsinghua, as he inspired many students to study architecture, becoming a driving force in shaping the future of the profession in China.

Throughout his excellent career, Zhuang designed a number of landmark buildings across China, including the Jincheng Bank building in Shanghai, which highlighted the artistic capabilities of Chinese architects. His devotion to the field was further shown through his involvement in establishing the China Architects’ Association in 1927, where he served as the first president. Zhuang’s architectural expert knowledge and leadership paved the way for Chinese architects to compete on a global scale, challenging the control of western colleagues in the industry.

1. Why does the author mention the city walk route in Paragraph1?
A.To arouse readers’ interest.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To give an example.D.To show a phenomenon.
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Zhuang Jun influences the architecture styles of the world.
B.Zhuang Jun constructed the campus of Tsinghua University.
C.People cannot visit Zhuang Jun’s former residence at present.
D.Zhuang Jun was the first Chinese to study in the United States.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Zhuang Jun’s artistic capabilities.B.Zhuang Jun’s architectural works.
C.Zhuang Jun’s achievements as a leader.D.Zhuang Jun’s influence on Chinese architecture.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Zhuang Jun?
A.Kind and careful.B.Humorous and clever.
C.Devoted and talented.D.Determined and brave.
2024-05-26更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省A9协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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8 . Explore the British Museum

The British Museum is home to a large number of artifacts that tell the stories of civilizations from across the globe. Each artifact offers a unique glimpse into the past, making it a must-visit destination for people who are very interested in history. Let’s explore the wonders of the museum and start a journey through time and culture.

The Rosetta Stone: A Key to the Past

The Rosetta Stone is one of the most famous artifacts at the British Museum. Discovered in Egypt in 1799, the ancient stone was carved writings in three languages, helping expert understand the secrets of ancient Egyptian writing.

The Elgin Marbles: A Collection under debate

The Elgin Marbles are a group of beautiful marble sculptures (大理石雕塑) that once decorated the Parthenon temple in Greece. They were taken to Britain by Lord Elgin in the early 19th century, causing debate over whether they should be returned to Greece.

The Egyptian Mummies: Secrets of the Afterlife

The British Museum also houses a collection of Egyptian mummies, providing a look at ancient burial practices and beliefs about the afterlife. These well-preserved bodies offer valuable opportunity for people to better understand the culture of ancient Egypt.

The Greek Pottery: Art and Function

Among the museum’s artifacts is a collection of Greek pottery, showing the artistry and craftsmanship of ancient Greek civilization. These well-decorated vessels (器皿) were used for various purposes, from daily life to religious ceremonies.

1. Why is the Elgin Marbles a collection under debate?
A.Because it was taken from Greece by Lord Elgin.
B.Because it was carved writings in three languages.
C.Because it once decorated the Parthenon temple in Greece.
D.Because it provided a chance to learn something about the afterlife.
2. Which of the following represent the Egyptian civilization?
A.The Rosetta Stone and The Elgin Marbles.
B.The Rosetta Stone and The Egyptian Mummies.
C.The Egyptian Mummies and The Elgin Marbles.
D.The Elgin Marbles and The Greek Pottery.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A science magazine.
C.A news report.D.A book review.
2024-05-26更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省A9协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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9 . “Let’s go to grandpa’s room and see if it still smells funny,” said Tommy.

“Last time it smelled like cheese...” replied Lil.

Sure, these lines from “Rugrats”, a cartoon series that aired in the 1990s, were meant to be funny. But they also may have a basis in real life, relating to the widely held view that the elderly send out a particular and easily recognizable body odor (气味).

The smell has been described as unpleasant, or simply “old person”. In one study, Japanese researchers traced the odor to a chemical compound (化合物) called 2-nonenal. The compound is a byproduct of other chemical breakdowns and sends out a “greasy” or “grassy” odor as the molecules (分子) exit the skin and are released into the air. Researchers discovered that 2-nonenal was the only odor compound whose presence became stronger with age.

In the study, in which 22 people aged between 26 and 75 were asked to wear odor-collecting shirts to bed, researchers analyzed molecules that stuck to the cloth. The amount of 2-nonenal was three times as much in the oldest subjects as it was in the middle-aged group. The youngest members of the study produced the least amount of 2-nonenal. Researchers assume the increase in 2-nonenal may have a lot to do with the breakdown of omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids (不饱和脂肪酸), because these molecules were also present in the shirts worn by the study’s oldest subjects.

