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阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Getting older means greater maturity and wisdom.     1     In a society that is aging fast, it has become crucial to find ways to prevent related mental and emotional disorders. Music emerges as a promising tool for promoting well-being of the elderly.

Music has a great power to cause strong emotions and intense pleasure.     2     singing and dancing to music with others is not only fun but also improves mood. Musical activities are great ways to reduce stress because they take our minds off problems. They also help us feel less lonely and more connected with other people.

    3     A song may become a soundtrack for a particular time, such as a delightful party with friends that you had along time ago. Listening to that song allows you to remember all the happy memories from that time.

Finally, music contributes to keeping our thinking skills sharp. It makes our brains work hard in unique ways to understand the rhythm and melody.     4     For example, exposure to background music, particularly classical music, during cognitive (认知的) tasks is shown to improve older people’s cognitive processes, such as processing speed and working memory.

In conclusion, music is a powerful tool to fight against aging-related emotional and cognitive problems. It is an enjoyable and social activity, available to anyone regardless of their background or previous musical experience.     5    

A.Music can also open forgotten doors to our memories.
B.Recalling happy memories can lift our mood on a bad day.
C.Even passive music listening can help elderly adults think better.
D.This helps people feel better when they are depressed or anxious.
E.However, it often involves a series of physical and mental challenges.
F.The ability to form new memories is essential for processing information.
G.Thus, this accessible intervention should become a major policy priority for healthy aging.
2024-03-15更新 | 589次组卷 | 7卷引用:热点08 以美育人之七选五押题-2024年高考英语【热点·重点·难点】专练(新高考专用)
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In a world where technology is king, hardly does a day go by without the launch of some “world-changing” product in the field of alternate reality.     1     . These include VR, AR, MR, XR and the list goes on.

Many people confuse augmented reality (AR) with virtual reality (VR) and understandably so. Both AR and VR offer alternate or altered reality experiences and as a result, it is easy for users to be attracted and wonder what is real and what is not.     2    . Both aim to provide an enhanced or enriched experience to users, most commonly used in the gaming scene, but also increasingly used in other areas.

However, AR and VR can be quite different in many ways. The main difference lies in the mode of delivery. Simply put, VR “transports” the user to another world, by “replacing” the real world with a virtual substitute most commonly done through helmets or goggles to completely immerse the gamer in a different reality.     3    

AR, however, does not change the entire landscape of what users see.     4    . While AR may be less immersive than VR, the success of games which use AR is proof that it can be just as or even more entertaining than VR games. Moreover, since AR does not require the use of goggles or helmets, it is more accessible.

VR and AR are both powerful technologies which are still relatively new to many consumers.     5    . They can completely change how we use our electronic devices in the future, but whether one will edge out the other is anyone’s guess.

A.VR can be interactive or non-interactive.
B.In fact, it adds to reality with digital images.
C.In short, at the heart of VR and AR are two very similar technologies.
D.However, they have already begun to shake things up in the gaming world.
E.It is also getting increasingly difficult to keep up with the “R”s that have come into existence.
F.For example, it can make users feel as if they are falling, thereby igniting fear.
G.They would see computer made images as an overlay to what they see in real life.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . In years past, many people would travel over New Year’s Eve and immerse (沉浸) themselves in a different culture. Countries around the world celebrate the new year with unique customs and traditions carried out at the celebration.

Japan: Eat toshikoshi soba

Shiwasu is the end-of-the-year period in Japan. To celebrate New Year’s Eve, people eat “year-crossing” soba, which can symbolize having a long and fortunate life along with a clean break from the year. However, when eaten at midnight, there’s a certain cross of the old and the new year, thus you cannot “break off” all of last year’s troubles properly but instead carry them over to the following year.

Russia: Burn, then drink your wishes

After a year of ruined dreams and canceled plans, set your sights on a fresh start with this Russian tradition. Before midnight, write down your wishes on a piece of paper, then light the paper on fire. Once it’s stopped burning, spread the wish-filled ashes into a glass of champagne and drink up shortly after the clock completes striking midnight.

Spain: Eat 12 grapes

Perhaps the easiest tradition to carry out is eating grapes for good luck. When the clock starts striking at midnight, eat one with each ringing sound. Better if you’re wearing special New Year’s Eve underwear while eating your grapes. A pair of red underwear can bring you a new year of love, while yellow may bring joy and fortune.

