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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。注意:续写词数应为150左右。

Airports can be stressful, and they’re made even more so when something unexpected happens. One morning at Gate 17 of a busy international airport, a father stood in line, holding his little daughter’s hand tightly. The kid’s eyes shone with excitement, curious about the complexities of air travel. The man, however, wore a look of concern. He handed over their passports and travel documents to the airline agent.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but your daughter will need her own ticket for the flight,” the agent explained.

The father’s face turned pale. He had assumed that his 2-year-old daughter’s age exempted (免除) her from needing a separate ticket. The cost of the extra ticket was $749-a sum he hadn’t accounted for. He attempted to explain his situation, but the rules were clear, and the agent’s hands were tied. The father left the counter, excusing himself to make a few phone calls. He needed to figure out a solution, his mind racing to find a way to secure his daughter’s seat on the flight.

As he paced up and down in the hall and made one call after another, a gentle voice broke through his trouble. “Excuse me,” a stranger said softly, standing before the airline counter. The agent looked at her, not sure if she was a fellow traveler or a friend of the father’s family. The woman said, “I would like to pay for the little girl’s ticket.” The agent was accustomed to dealing with a variety of passengers and their unique challenges, but this time she was momentarily taken aback by the woman’s unexpected offer. Her eyes shifted from the woman to the father, who was still on the phone.

Then, with a nod, she turned back to her computer and processed the transaction (业务) . Soon, the transaction was complete and the agent handed the lady’s credit card back.

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The father ended his call and returned to the counter with a heavy heart.


Tears welled up in the father’s eyes after he heard the woman’s kind words.

7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After flying all night, I was tired as I arrived in Denver to hold an event on positive thinking. As I entered the lecture hall, Dr. Fred Vogt asked me, “Do you know about the Make-A-Wish Foundation?” “Yes,” I replied. “Well, a 17-year-old girl Amy Graham has been diagnosed as having terminal (晚期的) cancer. Doctors gave her three days. Her dying wish was to attend your lecture.”

I was shocked. I felt a combination of awe and doubt. I couldn’t believe it. I thought kids who were dying would want to go see Disneyland, or suchlike. Why would a kid with only a few days to live want to spend their final days listening to a motivational speaker? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted…

“Here’s Amy.” Before me stood a girl wearing a bright red hat to cover her head, which was bald from all of the treatments. Her weak body was a bit bent. She said, “My two goals were to graduate from high school and to attend your lecture. My doctors didn’t believe I could do either and they didn’t think I’d have enough energy. I have to rely on my parents now.”

Tears welled in my eyes; I was choked up. My mind was being shaken. I cleared my throat and smiled, “Thanks for wanting to come.” We hugged, wiped our eyes and separated.

That Sunday afternoon I held the workshop that Amy and her parents attended. The audience was packed to overflowing with over a thousand attendees eager to learn, grow and become more fully human. I humbly asked the audience if they wanted to learn a healing process that might serve them for life. From the stage it appeared that everyone’s hand was raised high in the air. I taught the audience how to vigorously (用力地) rub their hands together, separate them by two inches and feel the healing energy. Then I paired them off with a partner to feel the healing energy from themselves to another, explaining that everyone had healing potential to support others.

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At that point an idea struck me.


With a round of applause, Amy’s dad led her off the stage.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

School was over, the day was fading and it started to rain. I stood at the school gate, with a loaded backpack on my shoulders. It was Friday again — a weekend of joy with unlimited sleeping hours and dinner courses specially made to my taste. I waved goodbye to my friends as they jumped into their fathers’ warm and comfortable cars. Curiously, this gave rise to a disturbing feeling in me. It was not exactly what they called jealousy, but something like depression. I knew all 1 could expect was an old bike Mom would ride along on, with the badly-oiled chain creaking against the wheel to announce her arrival.

Every Friday when Mom came to pick me up, it was a moment full of great expectation and great unease. I always felt my face burning as we rode our way in and out of the cars and saw my friends’ faces sticking out of the car windows. It was like stepping into a ballroom with beautifully dressed ladies and finding yourself in a smelly T-shirt.

