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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了从犯罪生活重返社会、寻找生活目标的John McAvoy通过参与超级马拉松比赛改变了自己的生活,然后创办Alpine Run Project帮助其他处境困难的年轻人的故事。

1 . On a bright September day in the French Alps in 2022, John McAvoy was 38 kilometres into a very exhausting ultramarathon through rough mountain paths. Battling tiredness, he pushed his body and mind through the final leg of the race. With the finish arch in the famous town of Chamonix just four kilometres away and the cloud-topped peak of Mont Blanc high over him, McAvoy welled up with emotion.

In that moment, he felt so free and alive. It was quite the opposite from where his life had been a decade before. He had just been released from prison after serving a 10-year sentence.

Now 40 years old, McAvoy has spent the last 10 years rebuilding his life from one of crime to one with purpose. It was on this day, while running the ultramarathon, that he realized how impactful conquering (征服) this mountain run could be for inner-city kids like him. After all, sport had helped him live a normal life again and open up his world. It could do the same for others.

With the help of Youth Beyond Borders, McAvoy started the Alpine Run Project, which recently led 12 disadvantaged British young people through their own Mont Blanc races. The participants, from refugees (难民) to young reformed criminals and those who grew up in Children’s home, were matched with coaches, consultants and physiotherapists. After a six-month training program, the youth travelled to the Alps to meet up with McAvoy for their race.

McAvoy says the highlight of this project for him was watching Yasmin Mahamud, a 20-year-old refugee from Syria, run through the finish arch and into the arms of her new friends. It was a life-changing high for Mahamud, too-inspiring her to keep running, take up martial arts and go to university to study physiotherapy.

“It changed my point of view on life, says Mahamud. Pushing herself to complete the race gave her a brief experience of her own potential through hard work and devotion.” I will always be thankful to John for giving me this opportunity and guidance.

1. How did McAvoy feel before the finish arch?
A.He felt totally collapsed.B.He was peaceful and hopeful.
C.He was satisfied with his pace.D.He felt as if completely reborn.
2. What can we learn about McAvoy from paragraph 3?
A.He was a builder 10 years ago.B.He realized the importance of sport.
C.He ran to make up for his past wrongs.D.He had sympathy for the inner-city children.
3. Who most probably took part in the Mont Blanc races?
A.A running coach.B.A travel lover.C.A homeless teenager.D.A skilled athlete.
4. What message does McAvoy’s story convey?
A.Live for the moment.B.Dream big and climb high.
C.After the storm comes the rainbow.D.Run after the light and become the light.
2024-03-23更新 | 428次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-新闻报道
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2 . Countless stories have portrayed the deep connection between humans and horses, such as classic literary works Black Beauty and The Chronicles of Narnia. However, the extent to which horses comprehend their human companions remains a mystery. Recent research has shown that horses can distinguish between human expressions of happiness and sadness conveyed through facial movements or vocal tones.

The researchers brought 28 horses into a room one by one, each wearing heart rate monitors as their actions were recorded. The horse faced two screens playing two different videos: one showed a happy person and the other a sad person. A voice was played at the same time, sounding happy or sad.

When the picture and voice didn’t match—for example, if the voice was sad but the picture showed a happy person—the horse seemed puzzled and looked for a longer time, compared to the one that did match, as if it knew something didn’t make sense. “You could imagine that they have a particular box in their mind labeled ‘human sadness’ containing the characteristics of both a sad face and a sad voice, and that when we are sad, they expect what we say to match how we look,” said Doctoral Researcher Océane Liehrmann of the University of Turku, in Finland.

The researchers also saw that horses were more attentive to the screen displaying the happy face. They looked at it more often and for a longer time and their heart rates increased when they heard a happy voice and decreased when they heard a sad voice as well.

It is possible that the horses might have associated happy human expressions with positive memories from their past. Another theory is that seeing a happy person could actually make a horse feel happier—a process known as emotional contagion. “We don’t know whether horses themselves understand what it is to be sad. It is possible that they learn it means something for a human,” said Liehrmann.