Greece: Hang some onions

If you’ve been cooking throughout the pandemic, maybe you have some onions around the house to spare for this tradition. In Greece, onions symbolize rebirth, so people hang them up on their doors on Dec. 31 to encourage a year of growth. Keep the Greek traditions going by baking a special cake on New Year’s Day. Hide a coin in the cake and share it with your loved ones-whoever finds the coin is said to have a year of good luck.

1. Where is the passage more likely to be taken from?
A.A news report.B.A scientific essay.C.A tourism brochure.D.A history book.
2. Which has the symbolic meaning of “Born again”?
3. In which country things are eaten while listening to the New Year’s bells?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It is a practice favored by Lena Dunham, Tom Hanks and Lady Gaga to improve their focus and bring about calmness in an often busy, distracted world. Now researchers have found evidence that frequent meditation (冥想) over several years, may help change human gut (肠道), boost the body’s immune (免疫的) system and reduce the risk of anxiety, depression and heart disease. The findings are published by the British Medical Journal.

Meditation is increasingly used to help treat drug abuse, overwhelming stress, eating disorders and long-lasting pain. But until now it has not been clear whether it could also be able to change the composition of the gut microbiome (微生物组). In an effort to find out, researchers led by the Shanghai Mental Health Centre at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University analyzed the stool (粪便) and blood samples of 37 Tibetan Buddhist monks from three temples and 19 residents in the neighboring areas. The Tibetan meditation from the ancient Indian medical system, is a form of psychological training. The monks in the study had practiced it for at least 2 hours a day for 3-30 years. Both groups were matched for age, blood pressure, heart rate and diet. Stool sample analysis revealed significant differences in the diversity and volume of microbes between the monks and their neighbors. “Bacteria enriched in the meditation group had a positive effect on human physical and mental health,” the researchers wrote. “This changed gut microbiome composition could improve immune function in the body.” Blood sample analysis also revealed the levels of markers associated with risk of heart disease were significantly lower in the monks.

The researchers emphasized that the study was observational and the number joining was small, all male and living at high altitude, making it difficult to draw any firm or general conclusions. However, based on their findings, the researchers said the role of meditation in helping to prevent or treat mental and physical illness deserved further research.

1. Why do many people do meditation according to the passage?
A.To bring about inner peace.
B.To cure some certain illnesses.
C.To reduce some extra movement.
D.To change the gut microbiome composition.
2. What did the researchers analyze in their study?
A.Stool and blood sample.B.Immune system.
C.Human gut.D.Tibetan Meditation.
3. According to the study, what contributed to human immune system?
A.The Drugs taken before.
B.The religion people belong to.
C.The eating habit formed already.
D.The bacteria produced in the meditation.
4. What is the major achievement the study made?
A.It tracked the joiners over a long period.
B.It explored the way how the bacteria influences the gut microbiome.
C.It involved a large sample size of different genders, age groups, and areas.
D.It provides evidence that meditation changes gut microbiome composition.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . As Christmas Eve approached, I found myself in New York City, far from my family and friends in Taiwan. I was feeling homesick and lonely, but my Jewish friend, Rachel, who, like me, doesn’t get connected with Christmas due to any religious things, invited me to join her for a dinner in a Chinese restaurant. She explained that it was a tradition for many Jewish people to celebrate this holiday by eating Chinese food on Christmas Eve.

We went to Jing Fong, a fancy restaurant in Chinatown. The place was packed with people, and the atmosphere was lively and festive. We ordered a variety of dishes. Everything was delicious, and I felt grateful to be sharing this experience with Rachel. As we ate, we talked about our families and our cultures. We laughed and joked, and for a moment, I forgot about my homesickness.

A moment later, a group of carolers (唱圣诞歌的人) came into the restaurant, singing Christmas songs. At first, I was puzzled. Why were they singing in a Chinese restaurant? But then I realized that this was part of the magic of New York City. People from all different cultures and backgrounds could come together and celebrate the holidays in their own way. Rachel and I joined in the singing, and soon the whole restaurant was filled with music. It was a beautiful moment, and I felt blessed to be part of it.

What a night! I learned that even when you’re far from home, you can still find joy and connection with others. Rachel and I may come from different cultures, but we shared amazing food, joyful music, and most importantly heartfelt company. And that’s exactly what all the holidays are all about.

