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1 . There's another universe not far from land. It lacks buildings, trees, cars, cellphones and the Internet. Seemingly limitless water extends uninterruptedly in all directions. Civilization goes away, along with any sign of humanity. And it is why I’m really interested in sailing. I grew up around boats. My father liked sailing and built them.

My older sister and I were stuffed into a car nearly every summer weekend until my late teens to make the trip from northeast Indiana to the south shore of Lake Erie in Ohio, where Talisman built by my father waited patiently through the week.

As a kid, I read the adventures of Robin Lee Graham, a traveller exploring the sea alone, in the pages of National Geographic and, later, in Graham’s book, Dove. However, it wasn’t until about 20 years ago, well into my adulthood, that I took up sailing in a serious way. I’ve made voyages in fair and stormy weather, on my own boats and those of my friends, and ranging from nearshore day sails to blue-water passages.

Still, I’ve made plenty of mistakes. While living in Asia, a sailing friend and I set off across the South China Sea and intended to get to Thailand, only to be pushed by a late-season typhoon that forced us to make landfall in Vietnam, glad to be alive.

Years later, my wife and I lived aboard our 37-foot ship, Symbiosis, while we saved enough to take a two-year leave from our jobs to journey down the U. S. Atlantic coast and through the Bahamas and the Caribbean. We visited many places that never see ships or airplanes and that are nearly impossible to reach anyway other than at the helm (舵柄) of a small boat. But boats are expensive and time-consuming.

After returning from the Caribbean a few years ago, we decided to sell Symbiosis, determining to sail only “other people’s boats”. It didn’t last, though. A few months ago, we found a good deal on a smaller sailboat — easier to maintain but still capable of some short offshore journeys. I think we’ll name her Talisman.

1. What would the author do on summer weekends as a kid?
A.He would explore the lost civilization.
B.He would tour northeast Indiana by car.
C.He would patiently wait for his father.
D.He would sail with his father and his sister.
2. What can we learn about the book Dove?
A.It is the most famous work by Graham.
B.It was published in National Geographic.
C.It has something to do with exploring the sea.
D.It was an inspiration for the author’s writing.
3. Why did the author sell his ship Symbiosis?
A.It didn’t function well.B.He couldn’t afford to maintain it.
C.He was tired of sailing.D.He assumed others’ boats were better.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To show his passion for sailing boats.
B.To stress the influence of adventures on him.
C.To discuss the problems of sailing on the sea.
D.To share his success in exploring the world.
2024-08-22更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省利川市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期2月开学收心考试英语试题(含听力)
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2 . Welcome to Epcot’s Festival of the Arts

Festival Information

Held annually at Walt Disney World Resort, Epcot’s Festival of the Arts involves various activities from viewing art exhibits and participating in interactive workshops to enjoying creative and colorful food dishes.

Popular Events

Expression Section: A Paint by Numbers Mural (壁画)

It is a large-scale, community-driven art project where parents and their kids can contribute to a massive mural by painting sections of it. Visit the Expression Section boot h to pick up paint and a brush. Then, paint a few squares that can correspond with your paint color.

Artful Photo Ops

This is an opportunity for kids to take fun family pictures against the background of various murals and interactive 3D art equipment throughout Epcot’s Festival of the Arts. Find these step-in frames around EPCOT:
International Gateway: Luncheon of the Boating Party
Mexico Pavilion: An Homage to Frida Kahlo

Animation (动画制作) Academy

This is a hands-on workshop where you and your kids can learn to draw beloved Disney characters, guided by a real Disney artist. It’s a unique opportunity for your kids to make good use of their creativity. This experience takes place in America Gardens Theatre.

Kids Chalk Art

It is an interactive art experience where kids can watch impressive chalk be created right before their eyes and even participate in creating some chalk art themselves. This experience is offered at the bridge to World Showcase Plaza.
Ticket Prices

Standard date-based tickets are offered, which requires you to choose a start date. One ticket per day for an adult costs $120 and kids under 12 get per ticket with 20% off. You can save $20 per ticket if you purchase 3-day or longer tickets!

