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1 . Follow this four-day route, and you’ll lose yourself in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

Day 1 Overview Edinburgh

It was in Scotland’s capital city that J. K. Rowling started to plot the adventures of Harry and his pals. With stoned streets, winding alleys and medieval (中世纪的) architecture, the city certainly has a few things in common with the settings from the books and films. She wrote the early chapters in various cafes around the city’s Old Towns.

Day 2 Overview travel to Fort William

Travel by train from Edinburgh to Glasgow. From there, you can take the West Highland Line toFort William. This is a great way to see some famous spots from the window, including the mysterious Rannoch Moor, the place where Death Eaters board the train in the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

Day 3 Overview all aboard the Hogwarts Express

Witness the sweeping cinematic scenery of the movie Harry Potter by booking a seat on the Jacobite Steam Train. Stop for lunch in Mallaig and then make the return journey to Fort William. Please be sure to book the steam train in advance, as it is exceedingly popular. By the way, it runs seasonally.

Day 4 Overview lakes and glens (峡谷)

In the films, mysterious, misty landscapes frame the background of Harry’s tale, so it’s no surprise that the film producers chose the Highlands for many scenes. Spend a day wandering through some of these beautiful spots and feel the magical atmosphere.

1. Where did J. K. Rowling create Harry Potter at first?
A.In Edinburgh.B.In Mallaig.
C.In Glasgow.D.In Fort William.
2. What should you pay attention to if taking the Jacobite Steam Train?
A.Reviewing the movie early.
B.Booking tickets in advance.
C.Bringing lunch ahead of time.
D.Buying one-way ticket specially.
3. In which section of a newspaper will you read the text?
A.Current Affairs.B.Technology.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了Tomas Quinones进行了一次为期七天的“骑自行车”旅行。在旅行中,他遇到了一些困难,同时也收到了一些人的帮助。在他旅行的最后一天,他遇到了一个昏迷的人,帮助他叫了救护车。一项研究表明,在野外,人们更愿意为一些人付出更多的努力,去帮助他们。

2 . In the summer of 2019, Tomas Quinones was undertaking a seven-day “bikepacking” trip, covering some remote desert in Southern Oregon, US. His trip had been marked with the usual minor troubles. But there had also been those moments of unexpected kindness from strangers.

On the last day of his trip, he was riding down a dusty track when he came upon a man lying unconscious on the desert floor. Quinones tried to give him some water with little success. Luckily, he called the emergency rescue team and an ambulance arrived within an hour. “I never had a doubt about what I would do,” he said. Quinones, who’d received some gestures of help over the course of his trip, paid it forward.     

The odds are, if you’ve spent any time in the wild, you’ll have experienced these gestures of kindness from strangers or given them yourself too even if they were nothing so dramatic as the aid given by Quinones.

So what is it about being outside in nature that makes people want to help others? The first explanation is that in the wild, there may not be any other help. According to the “bystander effect”, the more people who are in the presence of someone needing help, the less likely any of those people are to actually provide it.

But another idea is that there is something about nature itself that seems to promote “prosocial” attitudes. As a recent study suggests, exposure to nature can promote feelings of transcendence-a sense of connection to other people, to the world around us and to the universe.

When we take adventure into the wild, we are easy to get hurt. And that makes us look at the world differently. So, in the wild, where we lose our normal possessions, surroundings and identities, we seem more willing to go the extra mile for someone. It’s in nature that we can learn new things about humanity.

1. What can we know about Tomas Quinones’ trip in 2019?
A.He passed on the kindness he’d received.B.He was saved by a fellow traveler.
C.He got tost for some time in the desertD.He came across unexpected dangers.
2. Why does the author write about Tomas Quinones’ story?
A.To suggest the unstoppable power of nature.B.To highlight the risks of traveling alone.
C.To introduce a common phenomenon.D.To question connections between people.
3. What might happen if many people were present when somebody needed help, according to the “bystander effect”?
A.They might offer help immediately.B.They might be unwilling to help.
C.They might encourage others to help.D.They might blame the person in need.
4. Why are we more likely to help strangers when in the wild, according to the text?
A.Exposure to nature boosts our confidence.
B.We are more clear-headed in natural environments.
C.Fear promotes our desire for connection with nature.
D.Feeling small in the wild makes us tend to act big.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Oxford Dictionary describes staycations as “a holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.”     1    

It gives you almost 100% of restful time with little to no prep. Stop to consider the following: the ratio (比例) of quality time that’s spent on relaxation is more important than the number of days for holidays.     2     For instance, a weekend break that consists of long travel on either side is no recipe (良方) for relaxation.

