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1 . To save the environment, we must all join in — and nobody knows this better than 70-year-old grandmother Pat Smith who spent 2018 cleaning up litter from 52 beaches in Cornwall on the United Kingdom’s south coast.

Smith set out in January, 2018 to carry out her New Year’s resolution of making her community a better and cleaner place. The ambitious goal came to her after she watched a documentary on plastic pollution the previous year, and she knew she couldn’t just sit by.

Often, volunteers would join her in her efforts, including her grandchildren, or she would join hands with other campaigners such as Wayne Dixon, who is walking around the UK coast as an ambassador for Keep Britain Tidy.

During her beach cleans, Smith was sometimes mistaken for doing community service! She said, “People don’t understand I’ve been doing this voluntarily. We should all take responsibility for picking up the litter as well as ensuring we don’t drop litter in the first place.

Even before her beach cleanups, Smith had begun her first environmental campaign to eliminate plastic straws (吸管) in her city of Cornwall . To date, she has encouraged 600 local companies to stop using unnecessary plastic. In an effort to make her hometown an example for the plastic-free movement in the United Kingdom, she founded The Final Straw Cornwall in the summer of 2017. “I founded the Final Straw to try and raise awareness of the disastrous damage we are doing to our oceans from our casual consumption of single-use plastics. I feel I have a responsibility to my children and grandchildren to do something about it.” She said.

Her resolution year may be over but this environmentally conscious grandma continues her quest (追求). “A lot of the rubbish I’ve picked up consists of everyday items,” said Smith. “These things are used by all of us and it is shocking to find them polluting our beautiful beaches. Please let’s try to be more thoughtful in this coming year. I’m driven to try and protect our living planet for my children and grandchildren and I will continue to do everything in my power to achieve that.”

1. What led to Smith’s New Year’s resolution of cleaning her community?
A.Community service.
B.A film or television program.
C.Various ocean protection campaigns.
D.Serious pollution in her community.
2. What’s people’s misunderstanding about Smith’s action?
A.She was forced to do that.
B.She just pretended to be caring.
C.She actually did only a little work.
D.She wouldn’t stick to the work for long.
3. With her founding of The Final Straw Cornwall, Smith intended to ______.
A.set an example to other aged people
B.stop her local companies from producing plastic straws
C.keep her promise to her children and grandchildren
D.make people conscious of the plastic-related environmental problem
4. What opinion about environmental protection did Smith hold?
A.It’s everyone’s duty.
B.It’s as hard as people think.
C.Prevention is more important than protection.
D.The younger generation don’t care about it enough.
5. Which of the following best describes Smith as an environmental activist?
2024-05-25更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市北辰区高考模拟考试(三模)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述年轻建筑系学生Pooja Rai如何被一次去孤儿院的经历所启发,进而创建了一个利用废旧轮胎为孩子们建造游乐场的项目。

2 . Pooja Rai was a young architecture student in 2014 when she went with a friend to give food to a local orphanage. She was surprised at what she saw.

Kids were playing with anything they could get their hands on. One group was rolling around a broken metal pipe. Two boys were trying to play badminton, using old shoes as rackets. “Play shouldn’t just be part of a rich kid’s lifestyle. All kids have a right to enjoy their childhoods.” Rai says.

Over the next few weeks, she talked with friends about collecting money for a playground. And that’s when she thought of old tires. Around 100 million tires are thrown away in India every year. Could they reuse them as playground materials and help the environment, too?

That idea became a reality in 2015, using old tires—all cleaned, carefully looked over to make sure they are safe to use, and painted in bright colors. The following year, she created Anthill Creations, which has built 275 playgrounds across India—celebrating the power of play in public spaces orphanages, and schools.

“Our work always begins with talks with kids about what they want from this space.” says Rai. Sometimes it can take a few hours, or a few visits, until children are ready to open up. She also draws on her experience as an architect. “I found that spaces are powerful in shaping people’s behavior.” she says.

Most of the play spaces Rai designs feature large tire sculptures of cars, buildings, or animals, paired with more classic elements of swings and jungle gyms.

In one girl’s school in Bengaluru, the children wanted their play space to be shaped into a boxing ring, with tires doubling up as punching bags. “Their teacher was unsure about it.” Rai remembers. “But the girls said they didn’t want people to see them as weak. They wanted to practice self-defense and grow stronger.” In December 2019, this playground became a reality.