1. What is a feature of Epcot’s Festival of the Arts?
A.It is 3D-centered.B.It is food-themed.
C.It is monthly held.D.It is kid-friendly.
2. Where can visitors paint Disney characters under the guidance of an artist?
A.International Gateway.B.World Showcase Plaza.
C.America Gardens Theatre.D.The Expression Section booth.
3. How much do a couple and a kid of seven pay for the one-day tickets?
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3 . Recently, more than 1,000 researchers and executives signed an open letter calling for a pause (暂停) in research on artificial intelligence. The letter warns that AI may threaten jobs, spread propaganda (宣传), and even lead to the “loss of control of our civilization”. Many of the signatories (签署者) are thoughtful and experienced AI practitioners. Their concerns should be taken seriously. On balance, though, their approach is likely to evolve into an opposition to progress.

Consider the broader worldview expressed in this document. It said, “Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and risks manageable.” This is a formula for complete stop, as no one can ever be so confident. The history of innovation is one of trial and error, risk and reward. One reason why the US leads the world in digital technology is that it did not constrain (约束) the industry with well-meaning but doubtful regulation. Slowing Al progress, moreover, carries risks all its own. Don't forget that this technology is likely to make the world richer, healthier, smarter and more productive for decades to come. By 2030, it might be contributing more than $15 trillion to the global economy. Advances in medicine, biology, climate science, education, manufacturing, transportation and much more are on the horizon. Any new rules must be balanced against the vast potential of these efforts.

Nor is AI research advancing into a void (空白领域). The industry already operates within legal parameters (范畴) in response to potential harms. Companies have ensured their products are safe. Trade associations are developing codes of conduct and ethical frameworks. Far from the“ out-of-control race”, the AI business is constrained by law and politics and consumer sentiment (情绪).

It's natural to worry about new technologies, but the wealth and abundance of American society is due in no small part to risks taken in the past, in a spirit of openness and optimism. The AI revolution deserves no less.

1. Why did the researchers and executives sign the open letter?
A.Because the research on AI had been paused.
B.Because AI had uncontrollably destroyed human civilization.
C.Because they were worried about the potential risks of AI.
D.Because they were more experienced than others in AI field.
2. Why is the US mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To support that innovation comes from taking risks.
B.To stress that the US is very important in the digital field.
C.To draw attention to the benefits of well-meaning regulations.
D.To reveal those people's real purpose of signing the letter.
3. What can we infer from this passage?
A.Al technology consumes more money than it can earn.
B.Society will hugely benefit from AI technology in the future.
C.The AI industry is now developing without any restrictions.
D.The development of AI technology is just a solo effort.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Regulations on AI are well-intended but doubtful.
B.The future of AI is filled with unmanageable risks.
C.AI safety concerns justify a temporary research pause.
D.A pause in AI would hold back progress in innovation.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Social media is taking over our lives: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, TikTok. These social media platforms have transformed from a way to stay connected to an industry where even kids can make money off their posts. While this may seem like another opportunistic (机会主义) innovation, it’s really full of hidden false realities.

The median income (中位收入) recorded in the United States of America was about $63,000 in 2018. TikTokers can make anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a TikTok brand partnership, and TikTokers with over a million followers can make up to $30,000 a month — $360,000 a year. They are making more than the average person trying to feed their family and keep a roof over their heads, simply by posting a 15-second video. 

This is mad in more ways than one. Not only is it an overpaid “job”, it promotes undeserved admiration from viewers and a false sense of reality. Many of these famous TikTokers are still teens, and the effects of fame at such an early stage in life might cause issues later in life, such as mental illness. Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 make up 27% of TikTok viewers, who can be easily influenced by what they are watching. They can put a false sense of self-value into who they look up to and what they represent: money, fame, being considered conventionally attractive.

While TikTok has become a great tool for marketing, it’s important to understand how this content affects young viewers. If we’re constantly consuming content that shows us all we need to do to be successful is be conventionally attractive and post a 15-second video featuring a new dance, it will challenge our knowledge of what really makes someone successful and will in turn affect our individual work ethics (伦理). What about the people who miss birthday and family holidays due to their jobs and aren’t getting paid nearly as much as these TikTokers? 

