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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . How to Protect Against Undue Influence Online

The potential for undue influence has become increasingly significant in this era of digital interconnectivity. Undue influence can affect our perceptions and influence our decisions. It may even end anger our autonomy (自主) and mental health.     1    

Understand what undue influence is

The first step to protecting yourself is understanding what undue influence is. Undue influence refers to a situation in which an individual or group employs unreasonable control over another person’s behavior information, thoughts, and emotions.     2     Disinformation campaigns, persuasive advertising, and even content designed to cause fear, uncertainty, or dependency may often appear online.

Develop media literacy skills

In an age of fake news, it is crucial to develop media literacy skills.     3     Become a consumer who can tell the quality of information, identify the source, check for credibility, and look for your unconscious assumptions and preferences.


Delete as much data as you can about yourself. Be mindful of what information you share online, and always ensure that your online activities are secured through reliable sources. Review all policies on platforms, especially “free” ones. If you aren’t paying, then you are the product, as in many cases, they are selling your data.

By including these steps into your digital life, you can protect yourself from undue influence in the online world, ensuring that you can think and act independently, free from ill control.

    5     It is your mind. Only you should control it!

A.Prioritize privacy
B.Be mindful of free ones
C.It’s vital to have a health y Internet and real-life balance.
D.In the digital world, undue influence can take many forms.
E.Everyone deserves the right to live free from undue influence.
F.They involve analyzing, evaluating, and creating media in various forms.
G.Here are some essential strategies for you to protect yourself online from undue influence.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 在你校网络安全月即将到来之际,校英文报正在征集相关稿件。请你就网络安全话题投稿,具体内容包括:
1. 网络安全的重要性;
2. 安全上网的具体建议;
3. 号召大家重视网络安全。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 题目已给出,不计入总词数。

Staying Safe on the Internet

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Cyber-bullying (网络欺凌) may take place in the online world, but it is no less damaging than in the real world. The Internet has become a kindness desert, a place where few flowers bloom. Bullying is pretty common.     1     According to those bullied, they’re usually seen as being different from the crowd. They are unique.

Being bullied is a frustrating and painful experience. Online bullying can really hurt others, and it can have serious consequences.     2     Some people have even committed suicide because they were harassed (侵扰) online and didn’t think it would ever stop. Here are some valuable tips to help you address a bully and protect yourself in a safe way.

Don’t blame yourself.     3     It’s only the bully’s fault, so don’t blame yourself for his or her shortcomings.

Stay away from bullies. Bullies hope you interact with them so that they have an excuse to keep picking on you. When the bully starts orally attacking you, remove yourself from the situation if you can, simply by walking away.

    4     Try as you might to ignore the bullies when they are saying ugly things about you. Remind yourself that you are a great person and that nothing the bullies say matters.

Speak out. Nobody has the right to make you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unhappy. Find someone you can talk to, your teacher or your parent and tell them what’s going on.     5     Follow these tips and you should feel well-equipped to deal with your bullies the next time they attack.

A.Keep track of bullies.
B.Be sure you’re wonderful.
C.Adults can offer help if they know about the problem.
D.Being bullied can make you feel alone, scared, and hopeless.
E.Your parents are willing to help you when recognizing your problem.
F.If you are being bullied, it’s essential to know that it is never your fault.
G.Studies have found that nearly one-third of all students are bullied each year.
2023-06-21更新 | 251次组卷 | 8卷引用:新疆泽普县第二中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Ways Your Cell Phone Affects Your Body and Mind

First, some good news. Your phone can keep you safer. A study found that 137 more lives were saved per 100,000 patients when people called 911 from a mobile phone rather than from a fixed one.     1    

Scanning your phone right before bed can cause sleep disorder. To avoid that, make a habit of not using your phone for at least 30 minutes before you close your eyes.

    2     People now spend more than five hours a day typing and tapping, and feel eyes achy. About 60 percent of Americans experience discomfort, such as dryness, eye tiredness, and even headaches. Try taking a break from screens every 20 minutes.

When you are awake, a single sound on your phone can signal the coming news. However, this can weaken your ability to focus on a task.     3     It can even encourage creative ideas when you are alone. When you’re bored, four different areas of your brain become active and work together to pull in thoughts and combine them in unique ways.

Memory suffers too.     4     Instead of relying on the instructions from your phone’s GPS, older adults choose the old way, which increases activity in a part of the brain important for memory. Taking pictures with your phone may also harm your memory.

It would be easy to avoid all these problems by simply putting down your phone. The problem: It isn’t so easy.     5     And researches have proved this real. Of course, there are many phone apps to help you control your phone addiction. Or you can just let the battery rundown and forget about it!