1. What did Rai find out about the kids in a local orphanage?
A.They behaved badly.B.They were badly treated.
C.They had nothing to do but play.D.They were short of play equipment.
2. What did Rai do with the thrown-away tires?
A.She renewed them in a tire shop.
B.She turned them into artistic works.
C.She used them to design play spaces.
D.She sold them to raise money for hungry kids.
3. What did Rai take into consideration when carrying out her work?
A.Children’s needs.B.Children’s experiences.
C.Her favourite childhood games.D.An architect friend’s suggestions.
4. What can we learn about the girls from the last paragraph?
A.They needed to build their confidence.
B.They wanted to win their teachers’ trust.
C.They finally had their dream playground.
D.They often helped with collecting old tires.
5. Which of the following can best describe Rai?
A.Talented and hard-working.B.Creative and kind-hearted.
C.Realistic and lonely.D.Poor but caring.
2024-05-01更新 | 174次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届天津市天津市十二区县重点校高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
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3 . About two weeks ago I saw a very sad, blue eyed, homeless man sitting outside my local coffee house. I said, “Hi! How are you doing today?”

He seemed shocked that I was talking to him. “Not very well,” he replied. He began to tell me how he had been hit by a car while riding his bike. He had been in the hospital for a month and s rest home for another month. During that time the person that paid for his SSI checks (社保费) died of a hear attack and his wallet was stolen with all his IDs. He had several checks waiting for him but had no ID and therefore no access to his money.

I decided that if this was all true I’d like to help him get a copy of his birth certificate and social security card. I asked him to meet me at the Department of Vital Statistics at 11:00 p.m. The next morning I didn’t see him so I started filling out the paperwork. I explained to the receptionist, “I’m trying to help a homeless friend get his ID hack.” “Bob?”   she inquired. “Yes, Bob,” I responded, surprised that she knew his name. “He was here at 9:30 and he just left,” she said, “But he told us you were coming.” I paid the fee and walked out with Bob’s Birth Certificate.

As I was driving home I saw Bob riding back on the old bike someone had given him. I pulled over and jumped out of my car shouting, “Bob! Bob! I got it!” He saw me and rode over. “I got it, Bob! Look, here it is!” He got tears in his eyes and told me I was his guardian angel.

A few days later I needed him to meet me at the Social Security Office. It took me a half hour to get there by car and at least two hours by bike. But there he was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for me! We were in the Social Security Office for two hours. We got everything straightened out and by next week he will have received his back pay, which is a substantial sum.

Yes, one person can make a difference in this world. And the interesting thing is that I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob. I am deeply touched by Bob’s sensitivity, his gratitude, his stories, his heart.

Home is where the heart is, even for the homeless!

1. The author helped the homeless man get his ID back by _____.
A.finding it for him
B.filling out the paperwork
C.visiting the Department of Vital Statistics
D.getting his birth certificate
2. The receptionist knew the homeless man because ______.
A.he just contacted with herB.he told her I was coming
C.he just left from her officeD.he called her for reception
3. The homeless man needed his ID to ______.
A.get the money from the car ownerB.get the money out of some checks
C.prove his true identityD.pay back his SSI checks
4. The author helped the homeless man at the Social Security Office to _______.
A.check if his information is trueB.check if his name was kept there
C.get his information to his back payD.take a substantial sum of money
5. “I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob” means ____.
A.I felt it meaningful to help Bob
B.Bob also helped me in some way
C.I was repaid after Bob got the money
D.I got more respect after the experience
2024-04-15更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市红桥区高三下学期一模考试英语试卷
完形填空(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . On a cool autumn day in Minnesota, hundreds of runners gathered at the starting line for a challenging cross-country race. Among them was an athlete named Amelia Anderson who became known for her determination and _________through the events. When the race started, Amelia ran at a fast pace, pushing herself to the _________. However, fate had something else _________for her that day.

As the race progressed, Amelia, more than two-thirds of the way through her _________, noticed a fellow runner, Isabella Harris, suddenly collapsing to the ground in pain. Without a moment’s hesitation, Amelia _________Isabella and extended a helping hand, offering to assist her in completing the race.

As reported by a local newspaper, Amelia took Isabella’s arm, trying to support her in _________forward. Recognizing the severity of Isabella’s condition, Amelia _________, allowing Isabella to climb onto her back. With _________determination, Amelia not only carried her across the finish line but also an _________300 feet to where Isabella could receive much-needed __________attention.

Once there, Isabella was quickly __________ and subsequently transported to a hospital, where she learned she had serious injuries in one of her knees. It became __________that without Amelia’s timely intervention, Isabella would have __________extreme pain to reach the aid checkpoint on her own.

