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听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段短文,回答以下小题。
1. How can people operate a self-driving car?
A.By calling the operator.
B.By pressing some buttons.
C.By telling the car their destinations.
2. Where do self-driving cars mainly appear?
A.In Chicago.B.In California.C.In Los Angeles.
3. Why did the police order the Google car to stop?
A.It broke the law.
B.It hit another car.
C.It broke the speed limitation.
4. How far have self-driving cars driven?
A.About 2 million kilometers.
B.About 9 million kilometers.
C.About 19 million kilometers.
2022-03-25更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市主城区六校2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式

The home of the future won't be     1    (complete) different and we will be living in houses and flats just as we do today.     2    (build) in different shapes, no two homes will look the same. People will be able to buy “house kits” containing a basic house structure, with adjustable walls, doors and windows. They will put together the different parts     3     (create) the home they want.

Space holidays will develop in the future, but these holidays won't be for everyone because they are     4     (expensive) than holidays on the earth. Short space trips will develop first, then the space hotels will go around the earth     5    it will be possible to have a longer vacation. By     6    end of the next century, there will be holiday centres on the moon with leisure facilities for families.

According to the laws of physics, the earth is going to    7    ( appear) some time in the future. This isn't going to happen tomorrow but scientists predict that it will happen in five billion years when our sun    8    (explode).     9     a result,we will have to explore the universe and find another home. At some point in the distant future, either we stay on the earth and die with it,or we leave and move to another planet. There won't be any other    10    (choose).

2022-01-21更新 | 633次组卷 | 4卷引用:甘肃省张掖市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末学业水平质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

3 . You are just waking up in the spring of 2030. Your Internet of Things bedroom opens solar-powered e-windows and plays gentle music while your smart lighting displays a montage(蒙太奇) of beachfront sunrises from your recent vacation.

Your shower uses very little water or soap. It recycles your grey water and puts the extra heat back into your home's integrated operating system. While you dress, your artificial intelligence (Al) assistant shares your schedule for the day and plays your favourite tunes.

You still start your day with caffeine but it comes from your loT refrigerator which is capable of providing a coffeehouse experience in your home. A hot breakfast tailored to your specific nutritional needs (based on chemical analysis from your trips to the "smart toilet") is waiting for you in the kitchen.

When it's time to leave, an on-demand transport system has three cars waiting for you, your spouse and your kids. On the road, driverless cars and trucks move with mathematical precision, without traffic jams. Accident rates are near zero.

En route, you call your R&.D team, who are wrapping up a day's work in Shanghai. Your life-sized image will be projected,which makes your colleagues see you as if you were sitting with them. It's a bit surreal(超现实的)for them to see you in the morning light given that it's dark on the Bund, Shanghai's waterfront, though the novelty fades after a few uses.

You review the day's cloud-based data from your Shenzhen manufacturing centre, your pilot project in San Diego, and your QA team in Melbourne. The massive datasets are collected in realtime from every piece of equipment and have been beautifully summarized by your company's AI. All these facilities are closely maintained and operated via a skilled predictive analytics platform. Pleased with the team's progress, you end the call and ease into a good book. This is the future and it will be here sooner than you think.

1. What will happen when you dress yourself according to the text?
A.Your schedule is sent to your boss.
B.Bedroom opens quickly.
C.Your favourite tunes are played.
D.Your coffee is ordered and served.
2. What does the underlined word “tailored” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Made specially.
B.Mixed similarly.
C.Produced in advance.
D.Invented traditionally.
3. Why can your colleagues see you as if you were sitting face to face though you are at home?
A.Because the team makes progress.
B.Because your images are wrapped up.
C.Because you did it ahead of time.
D.Because your life-sized picture is projected.
4. What is the text mainly talking about?
A.Why we need AI assistants.
B.What life will be like in 2030.
C.How we find meaningful work in the future.
D.How AI helps you lead an important life.
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.revealed     B.display   C.doubles     D.contrary     E.suggestions   F.raw
G.advance     H.dramatic   I.functions     J.connected   K.developed

Your new smart TV might be your pride and joy today but they will pale into insignificance compared with the technology expected to fill homes by 2030.

And now experts at Rightmove have    1     what this home of the future will look like.

In just two years’ time, a temperature-changing mattress(床垫) will come into being that warms up in the winter and stays cool in the summer.Self-cleaning fabrics(布), truly waterproof materials and personal climate control are all being     2     now, and are also shown in the house in 2021.

Fast forward to 2023, a “smart window” appears in the bedroom that    3     as a screen; while in the bathroom, there’s a flexible     4    that’s also a shower curtain meaning users could check social media while washing in a shower that recycles water.

A smart mirror, which is actually a screen with an integrated computer, could even make polite outfit (服装)    5    to act like a personal stylist.

And by 2025 the experts predict there will be self-heating towels.

While in 2030 the home will seem like an incredibly hi-tech space, with    6     changes seen in every room.All homes will have an “AI console” in the living room, described as “the living brain of the modern home” that controls security, lighting and temperature, monitors energy usage and orders groceries, among other    7    .