This is one of the reasons why staycations are more refreshing than vacations.     3     Instead of losing time and energy preparing for a vacation, a staycation will provide you with high-quality resting time. You’ll get back to work feeling more refreshed, and relaxed.

    4     Staycations also tick some of the same boxes as vacations like experiencing new things. You just need to explore nearby things which you have never paid attention to. Often we overlook the attractions that are near to us.     5     However, if you make an effort to explore the area close to where you live, you may be pleasantly surprised. There will be cafes and restaurants you’ve never tried, historic buildings you’ve never seen before, and nature parks you’ve never visited. So with a little effort on your part, you’ll be able to experience new and exciting things close to home.

A.They act as real breaks from work and life pressure.
B.If you give this some thought, you’ll realize that it’s true.
C.A vacation can leave you more tired than before your trip.
D.In addition, it can offer you fresh experiences immediately.
E.Let’s take a look at the great things about taking a staycation.
F.Staycations don’t mean long traveling, which costs you a lot less.
G.We often choose to spend big amounts of money visiting foreign countries.
完形填空(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . I had a great dream when I was in my twenties. I wanted to travel around Africa with my _________. So I left my hometown with great confidence and _________ Cape Town, not really_________ what to do next. Luckily, before my trip actually started, I met a kind, old Nigerian man. He gave me the best travel _________ I had ever received. “Be like a(n) _________on your way around the world.”

It sounded _________, but it really changed my idea about travelling. He helped me realize that travel is about learning and observing local _________. “It’s far too easy to go into a(n) _________ country and believe your ways are better. But if you study, ask questions and try to learn from the locals, you’ll have far richer _________,” he promised me.

On other vacations, when I was on my tour way to Cancun. I was __________ a tourist. I only stayed there for a week to see the __________ and places of interest and then left. The culture didn’t __________me. I left the cities and towns without really knowing anyone or anything that existed in those places to which I had paid a visit.

This time, I promised to myself that I would be a __________ traveler. After seven months of__________ backpacking in Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, I realized that having a student-like mindset (观念模式) helped extend my trip and helped me learn a lot, which __________ me more than any other trips ever did to me.

A.looked atB.checked outC.arrived inD.took on
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Shennongjia is said to be the place     1     Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin (原始状态的) forests. They do not     2     (actual) see any wild man, but they are attracted by Shennongjia’s vibrant (充满生机的) ecology, rich biodiversity and karst landforms.

Shennongjia’s beauty     3     (vary) over the year as nature takes its course.     4     (tourist) can enjoy flower blossoms in spring, be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red leaves in autumn     5     go skiing in winter. In 2010s, China announced its plan of     6     (build) 10 pilot national parks for ecosystem preservation, including in Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province.

Official data showed that visitors to Shennongjia Forestry District     7     (reach) about 15. 5 million in 2020. By 2025, the forest area aims     8     (increase) that annual figure to over 30 million, with tourism revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.

Visitors can employ a bus service if they do not drive     9     (they) own cars. The journey to Shennongjia will take up to five hours from nearby Yichang or Shiyan. In May, 2021, Shennongjia was connected to     10       newly built freeway, making the mountainous region more accessible.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . A China Trip: Group Tours

Harbin Ice Festival Express       5-Day Tour
Departs: From 15 Jan 2023        Starts /Ends: Beijing        Prices: USD$1269 pp

Let it snow! See the world’s largest and most complicated ice sculptures at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. With Chinese New Year spent exploring the brilliant Ice Lantern Show in Zhaolin Park, this is a holiday like no other.

