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1 . “Quick, quick, slow, slow,” my husband said as I was trying to focus. We frequently stepped on each other’s feet. Both of us were being rhythmically challenged, and we figured a series of lessons might help us look somewhat elegant on the floor. However, it didn’t.

It didn’t matter that the lessons didn’t pay off. Our learning something new together gave us a string of good memories, such as taking a Thai cooking class on a cold Chicago night and learning how to make classic cocktails (鸡尾酒) in a common bar. These experiences are my best memories from the past 10 years. We always have such a great time when we’re trying something new together. It seems to have strengthened our relationship, and makes me feel like we have a closer connection.

It turns out that my theory is backed by research. One study shows that learning new things with your spouse (配偶), friends, or partners, can strengthen your connection or friendship. But how exactly does this work? The key is vulnerability (弱点). “Learning new things together strengthens bonds because it is at those moments that we can show our vulnerability to one another,” says Dr. Hisla Bates. When we are learning a new task, misfortunes and failures are bound to happen. In those moments when we fail, the other party can be there in favor of us. We can work together to find a solution, and working together helps deepen the connection.

The benefits gained from learning new things with your partner can come from activities as small as hiking, trying a new recipe, going boating in the local lake or taking a fitness class together. You don’t have to go bungee jumping or skydiving to grow closer. Try selecting activities that both partners are unfamiliar with, as this will ensure you’re on the same page.

Trying to learn something new together once a month will benefit you and your spouse or friends. Overall, some of my best memories with my husband are the moments when we are learning something new together.

1. What were the author and her husband doing in Paragraph 1?
A.Playing sports.B.Practising dancing.
C.Teaching lessons.D.Taking a walk.
2. What can we learn from the author’s experiences?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Good memories last a long time.
C.Processes matter more than results.
D.Well begun is half done.
3. Why does learning new things together strengthen partners’ relationship?
A.It can encourage them to teach and praise each other.
B.It helps improve the understanding of each other.
C.It can reduce each other’s loneliness and boredom.
D.It helps find each other’s weaknesses and offer support.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.The power of learning new things together
B.The advantages of taking different lessons
C.The challenge of acquiring new knowledge
D.The importance of improving people’s bonds
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2 . Increased involvement from grandparents can be crucial in a child’s development. From helping children navigate stressful situations to giving kids that little extra bit of love and care, grandparents play an important role in the well-being of a child. Now, there’s scientific data to back this up.

According to a study of over 1,500 children, conducted by Professor Ann Buchanan from the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, children who have tight-knit relationships with their grandparents tend to have fewer problems, both emotionally and when it comes to their behavior. Besides, children also have less difficulty when interacting and maintaining relationships with others.

Kimberly Agresta, the co-founder of Englewood’s Agresta Psychotherapy Group, has also noticed in a study the significant benefits of allowing grandparents to be more involved in children’s lives. “If parents regularly involve grandparents in their child’s life early on, a child can develop real emotional closeness to their grandparents and begin to see them as a source of strong social support,” she stated in an interview. “So a child will feel they have other adults, aside from their parents, who care about them in the same way, and this adds to their sense of stability and security.”

She continued, “Stressful situations are less impactful to such children because they have other people in their lives who they have these attachments to and support from.” This is because grandparents are generally not responsible for disciplining or raising the child, and they’re able to love the child a little more freely and unconditionally than a parent, Agresta explained.

“Grandparents are a wealth of knowledge and information, and not only can they pass on valuable skills from real-life experience, but they can also share the past with their grandchildren,” added Agresta. “They can serve as historians, sharing various traditions and stories about when their own children were growing up, which create s a sense of continuity for a child.” So it looks like it may be time to set up a play date for your kids with their grandparents!

1. What is the impact of children spending time with grandparents according to Buchanan’s study?
A.Improved social skills.B.Lower intelligence level.
C.Better academic performance.D.Increased behavioral problems.
2. How does Agresta probably describe grandparents’ treating their children?
A.More critical.B.More positive.
C.Less supportive.D.Less judgmental.
3. What does Agresta talk about in the last paragraph?
A.The features of grandparents’ love.
B.Various roles grandparents take on.
C.The typical qualities of grandparents.
D.Grandparents’ advantages over parents.
4. How does the author mainly organize the text?
A.By quoting a few people’ opinions.
B.By analyzing two scientific surveys.
C.By giving the findings of two studies.
D.By making comparisons between studies.
7日内更新 | 162次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届广东省华南师范大学附属中学高考适应性练习(4月)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When grandparents bond with their grandchildren, these little ones will feel more secure and happier. And being grandparents benefits the grandparents, too. Your grandchildren are treasures that do more than just make you smile.     1    .

