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1 . previous recessions (经济衰退), billionaires were hit along with the rest of us; it took almost three years for Forbes’s 400 richest people to recover from losses caused in 2008’s Great Recession. But in the coronavirus recession of 2020, most billionaires have gotten richer than ever before.

Billionaires increased their new billions just as millions of other Americans ran into terrible financial problems. More than 20 million people lost their jobs at the start of the pandemic. Food banks across the country are preparing for another great increase in demand. Why are American billionaires doing so well while so many other Americans suffer? People may find part of the reasons from the following fact. Stocks (股票) are overwhelmingly owned by the wealthy, and the stock market has recovered from its early-pandemic depths much more quickly than other parts of the economy.


What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?
A.Food banks are not enough in the United States.
B.The richest kept getting richer even in the pandemic.
C.The stock market recovered before the pandemic started.
D.400 richest people recovered from losses in the pandemic.
2024-04-19更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点17 阅读理解:主旨大意题(3大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题

2 . The AIDA model is the foundation of modern marketing and advertising practice. It outlines the four basic steps used to persuade potentials to make a purchase. The first three steps lie in creating attention (A), decorating interest (I), and building desire (D) for the product, before the fourth step — the “call to action” (A) — tells them exactly how and where to buy. AIDA can channel the customer’s feelings through each stage toward reaching a sale.


“Call-to-action” is where all of the initial hard work pays off and leads to the action from a potential customer. For example, they might pick up the phone to discuss the idea of a trial of the services or, alternatively, they may just buy that product or service that has been promoted to them all along.

And AIDA is used to great effect in the movie industry. Movie studios begin their marketing campaigns months in advance. The campaigns develop by offering attractive flashes of the movie without giving too much away. Desire is inspired by the release of the full preview which is fully designed to show the exciting moments of the movie, from special effects to humorous lines of dialogue on the opening weekend. Advertisements in newspapers and on television focus on the movie’s release, inviting the consumer to go and buy a ticket.

1. What is the purpose of practising AIDA?
A.To create jobs.B.To increase sales.
C.To research markets.D.To introduce products.
2. Why does the author mention the movie industry in the last paragraph?
A.To design an AIDA model.B.To display how AIDA works.
C.To show how to make a movie.D.To advertise the movie industry.
2024-04-18更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . In an increasingly globalized business world, companies demand Human Resources (HR) leaders who can overcome cultural barriers to achieve key goals. This year, students in the Master of Human Resources and Industrial Relations (MHRIR) Program will get hands-on experience leading multicultural teams as they work together with peers (同辈) from all corners of the globe.

“Our students get firsthand experience on global teams, which helps them understand the challenges and the opportunities they will face in the business world,” said MHRIR Program Director Stacy Hove.

Elishka Correa joined the program to explore how HR leaders can help businesses grow quickly in the global marketplace. “Companies appreciate diversity — not only in terms of products and markets, but the people they hire — so that they can expand their business and reach customers in different parts of the world,” she said. “When I go into an organization, I’m not only going to work with Indians or Americans, it’s going to be a mix of people. That trend is beginning to grow, so I think it’s very important to appreciate people from different backgrounds.”

As they progress through the program, the students are discovering unexpected challenges as they work on projects in diverse teams. Each contributor brings a different approach to solving problems, communicating, and challenging one another’s opinions.

Devin Roll, a student from North Dakota, appreciating the unique views his classmates share, said, “The benefits of having cross-cultural experiences go far beyond the classroom. Diverse teams and companies outperform their competitors, and HR leaders act as a vital partner in acquiring and maintaining diversity in the workforce.”

Many of the international students in the program said they would return to their home countries after graduation and bring along connections to their classmates, who would build careers (职业) in countries around the world. They hope to stay in touch, and share their expert knowledge.

1. What is the aim of the program?
A.To help students to set clear goals.
B.To provide jobs for foreign students.
C.To teach students to run their own business.
D.To train students to build multicultural teams.
2. Which statement about cultural diversity does Elishka Correa probably agree with?
A.It prevents social advance.B.It makes it easy to hire people.
C.It can help business growth.D.It can put an end to the conflict.
3. What does Devin Roll think of the effect of the program?
A.It is predictable.B.It is short-lived.C.It is unidentifiable.D.It is far-reaching.
4. What do many students expect to do after graduation according to the text?
A.Work for the university.B.Keep closely connected.
C.Stay in their home countries.D.Reform teaching methods.
2024-04-06更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省朝阳市建平县普通高中2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the speaker probably doing?
A.Introducing a family.B.Making a speech.C.Giving a lesson.
2. How long was the company in business?
A.About a century.B.About half a century.C.About a quarter of a century.
3. Why did the company nearly go out of business?
A.They paid for the fire loss.
B.They spent too much building the new factory.
C.They paid the employees regularly while rebuilding.
2024-03-11更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:高三英语听力模拟训练(37)建议信(1)开头句型-【天籁英语】高三英语听力专项模拟训练
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Yiwu’s market bounces back after three difficult years

Orders from all over the world     1     (flood) into Yiwu factories since earlier this month, a snapshot of global trade in the post-pandemic era     2     indicates a strong recovery for foreign trade in Zhejiang province in early 2023.