A.But there are plenty of worries too.
B.Your phone can do damage to your eyes.
C.Silence your phone or simply put it away can help.
D.Walking with your face in your phone can be dangerous.
E.People may feel painful when separated from their phones.
F.Your hand may feel painful when you hold your phone too long.
G.Using a map and trying to remember it may be better for your brain.
2023-02-17更新 | 235次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省南京航空航天大学附属高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Internet has clearly affected all     1     (level) of education by providing endless possibilities for learning. I believe the future of education is a networked future. People can use the Internet to create and share knowledge and develop new ways of teaching and learning that excite students’ imagination at any time, anywhere,     2     (use) any device. By connecting and empowering students and educators, we can speed up economic growth and enhance (增强) the well-being of society throughout the world. We should work together, over a network,     3     (build) a global learning society.

The Internet is an inexhaustible (无穷尽的) source of information. What’s     4     (much), the Internet has enabled users to move away from their former passive role as recipients (接受者) of messages     5     (give) by traditional media     6     an active role, choosing what information to receive, how, and when. The information recipient even decides whether     7     not they want to stay informed.

Today, you can use the Internet to access libraries, art galleries, news archives, and other information sources from anywhere in the world: I believe this is a key advantage in the education field. The web is a(n)     8     (amaze) resource for enhancing the process of building knowledge.

Besides its communicative purposes, the Internet     9     (become) an important tool for exchanging knowledge and education since it entered our lives; it is not just an information source, but a channel (渠道) for connecting other people and groups     10     are working on related research topics.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In the social media age, teenagers are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than ever before.

According to a Common Sense Media research study, more than eight in ten teenagers have visited a social networking site like Facebook, and three out four teenagers now have an account on a social networking site.

However, while social media sites can improve teenagers’ communication abilities, experts say that social networking could be harmful to healthy teenage self-esteem. Health educator and motivational speaker Scott Fried began working with teenagers 22 years ago. He recently developed a new lecture, “Broken-Heartedness and Intimacy in the Age of Social Media,” to discuss with teenagers the differences between their personalities online and their true selves.

“The definition of growing up is bringing together many different parts of your personality,” Fried said. “As you grow, they turn into one whole personality. Now, you have a personality at school, at home, and online. The goal of being a teenager is to bring together all these different parts that are shown online in a complete way.”

Fried uses the phrase “compare and despair” to describe the bad effect of social media / on teenage self-esteem. you compare yourself to someone else, you’re usually going to end up despairing.”

Fried said, “One of the problems with social media is that we throw our best selves out there, or what we like to think of as our best self.”

Psychologist Nadine De Ciordany says that teenagers who already have low self-esteem can get easily depressed and give others their low self-esteem. She thinks social media is causing more and more depression. She adds that parents should educate their children early on social media.

“Teenagers can use a whole lot of resources that affect the way they deal with peer pressure,” De Giordaiiy said, “As the child is growing up, supervise(监督) what it is that they have access to. There is an age that social media is appropriate for and there is an age that isn’t appropriate for.”

1. What does the research find?
A.About 75% of teenagers have a Facebook account.
B.Teenagers like to share opinions with others on social media.
C.Social media users generally have better communication skills.
D.Over 80% of teenagers have access to a social networking site.
2. What does Scott Fried agree with?
A.Teenagers like to compete with others on social media.
B.Teenagers often get rid of their true selves on social media.
C.Teenagers present the same personality in different situations.
D.Teenagers like to show the greatest parts of themselves on social media.
3. What is De Giordany’s suggestion towards using social media?
A.Social media should set a minimum age limit.
B.Teenagers should have right to any social networking sites.
C.Parents should monitor what is accessible to their children.
D.Teenagers should be free to use social media for their problems.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Social media have bad effects on teenagers.
B.More and more teenagers use social media.
C.Social media promote teenagers’ communication skills.
D.Teenagers have better developed their personalities online.
2023-01-09更新 | 170次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019必修二 Unit 3 Reading and Thinking(课堂提高练)
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The case for and against social media

Is social media harmful to teenagers?     1     Social media sites have been blamed for most of the world’s social problems from feeling disconnected and lonely to having difficulty forming meaningful relationships. Yet, many of us feel a need to use social media because it offers something we cannot find elsewhere, despite knowing the downsides.     2    

An argument for social media claims it can strengthen social bonds by facilitating relationships with people in different geographical areas. For example, social media has helped old school friends to get back in touch after many years without contact.     3     These are real benefits of using social media.

    4     The argument used by many people is that interactions on social media are no substitute for face-to-face communication. When you are out with friends how many times do they check their phones? for example.     5     Research highlights it is far more satisfying to physically laugh out loud in real life rather than to replace the act with a typed representation of laughter such as “haha” or “LOL”.       

