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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was my job to watch my younger brother, Jack, and sister, Kelly, as we walked home from school.

“I’m tired,” Kelly whined “and hungry.” “Me too,” added Jack So we stopped to rest. “What do you think Mama is cooking?” I asked. “Noodles!” Kelly said. “Barbecue!” said Jack “Come on.” I stood up. “We need to keep walking.”

At a busy corner, I noticed a street banner, reading “First Walking Race to Jasan Park! Climb the Mountain to Win a Washing Machine.”

It might be fun to race. But could I walk fast enough to win?

At home, Mama was working in the kitchen. We had only a single burner stove, so it often took ages to prepare a meal. Sometimes when father came back from work, Mama was still cooking with the single burner stove.

Afterward, Mama and I washed dishes. When Mama pulled out two metal laundry tubs, her smile disappeared. I knew doing laundry hurt Mama’s back and knees. Mama heated a kettle of water on the single burner stove and filled a tub. She filled the other with cold water. Then kneeling, Mama began scrubbing shirts.

Then we carried the wet laundry to the flat roof, where Mama hung it to dry. On roof tops all over the city, clothes and towels danced in the wind. I loved being on the roof with Mama, but I wished we hadn’t had so much housework. Then I would have had more time to play with friends.

How I wish we would have a washing machine! Both Mama and I would be happy.

I remembered the banner and told Mama about it. Mama sighed, ”Maria, many people will enter that race. You can not expect to win.”

On the race day, I woke up early. I laced up my shoes and put on a head band. Mama kissed the top of my head. “Be careful and be safe. Just keep walking!” Mama said.

At the foot of the mountain, large crowds of people gathered.

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Then the race began.


With the big cardboard box aside, I rang the doorbell of our house.

2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was a child growing up in the Netherlands, I often begged my mother to tell me this story about an experience her family had at the end of World War II.

During the terrible last winter of the German occupation, food was scarce in the Netherlands. People were so hungry that they began to eat small animals and many things not normally considered edible (可食用的), including tulip bulbs (郁金香球茎), which could be cooked like potatoes.

For centuries, my mother’s family had owned a highly successful tulip business, which provided jobs for many in our village. But the war shut their business down, and during the winter of hunger, my grandfather, Albert, donated all his tulip bulbs to feed the hungriest villagers. For years, Albert had been trying to grow a black tulip. By careful selection, he was very close. So he guarded these few bulbs carefully to prevent people from stealing them for food.

One day, it was announced that the war was over. But there was much destruction and the Dutch people still faced dangers. My grandfather looked at his pale, thin children and realized that the hunger could continue for a long time, so he made his decision. He seized a shovel (铁铲) and went into the garden. There he found my mother, Vivian, who was just seven years old, looking nervous. Over her shoulder, Albert saw a band of Germans coming toward them down the street. He whispered to Vivian to run inside the house and began digging for his bulbs. But it was too late. Someone had already stolen them. Angry and desperate, Albert ran toward the street screaming, “They have stolen my tulip bulbs!” Vivian, watching from the doorway, cried out and ran to stop her father. Before she could reach him, Albert stumbled and fell, badly hurting his leg.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Fortunately, Albert recovered slowly.
It took some time for Albert to rebuild his business, starting with those few bulbs that were spared by the thieves.
2024-03-03更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省东台市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

There was a story that all the kids at my school told. I don’t know if they believed it but some of them certainly acted as if they did. On the way from my home to school there was a little old cottage. You could only just see the cottage, as if it were trying to hide itself behind the trees and bushy garden. At times the children had seen a little old woman make her way along the leaf-covered path from the front door to the mailbox. Her fingers were twisted in funny shapes, her body was bent over and her back hunched (弓背). If she lifted her head to look at you, her face was all wrinkly. “The witch at Number 97” was how most kids spoke of her. “Don’t look in her eyes,” you could hear them say. “She’ll capture you in a magic spell (魔咒), take you into the house and never release you again.”

In the mornings and at the end of the day, my friends and I would pass Number 97 in a group. We felt safer and more secure in numbers. But now, I played the recorder so well that I was asked to join the school band, and that meant staying after school one afternoon a week to rehearse (排练), so I had to walk home all by myself.

I set out as I normally would but as I began to approach the little old cottage it looked scarier than ever. For a while I hesitated, not knowing what to do. I wanted to run but felt I really needed to just walk my way as usual. I took some deep breaths and tried to think of something different: Home, supper and my bed. When I started thinking about the witch again, the cottage appeared big and frightening in my thoughts. “No,” I said to myself, “concentrate on how good it will feel to get home,” and with that I started to feel easier.

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But as I reached the front gate to Number 97, my heart almost stopped.