1. How did the researchers carry out the experiment?
A.By comparing different horses’ expressions.
B.By monitoring horses’ odd behavior in the lab.
C.By summarizing the characteristics of the horses.
D.By observing horses’ reaction to human emotions.
2. What can we learn from the result of the research?
A.Horses had a preference for happy people.B.Horses were too nervous about the videos.
C.Horses recognized people’s identity quickly.D.Horses looked excited at a voice of sadness.
3. What does the underlined word “contagion” probably mean in the last paragraph?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Humans Impact Horses HugelyB.Horses Dislike Sorrowful People
C.Humans and Horses Interact CloselyD.Horses Know When You are Happy
2024-03-11更新 | 194次组卷 | 2卷引用:(广东、山东特供卷)备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷02(原题版+) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
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3 . Writing out the same word again and again may bring back bad memories for some, but handwriting can boost connectivity across brain regions, some of which are involved in learning and memory, a new study shows.

In the study, psychologists Audrey and Ruud, both at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, stuck electrodes (电极) on the participants’ heads. They asked the participants to type out or hand write with a digital pen words that appeared on a computer screen. Sensors in a cap recorded electrical brain activity. Then the psychologists looked for when two brain areas are active with the same frequency of electrical waves at the same time. This result can reveal the connectivity among different regions across the brain.

With handwriting, the researchers saw increased activity, specifically in low frequency bands, not only in the expected motor areas but also in others associated with learning. These low frequency bands have previously been shown to support memory processes. When the team compared the two tasks, they realized that handwriting —but not typing —increased the connectivity across parietal (顶叶) brain regions, which are involved in sensory and motor processing, and central regions, many of which are involved in memory.

“Even when the movements are very similar, the activation seems much, much higher in handwriting,” Audrey says. “It shows that there’s more involvement of these brain regions when you’re handwriting, which might give you some specific advantages.”

These findings suggest that there are distinct processes of brain activation happening while a person types or writes. This boost of stimulation of handwriting facilitates learning because these particular waves between these areas are involved in memory formation and encoding (编码) .

And although handwriting may help with learning processes, typing is often easier, faster and more practical. “Students and teachers alike should therefore consider the task at hand to decide to hand write or type,” Audrey says. Despite the need for more studies to determine the best learning strategy, experts say that handwriting shouldn’t be left behind in the digital age. “Schools need to bring in more writing into curriculum design,” Ruud says.

1. What did Audrey and Ruud mainly do in their research?
A.They tested the function of electrodes.B.They analyzed the brain structure.
C.They monitored the brain activities.D.They recorded the writing speed.
2. Why can handwriting improve learning more than typing?
A.It involves more specific brain activation.B.It promotes better muscle memory.
C.It allows for more innovative thinking.D.It encourages better concentration.
3. What’s the author’s attitude toward typing?
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Taking Notes by Hand is Becoming Uncommon in Class
B.Using Keyboard is Recommended Due to Its Convenience
C.Widespread Brain Connectivity is Crucial to Human Learning
D.Handwriting Boosts Brain Connections More Than Typing Does
2024-03-09更新 | 188次组卷 | 7卷引用:(广东、山东特供卷)备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷01(原题版+) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Concrete has served as the foundation stone of the construction industry for hundreds of years. However, the process of producing concrete is one of the most environmentally unfriendly processes in the world. In the process, not only is carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) released into the air by the energy used to heat the limestone, but the limestone itself also gives out a huge amount of the element.

Luckily, a number of start-ups throughout the world are using creative thinking to make the construction industry a whole lot more friendly for the planet.

A Canadian company called CarbonCure, has found a way to inject (注入) concrete with carbon dioxide itself. Not only does this trap the carbon dioxide into the concrete, keeping it from running away into the atmosphere, but it also creates a super strong material called calcium carbonate, which reduces the total amount of concrete that needs to be used.

California-based Brimstone, is creating carbon-negative concrete by doing away with limestone entirely and instead using silicate rock, a material that does not release carbon dioxide when heated. Instead, the process produces magnesium (镁) , which absorbs carbon dioxide, as the basis for their concrete.

Additionally, researchers at Australia’s RMIT University have recently released a study showing that adding coffee grounds instead of sand to concrete could make it much stronger, reducing both the amount of sand used, as well as the amount of concrete that would need to be used in the final product.

The biggest barrier at this point is convincing members of the industry that the new types of concrete are safe to be used, according to Stacy Smedley, director at a nonprofit focused on decarbonizing construction.

Hopefully these new solutions to the environmental problems of concrete will soon be widely adopted. Given the significant part the construction industry has in releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, great improvements can be made when more environmentally-friendly materials are used.