Ideally, we should have enough self-control to be able to limit our use of social media, enjoying the benefits it can bring.

A.The disadvantages of social media.
B.In my opinion, the disadvantages of social media outweigh the benefits.
C.It is all too easy to become absorbed in this online life rather than communicate in real life.
D.People secure jobs now through social media or research information for their studies.
E.This is the question we are going to examine.
F.We will look at the arguments for and against using social media before answering the question.
G.We aim to control our use of social media.
2024-03-18更新 | 149次组卷 | 5卷引用:人教版2019 必修二Unit 3 单元测试B卷(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Digital citizenship

Everyone’s talking about ‘digital citizenship’, but what is it?     1    . Being a ‘citizen’ means that you belong to a group of people. Digital citizens can use technology to communicate with others online and know how to use the internet in a safe and responsible way. Are you a good digital citizen?     2    

Stay safe

To stay safe, never give your personal information online, such as your address or the name of your school. Make sure that you create strong, secure passwords and keep them secret. Don’t tell your friends your passwords.


Just like in real life, it’s important to behave well online. For example, if you want to post a photo of someone, make sure you ask for their permission first. Remember that everybody can have their own opinion. It’s OK to disagree, but always be polite!

Be kind

Before you post a comment online, stop and think. Is it positive? How will your words make someone feel?     4    . Never forward nasty messages. If you see that someone’s being bullied online, tell a parent, teacher or another adult.

Be careful

Don’t trust everyone or everything online.     5    . Never open emails from strangers, click on strange links or download apps without asking an adult. They could contain viruses. If you’re not sure, ask your parents or teacher!

Spending time and learning online can be great if we’re good digital citizens. So, be safe, be responsible and have fun!

A.Keep modest
B.Show respect
C.Even they are familiar to you
D.Here are some ways to be safe and responsible online
E.We use the word ‘digital’ to talk about computer technology
F.Don’t say something online that you wouldn’t say in real life
G.Remember that people online are not always who they say they are
2023-02-12更新 | 163次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省驻马店市2022-2023学年高一上学期2月期末英语试题

9 . Safer Internet Activities

To help schools promote safer Internet messages to families, beyond Safer Internet Day, the Education Safeguarding Service’s Online Safety Team has worked with Kent Children’s University to produce a Safer Internet Day Challenge pack for children aged 5 to 14.

This pack contains 10 key challenge activity ideas, as well as useful resources for children, schools and families to access. The Challenge will run until 31 June so there is plenty of time to get involved.

The Safer Internet Day Challenge starts with schools and families today and you can find the resources here. So why not send the activities home to your parents or caregivers so families can get involved?

Young people who are part of Kent Children’s University can earn a varying number of Learning Credits for each activity completed outside normal school time.

More Information

For more information about Education Safeguarding, please visit the Education Safeguarding Service website.

If your school would be interested in finding out more about Kent Children’s University (either the school or family models or both), please email kcu@theeducationpeople.org. For more information, please visit the Kent Children’s University website.

Share Your Safer Internet Day Stories With Us

We encourage teachers and staff working with children and young people aged 3 to 18 in educational settings to share their Safer Internet Day stories, displays or activities on the Safer Internet Day website! Don’t forget to tag@UK_SIC and @TheEdPeople into any posts you share.

1. Who are the activities intended for?
A.University students.B.Children aged 5 to 14.
C.People aged 3 to 18.D.School teachers and staff.
2. What can students of Kent Children’s University get from the activities?
A.Student aids.B.Full-time caregivers.
C.Extra credits.D.Educational resources.
3. Where can Safer Internet Day stories be shared?
A.Safer Internet Day website.
C.Kent Children’s University website.
D.Education Safeguarding Service website.
2023-12-03更新 | 106次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019 必修二Unit 3 单元测试B卷(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 课文语法填空

Avatars are digital     1     (image) that you use to represent yourself online. The first simple avatars appeared in role-playing computer games in the 1980s and by the late 1990s they     2     (use )in online chats. People started     3     (create) their own avatars that didn't look or act like their real selves. Avatars let you express     4     (you) and they give you lots of room for creativity. Most people create avatars     5     have similar features to their personalities and that look more or less like them and act like them. In most web chats, people can choose an avatar     6     a selection of ready-made images, or create     7     (free) their own images. But the use of avatars has also caused a few concerns. Some users are     8     (worry) that they are spending so much time in virtual worlds that they are becoming afraid of meeting people in the real world. The use of several avatars can also be     9     risk, as people can use avatars     10     (cheat) others online. However, many people see avatars in a more positive light

2021-08-27更新 | 292次组卷 | 4卷引用:UNIT 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY单元基础同步测试(二)2022-2023学年北师大版高中英语必修第二册
共计 平均难度:一般