From then on, I visited her after every rehearsal and gradually knew her sad story

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4 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Everyone in the seaside town knows that Fliss has a special bond with her dog Molly. They work together, live together, and play together. The Labrador is literally at Fliss’s side all the time. If a person spent this much time with a friend, they would probably have fallen out by now, but the bond between Molly and her owner just gets stronger over time.

Fliss grew up in the city. In 2017, she moved to the seaside where she opened a bath and skincare shop. Upon arrival, she couldn’t believe how much litter was left “senselessly” on the beach. In fact, she was shocked and appalled by the “unavoidable” amount of litter she found while taking Molly for walks. Being a person who cares a lot about her surroundings, Fliss decided that she had to do something about it before the tide carried the litter into the sea, threatening marine life.

One day, while collecting litter on the beach, Fliss saw Molly running towards her with an empty water bottle in her mouth. As Molly drew near, she dropped the bottle at Fliss’s feet and set out to find other waste. This gave Fliss an idea: what if she could train Molly to find all those plastic bottles and bags, and make good use of them?

The training started and Fliss was surprised at how fast Molly learned. Before long, the clever girl would venture to the seaside on her own and come home with her “prize”. She had soon filled Fliss’s house with pieces of rubbish from the local beach. At one point, Fliss’s garage was 60% filled with beach litter waiting to be distributed to local artists for use in their artwork.

When Fliss heard paws on the door the other day, she went to greet her good girl as usual. To her surprise, she saw Molly carrying a small plastic purse in her mouth. Fliss opened the purse and gasped. Inside was a passport, several credit cards, and a bunch of keys.

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Fliss immediately took the purse to the local police station.


Three days later, a journalist called at Fliss’s shop.

2024-02-27更新 | 65次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省盐城市东台市三仓中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

By the age of sixteen years old, Ben had always been an outstanding student. He went to great lengths to achieve high grades and managed to keep his parents delighted and proud. Neither of his parents had the opportunity to attend university and it was their biggest ambition that Ben could land a well-paid and decent job as a lawyer. He knew that achieving this goal would make his parents walk on air, but he wasn’t certain whether he would feel the same.

Since he was only a child, Ben had been passionate about computer programming. He taught himself how to use a computer, and by the age of 12, he had been proficient in three difterent programming languages. He did all of this in his spare time. He was quite an introvert (内向的人), so he preferred staying in with his computer, rather than going out socializing with his fellow classmates or playing sports in the brilliant sunshine. It was acceptable with his parents, as long as he continued to focus on his studies.

One day, while reading an article online about a young technology billionaire called Tom, Ben was fascinated by the magical power of technology and the wisdom and imnovation of the young CEO. The inner voice told him that he longed to become a computer programmer. Everything changed for Ben. In the article, the CEO said that his company was trying to create a new and improved way of paying for goods online but that they were struggling with the security system. He said if they could overcome this, they could launch the biggest and best online payment system in the world. It occurred to Ben that he had an innovative idea on how to handle this problem. Thinking that it wouldn’t come to anything, he emailed the CEO, introducing himself and explaining his idea.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

He forgot all about it, but then a month later; the most amazing thing happened.


With all these concerns in mind, Ben determined to communicate with his parents frankly.

书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 你校英文报正在开展以 Students’ Time Spent on Physical Exercise Weekly为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿, 内容包括:
1. 描述调查结果;
2. 分析其原因并给出建议。

1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。

Students’ Time Spent on Physical Exercise Weekly

Nowadays, many students are aware of the significance of physical exercise, although the time they spend on it varies.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tomatoes: The Real Magical Fruit

“Fresh tomato plants! Straight out of the ground! 50 cents each!” I shouted in the school hall. In my hands, I carried a shoebox with little tomato plants. Their homes were plastic bottles, without the top half. Most people ignored my product, but some handed me 50 cents and picked out a 2-week-old baby tomato plant.

About a month before this, I started gardening. I pulled up grass in my little garden for several days in a row. Satisfied with my work, I continued to the second step — begging my dad to take me to the supermarket. He agreed!

When my dad turned off the engine and opened the door, I practically skipped inside the supermarket. We headed straight for the garden center. I picked up planters, seeds and dirt. My dad helped and showed me the best dirt and tomato plant types to get. We got to the register, and my dad, knowing what would happen, helped me pay.

As soon as I got home, I began to plant them in my garden. The following days witnessed my visits to the garden and my parents were amazed by my devotion to my new-found love.

Then was the part where I met my problem — I planted too many tomato seeds. I realized this all too late, about 10 days later when they all started sprouting (发芽) up and I counted 45 tomato plants. A few days went by and then I ended up with 85 tomato plants.