1. What is the environmental issue associated with traditional concrete production?
A.The high demand for energy.B.The processing of waste materials.
C.The mass release of carbon dioxide.D.The use of non-renewable resources.
2. How does CarbonCure deal with the environmental impact of concrete production?
A.By using silicate rock as the basis.B.By putting carbon dioxide into concrete.
C.By replacing sand with coffee grounds.D.By absorbing carbon dioxide with magnesium.
3. According to Smedley, what is the major challenge facing these solutions?
A.Difficulty in making profits.B.Convincing the public of the convenience.
C.Lack of funding for research.D.Removing the industry members’ safety concerns.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To promote an alternative to concrete.B.To advocate environmental protection.
C.To introduce new ways to produce concrete.D.To emphasize the significance of creativity.
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了西班牙Galdakao市某社区推出的避免食物浪费的方法——Community Fridge。

5 . Food waste is a growing problem throughout the world; on the one hand, we’ve got so many people starving, but on the other hand, in places like Western Europe or the US, people are wasting almost 50% of what they eat. It seems reasonable to find ways to send the excess food to the places where it’s most needed, but that doesn’t happen nearly as much as it should. With that in mind, people in Galdakao, Spain, took action.

They launched what they call the Community Fridge—a regular white fridge placed in the middle of the town where anyone can drop food or leftovers and anyone can come in and take it. This fridge has already saved 300 kg of food in just two months. The service is not a charity — anyone can come and just take whatever food they want.

Of course, there are a few regulations though—you can’t donate raw fish, meat or eggs, for health reasons. Also, all the food has to be within its expiration date and anything homemade should have a label with the ingredients. These are reasonable rules, and so far, the program seems to be enjoying success. Other Spanish cities have expressed interest in adopting their own Community Fridge.

This is not the first time this kind of idea has been put forward. A man in the Saudi city of Hail has also put a fridge outside his house and called on neighbors to fill it with food for the needy.

The idea doesn’t work in the US, and it seems like some people would rather throw food away than risk sharing it with others, but I certainly think this idea is worth spreading. Sure, you need someone to check the contents of the fridge and take out the food that goes bad, but for 150 kg of food per month, with one fridge, I think that’s worth it.

1. The first paragraph is meant to __________.
A.give the conclusion
B.introduce the topic
C.satisfy readers’ curiosity
D.describe a social fact
2. What can we learn about the Community Fridge from the article?
A.It is the first time such an idea has been put forward.
B.It is intended for the homeless.
C.It has some food security problems.
D.It has enjoyed success since it started.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the Community Fridge?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.The Starving and Food Waste
B.Community Fridge to Deal with Food Waste
C.Community Fridge and Food Security
D.Community Fridge to Be Adopted in the US
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Hiring processes can be thought of as a battle between integrity and dishonesty. You might imagine this is a simple fight between truth-seeking firms and self-promoting candidates, and to a certain extent it is. But companies themselves are prone (有倾向的) to bend reality out of shape in ways that are self-defeating.

Start with the obvious wrongdoers: job applicants. When it comes to writing the resume (简历), they tend to massage (美化) reality into the most appealing shape possible. Everyone beyond a certain level of experience is a transformational leader personally responsible for generating millions income; the world economy would be about 15 times bigger than it actually is if all such claims were true. The average British spends four and a half hours a day watching TV and online videos. But each average job candidate is an enthusiast for public welfare, using their spare time only for worthy purposes, like volunteering in soup kitchens.

But the tendency to stretch the truth infects companies as well as applicants. The typical firm will write a job description that invariably describes the work environment as fast-paced and innovative, and then lays out a set of improbable requirements for the “ideal candidate”, someone who almost by definition does not exist. Sometimes, the requirements include an ability to go back and change the course of history.

Too few firms offer an accurate account of what a position actually involves in their job previews, which are supposed to give prospective employees a genuine sense of the negatives and positives of the job, as well as a clear idea of the company’s corporate culture. One effective strategy is to lay out in text or video, what a typical day in the role would look like.

Such honesty can be its own reward. Research has long suggested that realistic job previews lead to lower turnover and higher employee satisfaction. A paper in 2011 by David Eamest of Towson University and his co-authors concluded that favourable perceptions of the organisation’s honesty are the best explanation for why. So a process designed to uncover the truth about job applicants would run a lot more smoothly if firms were also honest about themselves.