Although the biological purpose behind “old person” smell is still unclear, some researchers believe it’s connected to a built-in age-detecting feature possessed by humans and animals. For instance, some animals can distinguish between older and younger animals by smell alone, and some animals are driven to mate with older animals. It’s possible that the capability to tell the smell of older animals meant that long-term survivors were revealed and these survivors had a genetic (基因的) advantage that boosted their chances of survival. In truth, the scent called “old person” smell could be an advertisement for better genetic quality. It gives a whole new meaning to the term “silver fox”.

1. What is the function of paragraph 1 and paragraph2?
A.To entertain readers.B.To describe a funny scene.
C.To recommend a TV series.D.To introduce the topic.
2. What was the finding of the Japanese researchers in the study?
A.2-nonenal is on the rise with age.
B.Omega-7 gives out a “greasy” or “grassy” odor.
C.The youngest subjects produce the most amount of 2-nonenal.
D.The rise in 2-nonenal may have nothing to do with the breakdown of omega-7.
3. What is the new meaning given to the term “silver fox”?
A.Smelly and old.B.Greasy and grassy.
C.Better and advantageous.D.Gentle and elegant.
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To encourage us to care for the elderly.
B.To explain the causes of old people’s body odor.
C.To prove the advantages of “old person” smell.
D.To clarify the biological purpose behind “old person” smell.
2024-05-26更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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10 . Virtual reality is quickly becoming the new technological frontier. Tech companies everywhere seem to be racing to get their foot in the VR door. However, virtual reality has a set of challenges and hurdles that it must overcome in order to work well. It should be noted that VR is heavily dependent on being very fast, very accurate and very good-looking. If it isn’t, the viewer will feel motion sick or disconnected from the world that VR is trying to create.

Now that we can actually build VR headsets that begin to meet these requirements, we are seeing a rising interest in VR. As it rises, so does the interest in creating new media to be experienced in using virtual reality. Journalism is a medium built on relevance. Journalists should always be finding new ways to tell stories and deliver content. It is a goldmine for storytelling. What better ways to tell a story to someone than to put them right in the center of it?

Virtual reality is a powerful tool for journalists. The consumer isn’t just reading or watching something play out; they’re experiencing it. The immersive nature of VR allows for people to connect with the subject matter on a much deeper level than just reading about it. The experience is emotional, speaking more to our instinct than our intellect. The possibilities for storytelling here are legion, and any storyteller wanting to do something more interesting than their peers should surely be considering the sheer power of VR.

The question of virtual reality, though, is not how powerful it is. That is immediately apparent. The question of VR is one of viability and availability. Telling stories must be easy to do, and access to those stories must be readily available. This is the biggest challenge that VR faces. If the tools to tell a story with VR aren’t easy to pick up and learn, VR will fail. If VR technology isn’t both top-of-the-line and affordable, VR will fail.

Accessibility was one concern for Thomas Hallaq, assistant professor of journalism and mass communications, who said that current VR technology is pretty exclusive right now. Despite that, he said he doesn’t think the exclusivity of this technology will be a problem in the long run.

“I think it’s very promising,” Hallaq said. “We’re seeing more technology become accessible, and more people having access to that technology. Just look at smartphones.” Like radio, TV and the Internet before it, virtual reality will change the way we tell stories.

1. Why is VR considered a powerful tool for journalism?
A.Because it is an exclusively new tool.
B.Because it is very powerful and popular.
C.Because people can experience the story in person.
D.Because it is very fast, accurate and good-looking.
2. According to the passage, what is the biggest challenge VR is facing?
A.How powerful and interesting it can be.
B.Whether people will have easy access to it.
C.Whether qualified VR headsets can be built.
D.What new ways people will find to deliver content.
3. What’s Hallaq’s attitude towards the future of VR technology?
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The wide popularity of virtual reality
B.The future development of virtual reality
C.Challenges and hurdles of virtual reality
D.Virtual reality is the future of storytelling
2024-05-26更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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