I did what all high schoolers would do when they messed up — I asked people around. I even got a notebook to write down their suggestions. Sadly, I got the same answer from most people, “Just let them die.” WHAT?! Let my beautiful plants die? They had so much potential! They could make 20 — 30 tomatoes per plant! We were talking about the possibility of around 2,550 tomatoes!

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So, I decided to solve it in my way.


The result was better than I had thought.

2023-12-27更新 | 126次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省徐州市沛县第二中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Catherine was the coolest kid in her class. Whenever she went, she was in the spotlight, with a bunch of kids following her and doing everything she did.

Her deskmate, Landy, however, was not in the cool kids’ group. Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased by her classmates, who were always chanting “Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti (意大利面 )”. Every time Landy heard those silly chants, she could feel her face burst into flames. God knew how she wished the ground to crack and swallow her!

Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti”. But she never told them to stop either, and nor did she ever talk to her. She liked being popular.

One weekend, Catherine went over to her grandfather for Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives on a farm at the opposite end of town, where he keeps chickens. While helping to feed the chickens, Catherine noticed a peculiar one. Curling in the corner, it looked smaller than the others and was almost half-bare!

“What’s the matter with it?” She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frown on her face. Her grandfather told her how chickens could act. “They have a pecking (啄) order,” he explained, wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead. “If one chicken is different, the others will push it away and keep pecking it. Sometimes they peck it so much that it dies.”

“Oh, what a poor little thing!” Catherine let out a sigh as she scooped the frightened chicken up in her arms, whose heart was beating fast in the bony little body. Suddenly, she thought of Landy, the girl being “pecked” by her classmates. “I’m going to take it home and take good care of it,” she said with a determined look.

Back in school, Catherine told the cool kids about the chicken. “It’s looking healthy,” she said proudly. “It’s fatter and its feathers are growing. Even the cat likes it. She carries it around the garden, and...” Everyone was entertained by Catherine’s story of her lovely chicken, laughter lingering around the classroom.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1. Then Catherine spotted Landy sitting by herself in a corner.


Paragraph 2. But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, regardless of what they said.


2023-12-10更新 | 332次组卷 | 27卷引用:江苏省如东中学2022~2023学年高三上学期期初学情检测英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Next to our house lived an old couple, who, accustomed to country life, were unwilling to move to the city to live with their son and stuck in a lonely existence for many years. It seemed that they didn’t feel like making any new connections with others, including their next-door neighbours.

The neighborhood kids nicknamed the strange old couple Crazy Jack and Ruby Rednose. Rumor (流言,传言) was that they sat inside and drank tea all day. The only words we ever heard from them were “Keep out of our rosebushes!” The rosebushes crawled along the fence. Or rather, they served as a fence between our house and theirs, overgrowing the support.

I was eleven at the time and the oldest of our family girls. A suitable playing court was a headache problem for us when we felt like playing softball games, which was our favourite sport then. We should have played our softball games elsewhere to avoid hurting the roses, but we secretly enjoyed annoying Crazy Jack and Ruby Rednose.

One day, we had a softball game in our yard. Mary was trying to catch a fly ball. She stumbled (绊倒) over one of Ruby Rednose’s rosebushes and fell on top of several more. Just at that moment, Ruby Rednose sprang out and ran toward Mary. She screamed angrily, “Look at what you’ve doneto our family’s roses! You’ve always been a trouble. You have no idea what this rosebush means to me!”

Hearing this, my sisters and I ran into our house. Breathlessly, we told Mom what had happened. “Girls, I have told you not to play softball near those bushes. Come outside right now and help me fix them.” “Mom, we thought you didn’t like the couple,” we protested. “They’re mean to us.” Mom just glared at us. We followed her outside to help repair the rose fence. While Mom was examining the damaged roses, Ruby slowly walked out. She looked sad. And it wasn’t her nose that was red, but her eyes.

1. 续写词数应为150字左右。2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。     
Paragraph 1:                  

Ruby walked over to my mother, we girls holding our breath.

Paragraph 2:

A few weeks later, the plants all came back to life.

2023-09-08更新 | 194次组卷 | 6卷引用:江苏省镇江市丹阳市2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn’t interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn’t decide.

My uncle suggested that I do a work placement(实习) to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

I was accepted for a month’s placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel of how the world of finance functioned, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy­going work surroundings.

The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience couldn’t have been more different. The hospital had a stressful environment. The days started early (at 7 am, compared to 9 am at the bank), and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement, but studying and training were difficult. It seemed that the business choice was going to win out.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.

Paragraph 2:

The next day, when I went to the hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.

2023-09-02更新 | 99次组卷 | 46卷引用:2021届江苏省扬州中学高三上学期开学检测英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般