1. Why are “leader” and “enthusiast” mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To present a rule.B.To clarify a fact.
C.To make a comparison.D.To explain a phenomenon.
2. What does the underlined word “stretch” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What are job previews expected to be like in paragraph 4?
A.They show a position as it is.B.They are made either in text or video.
C.They are favorable for bigger firms.D.They mainly contain negatives of a job.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Pains and gains of employees.B.How to get the lying out of hiring.
C.How to be more appealing in hiring.D.A wrestle between applicants and companies.
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7 . People have come to understand the enormous impacts-beneficial as well as harmful- plastics have on human lives and the environment. As polymer (聚合物) scientists committed to inventing sustainable solutions for real-world problems, we set out to tackle the issue of plastic waste by rethinking the way polymers are designed so we could make plastics with recyclability built right in.

Everyday items including milk jug, grocery bags, and takeout containers are made from a class of polymers called polyolefins. These plastics are really durable (耐用的) because the chemical bonds in those polymers are extremely stable. In a world set up for disposable (一次性的) items, durability is no longer a design feature but rather a design drawback. Imagine if half the plastics used today were recyclable through twice as many processes as they are now. Also conventional recycling requires careful sorting of all the collected materials, which can be challenging with so many different plastics. For example, separating paper from metal doesn’t require complex technology, but sorting a container from a milk jug of a different polyolefin is difficult to do without the occasional mistake.

In a study published in Science in October 2023, we described a series of polymers with only two building blocks-one soft polymer and one hard polymer-that behave like polyolefins but could be chemically recycled. Connecting two different polymers multiple times until they form a single, long molecule (分子) creates what’s called a multiblock polymer. By changing how much of each polymer type goes into the multiblock polymer, our team produced a wide range of materials with properties that covered all polyolefin types.

Using the same strategy but by adding hydrogen, we could disconnect the polymers back into their building blocks and easily separate them to use again. When we made new polymers out of these recycled plastics, they performed just as well as the original materials even after several rounds of chemical recycling. So we were able to create materials with similar properties of the plastics the world relies on. We believe this work is a step toward more sustainable plastics.

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about concerning plastics?
A.Their multiple uses.B.Their chemical properties.
C.Their recycling challenges.D.Their classification criteria.
2. A key factor of producing diverse multiblock polymers is ______.
A.mixing building blocks with long molecules
B.integrating chemicals into the two polymers
C.combining two different multiblock polymers
D.adjusting the percentage of the two polymers
3. Which is a feature of multiblock polymers?
A.They are made from sustainable materials.
B.They can be recycled by adding hydrogen.
C.Their reliability outperforms traditional plastics.
D.Their properties change with rounds of recycling.
4. Which of the following might be the best title?
A.Designing for RecyclingB.Classifying Plastic Waste
C.Replace Plastics with PolymersD.Technology Creates the Future
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文,文章主要介绍了美国国家公共广播电台举行的Tiny Desk Contest的相关信息。

8 . National Public Radio (NPR) Music’s Tiny Desk Contest is back. Artists can submit an entry from this morning. This isn’t just another regular year of the Contest — it’s the 10th anniversary.

The panel (小组) of judges has doubled in size compared to previous years. The panel has a group of industry experts who are eager to see what this year’s participants can share. And there’s a great team of NPR’s Music station hosts on the panel: Amelia Mason, Novena Carmel and Stas THEE Boss.

Also new this year: Not only will the 2024 winner play a Tiny Desk concert, be interviewed on All Things Considered and go on tour with NPR Music — they’ll also be paired with a tutor in the industry who will help them navigate their music journey. Our judges are determined to give this year’s winner the support they’ll need to take their music to the next level. The winner will also be featured at two festivals this summer: Celebrate Brooklyn and the Millennium Park Summer Music series in Chicago.

And for the first time this year, the Contest is introducing a fan favorite vote. Later this spring, Contest judges will share their favorite entries as part of the annual Tiny Desk-Contest Top Shelf series on YouTube — and then artists and fans will be able to vote for their favorite among those selections.

Here’s how to enter: Record a video of you playing one original song — behind a desk, upload your video to YouTube, and submit the video on our Tiny Desk Contest website by Feb. 21 at 11: 59 p. m.   

A final reminder: Entry videos don’t need to be fancy. The Tiny Desk is where artists go to simplify their big productions. Contest judges are looking for artists to submit something that’s true to them and brand new to the Tiny Desk.

1. Who are most likely among the judges?
A.News station hosts.B.Expert musicians.
C.Contest participants.D.Famous industrialists.
2. What will the winner get as an award?
A.Sightseeing tours.B.Festival souvenirs.
C.Unlimited support.D.Professional guidance.
3. What is required of the contest entry?
A.It has to be a masterpiece.B.It must convey positive feelings.
C.It must be recorded behind a desk.D.It has to be submitted before Feb. 21.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For any advanced record collector, we have a great collection for you to know about your favorite music!