Statistics show that on Feb 2, 75,000 merchants     3     (participate) in the opening ceremony at Yiwu International Trade City — the world’s largest     4     (distribute) center for small commodities — placing orders on-site after almost three years of being unable to do so     5     person since the COVID-19 epidemic began.

Lu Qingrong, manager of the Jingrong Toy Company, said that orders have already been scheduled for May and June,     6     that this year’s sales are expected to be 30 percent     7     (high) than the previous two years.

For the past three years, Yiwu’s manufacturing companies     8     (devote) more energy to innovation and quality as they have upgraded, in a bid to underpin steady and accelerated growth.

Lu added that Jingrong will focus on strengthening innovation and research     9     (satisfy) increasing demands and plans to launch at least 10 new products every week.

In addition, the company is currently adding more production lines, which will raise     10     (efficient) and is expected to increase production by 50 percent.

2024-03-10更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京田家炳高级中学2022-2023学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

This year marks the 15th anniversary of China’s Double 11 online shopping festival.

The first Double 11 event     1     (initiate) by Alibaba on November 11 in 2009 and has become the largest e-commerce shopping gala in the world today. Every year people usually look forward to this online shopping festival at     2     many merchants will do promotional activities. The     3     (innovation) marketing model has profoundly transformed China’s     4     (consume) market and injected enormous power into the country’s economic development.

This year’s Double 11 shopping festival witnessed     5     increase in consumers’ demand and enthusiasm     6     quality products.

According to Tmall, a leading online retail platform affiliated with Alibaba, 155 brands achieved sales of over 100 million yuan ($13.72 million) as soon as the event     7     (official) started at 8 pm on October 31. 71,900 brands broke the first-day     8     (sale) record of last year in the first hour     9     business volume of 29 livestreammg rooms hit 100 million yuan at the start.

Over the past 15 years, the Double 11 festival has become the most important platform     10     (satisfy) the needs of consumers as well as promote economic development in China.

2024-02-13更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月第六次月考英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
7 . What does the man mean?
A.E­commerce is a double­edged sword.
B.Local specialties should be exported.
C.Commercials are of no use.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The natural world provides humans with essential services. For instance, forests channel water into rivers that irrigate crops while their roots prevent landslides. Over decades, therefore, governments have made promises about preserving the world’s biodiversity.

However, those promises have been broken many times, which has caused the depressing destruction of natural environments. One step towards avoiding yet more disappointment is to emphasize the close link between preserving biodiversity and the widely held goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions. Unfortunately, less known is the link between them.

Given that biodiversity has an important role in meeting these carbon-reduction goals, you might think it would feature highly in the net- emissions plans. Not so. For example, faced with tighter regulation of emissions, many companies are now channeling more time and cash to their firms’ carbon footprints reduction and energy transition, yet the plans have too little to say about biodiversity.

That needs to change. Sale guarding biodiversity is an efficient way to control carbon emissions. Companies and investment firms should pay more attention to the opportunities from preserving ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity—directing capital to projects that repair an ecosystem—companies can offset (抵消) their emissions. By some estimates, projects to manage carbon-rich wetlands and to reforest cleared and could provide more than one-third of the emissions reductions that are needed to prevent more than 2°C of global warming.

Key to managing more capital is better measurement so that the link between investment in natural projects, biodiversity and carbon is made clear. Today some so-called carbon-offset projects that involve firms paying money to are questionable and not supported by evidence. Better guidelines and practice can help and so can new technology. Drones and satellites can improve the measurement of biodiversity and accounting systems can measure how spending on biodiversity compares with pouring cash into other kinds of carbon management.

1. What do we know about biodiversity?
A.Its importance is undervalued.B.Its link with carbon emissions is clear.
C.It is the source of carbon dioxide.D.I gets promised benefits from governments.
2. Why is “many companies” mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To clarify a rule.B.To make a conclusion.
C.To explain a plan.D.To support an opinion.
3. What is the benefit of safeguarding biodiversity?
A.Rebuilding wetlands.B.Redirecting capital.
C.Cutting carbon emissions.D.Transforming energy.
4. What message does the writer convey in the text?
A.The natural world deserves more investment.
B.The key to managing capital is new regulations.
C.It is hard to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
D.It is worthwhile spending money on clean energy.
2024-01-06更新 | 132次组卷 | 4卷引用:福建省福州市2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是新闻报道。报道了华为供应商股票受需求推动上涨,Aito的M7车型销量强劲,华为Mate 60推出也促进了组件供应商股票上涨。华为回归或改变科技硬件市场竞争格局。

9 . Powerful demand for Huawei products is fueling investor interest in the shares of its suppliers, which have resisted declines in the broader mainland Chinese stock (股票) market.

Expectations that the Chinese technology company may continue to see strong sales for recently launched products are sending stocks of some of Huawei’s suppliers to record highs.