Richard Colyer, president and creator of Metaphor, Inc, had his own view on this issue. “It sounds great to make money for doing the latest dance moves in a 15-second video, but we should feed the minds of kids and not just their bank accounts. TikTok can be great if used properly. Money alone is not good, technology alone is not good and connectedness can be bad if it’s only online.”

Again, as a fellow consumer of TikTok, I do enjoy the app when I have some time to kill and need a good laugh. I’ m not against someone making a living on entertainment, but what does getting famous of a 15-second video teach young people?

1. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Social networking.B.Making money on social media.
C.A job offered by TikTok.D.Staying connected to the Internet.
2. What do the numbers given in Paragraph 2 show?
A.TikTokers are earning money easily.
B.All TikTokers are richer than average people.
C.Most TikTokers can become millionaires overnight.
D.TikTokers earn much more than ordinary workers.
3. Which is the possible influence of TikTok on its young users?
A.They tend to live an adult life too soon.
B.They are forced to pay for certain services.
C.They may abandon other social media.
D.They are likely to develop false value.
4. What can we infer from Richard Colyer’s comments?
A.TikTok can be a positive influence if teens employ it wisely.
B.Young TikTokers should be banned from making money.
C.It is better to involve education on investment in TikTok videos.
D.Contents of videos need checking before their release online.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . If you are making the time to exercise, that is a good thing indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to find time to work out. If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you’re doing it now, then listen up!     1     Here are the reasons:

● Your working efficiency (效率) will improve. Exercising in the morning makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is in front of you for the day.     2    

● Your metabolism (新陈代谢) will get a head start.     3     So if you work out in the mornings, you will get the calorie burning benefits for the whole day.

    4     Studies have found that people who wake up early and exercise sleep better than those who exercise in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so if you exercise at night, it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep.

● You will pay more attention to your diet. If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to choose healthy food throughout the day.     5     You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

A.Your quality of sleep will improve.
B.Your lungs will take in more fresh air.
C.There is no reason to exercise in the morning.
D.Who wants to waste a good workout by eating junk food?
E.You can keep your head clear for 4 to 10 hours after exercise.
F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
G.Working out in the morning provides additional benefits other than keeping fit.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了高中生Selina Zhang如何通过自己的观察和创新,发明了一种可能有效控制城市中入侵性害虫——斑点灯笼蝇的方法。

6 . Selina Zhang, a high schooler, has invented a trap that could potentially get rid of lanternflies in the city. She first noticed this pest in grade school. At the time, Zhang was visiting a market near her hometown. The colorful bugs caught her eye, and she was intrigued as she had never seen a bug quite like it.

Zhang’s first encounter with the spotted lanternfly relates to the quote, “Not all that glitters is gold. ”This bug with bright red underwings standing out from black forewings might be pretty to look at. However, it has damaged local agricultural industry for decades, and the city has been unable to remove this problem.

This insect has a healthy appetite for most plants and can feed on most crops, trees and various fruits. This invasive pest does not harm humans or animals. However, it could reduce the quality of life of people living in heavily infested areas. It is known to be a nuisance(讨厌的东西)in outdoor areas as they can lay their egg masses on trees and even vehicles.

Zhang eventually realized that this insect posed a threat to Garden City and decided to do something about it. Most people choose insecticides to manage this invasion, but this can leave harmful remains affecting crucial pollinators. Some others use a sticky band wrapped around a tree trunk to trap pests. This method is also unsafe as it can trap other small animals and insects in its grip.

In search of an ecologically acceptable method, Zhang got inspiration from chess boards and the“Dance Dance Revolution”. She conducted an extensive field observation for weeks on end, observing the behavioral patterns of the bugs. She studied how they grew over time and navigated unfamiliar structures and areas they chose to gather. After her study, Zhang knew she wanted to copy the tree of heaven as a trap and used an umbrella from her family’s patio.

She then designed an electric net for this tree, using machine learning to kill the lanternflies that landed. And she finally created an solar-powered, self-cleaning“tree”that attracts the spotted lanternfly, removing the bug with an electronic mesh(网).