It helps your cognitive (认知的) skills remain sharp.

Spending time with your grandchildren is good for your brain health. An Australian study studying the role of grandparenting in senior women’s cognitive health found that women who cared for their grandchildren once a week showed higher performance on memory and mental tests than those who spent little time with their grandchildren. “    2    ,” said the leader of the study.

It keeps you physically active.

Physical activity is good for you.     3    . Whether it is pushing your grandchildren in a baby carriage or playing catch in the backyard, it is physical activity. Going to a museum, an amusement park, or a shopping mall with your grandchildren is also a way to stay active.

It makes you less lonely.

Nowadays, loneliness has increased, which has led to increased depression. That’s why spending time with other people is so important.     4    . In fact, an unpublished study from Boston University found a close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren had a measurable effect on the psychological well-being of both.

    5    .

When you interact with your grandchildren while they learn and explore, you are inspired to learn something. This is especially true if seniors play word games like memory games or strategy games like chess. In fact, learning anything new can boost your cognitive ability and help keep your brain sharp. “With memory decline being one of the biggest things people fear, any time you learn something new, it’s a big deal,” said doctor Kristine Arthur.

A.It keeps you learning
B.It allows you to enjoy sports
C.But physical activity isn’t limited to physical exercise
D.Instead, you can play an important role in your grandchildren’s lives
E.Having grandchildren around keeps you social and helps you get rid of loneliness
F.In fact, spending time with your grandchildren comes with a wide range of benefits
G.Interaction with others could stimulate certain nerve pathways that benefit our brain
2024-05-13更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题
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4 . Search “toxic parents”, and you’ll find more than 38, 000 posts, largely urging young adults to cut ties with their families. The idea is to safeguard one’s mental health from offensive parents. However, as a psychoanalyst (精神分析学家), I’ve seen that trend in recent years become a way to manage conflicts in the family, and I have seen the severe impacts estrangement (疏远) has on both sides of the divide. This is a self-help trend that creates much harm.

“Canceling” your parent can be seen as an extension of a cultural trend aimed at correcting imbalances in power and systemic inequality. Today’s social justice values respond to this reality, calling on us to criticize oppressive and harmful figures and to gain power for those who have been powerless. But when adult children use the most effective tool they have—themselves—to gain a sense of security and ban their parents from their lives, the roles are simply switched, and the pain only deepens.

Often, what I see in my practice are cases of family conflict mismanaged, power dynamics turned upside down rather than negotiated. I see the terrible effect of that trend: situations with no winners, only isolated humans who long to be known and feel safe in the presence of the other.

The catch is that after estrangement, adult children are not suddenly less dependent. In fact, they feel abandoned and betrayed, because in the unconscious, it doesn’t matter who is doing the leaving; the feeling that remains is “being left”. They carry the ghosts of their childhood, tackling the emotional reality that those who raised us can never truly be left behind, no matter how hard we try.

What I have found is that most of these families need repair, not permanent break-up. How can one learn how to negotiate needs, to create boundaries and to trust? How can we love others, and ourselves, if not through accepting the limitations that come with being human? Good relationships are not the result of a perfect level of harmony but rather of successful adjustments.

To pursue dialogue instead of estrangement will be hard and painful work. It can’t be a single project of “self-help”, because at the end of the day, real intimacy (亲密关系) is achieved by working through the injuries of the past together. In most cases of family conflict, repair is possible and preferable to estrangement—and it’s worth the work.

1. Why do young people cut ties with the family?
A.To gain an independent life.B.To follow a tendency towards social justice.
C.To restore harmony in the family.D.To protect their psychological well-being.
2. What does the underlined word “catch” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. To manage family conflict, what should young adults do in the author’s view?
A.Break down boundaries.B.Accept imperfection of family members.
C.Live up to their parents’ expectations.D.Repair a family item that has broken up.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To advocate a self-help trend.B.To justify a common social value.
C.To argue against a current practice.D.To discuss a means of communication.
2024-05-11更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-家庭关系
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5 . Being a good parent requires providing a child with the gifts of love, attention, energy, and resources unstintingly over a long period of time. It involves developing a small body, but it also involves growing a child’s soul.

Parents are an enormously powerful force in the lives of children. Whether Johnny can read, whether Johnny knows right from wrong, whether Johnny is a happy, well-adjusted kid, or sad and self-destructive, has a whole lot to do with the kind of parenting Johnny has received. If Johnny’s mom and dad have been able to come through with lasting, loving attention, the chances are that Johnny is on track to become a productive, compassionate (富有同情心的) person. If they have not, Johnny is in trouble.

