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1 . Even though these monuments are extremely well known, they hold secrets that not many people are aware of.

Empire State Building

On the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building in New York, there is a secret observation deck that not a lot of people know about. To access the balcony, you have to take a series of elevators and then a very steep, narrow staircase. The observation deck isn’t open to the public, but many celebrities have been photographed there.

Eiffel Tower

There is a secret apartment and office at the very top of the Eiffel Tower that has just recently become open to the public. In 1889, Gustave Eiffel, the engineer of this famous Paris landmark, built himself a private apartment and office. It has been restored and has wax models of Gustave, his daughter, and American inventor Thomas Edison on display.

Statue of Liberty

There is actually a room in the torch of the Statue of Liberty that showcases breathtaking views of the city. People used to be able to visit that room until 1916 when German agents blew up a nearby wharf (码头). The explosion sent broken pieces into the raised arm of Lady Liberty, making the staircase up to the hidden room unsafe.


Hardcore Disney fans might think they know all of the secrets of the park, a famous U.S. landmark, but many haven’t heard of Club 33. This exclusive restaurant is hidden behind an unmarked door in Disneyland’s New Orleans Square. If you want to dine here on your next trip to Disneyland, don’t get your hopes up. It costs $25,000 to join the club, plus an annual fee of $12,000.

1. What do the monuments have in common?
A.They are all in Europe.
B.They all have skyscrapers.
C.They are all the best-known.
D.They all hide little-known secrets.
2. Which of the four has the easiest access?
A.Disneyland.B.Eiffel Tower.
C.Statue of Liberty.D.Empire State Building.
3. Which can be used to replace the underlined word “exclusive” in the last paragraph?
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