Trip Highlights

Harbin International Ice & Snow Festival

Great Wall of China

including Sun Island, International Snow Sculpture Art Expo, Harbin Ice and Snow World and Harbin Ice Lantern Show at Zhaolin Parkthe mountainous Juyongguan Pass section of the UNESCO listed Great Wall of China

What’s included

What’s Not included

•4 breakfasts and 1 dinner
•3 nights five-star hotel in Harbin
•Flight: Beijing-Harbin
•1 overnight sleeper train Harbin-Beijing
•Touring of the Juyongguan area of Great Wall of China and Harbin Ice Festival
•Accompanied by an experienced English speaking Chinese Tour guide
•Beijing Capital Airport arrival transfer on day l and departure transfer day 5
•Tipping: USD$35-45 pp, paid in local currency
•Entrance Fees: USD$120-130 pp, paid in local currency
• International flights and visa
•Tip for your tour guide is not included in the Tip Kitty. We suggest USD$3-5 per day, per traveler for a job well done, however the amount is up to you.
•Beijing free time to explore
For more information: www.onthegotours.com-info@onthegotours.com, or dial:
UK 020 4571 1381        USA 866 616 5394        IRE 1800 936 885
NZ 0800 44 77 69        CAN 866 890 7038       AUS 1300 855 684
1. How much would a member of a group at least pay for the China tour?
2. What is included in the trip?
A.The International flights and visa.B.An experienced Chinese tour guide.
C.Three nights five-star hotel in Harbin.D.One sleeper train from Beijing to Harbin.
3. Which number should you call if you start from New Zealand?
A.020 4571 1381.B.866 890 7038.C.1800 936 885.D.0800 44 77 69.
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

7 . 你的英国朋友Jim所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长江之行”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:






Dear Jim,
Li Hua
2017-08-09更新 | 2069次组卷 | 38卷引用:辽宁省大连市滨城高中联盟2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 容易(0.94) |

8 . Tokyo has a great range of cafes, but many don’t offer free wireless Internet access or power outlets (电源插座). So, for the benefit of those looking for free Wi-Fi, here are our top spots in the Japanese capital.

Coffee Valley

Coffee Valley is a small coffee shop. While the first floor has limited seating, there are outlets for each seat. If you don’t need to charge, the second floor is much more spacious with an area that can accommodate groups of up to four people. They also have a good selection of snacks to accompany your coffee.

Date: Open daily.

Time: 8 A.M.—8 P.M. (From 9 A.M. on weekends).

Location: A five-minute walk from the east exit of Ikebukuro Station.

10° Cafe

10° Cafe is the perfect place for early birds. For some peace and quiet, work on the second floor. At 10° Cafe, each seat has power outlets while their counter seats offer a great view of the surrounding neighborhood. Their menu prices before 11 A.M. offer discounted breakfast.

Date: Daily (Closed every third Sunday of the month).

Time: 7:30 A.M.—9 P.M.

Location: A five-minute walk from Takadanobaba Station.

Good Sound Coffee

Come for the coffee, and stay for their music selection. Good Sound Coffee is a friendly neighborhood cafe close to Nakameguro Station. There are indoor and outdoor seats and plenty of outlets. It might get crowded on the weekends, and the cafe offers discounts on food items.

Date: Daily

Time: 8 A.M.—11P.M.

Location: A three-minute walk from the east exit of Nakameguro Station.

Valley Park Stand

Valley Park Stand opens from early in the morning to late in the evening. There are public tables with power outlets. It’s spacious with lots of natural light a few steps away from the Miyashita Park. There is a decently sized menu with tea, coffee and various sandwiches and bites.

Date: Daily.

Time: 8 A.M.—10 P.M.

Location: A few minutes’ walk from Miyashita Park.

1. What is the special part of 10° Cafe?
A.It opens to the late night.B.It has one day off each month.
C.It offers different delicious snacks.D.It’s not far from the Ikebukuro Station.
2. Which cafe is friendly to music lovers?
A.10°Cafe.B.Coffee Valley.
C.Good Sound Coffee.D.Valley Park Stand.
3. What do 10° Cafe and Good Sound Coffee have in common?
A.Customers can enjoy various snacks.
B.Customers can still drink coffee at 10 P.M. in the cafes.
C.Customers can get easy access to Nakameguro Station.
D.Customers can get food at a cheaper price during a certain period.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Interest in sleep tourism is increasing, with a number of establishments focusing their attention on those suffering from sleep disorder.

