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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为80左右。

The Magic Birthday Candles in Space

(An excerpt from a science fiction)

My birthday was going to be extra special for two reasons. For one thing, like Commander Park said, “Nobody’s ever turned nine in space before, David.” Mom, my sister Rebekah, and I were moving to Mars for a year. We’d spent almost two weeks in the spaceship so far.

I was trying to keep the other reason secret. But the day before my birthday, Rebekah caught me with my cheeks puffed (膨胀) way out. “What are you doing? Practicing to blow out all the candles this year?” She laughed. “This time I will,” I said. “Everybody on the ship will be watching, so...”

“Oh, David,” my sister interrupted.

“Your cake can’t have candles. Fire on a spaceship is too dangerous.”

When I turned away, she patted my shoulder. “At least you don’t have to worry about blowing them all out.”

Our mother has an important job, maintaining the ship’s electrical systems. Besides, I wanted to act mature about this. If I couldn’t blow out the candles like I wanted, at least I was old enough not to complain about it.

After dinner on my birthday, Mom floated into the cafeteria, carrying my birthday cake. I was amazed. “Candles!” I shouted, staring at the nine shining on top of the cake. “I thought fire wasn’t allowed on a spaceship.” “Look closer,” my mother said. The candles were really electrical lights, with tiny flame-shaped bulbs.

“Awesome,” I said. “But I wish I could blow them out.”

She laughed, then made a blow, and all nine went out. Another puff, and they lit up again.

“Everybody, sing!” ordered Commander Park. Once the passengers and crew were done, I took my deepest ever breath. I’m nine now. I can do this! I thought. Everyone watched the candles. Whoosh! I blew as hard as I could. All the ship’s lights went out! Everyone gasped (倒抽一口气).

“You didn’t have to blow that hard, David,” said Rebekah. I laughed, and so did Commander Park. Someone asked, “What’s wrong? When is the backup power coming on?”

“I’ll take a look. Does anyone have a flashlight on them?” said Mom.

No one would ever think of taking a flashlight to a birthday party.

2023-07-12更新 | 117次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省淄博市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般