1. Why did Rachel invite the author to join her for dinner?
A.To show respect to God
B.To celebrate Christmas in the Jewish way
C.To share stories about their families
D.To forget about their homesickness
2. What was the author’s initial reaction to the carolers?
3. How did the author want people to approach Christmas?
A.By focusing on religious traditions
B.By celebrating with family and friends
C.By enjoying a variety of festive dishes
D.By embracing diverse ways of celebration
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A personal blogB.A commercial promotion brochure
C.A travel guide of New YorkD.An academic article
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In 2050, one in four people will be over 60 in the Asia-Pacific region. Are countries there prepared to fully address the needs of older persons so that they age with dignity?

In the past, senior citizens might have been supported by their families and communities. Yet times are changing.

    1     Meanwhile, more and more governments are wrestling with increasing healthcare costs and a decreasing workforce.

More than ever, there is an urgent need for policy reform in addressing population aging. This must be driven by a shift in mindset to turn the challenges into a demographic opportunity.

    2     More and more people are living longer due to the advancements in health, nutrition, economic and social well-being.     3     This is due to a variety of reasons such as challenges in striking a work-life balance to not being able to afford having more children. However, low fertility and longer life expectancy are not the problem. The real problem is not being ready to face this rapidly changing demographic shift.

It is noteworthy that, in the Asia-Pacific, with more than half of the older population being women, it is crucial to adopt a life-cycle approach to population aging, grounded in gender equality and human rights. Investing in each stage of life determines the path of a woman’s life course. When a girl has access to quality education, it helps her make informed decisions about life-changing matters.     4    

While there is no single comprehensive policy that can address population aging, we need to take action now.     5     In so doing, countries in the Asia-Pacific region can hope for, and achieve, a better future for all, where no one is left behind.

A.Couples are having fewer babies.
B.Pensions are increasing, pressuring governments further.
C.We must rethink population aging, celebrating it as the victory of development.
D.Migration and urbanization have shifted traditional support systems for the elderly.
E.The decisions she makes paves the way towards a healthier and wealthier silver age.
F.We must invest in better policies that focus on the needs of people at every age of their life.
G.Life-long gender discrimination leaves women even more disadvantaged in an aging society.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world, with its lavish food and giant shopping malls. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the city without stretching your wallet. With good planning, you can enjoy many things in Hong Kong for free.

1. Go gallery hopping and marvel at beautiful artworks

Hong Kong is home to plenty of independent art galleries that exhibit works from various artists around the world. While galleries are spread across the city, we argue that the best place to go gallery hopping is around Central and Sheung Wan.

2. Get up-close with nature at one of the scenic hiking trails

It’s easy to visualize images of Hong Kong’s breathtaking skyline when thinking of the city. But Hong Kong is also filled with thick greenery, mountains, and amazing natural landscapes. So, go hiking at any of the scenic trails the city has. For hiking beginners, the Peak trail is among the easiest and in the end, you’ll be treated to epic views of Victoria Harbour. Also perfect for newbies but a little more into nature is Dragon’s Back.

3. Step back in time at the traditional villages

Due to urbanization, Hong Kong’s traditional villages have been in massive decline throughout the years. With those still standing today, it serves as a time machine to showcase Hong Kong’s past. Among the best-preserved villages is Tsang Tai Uk. The original brick, timber, and granite materials are still well-maintained within the walls.

1. Who may find the Peak trail most fascinating?
A.Science fans.B.Outdoor enthusiasts.
C.Water sports lovers.D.Gallery goers.
2. Which tourist destination offers a glimpse of Hong Kong’s history?
A.Central and Sheung WanB.The Peak trail
C.Tsang Tai UkD.Dragon’s Back
3. Who are the most likely target readers for this article?
A.Travelers lacking experienceB.Travelers into lavish city life
C.Travelers seeking local cuisineD.Travelers on a tight budget
2024-03-08更新 | 108次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高三上学期3月模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It is frequently said that the best camera is the one you already have with you. Amazingly, the cameras on modern phones can take killer images without a professional camera. But if you’re struggling to get the quality you want, try a few of these helpful tips.

Pick the right time of day

There are a variety of lighting options that change throughout the day.     1     And it is properly named for the yellow color the sun casts. This warms any scene. If you’ve been working during golden hour and want to try something new, go out during the blue hour. This is the hour just before sunrise or just after sunset.     2    

Pay attention to lighting

    3     When taking pictures of nature, pay attention to the available light. How can you use it to create eye-catching images? Turn the sun peaking through the trees into a dramatic starburst by setting your f/stop to f/22 or above. Look for ways light and shadows create exciting patterns on otherwise flat backgrounds.