To tell you the truth, Mom is quite a headache occasionally. She looks like a homely middle-aged housewife. She knits most of my sweaters, chiefly in old styles. Whenever caught by some curious classmates asking what brand my sweaters are, I’d force a smile and reply in a half-joking manner: homemade. She simply doesn’t seem to understand what’s in fashion; Chanel or Gucci means nothing to her.

I couldn’t remember when l started to find her such an embarrassment. As a little boy, I relied on her so much. She had been working at home, cooking in the kitchen, knitting by the lamp, or riding across town to buy me a book 1 badly needed. It had always been fun riding with her. I had enjoyed watching our shadows growing longer and shorter in an alternate fashion by the light of the streetlamps along the road. Just now there seemed to be something standing between us, something that made her so strange to me and me to her.


Today Mom showed up in a raincoat.


Mom tried to cover me with the raincoat again as a storm set in.

2024-09-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市中华中学2024-2025学年高三上学期期初调研英语试题
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4 . 现在人工智能越来越影响我们日常生活中的方方面面。请围绕这一话题写一篇文章。
1. 人工智能带来的便利,例如在交通、家电和通信方面。
2. 它可能引发的潜在问题或挑战,如工作岗位被取代和隐私担忧。
3. 您对于如何充分利用人工智能并避免其负面影响的观点。
4. 80词左右。
2024-09-11更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省启东中学2024-2025学年高三上学期8月期初调研英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 前段时间的热映电影《热辣滚烫》揭示出当代社会中的一种“喜闻乐见”的讨好型人格,请写一篇文章包括以下要点:
1. 讨好型人格的定义和特点。
2. 形成这种人格的可能原因。
3. 它可能带来的负面影响。
4. 如何克服这种人格并变得更加自信和独立。
2024-09-05更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省连云港市部分学校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“It’s a perfect day for fishing!” Michael heard his father, Andrew, say as he set up their equipment on the bank of a river. “Yeah!” Michael responded. Once Andrew finished setting up, they sat down to fish.

Michael gladly looked at the river, where the waves waved in and out every so often. It was peaceful there. “Next time, we can also swim here,” the boy told his father, who nodded in agreement. Then, they kept silent in case the noise scared the fish away.

An hour later, Andrew’s phone rang. “Hello?” he answered, and after listening for a few seconds, he pulled the phone down to look at Michael. “Son, this is an important call. I’m going to be by the trees over there. Be careful.”

Andrew walked a few steps away, and Michael watched him until he saw his dad pacing around the same spot. The little boy then watched their fishing poles carefully in case there was any movement.

But something strange caught Michael’s attention. From a distance, he saw something moving in the water, and at first, he thought someone was swimming. But soon enough, the boy realized it was a dog, and the poor pet appeared to have been caught in a current that started pulling it away. “Oh, no! Dad! Dad!” Michael shouted, but Andrew couldn’t hear his cries from that distance. The current started pulling the dog further, and Michael panicked. He had no idea what to do and wanted to run to his father, but he stopped when he spotted a swim ring among their equipment.

Andrew brought it in case Michael wanted to swim, although their plan was always to just fish. The little boy stared at it, looked up, and saw the dog still struggling. Thinking it might be drowning (淹死), he made a very quick decision.

Taking the swim ring and taking off his shoes, Michael ran toward the water and started swimming to reach the dog. His mother took him to swimming lessons every week, so he considered himself good. However, he had yet to go through such deep water, which was scary.

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But Michael had to do something to help the dog.
Seeing Michael was wet with a dog sitting beside him, Andrew was shocked.
2024-08-19更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省平潮高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期初考模拟英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面的材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day Albert found a baby bird lying on the ground, squawking (叫喊) for help. Feeling sad for the bird, Albert petted it gently and wanted to help it, but he didn’t know how since he was just 7 years old. So he took the bird in his hands, carried it carefully home and showed it to his parents. At once, his parents took action. They washed the bird and found it injured. With the help of his parents, Albert dressed the wound. But it would need time and care for the bird to completely recover. As the bird had become dear to his heart, Albert immediately offered to care for the bird.

Albert named his new friend “Lucky”. He began to feed the bird and he even ran out to collect grass to build a soft nest for the bird. Then, he put the nest beside his bed. Albert and the bird were sleeping together and living together. Soon they became close friends. Albert always told it about his experiences in school and his secrets. Lucky, an extremely patient audience, usually responded to him with a few nods and chirps (叽叽喳喳声). Albert’s parents also loved Lucky. They regarded it as a family member.