The Beatles — Vol 1 Evolution (1940-64)

This is the first in die set of three-Its 116 pages cover every single, album from 1962 to 1964, all newly reviewed by top experts, forming a UK Beatles discography (录音作品名录) with comments: a must-have for fans and collectors.

The Beatles — Vol 2: Revolution (1965-67)

It is the second in the set. Covering their creative glory years in the mid-60s, up to the recording of their masterpiece, Sgt Pepper’s, it presents interviews with their great producer George Martin, Pattie Boyd and Beatles insider Tony Bramwell. 116 pages of quality reading.

The Beatles — Vol 3: Ascension (1968-2019)

It is the third in the series, covering their final years together, from the story of the White Album to the success of Abbey Road. There is analysis of what finally broke up the band.

The Rolling Stones: Making The Legend

This special magazine focusing on the archives tells the best story of the rise of The rolling Stones. It’s a must — have for fans of the world’s greatest rock roll band — and for anyone who wants to became what it is today, this is right for you.

Pink Floyd — Shooting For The Moon

It records the development of this globally loved band, from their beginnings back in 1967 to their lasting position half a century later, by the way of archive (档案,史料).

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1. What makes The Beatles — Vol 3 special in the set?
A.It includes interviews.B.It accesses the archives.
C.It has a total of 116 pages.D.It tells why the band came apart.
2. Which tells about the development of rock music?
A.Pink Floyd — Shooting For The Moon
B.The Rolling Stones: Making The Legend
C.The Beatles — Vol 2: Revolution (965-7)
D.The Beatles — Vol 3: Ascension (1968-2019)
3. How much should a fan in Singapore pay for The Beatles — Vol 2:Revolution?
A.£ 37.47.B.£ 28.50.C.£ 34.50.D.£ 12.49.
2024-03-03更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-应用文
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Noted for his profound description of life along the Chinese railway, Wang Fuchun passed away on March 13th at the age of 79. His engaging photographs capture the substance of China’s ever-changing landscape.

Being artistic and good at painting and calligraphy, Wang found that photography bridged the two worlds: he could make art with his camera and increasingly he felt that his goal was not art, but life.

In the late 1970s, when he started taking his photographs, everyone on a railway platform looked reserved and orderly. By the late 1980s, a great rush to the cities had begun on the trains. He recorded young migrant workers shedding their shirts, running with sweat, seeking coolness on top of the seats. He did not ask anyone’s permission to take them, and he preferred to act secretly, like a thief in a way, as it captured the authentic (真实的) moments of people’s lives—and so mirrored all the more clearly how China was changing.

His project was all-consuming. Over 40 years he estimated he had ridden on 1, 000 trains and covered more than 100, 000 kilometers, on every line in China. Each trip was neatly noted down in a notebook; he took about 200, 000 pictures, and logged each by its place. From those pictures, he felt the migrants’ poverty too keenly, and he preferred to capture the hope that pushed people on to trains.

China was rushing to the modern world. Steam was fading; the green-skinned trains acquired fans and air-conditioning. Then came express trains, then high-speed rail. The aisles were clear, the windows sealed. However, in the reclining seats (躺椅座位), everyone reclined. In the ordinary seats, everyone’s noses were buried in their tablets and their phones.

He liked the message of hope; he was proud of what China had achieved. But how sad, he also thought that on that dashing train there was no mess, no collision of life and no good subjects for him, and that Chinese people should once again look so orderly, reserved and unconcerned about each other, even on a train.

1. How did Wang Fuchun reveal the changes in China with his camera?
A.By creating art works on railway platforms.
B.By documenting migrant workers’ daily life.
C.By recording the transformation of life on the train.
D.By capturing a great rush to cities along the railway.
2. Why did Wang Fuchun prefer to take photographs secretly?
A.To perform his duty.B.To reflect reality better.
C.To avoid disturbing people.D.To satisfy his curiosity.
3. What did Wang Fuchun find about the passengers on the modern train?
A.They were only focused on themselves.B.They were quite messy and disorganized.
C.They were interested in the reclining seats.D.They were engaged in lively conversations.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Wang Fuchun?
A.Friendly and considerate.B.Devoted and observant.
C.Talented and humorous.D.Optimistic and generous.
2024-02-27更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-新闻报道
共计 平均难度:一般