After this extraordinary act of kindness towards Isabella, Amelia remained modest. She was more __________ about why her act was considered a big __________. “She was just crying. I couldn’t __________ her.” Amelia humbly explained to a reporter, emphasizing that, in her eyes, she was merely doing what she believed to be the right thing.

In a world where competition is common, Andersod’s kind act __________as a powerful reminder that the greatest victories are not always about __________the finish line first, but rather about helping and connecting with others. This was beautifully exemplified (是……的典型) when Amelia and Isabella, __________ strangers, became close friends through their tough experience. Although neither won the race, the __________of human kindness won the day.

A.at handB.in vainC.in storeD.on duty
A.went awayB.stood upC.stepped asideD.bent down
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了两位父亲将自己对烘焙的热爱转化为了暖心的社区努力,他们发起了Cookies for Caregivers项目,给在地震中努力工作的急救人员和企业主送饼干。

5 . 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

Scott McKenzie and Jeremy Uhrich, two dads from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, have transformed their passion for baking into a heartwarming community endeavor (努力). This journey began when McKenzie, 58, found himself laid off and decided to learn a new skill every week. Baking was one of these new skills, and he was pleasantly surprised by the quality of his first batch of cookies. Proudly, he shared his creation on social media, catching the attention of Uhrich, a longtime friend, who playfully challenged him to a bake-off (食品烘烤比赛).

Uhrich, 42, baked with his sons that same day and proposed a competition to McKenzie. The two agreed to let community workers in the community judge the treats as a thank-you for their help during the challenging times. The competition was a success, but McKenzie and Uhrich didn’t stop there. They decided to deliver the rest of the cookies to community workers, sparking an idea that would eventually become Cookies for Caregivers.

The timing couldn’t have been more crucial—the community had recently experienced a terrible earthquake, leaving many homes destroyed and families displaced. As part of the rebuilding efforts, Cookies for Caregivers was born. The Facebook group created by McKenzie and Uhrich allowed their neighbors to volunteer to make treats for first responders and business owners who were working tirelessly in the aftermath of the earthquake. Since the disaster struck, more than 100 people have joined the group, baking and delivering more than 15,000 cookies to workers at hospitals, grocery stores, fire departments, and more. Each week, bakers drop cookies off at Uhrich’s house, and he and McKenzie organize and deliver them to businesses in large containers.

The impact of Cookies for Caregivers has been profound. Uhrich says “they’ve seen a lot of smiles and tears during deliveries; people are so appreciative”. The project has brought together members of the community who may have never interacted otherwise, all with a common goal of showing gratitude to those on the front lines of the rebuilding efforts after the earthquake. McKenzie says “they plan on continuing the effort because they are immensely grateful for the selfless contributions and want to express their appreciation to as many people as possible”.

McKenzie and Uhrich’s message is clear: kindness doesn’t have an expiration date. In a time of uncertainty and rebuilding, they’ve shown that small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Their bake-off may have been just for fun, but the impact it’s had on their community is immeasurable.

1. What happened to Scott McKenzie before he started to bake? (no more than 5 words)


2. Who received the cookies after the bake-off? (no more than 5 words)


3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? (no more than 10 words)


4. What does the underlined word “expiration” in the last paragraph mean? (1 word)


5. What have you learned from the story? Please explain in your own words. (no more than 20 words)


2024-03-19更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市河北区高三下学期总复习质量检测(一) 英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位80岁的老人Andre Bouvier Sr.在暴风雨中去营救迷路的一位女子Shannon St. Onge,意外救了另外六人并留宿他们的暖心故事。
6 . 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

Monday started as an ordinary day for Shannon St. Onge, who lived in Pense, a town in Saskatchewan, Canada. She drove the approximately 25 kilometres east into Regina for work.

She kept an eye on highway conditions throughout the day. The weather network was warning of a blizzard. Expected start time was at around 7 pm, but she thought she could make it. “I bought a takeout for the kids, filled my gas tank, replaced my broken phone charger and then headed home around 5:30 before the storm hit,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

She took a dirt road because she thought it would be better for the winter driving conditions. Just as the pavement turned into gravel (碎石路), the wind picked up and visibility started to diminish (降低). She drove at a snail’s pace with her window rolled down, using the edge as her guide. After a while she realized she was lost. Whiteout conditions left her confused.