In the course of time, Lucky gradually recovered and started to hop (脚跳) and jump a little bit and exercise its wings. That made everyone happier. Soon it would be able to fly. How wonderful!

But what then? Albert became thoughtful and started to think. “If Lucky started to fly, it could simply fly away one day.” But that would not happen. Albert loved his friend so much that he couldn’t imagine parting with it. He wondered, “I should surely stay with Lucky forever. But how? Keep the windows closed all the time? That was not practical.”

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Then, he bought a small cage and kept Lucky in it.


Knowing the bad situation, Albert’s parents decided to help Lucky and their son.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

While walking along the street, the bitter cold of a December day in Barrow was ruining my mood. The temperature was below zero so I rushed into the subway station, hoping to get warm.

Warmth came to my body as I settled onto a bench with a cup of hot coffee. Now I was ready to relax and do some serious people-watching. I noticed a homeless man seated nearby. The pleasant smell of delicious food from the subway food court(美食广场) was attracting me to consider an early dinner. From the longing look in my neighbor’s eyes, it was obvious that he, too, noticed the good smell. I wondered how long it had been since he had eaten anything, expecting he would approach me for some food. But he never did. My head and heart were battling it out: the former telling me to mind my own business, and the latter urging me to make an immediate trip to the food court for him.

While this inner debate was fierce, a well-dressed young couple suddenly approached. “Excuse me, sir,” began the husband. “We just finished eating and our appetite wasn’t as big as we thought. We hate to waste food.   Can you help us out and put this to good use?” The kind stranger handed a large container with food. “Thank you.” came the grateful reply. Feeling good about what I had seen, but disappointed by my own lack of action, I observed my neighbor’s response to his sudden good fortune.

He lifted the soup, cupping his hands around the steaming bowl. It was obvious that he was going to enjoy this miracle meal. He opened mouth and suddenly, he stopped.

The reason for this unexpected behavior soon became clear. Entering the hall was a new arrival, in his seventies, without a hat and gloves. His lightweight jacket was a poor protection against cold. His face and hands were red and damaged. People around focused on him with pity and whispered at this sad sight.


My neighbor was the only one taking action.


I went to buy food from the food court, with tears welling up in my eyes.

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真题 名校
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.

That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car.

Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue (队列) still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said.

Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out.

At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There, at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.


Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.

2024-06-11更新 | 8695次组卷 | 19卷引用:江苏省常州市天宁区常州市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

To some people, the sizzle and clatter of restaurant kitchens might be like an orchestra; to me, such sounds behind the swinging doors just meant chaos. However unpleasant I felt the places were, I decided to apply for a part-time job at a popular restaurant. The reason was simple: I needed money. I wanted to join a camping trip to the Blue Mountains with my friends, but that would cost about 150 dollars. “You have to pay for entertainment by yourself,” my parents said.

So I applied, and Mr. Smith, the boss of the restaurant, allowed me to have a try. My job was super easy and boring: the newly prepared dishes would be put at the counter between the kitchen and dining room, and it was my duty to deliver them to the right customers.

The first few days were tiring but OK. However, setbacks soon followed as I struggled to keep pace during a particularly busy lunch rush. I awkwardly spilled a tray of drinks, making loud noises and the floor messy. I was embarrassed and began to feel nervous. One evening, I mixed up orders for a large party, causing chaos and frustration.

I felt desperate. I screwed everything up. Then I heard Mr. Smith call me, and I went into his office with my head low. To my surprise, he didn’t blame me. Instead, he made me a cup of coffee. “Relax, young man,” he said. “Try to smile. Things always go wrong if you can’t really enjoy what you’re doing. Feel the fun in the job, and you’ll be OK!”

I thought he was right. The next day when I was working, I glimpsed into the kitchen and was amazed: in the narrow and crowded space everyone was busy — the chefs swirling (翻动) pans, the manager yelling customers’ requirements, others coming and going with dishes to deliver — but everything went smoothly without any lumping or bumping. This was incredible!

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My attitudes towards the restaurant job began to change.


On the last day of my contract, I went into Mr. Smith’s office again when I finished my job.

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