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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What present did Tina choose for her brother?
A.A belt.B.A coat.C.A sweater.
2. What does Tina like doing most during the Spring Festival?
A.Eating hotpot.B.Watching fireworks.C.Meeting her friends.
3. What makes John feel special during Christmas?
A.Decorating a Christmas tree.
B.Sending Christmas cards.
C.Helping the homeless.
昨日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations单元测试B卷(含听力)
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many participants are in the festival?
2. What is different about this year’s festival?
A.It’s not free.B.There are more prizes.C.Donald Trump will be attending.
3. What is the biggest prize?
A.“The Grand Pumpkin”.B.“Celebrity Pumpkin”.C.“The Great Pumpkin”.
4. Who might the speaker be?
A.A news reporter.B.A radio announcer.C.A participant in the festival.
昨日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations单元测试B卷(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the date of the man’s birthday?
A.25th, December.B.24th, December.C.27th, December.
2. How will the man go to his wife’s parents’ home?
A.By train.B.By bus.C.By plane.
昨日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations单元测试B卷(含听力)
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 根据提示, 运用本单元的词汇、短语及句式或使用词汇的正确形式完成下面的语篇。

Traveling in Beijing during the Spring Festival     1     (绝对是一种非常放松和有益的经历).

You can     2     (出发去故宫), a must­see attraction in Beijing,     3     (吸引着来自世界各地的游客) with its splendid ancient buildings and unique Chinese culture. Moreover,     4     (你可以欣赏展出的各种稀世珍宝). Usually, the Forbidden City will be more beautifully decorated during the Spring Festival with colorful lights and delicate lanterns.     5     (wander) around it, not only can you immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere, but you can also explore the life of the royal family and the way they celebrated the Spring Festival. Apart from that, you’ll surely     6     (开心体验更多娱乐活动) in the festival.

7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇
1. 文化遗产是人类共同的财富,因此它不仅应该受到一个国家的保护,而且应该受到全人类的保护。
2. 任何破坏文化遗产的行为都应该受到惩罚。
3. 我提议,我们应该为保护它们贡献一份力量。
4. 平衡发展进程和文化遗址保护可能是一个巨大的挑战。
5. 全世界的人们都应该积极参加这项活动。
6. 我们开启人类文明的时代到来了。(倒装句)
7日内更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据提示,运用本单元的词汇、短语及句式或使用词汇的正确形式完成下面的语篇。

There is a heritage protection club     1     (尝试保护全世界各地的文化遗产,定语从句).     2     (在……过程中) the digital survey     3     (conduct) by the members, the members     4     (积极参加) heritage preservation and identify cultural relics and take photos. By sharing photos (they not only arouse people's awareness of heritage preservation but they also work to raise funds)     5     (用倒装句升级加黑体部分). What's more, the money     6     (donate) is used to help     7     (阻止历史建筑消失).

    8     (依我看,值得加入该俱乐部)

7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 语法填空

How to balance economic development     1     cultural heritage protection is likely     2     (be) a complex problem. In Egypt the proposal of building the Aswan Dam met with     3     (protest) for fear of damaging the cultural relics. Most people thought it worth the money     4     (spend) on it to preserve cultural heritage     5     being destroyed. It was thanks to the hard work and contributions of the     6     (globe) community, the project was completed successfully.

7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
8 . 【课本改编题】

Festivals have     1     wide range of origins. Some come from     2     (religion), while some are for famous     3     (figure) and significant events. The harvest festival is an important festival full of joy and charm. People are grateful     4     the harvest. In European countries, people decorate churches and town halls     5     flowers and fruit, featuring a new look. Today, with festivals     6     (become) commercial, some traditions may fade away. Christmas is the biggest occasion in the West     7     people greet each other with “Merry Christmas”. On Christmas Eve, it is typical of people     8     (enjoy) the roast turkeys, puddings, mashed potatoes and pumpkins.

7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
9 . 语法填空

The animated film Chang An has become a surprise hit, earning     1    impressive 600 million yuan at the box office of the Chinese mainland within just ten days of its release. It has appealed to audiences of all ages, who     2     (enthusiastic) recite poetry alongside the characters on screen, taking them on a fantastic journey. This film not only identifies with the Chinese people but also allows the world     3     (explore) the rich tradition of Tang poetry and the “Chinese Poetry Universe.”

The story centers around the deep friendship between poet Gao Shi and the romantic poet Li Bai offering a brief look into the glorious history of the Tang era,     4    is known for its economic prosperity and cultural advancement. The 48 Tang poems     5     (feature) in the movie present a view of the most excellent poets of that time as well as their political ambitions and ideals. These poems transport audiences     6     sandy deserts to mist­filled regions along the Yangtze River.

Chang An is undoubtedly a masterpiece that shows the unique     7     (characteristic) of Chinese culture to the world. In China, poets and their poems     8     (consider) national treasures. These poems describe not only the historical changes of a dynasty, but also     9     (people) understanding of the world. The film has raised the audiences’     10     (aware) and enhanced their love and belief in Chinese culture.

7日内更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇
1. 我很高兴听说你对中国节日感兴趣以至于你想在一户中国人家过中秋节。
2. 在中国,中秋节被认为是家庭团聚的象征。
3. 晚上,人们在一处空地聚集,品尝美味的月饼,欣赏悬挂在天空中美丽的月亮。(状语从句的省略;分词短语作定语)
4. 中秋节被全世界的华人庆祝,使之成为最受欢迎的节日之一。(分词短语作状语)
5. 是团聚让中秋节更有意义。(强调句)
6. 如果你想了解更多细节,不要犹豫与我联系。
7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around
共计 平均难度:一般