She could make out a sign that said “Bouvier Lane,” giving her some sense of where she was. Then she posted her location on the Pense community Facebook page in hopes that someone might be able to find her. That was when 80-year-old Andre Bouvier Sr. figured out her location. Despite his wife’s concern for his well-being, he decided to help her and headed out in the storm.

He bundled up (使穿得暖和), grabbed an LED flashlight and walked about half a kilometre into the raging storm to search for St. Onge’s car. To Bouvier’s surprise, he found two other cars with people who also needed help trapped alongside St. Onge. He led the seven lost people back to his home and welcomed them in for the evening.

Bouvier became a hero overnight. Bouvier didn’t want much credit for his efforts for a stranger in need. “Everybody would have done the same thing,” he said. “You don’t think about it; you just do it.”

1. Why did St. Onge still drive home although she heard about the approaching blizzard? (no more than 10 words)
2. What made driving difficult according to Paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words)
3. How do you understand the underlined word in Paragraph 5? (1 word)
4. How did Bouvier help the lost people? (no more than 15 words)
5. What do you think of Bouvier? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)
2023-05-12更新 | 199次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届天津市河北区高三下学期质量监测(二)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Scientists who study happiness know that being kind to others can improve well-being. Acts as simple as buying a cup of coffee for someone can boost a person’s mood, for example. Everyday life affords many opportunities for such actions, yet people do not always take advantage of them.

In studies published online in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, a behavioral scientist and I examined a possible explanation: people who perform random acts of kindness underestimate how much recipients value their behavior.

In one experiment, participants at an ice-skating rink in a public park gave away hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. Although the people giving out the hot chocolate saw the act as relatively insignificant, it really mattered to the recipients. Our research also revealed one reason that people may underestimate their action’s impact. When we asked one set of participants to estimate how much someone would like getting a cupcake simply, for participating in a study, for example, their predictions were well calibrated (校准) with recipients’ reactions. But when people received cupcakes through a random act of kindness, the cupcake givers underestimated how positive their recipients would feel. Recipients of these unexpected actions tend to focus more on warmth than performers do.

Missing the importance of warmth may stand in the way of being kinder in daily life. People know that cupcakes given in kindness can make them feel surprisingly good. If people undervalue this effect, they might not bother to carry out these warm, prosocial behaviors (亲社会行为).

And kindness can be contagious (传染的). In another experiment, we had people play an economic game that allowed us to examine what are sometimes called “pay it forward” effects. In this game, participants allocated money between themselves and a person whom they would never meet. People who had just been on the receiving end of a kind act gave substantially more to an anonymous (无名的) person than those who had not. The person who performed the initial act did not recognize that their generosity would spill over in these downstream interactions.

These findings suggest that what might seem small when we are deciding whether or not to do something nice for someone else could matter a great deal to the person we do it for. Given that these warm gestures can enhance our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not choose kindness when we can?

1. Why do people often fail to show kindness to others?
A.They don’t know how to demonstrate their happiness clearly.
B.They can’t effectively take opportunities to be kind daily.
C.They undervalue the positive impact their kindness made.
D.They have no idea how to perform random acts of kindness.
2. Those who gave away hot chocolate at an ice-skating rink would ________.
A.feel more motivated with the recipients’ reactions
B.inspire strangers to follow their examples
C.expect more appreciation from recipients
D.think nothing of the random act of kindness
3. What can we learn about the cupcake receivers from the third paragraph?
A.They overestimated the positive impact of the random kindness.
B.They attached more significance to unexpected acts of kindness.
C.They responded differently to the predictions after the experiment.
D.They longed for more opportunities to participate in similar studies.
4. What’s the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.People sometimes suffer from “pay it forward” effect.
B.A kind act can earn people more economic benefits.
C.Generosity sometimes can be recognized initially.
D.Kindness can inspire people to follow one another.
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Kindness can have unexpected positive effect
B.Kindness can bring different people together
C.What should we do to ensure happiness in life
D.How can people get happiness without efforts
2023-04-28更新 | 280次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届天津市和平区高三年级第二次模拟英语试卷
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It was the middle of the night when firefighters Paul Hullings and Tim Young stopped at the Route 130 restaurant that waitress Liz Woodward worked at. They had just finished _________ a massive basement fire. It had taken most of the night to extinguish it, and they were _________.

Woodward noticed the tired firefighters and started a conversation with them. When she learned that they had spent hours courageously fighting the fire, she was _________. So when the men were ready to leave, she left the bill on the table – already _________.

Woodward also left a(n) _________ on the bill to thank the firefighters for their service: “Your breakfast is on me today – Thank you for all that you do: for serving others and for running into the places everyone else_________. No matter what your role is, you are courageous and strong ...”