1. What does the quote“Not all that glitters is gold”in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Things looking valuable may be worthless.
B.Zhang’s hometown fails to get rid of the bug.
C.Bodies of the beautiful lanternfly are glowing.
D.The bug destroys agricultural industry despite its beauty.
2. What can be learned about lanternflies?
A.They live on greens and animals.
B.They have a bad effect on people’s life.
C.People hate them laying eggs everywhere.
D.Their underwings are shorter than their forewings.
3. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The application of the trap.B.The source of the trap.
C.The process of inventing the trap.D.The challenges of designing the trap.
4. Which of the following can best describe Zhang?
A.Persistent and innovative.B.Creative and modest.
C.Reliable and knowledgeable.D.Intelligent and confident
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The greater Rochester area is filled with opportunities to study and perform music in the summer!

Roberts Community School

Roberts Community Music School has exciting summer music al opportunities for families on the west side of Rochester. It offers two 7-week Early Childhood Classes, Piano Discoveries, and a Ukulele Choir. Lessons are available for piano, voice, stringed instruments, and woodwind & brass(铜管乐器).

School of Rock—Rochester

With camp choices for all ages and skill levels, School of Rock is the perfect summer activity for your child. Our summer music camps are performance-based, meaning students learn to play by performing together in a fun environment. From beginner camps to songwriting and themed camps, we offer a wide variety of options to ensure your child has an amazing music al experience. Our goal is to prepare teens for live performances on stage.

Eastman Community Music School

The Eastman Community Music School offers different day programs and overnight music camps this summer for middle and high school students, including Adventure Music Camp for Middle Schoolers, Summer Jazz Studies for High School Students, Baroque workshops, and New Horizons Orchestra Camp. Private lessons are also available of all ages, levels, instruments or voice.

Bach to Rock Music School

Bach to Rock’s Music Camps run each week all summer long for all ages and levels! Our camps are designed for students to work with our highly experienced teachers to learn how to play their instrument of choice, develop a band, learn to play songs they love, and have the opportunity to write and create their music. Each weekly camp ends with an opportunity to record in our studio! Full or half-day camps are available. No experience is necessary.

1. Which school’s programs are designed to get students on stage performing?
A.Roberts Community School.B.School of Rock—Rochester.
C.Eastman Community Music School.D.Bach to Rock Music School.
2. What is special about Bach to Rock Music Camps?
A.They offer overnight camps.
B.They require related experience.
C.They offer chances to perform in a TV station.
D.They can train different kinds of musical skills.
3. Who can take part in the music camps introduced in the text?
A.Rochester artists.B.Local families.
C.School students.D.Experienced teachers.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Some people often wonder whether they are fighting a battle with their genes to maintain a healthy weight. In fact, researchers have provided plenty of evidence that people are born with tendencies to be lighter or heavier. For example, studies of identical twins have revealed great similarity in their overall weight. Part of this similarity may be explained by the finding that some people are born to burn a lot of calories just through ordinary day-to-day activities while others are not. Those who are not are more at risk for weight gain.

Researchers have discovered some of the actual genetic mechanisms (机制) that may make some individuals more likely to be obese. For example, a gene has been found that appears to control signals to the brain that enough fat has been stored in the body in the course of a meal—so the individual should stop eating. The gene influences the production of leptin (瘦蛋白), which keeps appetite under control. If leptin doesn’t work well, it is likely that individuals will continue to eat. Thus the gene that controls leptin appears to have a critical influence on the potential for obesity.

The confirmation that leptin plays a role in weight control has encouraged researchers to identify and understand other weight-related genes. Recent attention has focused on a gene called GAD2. GAD2 helps control the amount of the neurotransmitter (神经递质) GABA. In general, when more GABA is available, appetite is increased. For that reason, people who have a form of GAD2 that allows more GABA to be available may be at risk for overeating. You can see that GAD2 is not directly an obesity gene. Rather it has an indirect influence on obesity through its direct influence on GABA.

Genetic research holds out the promise of innovative solutions to obesity. Researchers hope that an understanding of the link between genes and weight control will enable them to provide new drug treatments. Nonetheless, even the most optimistic researchers provide a warning: “Innovative drugs will be effective only when they are used along with lifestyle changes.”