Over the past 12 months, Park Hyatt New York has opened the Bryte Restorative Sleep Suite, a 900-square-foot suite filled with sleep-enhancing amenities (便利设施), while Rosewood Hotels Resorts recently launched a collection of retreats called the Alchemy of Sleep, which are designed to “promote rest”, and Swedish manufacturer Hastens established the world’s first Hastens Sleep Spa Hotel, a 15-room boutique hotel a year later.

Dr Rebecca Robbins, a sleep researcher and co-author of the book Sleep for Success! believes this shift has been around for a long time, particularly with regards to hotels. “When it comes down to it, travelers book hotels for a place to sleep,” she says, before pointing out that in the past the hotel industry has primarily been focused on things that actually detract from sleep. “People often associate travel with luxury meals, the attractions and the things they do while they’re traveling, really almost at the cost of sleep.” she adds.

According to Dr Robbins, travel experiences centering around “healthy sleep strategies” that aim to supply guests with the tools they need to improve their sleep can be hugely beneficial, if an excellent medical or scientific expert is involved in some way to help to determine whether there may be something else at play.

Mandarin Oriental in Geneva has taken things a step further by teaming up with CENAS, a private medical sleeping clinic in Switzerland, to create a three-day program that studies guests’ sleeping patterns in order to identify potential sleeping disorders, giving professional suggestions if necessary.

As sleep tourism continues to grow, Dr Robbins says she’s looking forward to seeing “who really continues to pioneer and think creatively about this space”, stressing that there are countless means that haven’t been fully explored yet when it comes to travel and the science of sleep.

1. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?
A.To list the consequences of sleep disorder.
B.To provide evidence for the rise of sleep tourism.
C.To highlight the importance of quality sleep.
D.To prove the popularity of some hotels.
2. What does the underlined phrase “detract from” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What is special about Mandarin Oriental in Geneva?
A.It sets up a private medical sleeping clinic in its hotel.
B.It offers professionally medical help in sleeping problems.
C.It provides special tour route for people with sleeping disorders.
D.It suggests some good and scientific sleeping bedding.
4. What does Dr Robbins probably think of the sleep tourism?
A.It needs to be systematized.B.It meets some doubts.
C.It is facing bottleneck.D.It’s promising.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Where will you go next? Our editors and explorers pick some most exciting destinations for the year ahead. Grab your bags and go!

Mostar, Bosnia

Partially destroyed during the Bosnian War (1992-1995) , history-rich Mostar still bears scars of the past. Wander around and you’ll pass newly renovated apartments next to buildings riddled with bullet holes. Local and intemational artists regularly decorate the abandoned structures with colorful murals. Mostar’s most tangible image of peace is the 16th-century Stari Most, rebuilt in 2004. It connects the city’s predominantly Christian Croat west side with the mainly Muslim Bosniak east.

Tohoku, Japan

Less than three hours by train from Tokyo, home of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tohoku features pristine forests, gorges and crater lakes, thousand-year-old temples and shrines, and venerable local festivals— yet less than 2 percent of international travelers come here. For skiers, Tohoku regularly records some of the planet’s heaviest snowfalls, and resorts such as Appi Kogen are exhilaratingly uncrowded.

National Blue Trail, Hungary

Hungary is a dream hiking destination thanks to the country’s National Blue Trail. It’s part of the nearly 6, 500-mile European long-distance walking route E4, which begins in Spain and ends in Cyprus. So, while you could use the Blue Trail as a launchpad for an epic, cross-Europe trek, Hungary’s historic route is best experienced as a singular destination.

Zakouma National Park, Chad

Home to a rapidly growing African elephant population— some 559 in 2019 and a thousand expected by 2024-Zakouma National Park is an under-the-radar African safari destination. The park’s location, in southeastern Chad, one of the world’s least visited countries, makes Zakouma a best-kept secret— one worth sharing to help ensure its continued success.

1. Which destination fits you best if you are fond of hiking?
A.Mostar.B.National Blue Trail.C.Tohoku.D.Zakouma National Park.
2. What do Tohoku and Zakouma National Park have in common?
A.They are both far from the city’s capital.B.They are very famous for local festivals.
C.They are less popular and attract fewer tourists.D.They are the best choices for sports enthusiasts.
3. In which section of a newspaper can the text be found?
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