The firefighters were _________ to tears: “What a(n) _________ and kind act! I definitely encourage my friends to patronize (经常光顾) this restaurant to _________ the business, and if Woodward happens to be your waitress, tip __________.”

Woodward’s gift and __________ words let the firefighters know that they were __________ and that local people cared about them. A(n) __________ thank you can make a job worth doing.

Little did they know, Woodward was fighting her own __________. She was also courageous and strong - for her dad, a quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪者) who was in __________ need of a wheelchair – accessible van. Woodward was trying to raise money for him.

What goes around comes around, as they say, and Woodward was destined to be __________ for her random act of kindness. When they learned of Woodward’s difficulty, they talked to local news media and hoped to help Woodward with her fundraising __________.

And it __________. Since the story got out, she has raised over $86,000. The firefighters’ act of __________ inspired the waitress’ act of kindness, which __________ inspired the firefighters – and nearly 2,000 other people – to do something for her.

A.playing withB.cutting offC.putting outD.finding out
A.chases afterB.runs away fromC.heads towardsD.catches up with
A.turned backB.turned offC.paid backD.paid off
A.in chargeB.in vainC.in particularD.in turn
2023-04-13更新 | 269次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届天津市河北区高三质量检测(一)英语试卷

9 . Alice is standing in front of me and crying. She looks so________. After a few seconds, she says, “Sorry, doctor, I shouldn’t be taking up your time like this.” Many of my patients are in desperate need, not just because of ill________ but because of their financial problems. Each week, after her rent and electricity bill are paid, she has just£20________ to live on. From this she has to   buy food, clothes and pay all other________.

Sometimes Alice has to________ meals in order to pay for necessities. Her eight-year-old daughter excels at school. Alice believes her daughter will have every opportunity in life and________ charity shops for books for her daughter. Six months ago, however, Alice was________ in a road traffic accident. She________ depression. Although she continued to work, she________ that life was not worth living any more. She went to my ________ to see what help I could give. But it was sad that there was no pill that could make Alice’s ________ better.

But today Alice is sitting crying not because of her situation, but because she is moved by a stranger’s ________ . A girl won a£20 Marks and Spencer voucher and________ it to Alice. This simple gesture has ________ Alice’s income for the week. She’s never even ________ in Marks and Spencer. I think of all the £20s that I have ________ on bottles of wine. I suddenly feel very ________. That sudden act of kindness and generosity from a stranger has made all the ________ to Alice.

It showed her that in a world that often seems ________ to her, there is still kindness. And there’s no ________ in the world that would give someone that feeling.

A.knocked atB.slid intoC.stared atD.fit into
2023-03-04更新 | 354次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届天津市河东区高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷

10 . Jenny Ferguson, a young mother, walked around a grocery in California, looking for diapers(尿布) for her four-month-old daughter Anne. She was _________ because of the unreasonably high prices. _________, a set of three diaper packets which was on sale caught her attention. She _________ her coins and discovered she could pay for them. She quickly _________ to the cashier with the packets, hiding her _________. The cashier looked at her from head to toe, giving her a dirty look. “That’s $ 30.”

“$ 30?!” cried Jenny. “But there’s a discount! They should be a lot _________.”

“I’m sorry, lady. The deal has been invalid(无效的)!” the cashier _________.

“Oh, no,” she whispered, teary-eyed. “I can’t _________ it. Can you please give me a _________?” The cashier laughed, “Nice try, woman. But tears won’t work here.”

Jenny couldn’t control her __________ at this point. She whispered to Anne and burst out tears. She had been     ________ to Anne when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She __________ and saw a woman, somewhat in her late 80s, standing behind her.

“Oh, don’t cry,” she __________ Jenny. “I will pay for you.”

She took Jenny’s hand in hers, __________ some baby food, fruits, and bread, and told the cashier to __________. “We’ll take everything, including the diapers. The bill is on me.”

Jenny’s tears were not __________ again and she thanked the older woman for her __________. “I appreciate that so much, ma’am. But do __________ me for I didn’t even ask you your name.”

“Oh, lady,” shrugged the woman. “There’s no __________ to worry. I should leave now…” She rushed out of the store without even __________ her name.

A.run offB.calmed downC.turned aroundD.gave up
A.hold onB.check outC.cheer upD.take care
2023-01-28更新 | 47次组卷 | 2卷引用:(天津卷)决胜高考仿真模拟卷07(+原题版) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
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