1. How does the author develop Paragraph 1?
A.By giving an example.B.By making an assumption.
C.By asking questions.D.By reasoning and analyzing.
2. What does the underlined word “obese” in Paragraph 2mean?
3. What do researchers suggest doing in the last paragraph?
A.Taking new drugs.B.Understanding genetic effects.
C.Keeping a healthy lifestyle.D.Trying to adjust GAD2.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Sorts of Genus Helping You Keep ThinB.The Reason Why You Become Too Heavy
C.How Does Genetics Contribute to Obesity?D.What Influence Does Food Have on Weight?

9 . Do We Really Need Cash Anymore?

When the Covid-19 pandemic spread around the globe, many banks took action. People were encouraged to avoid using cash and make electronic payments where possible.     1     In the UK, the number of contactless payments increased by 36% between 2020 and 2021.

    2     After all, it comes with many advantages. For a start, it’s safer, as cash is easily stolen. Credit and debit cards are too, but it’s possible to trace payments and cancel the cards. Mobile payments are even more secure. As well as that, all your transactions(交易) are logged, making record-keeping far simpler.

However, it seems as if we are just not ready to say goodbye to cash for good. Recent data shows that cash has made a comeback since the cost of living started to rise steeply. That’s not unusual since people tend to prefer having paper money at hand when times are hard.     3     But with electronic payments, it’s harder to keep track of where your money is going.

Even if cash payments do not vanish entirely, our economies are changing to become far less reliant on cash than they once were. And while switching to electronic payments is simple and convenient for many people, this isn’t true for everyone. An increasing number of stores have stopped accepting cash payments altogether, meaning that such people may become more marginalized (边缘化). Moreover, alongside the decline in cash usage, the number of ATMs and local banks has dropped significantly.     4    

Despite the popularity of electronic transactions, one thing is clear:     5     And as companies rush towards finding ever more convenient transaction methods, it’s important not to abandon those who prefer to pay in the traditional way.

A.The public responded positively.
B.Using notes and coins helps people budget.
C.It was the case during the Great Depression.
D.Cashless transactions make it easier for them to collect data.
E.They won’t become the only method, at least in the near future.
F.Today, the cashless economy is becoming more and more popular.
G.This makes access to cash increasingly hard for those who depend on it.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . We go through life assuming we’re in charge of our own minds — until temptation (诱惑) strikes. Few things better illustrate how little control we really have. You can know exactly what you should do (decline the second slice of cake or the third cocktail), but that hardly seems to matter when the urge arises. More self-discipline is rarely the answer, though. Instead, if you can understand what’s going on inside your head when temptation comes, you’ll be far better placed to make a healthier choice.

Sometimes, you need to push yourself, the idea behind which, in psychology, is to make the better choice the easier choice. (School pupils eat more healthily, it’s been shown, when the salads are within easier reach than the chips.) So, instead of relying on willpower, stop keeping ice creams in your freezer! Use StayFocused or similar apps to block distracting websites. Change your environment, and temptation will be a non-issue.

For every person, behind every bad habit, there's a reasonable desire: some people eat or drink too much because they're lonely, or smoke to get a break from a busy schedule. Once you’ve uncovered this underlying need, find a different way to meet it: call a friend; take a coffee break instead of a cigarette break. There’s nothing wrong with the need — only with the way you’re currently meeting it.

It’s a strange truth that we’ll break all sorts of promises to ourselves — yet most of us would never fail to show up at a prearranged meeting with a friend. Involve others in your temptation-resistance efforts, whether it's asking someone to check in weekly to see if you’re sticking to your plan, or never going shopping alone if you’re subject to impulse purchases. Best of all, launch a joint plan, in which two of you decide to give up a bad habit. That turns a challenge into a fun game.

1. What does “that” mean in paragraph 1?
2. Which should be a good choice if you feel worn out from a packed timetable?
A.Exercise strong willpower over it.
B.Keep ice creams within easy reach.
C.Use StayFocused to refresh yourself.
D.Chat with a friend over a cup of coffee.
3. What does the author suggest you do according to paragraph 4?
A.Seek partners’ support.B.Leave challenges behind.
C.Keep your promises.D.Say no to playing games.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.What causes temptation.B.How to keep temptation at bay.
C.Why urges set in.D.How to keep life under control.
共计 平均难度:一般