Thirty years ago Chicago professor James S. Coleman showed that parental involvement mattered far more in determining school success than any quality of the formal education system. Across a wide range of subject areas, in literature, science and reading, Coleman estimated that the parent was twice as powerful as the school in determining achievement at age fourteen. Psychologist Lawrence Steinberg, who recently completed a six-year study of 20,000 teenagers in nine different communities, confirms the importance of parents. Steinberg shows that one out of three parents is “seriously disengaged” from his or her adolescent’s education, and this is the primary reason why so many American students perform below their potential and below students in other rich countries.

A weight of evidence now demonstrates obvious links between absentee parents and a wide range of behavioral and emotional problems in children. A 1997 study of 90,000 teenagers — the Add Health Project undertaken (承担) by the Carolina Population Center and the Teenage Health Program at the University of Minnesota found that youngsters are less likely to get depressed, use drugs or become involved in crime when they spent significant time with their parents. This study found that the mere physical presence of a parent in the home after school, at dinner and at bedtime significantly reduces the incidence of risky behavior among teenagers.

1. What does the underlined word “unstintingly” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Children should be taught to be successful in life.
B.Parents’ character has a deep influence on children.
C.Children are affected by many factors during the growth.
D.Parents should be strict with their children about behaviors.
3. What’s the purpose of Lawrence Steinberg’s research?
A.To know the importance of parents’ company.
B.To find out why there are so many serious crimes.
C.To get ways to prevent teenagers’ bad behaviors.
D.To find links between parents’ education and crimes.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards parents’ company with children?
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6 . The evidence for harmony(和睦) may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents.

An important new study into teenage attitudes shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seem to be about their families,” says one member of the research team. “They’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) but actually they have other things in their minds; they want a car and other material goods, and they worry whether school is serving them well. There are more negotiations(协商) between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision making process.”

So, it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. “My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-year-old Daniel Lazall. “I always tell them when I’m going out. As long as they know what I’m doing, they’re fine with it.” Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiations. For example, as long as I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”

One of the researchers comments, “Our astonishment that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. Now, the situation has changed. Now families enjoy more harmony”

1. What does the new study show?
A.Teenagers are more rebellious.
B.Teenagers worry more about studies.
C.Teenagers avoid making family decisions.
D.Teenagers tend to get along well with their parents.
2. What can we know about today’s parents?
A.They are stricter than before.B.They are more impatient.
C.They are more open-minded.D.They care less about their children’s life.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the relationship between parents and their teenagers?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Discussion in family.B.Harmony in family.
C.Teenage trouble in family.D.Teenage education in family.
2023-12-04更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-家庭关系
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7 . Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.

“I would never have said to my mom, Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”

Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in different orbits (轨道).

Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve (包含) a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.

No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.”

But family experts warn that the new equality (平等) can also result in less respect for parents. “There’s still a lot of strictness and authority (权威) on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College. “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”

Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these changing roles and attitudes. They see the1960s, as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic (民主) process that encourages everyone to have a say.

“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily achieved by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”

1. The underlined word “gulf” in Para. 3 most probably means ________.
2. Which of the following shows that the generation gap is disappearing?
A.Parents help their children develop interests in more activities.
B.Parents put more trust in their children’s abilities.
C.Parents and children talk less about sex and drugs.
D.Parents share more interests with their children.
3. What is the change in today’s parent-child relationship?
A.Less confusion among parents.
B.New equality between parents and children.
C.More respect for parents from children.
D.More strictness and authority on the part of parents.
4. The purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.describe the difficulties today’s parents have met with
B.discuss the change of the parent-child relationship
C.suggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationship
D.stress the importance of parent-child relationship
2023-11-09更新 | 49次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-家庭关系
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Does the happiness of parents play a role in shaping the overall happiness of their children? Scientific studies have shed light on the far-reaching connection between parental happiness and the positive development of kids. It seems that parental happiness has an important influence on the emotional, social, and cognitive (认知的) development of children.     1     If they know their mental and emotional happiness has an impact on their children, perhaps it can motivate them to view it as part of being a good parent.

    2     For example, they can join in activities that bring them joy and satisfaction. This could include hobbies, exercise, pursuing personal goals, or taking time for relaxation. When parents improve their own happiness, they can better support their children’s happiness.

Another great idea is sharing experiences and creating many memories together. The idea is twofold.     3     At the same time, the shared experiences and showing their children how happy they are to do something they love can be incredibly valuable as well.