Perhaps most excitingly, there’s a 3D printer that could be used to print everything from tools and electronics to food and clothing using just    8     material blocks and “recipes” downloaded from the Internet.

And the experts predict that by 2030, the machines will be as popular as televisions.Pocket-lint’s Stuart Miles said that every single electronic device in the home will be     9    to the Internet, including the doorbell.

Tim Danton, Editor of PC Pro magazine thinks smart phones will     10    to the point that we’ll be able to control nearly everything in the house with them--even if we’re not home

2021-12-01更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市奉贤区致远高级中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中教学评估英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . What will the future school look like is difficult to make clear, but most experts agree that the school will be electronic in the future.

“Present-day schools will no longer exist in the next century,” says a report in The Age. “At that time, future schools will become community-style centers, which run seven days a week, 24 hours a day.” At the same time,computers will surely become a central part of the school in the future.

According to The Age, the distant learning will be popular and students will listen to teachers on computers. Going into classrooms on their computers, students will study at any time, which is very easy for them. However, it is necessary for students to go to the actual school in order to develop some social skills.

The Seashore Primary School is an imaginary school in the future created by the Education Department of Australia. At this school, all the teachers and students have laptop computers. Teachers check messages and call students back on a special telephone system and students use telephones to search for information or speak to their experts who teach their lessons. Besides, all the lessons are related to all sorts of subjects and all the students have their own learning plans created by teachers.

As one headmaster says, a laptop computer is students' library. data storage as well as the bridge to a wider world. Technology has changed the emphasis of future learning. Thus, we'll pay more attention to the learning of kids rather than the teaching.

1. What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?
A.Present-day schools are more practical than future schools.
B.Students can't have discussions in future schools.
C.Future schools will be open to students all the time.
D.The number of teachers in future schools will become larger.
2. What will the future school be like?
A.It has fewer desks and chairs.
B.Students study at a set time.
C.It has no teachers and books.
D.Students will go to actual school when necessary.
3. According to the passage, the Seashore Primary School________.
A.was built by the Education Department of Australia
B.is not a real school, but a virtual school at present
C.is very popular among teachers and students in Australia
D.is a successful example of the future school in the world
4. What's the author's attitude to the future school?
2021-11-28更新 | 108次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市名校联盟2021?2022学年高2023届高二上学期第一次联合考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Today, we have to use switches for our lights, knobs for our appliances,     1     remote controls for our TVs and air conditioners. In the future, we will be using     2     (advance) technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. The future home will use integrated sensors to tell     3     you leave home each morning, and then go into     4     energy-efficient mode all by itself. You will no longer have to think about     5     (turn) switches on and off yourself. Your home will also learn your daily routine and     6     (prefer), so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening. Your lights will come     7     the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already     8     (prepare) for you. All controls will respond to voice commands, so     9     you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system     10     (obey).

2021-11-20更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省梅州市梅江区嘉应中学2021-2022学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I log onto a computer at the doctor’s office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room. There, a robotic nurse ______ me onto the scales and then takes my blood pressure. Some time later, in steps the ______, who is also a robot. He notes down my ______ and gives me a prescription (处方). I pay for my visit using a credit card and return home without having met another human being. This is my terrible vision of the future, which hasn’t happened ______ yet.

I should say I really do like many aspects of ______. I am a big fan of air conditioning in summer and heaters in winter. But I am writing this because I don’t want machines to ______.

When I call my dentist’s office and actually get a human being on the line, I am ______. But when I see the introduction of yet more self-service checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like ______ “When it comes to cashiers (收银员), make mine a(n) ______, please!”

After all, human cashiers sometimes ______ you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are buying.

Even more than that, real-life cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can ______ young mothers’ day. A cashier may also show pity on an elderly person ______ to get that last penny out of his purse.

Machines can be ______ and cost-effective and they often got the job done just fine. ______ they lack an element so important to everyday life.

Call it the spirit, the soul or the heart. It is ______ no machine will ever have. It is human being that encourages us to smile at others, which nay be what they need at that moment.

A.at mostB.at lastC.at leastD.at intervals
A.cut inB.pass byC.take overD.go away
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

8 . What will future schools look like in 100 years? Imagine future schools in which students are totally engaged in a class. They are concentrating on working together to solve real-world problems. They are self-driven and are coming up with amazing ideas on the spot. They are concerned with each other’s well-being as part of a team. Their concerns reach far beyond the classroom to others all over the globe.

The school of the future will be an amazing melting pot of different peoples coming together to solve real-world problems.

Will they even be called “schools” in the future?

The teacher-student relationship is changing. Teachers are acting more as helpers rather than keepers of all knowledge. Students are driving their own education to the path that they feel best fits them. In the future, employers may not be as concerned with a diploma. They’ll look more at cases and examples of how students contribute to solving real-world problems. They’ll want to know how well they work in a team.