Look for subjects with natural motion like a waterfall, stream, flowers in the wind, etc., and set your shutter speeds to 20 seconds or more. It is vital to have a small secure support to ensure your camera is as perfectly still as possible during the shot.

Photo editing apps

Don’t limit your photos to what you can capture straight out of camera (SOOC).     5     . Look at the built-in filters (滤光器) that come with your system, or download a free photo editing app to add up your masterpieces. By using all these techniques, you should be able to create unique images that take brilliant photos.

A.Long exposure
B.Consider composition
C.Try to have access to many creative apps
D.You can control whether the background is in focus
E.Photography is often referred to as painting with light
F.It provides an attractive tone for your subject and scenery
G.Golden hour is the hour just after sunrise or just before sunset
2024-03-04更新 | 177次组卷 | 3卷引用:热点08 以美育人之七选五押题-2024年高考英语【热点·重点·难点】专练(新高考专用)
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Art comes in two main categories: realistic and abstract. Realistic art aims to show real-life scenes, people, and objects exactly as they appear. It involves paying close attention to details, making things look like photographs.    1    . It’s more about expressing feelings, emotions, and ideas.

Realistic art is easy to understand. Viewers can easily recognize what is portrayed. Take the Mona Lisa, for example—it’s a realistic painting of a lady with a mysterious smile.    2    , helping us to learn about the past.

Unlike realistic art, abstract art is more about being creative.     3    . They use shapes, colors and patterns to express feelings and ideas. Abstract art means different things to different people. Some people enjoy trying to figure out what the artwork conveys.

    4    . Realistic art needs precision in drawing or sculpting to make things look real. Abstract art requires imagination to use shapes and colors in new ways. Many artists are skilled in both. They create realistic pieces to demonstrate their technical skills and abstract ones to display their creativity.

As for personal preference, some people prefer the clear stories of realistic art while others are attracted to the mystery of abstract art, interpreting meanings in the shapes and forms. Together, the two kinds of art make the art world diverse and engaging.    5    .

A.Both types of art take skills to make
B.Photographs preserve faces of folks from long ago
C.Grasping abstract art demands more artistic training
D.Both ways of creating art have their own value and beauty
E.In contrast, abstract art focuses less on realistic appearances
F.Artworks like this tell stories about history and everyday life
G.Artists have the freedom to go beyond real-life representations
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . About Byron

Whether you’re in Byron for fun or work, there are plenty of things to do to fill your spare time.

Byron, Georgia makes travel sweeter with its slower pace and breathtaking attractions. It’s full of historic sites, museums, shopping malls, and more. In this city at the center of Georgia’s peach industry, you can take a vacation that leaves you rested, not annoyed.


Georgia Peach Festival-June

Fall Market Days-September

Georgia National Fair-October

Byron Christmas Parade-December

Local attractions

Byron Welcome Center

Located in the Peach Shops, the Byron Welcome Center is your first stop in our area. The Byron Welcome Center is ready to help you make the most of your stay in Byron, Georgia.

North Peach Park

North Peach Park is the place for traditional festivals, movies in the park, and many other events. The park has picnic shelters, playgrounds, football fields and soccer fields all year round. North Peach Park also has an indoor, climate-controlled multi-purpose room.

The Big Peach Shopping Mall

One of Georgia’s major shopping malls, and Central Georgia’s biggest and best variety of goods, the Big Peach has something for everyone! Open seven days a week and located directly off I-75, the Big Peach is Central Georgia’s favorite shopping destination.

Party Playground Indoor Fun Center

Let the kids work out some energy with an hour or two at the Party Playground Indoor Fun Center. This room full of safe and soft play equipment will let your little ones run, jump and play, rain or shine. It’s also a great place to have a birthday party.

Contact us

For more information, contact us at (478) 956-2409

Email: byronwelcomecenter@gmail.com

1. When is the best time to enjoy delicious peach in Byron?
2. Which attraction best suits people with children?
A.North Peach Park.
B.Byron Welcome Center.
C.The Big Peach Shopping Mall.
D.Party Playground Indoor Fun Center.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A course plan.B.A travel brochure.C.A journal.D.An encyclopedia.
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