Analysts say the successful launch of the M7 car model by Huawei-backed electric-vehicle brand Aito could see order books continue to swell, based on the response to the launch during a national holiday known as the Golden Week.

Shares of Seres Group, an Aito partner, and Ningbo Shenglong Automotive Powertrain System, a car-parts manufacturer, have risen by the 10% daily limit on the Shanghai Stock Exchange this week since the mainland markets reopened for trading after the holiday. The benchmark (基准) Shanghai Composite Index dropped 0. 7% in Tuesday trading.

“Aito’s sales have been propelled by the new M7 model, up sharply compared with monthly sales of below 10,000 units as of August,” Shengang Securities analyst Xute Cao said in a note.

“Sales in the fourth quarter are expected to improve significantly on month,” Cao added.

Separately, stocks of Huawei’s component suppliers have also gained following the launch of the Mate 60 smartphone model in late September.

Ofilm Group advanced 9. 9% on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Tuesday and has, gained 21% so far this week, while Vanchip(Tianjin) Technology rose as much as 10%, and has added around 8% this week. By contrast, the technology-heavy Shenzhen Stock Exchange closed down 0.4% Tuesday.

“We sense that investor interest in the smartphone supply chain has increased after iPhone and Mate 60 launch and anticipation of smartphone demand bottoming, “ Citigroup analyst Kyna Wong said in a note after the bank’s recent meeting with institutional investors, about China’s tech sector.

“Huawei’s return could have implications on market share and competition in the tech-hardware sector,” Wong said.

“Component makers could benefit from restarting spec (规格) upgrade and operating leverage (运营杠杆) from volume growth ( regardless of market-share shift), “ Wong said.

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To provide a detailed history of Huawei’s market share in the technology industry.
B.To discuss the impact of Huawei’s return to the global technology market.
C.To analyze the financial performance of Huawei’s suppliers.
D.To provide a profile of Huawei’s electric-vehicle brand Aito.
2. What is increasing investor interest in the shares of Huawei s suppliers?
A.The national holiday known as the Golden Week.
B.An increase in competition in the tech- hardware sector.
C.The broader mainland Chinese stock market.
D.Strong sales for recently launched Huawei products.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “propelled” in paragraph 5?
A.driven forwardB.replacedC.overtakenD.blocked
4. Why are Ofilm Group and Vanchip (Tianjin) Technology mentioned in the article?
A.To give an example of Huawei’s component suppliers profiting following the launch of the Mate 60 smartphone model.
B.To show that, compared with other companies, they had much better performance on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
C.To demonstrate that they are electric-manufacturing partnered with Huawei.
D.To show that they are Huawei’s strong competitors in the smartphone market.
2023-12-26更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考试卷(四)英语试题
完形填空(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Investors probably expect that following the suggestions of stock analysts would make them better off than doing the exact opposite. _________, recent research by Nicola Gennaioli and his colleagues shows that the best way to gain excess return s would be to invest in the shares least favored by analysts. They compute that, during the last 35 years, investing in the 10 percent of U. S. stocks analysts were most _________ about would have yielded on average 3 percent a year. _________, investing in the 10 percent of stocks analysts were most pessimistic about would have yielded a surprising 15 percent a year.

Gennaioli and colleagues shed light on this _________ with the help of cognitive sciences and, in particular, using Kahneman and Tversky's concept of representativeness. Decision makers, according to this view, _________ the representative features of a group or a phenomenon. These are defined as the features that occur more frequently in that group than in a baseline reference group.

After observing strong earnings growth—the explanation goes—analysts think that the firm may be the next Google. “Googles” are in fact more frequent among firms experiencing strong growth, which makes them _________. The problem is that “Googles” are very _________ in absolute terms. As a result, expectations become too optimistic, and future performance_________. A model of stock prices in which investor beliefs follow this logic can account both qualitatively and quantitatively for the beliefs of analysts and the dynamics (动态变化) of stock returns.

In related work, the authors also show that the same model can _________ booms and busts in the volume of credit and interest rate spreads.

These works are part of a research project aimed at taking insights from cognitive sciences and at __________them into economic models. Kahneman and Tversky's concept of “representativeness” lies at the heart of this effort. “In a classical example, we __________ to think of Irishmen as redheads because red hair is much more frequent among Irishmen than among the rest of the world,” Prof. Gennaioli says. “However, only 10 percent of Irishmen are redheads. In our work, we develop models of belief formation that show this logic and study the __________ of this important psychological force in different fields.”

Representativeness helps describe __________ and behavior in different fields, not only in financial markets. One such field is the formation of stereotypes about social groups. In a recent experimental paper, Gennaioli and colleagues show that representativeness can explain self-confidence, and in particular the __________ of women to compete in traditionally male subjects, such as mathematics. A slight prevalence of __________ male math ability in the data is enough to make math ability un-representative for women, driving their under confidence in this particular subject.

A.In briefB.By contrastC.In additionD.Without doubt
A.account forB.count onC.suffer fromD.hold up
2023-12-24更新 | 330次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市静安区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末教学质量调研考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般