What will problem-solving look like in the future?

Information from the Internet is accessible everywhere and at unimaginable speeds. Kids are connected to news around the world in real time. Imagine someone could put out a request to the global community to help solve an issue in their own community! Classes can adopt an issue and work with other classes around the world in real time to create solutions.

What will information look like in the future?

It’s already everywhere. Users can get flooded by the constant flow of information. The need to understand what is true and what is not is important. The flipped classroom (翻转课堂) has already completely changed lecture-based lessons. It presents interesting content to students before they even come to class. They can access the Internet as many times as they want to review the lessons.

1. What is the key message of the first paragraph?
A.The things students will do in the future school.
B.The situation where students will be in the future.
C.The attention students will pay to in the classroom.
D.The methods students will use to study in the classroom.
2. What will be thought highly of when students solve real-world problems?
3. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Teachers encourage students to develop leadership.
B.Students are really relaxed with their heavy study.
C.The employers value students’ diplomas most.
D.Students have the right to choose the most suitable lessons.
4. What’s the purpose of the flipped classroom?
A.To help students to improve the problem-solving ability.
B.To provide the lessons for students to study before or after class.
C.To help students to keep in contact with the outside world.
D.To help students to understand the most difficult content.
2021-10-27更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省雅安中学2021-2022学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For years, planet-hunters have been searching for a planet other than Earth that can support life. They may have found one.

The planet is the sixth found orbiting a star called Gliese 581. Steven Vogt, one of the scientists involved, expects the new planet to have water. On Earth, when we find water, we find life.     1    

A planet that can support life has to be just the right size for its system and just the right distance from its star. Some planets orbit so close to their stars that they’re much too hot for liquid water—or for life as we know it.     2    

But a right-sized planet that's neither too close nor too far might be just right for water. Gliese 581 is probably just right. It is about three times as huge as Earth.     3     Because it’s so close, one side of it always faces its star, and the other side is always dark.

The new planet is 20 light years away, which is as far as 250 million trips to the Moon and back.     4     Only light can go that fast. So even at the fastest speed we could manage, it would take a spaceship from Earth more than 200 years to go that far.     5     But that doesn’t mean we can’t study it. Thanks to powerful new telescopes and new techniques for searching the skies, scientists can learn a lot about distant planets without even leaving Earth.

Gliese 581 is an exciting discovery—and astronomers are likely to find more soon, thanks to new, powerful telescopes specifically designed to look for planets.

A.We can’t travel at the speed of light.
B.It’s pretty hard to imagine that water wouldn't be there.
C.Human beings won’t be visiting this planet any time soon.
D.So scientists looking for life on other planets look for water first.
E.It orbits its star so closely that it goes all the way around in only 37 days.
F.Astronomers will probably find more potential life-supporting planets soon.
G.Other planets keep their distance from the stars—where they’re too cold to have water or life.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Time Travel

If you could travel in time, where would you go? Perhaps you would watch an original performance of a Shakespeare's play in Elizabethan England. What about hanging out with Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period? Or maybe you'd voyage far ahead of the present day to see what the future holds.

The possibility of time travel is indeed appealing. Stories exploring the subject have been around for hundreds of years. Perhaps the best known example is science fiction The Time Machine, which was written by H. G. Wells and published in 1895 for the first time. It was adapted for at least two feature films of the same name, as well as two television versions, and a large number of comic book adaptations. The term “time machine” , invented by Wells, is now universally used to refer to a vehicle transporting people into the far future.

But could time travel actually be possible? Some scientists say yes, in theory. They propose using cracks in time and space called “wormholes”, which could be used as shortcuts to other periods. Einstein's theory of relativity allows time travel in extreme circumstances. And British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking says you could travel into the future with a really fast spaceship going at nearly the speed of light.

Even if you could travel into the past, there is something called the “grandfather paradox”. It asks what would happen if a time traveler were to go back in time and have his own grandfather killed for some reason, and therefore prevent himself from being born. If the time traveler wasn't born, how would he travel back in time?

And would you really like to visit the future? In H. G. Wells' book, the main character travels into distant time. He arrives at a beach where he is attacked by giant crabs. He then voyages 30 million years into the future where the only living thing is a black object with tentacles(触角). If that's what's in store, maybe we are better just living in the present day after all.

1. Why is the novel The Time Machine mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To praise the contribution of H. G . Wells.
B.To state the story's different features.
C.To prove the long history of time travel.
D.To show people's interest in time travel.
2. What can we know about Einstein's and Hawking's theories?
A.There is the possibility to invent the time machine.
B.They push the invention of the first spaceship.
C.They have been proved wrong by some time travelers.
D.There are differences in many ways between them.
3. What does the “grandfather paradox” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The traveler is prevented from meeting his grandfather.
B.The grandfather's death makes the traveler's birth impossible.
C.The traveler goes back in time to seek for his grandfather.
D.The reunion of the traveler and his grandfather brings happiness.
4. According to the passage, what is probably the author's attitude towards time travel?
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