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1 . Ever since the University of Bologna in Haly was founded in 1088 as the first modern university, most people have associated great universities,with major cities.    1    

Colleges and universities in the U.S.,though, have followed a different pattern. To be sure, leading universities such as the University of Chicago and Columbia University in New York City call major urban centers home.    2    In some cases, the university is, for all practical

purposes, the whole town.

    3     Many early colleges and universities were founded by religious (宗教的) groups that sought to educate students far from the distractions of city life. When Harvard University was founded in 1636 by Congregationalist Church ministers, Cambridge, where the university is now located, was quite separate from Boston. Moreover, when the U.S. began building a network of public universities in the 1860s to bring agricultural and technical research and know-how to the westward- spreading frontier, most were located in small towns.     4    

Given the huge diversity of U.S. higher education, the message for international students shopping for a great university is doubled.    5    Don't be put off if you have never heard of the city or town where a school is located. Top-rated colleges and universities located in lesser

known places may amaze you in an unimaginable manner with their high quality and a significant number of their international students.
A.Bloomington is also a great college town.
B.Think the Sorbonne in Paris or Peking University.
C.Set your sights beyond the most well-known schools.
D.One reason: there were no major cities there at the time.
E.There was no better recipe for popularity than small campuses.
F.Part of the explanation for this lies in America's distinctive history.
G.But many are located in cities and towns most people have never heard of.
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