One of the main aspects of being happy parents is feeling comfortable, confident and able to be themselves, despite their new status and huge responsibility. Honestly, when parents prioritize their own happiness, it has positive effects on the overall happiness of the family.     4    

When parents put their own happiness first, they become role models for their kids. They see the importance of self-care, pursuing passions and maintaining healthy relationships.     5     So, parents should accept their uniqueness, enjoying life!

A.However, part of being responsible is being honest.
B.They are passing on some major life skills and attitudes.
C.They may lose a bit of their sense of self when caring for children.
D.Parents can adopt practical ways to enhance their own happiness.
E.A joyful and harmonious family environment benefits everyone involved.
F.This can happen when parents prioritize their own happiness according to Inc.
G.Firstly, the parents continue to be themselves and do something they love.
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9 . Conflict is an unavoidable part of life. So how can we save meaningful relationships after a fight with our loved ones?     1     If you are currently struggling to seek forgiveness, consider these crucial steps to apologize effectively.

Say the words. After hours of quarreling, many people struggle to summon up the courage to say “I am sorry.” To some it is almost equal to admitting defeat, and no one likes to lose.     2     Instead, they may buy flowers or offer a back rub, convinced that surely this must be enough. But is it? Words are actually quite useful.

    3     It is easy to think you are the victim in a fight. We tend to minimize our own errors while exaggerating the mistakes of others. This is the way we rationalize (合理化) our actions in conflicts. Simply put, we make excuses. But if earning forgiveness is your ultimate goal, then attempt to be less defensive the next time you find yourself in a fight. Stop making excuses for yourself and your behavior and own up to your actions.

Ask for the chance to make up or pay for your mistakes. This gesture is even more effective if it comes at some personal cost to you. So pay for that broken window with your allowance, buy your sister a new pair of headphones after a quarrel, or offer to help your partner with extra housework after arguments.     4    

Apologies do work, but be mindful that how you apologize also matters.     5     When you need more than it, extra work is needed to develop the relationship, like seeking professional advice from experts.

A.Take responsibility for your own wrongdoing.
B.One critical way is by learning how to apologize.
C.Many people try to avoid uttering those little words.
D.Second, real actions should come after sweet words.
E.It’s necessary to remember to avoid financial losses in a fight.
F.In the end, you will be further along in the forgiveness process.
G.And sometimes an apology is not enough to repair a relationship.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . What do work relationships, personal relationships and diplomacy have in common? First, they best function when based on purely positive energy.

I developed a more remarkable ability to relate to the people in my life after taking multiple courses from an organization. The organization offers advice far more than anything I’ve ever experienced. As an example of the benefits of their teachings, my decade conflict with my mom has turned into loving relationship. This turnaround was critical since she is now in her late 70s. This renewed love was worth my investment in training or the organization. Had I continued down my former path, I believe my life today would be one of suffering.

They teach never to criticize, condemn, or complain. I have applied these principles to great success in all my relationships. And the rewards have been astounding, beyond my imagination. But in my role of management at work, I need to learn how to combine authority with positivity.

Recently, however, I found a solution. In other words, I discovered the secret to maintaining authority in the workplace while maintaining pure positivity. For the most part, I found it in Napoleon Hill’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. I found many of the same principles taught by the organization, but the guidelines were less optimistic in Hill’s book. For instance, Napoleon Hill’s advice on criticizing without offending suggests we start by mentioning the positives about the person and then follow up with criticism.

But, of course, the organization advises against all complaints and I’ve concluded that work relationships, too, shouldn’t have any criticisms. Instead, work relationships should focus on another of Napoleon Hill’s strategies: focusing only on the positives while using suggestions instead of criticism. In other words, say, “That looks great. Do you think this addition might make it even better?” instead of “Here’s what that is lacking.”

1. Why did the author take several courses from an organization?
A.To mainly learn management skills.
B.To enrich his technological knowledge.
C.To deal with relationships in a positive way.
D.To become more sociable as a successful diplomat.
2. What did the author think of the change of his relationship with his mother?
A.It did not come as a surprise.
B.It had little to do with the courses.
C.It was the result of his mother’s great efforts.
D.It was very important considering her old age.
3. What does the underlined word “astounding” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Why did the author give the example at the end of the text?
A.To show how powerful criticism is.
B.To suggest replacing complaints with criticism.
C.To show how to use suggestions instead of criticism.
D.To advise readers to combine suggestions with criticism.
2023-02-15更新 | 215次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省七彩阳光联盟2022-2023学年高三下学期返校联考英语试题
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